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Jost Amman

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Posts posted by Jost Amman

  1. 4 hours ago, Diragor said:

    If it's about them not wanting to make more models I would be fine if they would use the copy paste zombies but with a little extra. A unique glowing effekt (like the radiation) or some mutations (like the bubbles on the bubble zombie)


    Edit: Maybe a dark Blue glowing

    The models are not the important part IMO. We need different behaviors, different weapons/claws or whatever, and different path finding.


    Example 1: let's say we get an Alpha Wolf. They could make it howl to call in a pack of normal wolves (much like the screamer), and the Alpha Wolf itself would stand back waiting for his pack to attack you and only come forward and hit you when you're already wounded (similar to vultures).


    Example 2: a Stalker Crawler. It could hide inside normal dirt and come out suddenly when you walk on top of its block (or dig it). Then it would hide again inside dirt when it's been wounded to regenerate. After it's healed, it'll come back later to stalk you. It would be a great PITA for underground POIs too, IMO.

  2. 3 hours ago, Blake_ said:

    Why not? Supreme Ultra Master Deadly Radiated Draugr Lord from the Depths of the Wasteland Puddle MKII. I dig it.  A "kill/ hunt the boss" quest is a yes from me.

    You miss the point I think  (unless you were joking).

    Nobody wants the same copy/paste zombie, just with more hit points.

    We want to see new AI behaviours and powers from boss zombies, that's why he said no.

  3. 1 hour ago, Dutchie said:

    In the future, will there be more options on how players can decide to progress through their levels? I thoroughly enjoyed how leveling was done in A15 and 16 and would like an option of that capability to make its way into later updates. I don't know how much work would go into making something like that possible, but giving players old and new different ways to play the game is the reason i love this game.



    Wait! Are you talking about...


    Suspicious Blank Template - ImgflipREINTRODUCING LBD??

  4. 1 minute ago, Syphon583 said:

    Gotta say, I think I'm a little too excited about the water overhaul (whenever it comes). What will really be the bees knees, though, (yeah, I used "bees knees", deal with it) is whether or not the game adds in water-related equipment like fins and O2 tanks (especially if we get water-themed POIs).

    Don't expect much... I warn you. You'll be disappointed.

    It'll be a BIG win, even just having water flow as intended without lagging the game to 1 FPS.

  5. 53 minutes ago, Beelzebubs Ghost said:

    If it isn't too much trouble, kindly leave that determination to me. 

    *soothing hypnotic voice*

    "You feel tired... very tired of playing 7D2D again... your eyelids are heavy... you want to stop playing 7D2D and go to sleep... at the count of three" :yawn:

  6. 1 hour ago, Matt115 said:

    Well there is bigger chance to find magasine about something in places connected with this thing? i mean - in bar top chef magazine, in electric shop advance engenering etc

    Themed looting is also something that would be cool and, IIRC, they are already headed in that direction.

    Though, coupling it with the new magazine "system" would just be the icing on the cake, IMO. :eyebrows:

  7. 7 minutes ago, Beelzebubs Ghost said:

    Take one example to make my point - the developers are spending time on old car wrecks and adding new vehicles, none of which are driveable - and adding new doors and other fluff.


    If a poll were conducted on whether the devs should spend their time on those things or adding real variety in the form of new zombies - I am pretty confident the latter would get the vote. It's rather puzzling to see this isn't happening.

    I'm quite surprised that in this statement, you're making the same mistake as an average uninformed player would do.


    Everyone who knows how game studio development works, or at least everyone (like me) who's read about it over several years knows, will tell you that the "devs" who work on car wrecks and doors, are not even in the same field of expertise as the ones (like faatal) who work on AI and drivable vehicles.


