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Everything posted by n2n1

  1. ...then I understood you correctly. Well, i send PM to you.
  2. You need start with the fact that use a simple method of substitution of what a texture which already exists in the resources. And use their ID (number of texture) for the Blocks that you will need to create in block.xml, and use them - to make your home (Prefabs). Is for that would leave other Prefabs at with their textures (If i understand correctly - i write through the translator). Sorry if I not understand correctly - but you need to localize your task. What exactly you now can't do? Do you know about prefabs? Or you just want to replace an existing texture (UV) ? For UV - there is an individual file in the resource with the same name but at the end added - _a ,_n ,_e. If continue the discussion then let's go in here or PM. As far as i know - UABE can't export/import in DDS (or other with mip-maps)... Or I something missed? I look forward to this opportunity for just such a task as yours.
  3. I did that, but... have to edit/add texture... ...in any case - without the mip-mapping it would look awful
  4. You can say - - mip-levels are really contained in the resources or in the properties just specified how they should be, and the engine itself generates them ?
  5. Will there be support for mip-mapping ?
  6. hmmm....I also use this method to replace the music, on A15.1 - it works. Try my files - they checked. You open the asset through globalgamemanagers ?
  7. I'm not familiar with mobile stuff, but your file that you shared has no useful data. But most likely what you need is doable with this Tool.
  8. Sorry, didn't saw Your latest code, but... underwater cities that the consequences of using custom-<hub_layouts>. (i.e. layout where the configuration of the prefab places and roads - written by custom). Work fine it's only rurals,towns and city if they are not have <hub_layouts>. If they spawned in Water-biome - were drowned. The landscape is likely in this case raises the bottom to the surface, but hub-Spawner is not considered it. It is still in the A12 was everywhere. I also do not know what to do. Сорри, не смотрел Твой свежий код, но... - подводные города это последствия использования кастом-<hub_layouts>. (т.е. лайоуты где конфигурация мест префабов и дорог - прописаны вручную). Нормально работают сейчас только руралы,товны и сити если в них нет <hub_layouts>. Если они спавняться в Water-биоме - пиши потонуло. Ландшафт скорее всего в этом случае поднимает дно до поверхности, а спавнер хаба это не учитывает. Это еще в А12 было повсеместно. Сам тоже незнаю что делать.
  9. DerPopo, let me ask - very interesting as You use Your Utility? For modding?
  10. this https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?22675-Unity-Assets-Bundle-Extractor&p=534617&viewfull=1#post534617 or this https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?22675-Unity-Assets-Bundle-Extractor&p=410211&viewfull=1#post410211 suitable?
  11. I would have asked too. - how to make this way: if this is not about the "TerrainTextures" as I asked earlier, but I want to add the texture in the maingames assets. I want to add another type of spectrum for the biomes (textures/environment/spectrums). I think the structure of the maingame assets is different, for example - there is have common "globalgamemanagers" ... How to find this "header", to add the path ?
  12. I am not an admirer of this style, but I like the Quality with which You do it!
  13. Привет ! Прочитал про баллистику в XML.txt., попробовал добавить - но не увидел разницы. Наверное что то не так сделал...Ты используешь баллистику ? Если да - то на каком примере посмотреть ? I read about ballistics in XML.txt., tried to add but did not see the difference. Probably something not so did...You're using ballistics ? If Yes, then what example to look at ?
  14. Earlier i was experimenting with the replacement terrain textures, but now i just tried to return the texture for simple block (old redwood for barns ) and found that without mipmap this work useless - at a distance it looks bad and wasted loads GPU. This situation - with any texture loaded without MIP-map... DerPopo, mipmap support or the support .DDS - it would be a huge addition for UABE (...and for me personally, of course!) . With Respect!
  15. ,speaking again about this ? Select objects with shift https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?22675-Unity-Assets-Bundle-Extractor&p=410211&viewfull=1#post410211
  16. Thanks for Your work !
  17. I found a bug ? or am I missing something ? https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?49611-adding-extra-terrain-textures-with-UABE&p=517158&viewfull=1#post517158 ------------------------ UPDATE I think i guessed - I lose mipmap when converting... ------------------------ UPDATE 2 Can i load a texture with mip-levels ? then why in the TerrainTextures use the TGA format? Is it possible to contains MIP-levels ? ....i feel that the question is fundamentally wrong, but ...
  18. n2n1

    True Survival

    :D this is correct, I also came up with exactly this idea !
  19. After I saved Texture2D directly into a asset, how can I find out the offset of the asset in whom I saved the data? For that would, when i ImportDump, substitute the name of the asset and redirect to saved data. Unfortunately when i read the ViewData - me showing the offset for .resS check it for info: https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?32600-Overriding-vanilla-files-(assets-)&p=314195&viewfull=1#post314195 and https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?41048-Replacing-oceans-lakes-with-a-swamp-biome-in-RWG-(small-xml-edit)&highlight=water+biome
  20. Thanks again ! I added the path and put all need numbers into an array. In assets everything looks right. I tried to add a textures to clay named "undClay.tga" and "undClay_n.tga" (it's underground clay without green grass on ground) i did not succeed... it seems it is not enough to add a two textures and assign them to a ta_terrainxml.txt. I still get in the console: looks like I missed something, there is something else - outside of these assets. maybe Assembly-CSharp.dll not using a more larger array. Anyone successfully added terrain textures? I begin new thread about this that would not clutter up this. UPDATE: Yes, this method works. I managed to add a one pair of textures in A15exp...but only one pair, because one place was loose relative to the A14.
  21. I would also like to know about: "- Added a mod installer and mod installer editor, so any changes can be saved directly to a installer or a package file." How it would work if updated version of the game /asset ? Which changes stored in the patch? How they apply to get back modded asset ?
  22. Thank You! I already got the texture Sulfur by replacing method! (and returned the old look for ore! ) But now I need to add the texture "clayU". With Your help i was able to shove something in the asset but it is not accepted by the game, maybe i need to set the path. How to do it ? (yes, i also made changes in ta_terrainxml.txt) aaaa....yeah i suspected, but was entered 0x0000001C - it's not worked....
  23. What do I enter here to Add a Texture2D ? about PathID and fileID everything is clear, but what about the other two ? where be have information about this ?
  24. It seems that you are asking about the problem that I had before. Earlier, i was trying to replace one .txt in BlockTextureAtlases and Texture2D in the TerrainTextures. After the launch I received a message in the console that this bundle is incorrectly compressed. Now (in A14.7), and UABE the latest version (2.0b x64) allowed me implement this! Open asset, decompressing it, replace the texture (through the Load), save. The game uses that unpacked and modified asset. I didn't compress back. Everything worked. PS: or is it automatically compressed when saving ?
  25. How do i replace Texture2D in it .resS ? (I want to replace "Loading_Screen_1" from the old version of the game.) I imported/load this texture, i saved asset. She appeared in asset. But the game somehow magically loads the which was first...! I suspect that the blame for this .resS....but I can't impact on it ! PS: Thanks for the support for compressed assets! Are now I work with terrain textures - now I'm going to do what could not previously !
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