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Everything posted by Beelzybub

  1. Try using the Launcher/Tools/Clean game data... menu.
  2. Afaik, no, there is no way to fix it. I have seen posts saying that copying the mp profile to a sp game can fix it, but I have not been able to replicate that fix. Server's should have backups, which would have fixed your problem.
  3. There's two errors in your second log. You have a bunch of these which I can only guess at a cause. INF Failed attempt 8 to write mesh C:\Users\ste_v\AppData\Roaming/7DaysToDie/Saves/Navezgane/WORK/DynamicMeshes/-336,656.mesh. Retrying... Is your disk full maybe? Or Antivirus is interfering? Just guesses. You should add folder exclusions to Defender for your save folder and game folder. And this error: NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at GameManager.PlayerId (System.Int32 _playerId, System.Int32 _teamNumber, PlayerDataFile _playerDataFile, System.Int32 Which is a corrupt player profile on the server. It will have to be deleted from the server.
  4. Your computer will have to be using the swapfile to run the game with 4 Gb. Check that the swapfile is set to be managed by Windows, and insure that you have enough free space on your drive for it to expand.
  5. If you don't have a backup to get your profile back, you give yourself xp with the "giveselfxp" command. Press "F1", type "dm", then "giveselfxp 5000" I don't know how much xp you need to get to level 71 but you can just give yourself more until you reach your goal. (doesn't have to be "5000", can be any number.)
  6. You could copy your server log file to pastebin.com and then link it here. Someone may spot the issue.
  7. This is a good question for the modding section of the forum.
  8. I played an hour or so with b83 and did not have this error.
  9. You have mods that are failing and mods from previous alphas. I'd start by removing those mods and try again.
  10. In the save folder for your prefab is a power.dat file. That file has the wiring, batteries, engines, etc. data in it. You could try copying that file to your new world, but it would wipe out any previous wiring in that world.
  11. Right, my bad, read/copy/paste fail...
  12. The dedi will log backpack position data, and if it falls off the world, I think it logs that as well. Check your server log for a line resembling this: (the time and position will be different) 2022-06-10T20:42:23 12191.934 INF 1. Spawn pos: sleeping bag SpawnPoint (707.5, 45.0, -1294.5)/0.0
  13. Try connecting directly by the local ip.
  14. Your log is incomplete and doesn't show the connection error. I'm guessing that your player profile on your friend's computer is corrupted and needs to be deleted. Deleting your local cache of the p2p game might fix it. You can delete that with the Launcher/Tools/Clean game data... menu. Check "All Maps" under Discovered Map of remote games.
  15. Server view distance effects performance; you could try reducing that. From the serverconfig.xml <property name="ServerMaxAllowedViewDistance" value="12" /> <!-- Max viewdistance a client may request (6 - 12). High impact on memory usage and performance. -->
  16. Thanks, there's a corrupted player profile. It's probably yours, but could be another player's if they connected to your p2p game. From the Launcher/Tools/Clean game data... menu, check the boxes for Game Settings, Discovered Maps of remote games/All maps, Player profile, and serveradmin config. Then press "Clean". After that, don't start the game; use Steam to verify the game files. After that try to start the game again.
  17. You could try using the Launcher/Tools/Clean game data... menu to see if that helps. As @BFT2020already said, posting your output log is the best path to finding the problem. Your output log is in %appdata%\7DaysToDie\Logs. Copy the text of the log to pastebin.com and post the link here.
  18. You could rename it also. like "myconfig.xml" or anything really. ricardo.xml... Then set configfile=myconfig.xml and you never have to worry about an update overwriting your file.
  19. That should work. Are you running in Docker by any chance?
  20. This was the issue and removing the software fixed the connection problem.
  21. Do a text search in your mod folder for the text "WarningMax". Any mod file that changes that variable will show in the result. It should be an "items.xml" file. Once you find where WarningMax = .6, change it to WarningMax = 1.
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