    Also, consider this: we're nearing release! Yes, I know, it's probably still a few years away... but my point is that TFP are now, IMO, in that part of the development cycle where you start making all the hard decisions. Time is limited, and so are dev resources. People are becoming more and more impatient, but you need to finalize the remaining systems the way you want them. So, on one hand, they're refurbishing the crafting system because it makes more sense than the current one, while on the other hand they also need to lock down the systems that are not ready for release at all (like water).


    Considering all this, it's no surprise the devs are not going to add more vehicles or improve electricity or add more zombies. These are all system that already work ok.

    Maybe in the future, after release or even during Beta, they'll actually ADD more stuff to the systems that work. But that won't compromise HOW the system works, it will just add more cake types to the selection.

  8. 1 hour ago, Zombiepoptard said:

    Having a separate tab for crafting is a good way to expand players choices but RNG magazines cancel the positives out. What do you guys want to achieve with this update and are you seeing the variables that the update will cause?

    You already clearly expressed your opinion several times in a row now... no need to spam-posting. :rolleyes2:


    Also, as I said before, people who don't want to go looting when looting is an integral part of the game should rethink why they bought the game in the first place.


    "Yes, but building is also an integral part of the game!" - True, but wanting to level up just by staying in the same place crafting and building, while at the same time not exploring/fighting/looting when you're in a survival-apocalypse-sandbox game, doesn't make much sense to me.

  9. 1 hour ago, RipClaw said:

    Building, mining and manufacturing are also integral parts of the game but you never mention them because they are not important to you personally.

    No. I didn't mention them because those are not the ones that you hate.

    1 hour ago, RipClaw said:

    No, I do quests. I loot but it is not my favorite activity. 

    Then you can live with limited looting to gain better tools and schematics, I guess.

  10. 28 minutes ago, RipClaw said:

    Of course I will adapt, but that doesn't mean I have to like it.


    At some point I'll probably start making mods to save at least some of what made the game appealing to me when I started back in A15. Maybe I create quests that drop me random magazines when I mine a certain amount of resources or upgrade blocks. I will see then.

    So, you basically go back to my previous point with the other guy. Your play style is to always stay in the same area, level up to lvl.100 just by building, and never loot, never do quests, never explore. Yet, you like being able to have every tool/weapon/workstation in the game just by clicking on the level up buttons, am I right?


    I mean, if that's what you're looking for, it's no wonder that you don't like the game as it is, or that you like A21 plans even worse.

    As I said before: looting, questing and exploring are an integral part of this game... why did you even buy it if you don't like that? :suspicious:

    I mean, everyone is entitled to play as they like, but here we're talking about you trying to play "car washer" in a racing game! :confused2:

  11. 21 minutes ago, Mad_Dane said:

    Who the hell are you deciding what is fun for me? You think a large base is just handed to you? IT'S A LOT OF HARD WORK!
    It's not about OCD, it's about having a life outside of the game, I'm an adult with kids, if I don't grind to get the best tools and skills, I would have to spend 10 x the time to get the same work done!
    You can go loot if you want to, but making it the ONLY way to play an open world game is down right @%$#ed!
    Condescending people like you, hating one the way other people play, is the very reason I almost never visit this forum!
    Does it at least help your weak ego, when you get to do that?

    I really don't get it. You're really saying that spam-crafting axes to raise your crafting level is a much better way to spend your time? :shocked:

    Have you even ever looted in this game? ... Sometimes you can find stuff that you need, in 1/10th of the time you'd need by crafting it with LBD.

    If you don't go looting at all, how do you even pretend to get stuff?? Are you saying you'd like the game to craft everything there is just by sitting there at your spawn location?

    Looting is an integral part of this game, so if you're saying you want the game changed to not rely on looting, then you've picked the wrong game.


    It that's what you want, well, there's the cheat menu (F1), you can get whatever you want from there.


    Also, the condescending one, it's you, since you're assuming I don't have a life.

    The arrogant one, it's you, since you're telling us and the devs how THEIR game must be, in a rude way (to top it off).


    You're also the one who's been name-calling and insulting, while I was just explaining why the gameplay style you're proposing is horrible in my view.

    I guess I struck a nerve there... well, I don't care, you can feel offended all you want, but you can't stop me telling you what I think of your idea.



    I see lately there has been an "insurgence" of trolls here on the forums (people who almost never posted before, btw).

    They attack the devs and everybody who disagrees with their "extreme" opinions, and then they accuse you of what they actually did in the first place. *facepalm*

  12. 16 minutes ago, Mad_Dane said:

    Either you go questing and looting or you play the rest of the game with a T1 stone axe and bow.
    Building in a voxel engine is what makes this game special, there is much much better survival games out there!
    Forcing everyone to go loot completely defeats the purpose of making an open world game!
    And in case that went over your head, I like building big VERY big and it's simply not feasible to do solo, before you have motor tools, harvesting skills and all workstations, with the slowed down progress (From when you killed learning by doing), I already needed to spend upwards of 300 hours in a single seed to make a large build and now you want to slow it down again, by forcing me to go loot 2000 magazines before I can even get started building big!

    Edit: Crafting has been useless since you removed the ability to craft T6, it's basically only used to plug the holes from when RNGeesus hates on you, this new system won't fix that.


    Oh, I see now... you're one of those types who want to get everything they need while sitting in a 100x100 blocks area, and then build a huge base there and become lvl.100 without having to EARN anything or go anywhere. Then I must say I'm happy you're not the one calling the shots!


    And by the way... everybody knows that Learn By Doing is only good to appease OCD people who crave to see those popups that say you gained 0.0001 damage bonus on your pickaxe or that you can run 0.0001 faster. :loco:

  13. 21 minutes ago, Mad_Dane said:

    I have played since 2013 and they have done nothing but slowing down progression and forcing people to play one way, ONLY THE WAY MAD MOLE LIKES OR GTFO!

    As far as I know, there are frequent discussions between the development team members on all development choices.

    Of course, the word of the "founding members" has its weight, but are you sure it works like you describe?

    Have you got any insider info that we don't know of?

  14. 1 hour ago, sloejack said:

    The trader will have a limited random supply relative to what you can get from jobs.  I actually like scavenging and discovering stuff, but the loot/container mechanics are not good for multi-player. For me it largely leads to feels-bad experiences whether it's waiting to get into a storage container (because the clock doesn't stop while waiting to get access to the shared loot boxes) or getting beat out of the experience of looting something by someone who zoomed past you while you were fighting, it's just a fun-siphon.

    This brings back what I said a long time ago: MP and SP balancing should be completely separated.

    I know it's a lot of work for the devs, but IMO they should have separate (alternative) loot tables for MP versus SP, it's the only way we don't end up fighting over scraps.


    I don't care about MP and I don't want the game to be "ruined" by MP players needs.

    There's already the useless "Carismatic Nature" perk, that is completely unused in single player games.

    That, in itself, is IMO a design flaw.

  15. 8 hours ago, KhaineGB said:

    You know why? Because you're blaming ME for repeating what other people have told me regaridng the perception of this forum. So you know how you're being angry and throwing insults at me?


    He's unfortunately right. The forum is mostly full of people who blindly support TFP.


    Unfortunately for you, I have proof you stated that, also as your opinion.

    Please, stop hiding behind a finger... I'd accept and apology, and I'll apologize in turn for my reaction IF you take responsibility that what you said is offensive.

  16. 28 minutes ago, Roland said:

    So essentially I'm REQUIRED to deal with the news or I get PUNISHED. That sounds like very poor design forcing me to play a portion of the game I don't enjoy or be gimped.

    Matt knows that if you stay in there long enough, you'll one day become a skeleton!

    That's the end-game content for the Newsstand video game. :rip:

  17. 6 hours ago, KhaineGB said:


    This is why people don't like coming to the forums. I'm not being an "arrogant arse-hole". I'm being polite and discussing. If you don't like that, that's a you problem.

    EXCUSE ME?? :shocked:

    Are you effing high?? You just called me, along with the rest of this forum, mindless drones / clap-bots fanboys, and you THINK YOU'VE BEEN POLITE?? :nono:


    And then, after I obviously react to being insulted, you use MY reaction to stigmatize my "rudeness"?? Are you @%$#ing for real, man? :loco:

    I'm all open to discussion, just don't use words like fanboy, white knight or mindless drone and the such... I'm not the type who likes being insulted and do nothing.


    Now, back on topic: I think the upcoming new crafting system is very promising because it sounds FUN!


    Yes, fun. That's a parameter many game developers often forget about. I've read many discussions where people were talking about balancing, optimization, design and good game mechanics. But I've learned over the years that it's very rare to find developers like The Fun Pimps, because they're (or try to) true to their name. From my point of view, a lot of the decisions they make, even when they re-write something, is always in the service of finding the most fun option.


    People play 7D2D because they have fun. Yes, they also rant about optimization, bugs, CTDs and whatnot, but they still come back because they know the game is fun.

    That's my opinion on the game, and why I often find myself aligned with the devs' view. Also, like I said before, I try to be open-minded, and I cut them some slack and don't start bashing them just after they show us a concept until I've put my hands on it. It's called "informed opinion", you know.

  18. 5 hours ago, KhaineGB said:

    Not strictly true. I know a lot of well mannered people, who could offer constrcutive, non-toxic criticism, but won't because they don't want to be attacked by other forum users due to the aforementioned issue above.

    How weird... that's the same reason I don't go on those platforms to state my opinion (I don't want to be attacked and labeled "fanboy" without them even considering my point of view because of their bias).


    7 hours ago, KhaineGB said:

    He's unfortunately right. The forum is mostly full of people who blindly support TFP.

    BTW: congratulations on looking like an arrogant arse-hole and probably insulting every single person here on the forums. You can take your "I'm a great modder and I can say whatever I want to anybody" and stick it where the sun doesn't shine, dude! :yo:


    The presumption (from you or others) that everyone who comes here and honestly agrees with or trusts TFP, is a mindless fanboy, boot-licker or whatever other derogatory word you like to use, that in itself tells me what kind of arrogant person you are.


    This is just a game, FFS! It's TFP's game: if they ruin it I'd be sorry, if they make it great, I'd be happy, but that's it, doesn't change my life one bit.

    I don't wake up in the morning hoping to praise The Fun Pimps name :hail: and I certainly don't get paid for saying good things about this game.

    (@Devs: now that I think about it, my Bank Account Number is... :eyebrows:)


    When they bring up new stuff, I'm open-minded (this "ancient" word that has been apparently lost in the dust of ages).



    I'm always amused to see people fighting "noble" battles for their "rights" on game forums up to the last spill of blood (see @ArmoredStone).

    Yet, in real life, they have their fundamental rights being stripped down by the governments they elect, and most of them say nothing about it.


    Oh, and by the way... this is nothing personal, it's just my opinion, you know. :classic_wink:


  19. 2 hours ago, ArmoredStone said:

    I understand it's your game, but WE are the ones that have been giving you your paychecks.


    36 minutes ago, ArmoredStone said:

    Alright now you're just putting words in my mouth. I never said that my opinions on game features are "what the people want".


  20. 20 minutes ago, Roland said:


    Perks. Perk into what you really want to find and you'll have a greater chance of those things showing up. Also go loot containers in Working Stiffs and Gas Stations for a better chance at finding the magazines for workstations. I felt that I was able to get a forge up and running in a decent amount of time by scavenging in more industrial and hardware/mechanics oriented buildings and I wasn't even perked into Workstations. Even the new workstation was no problem. ;)


    What's interesting is that I find myself choosing to explore POIs without a quest because the quest takes me to a random POIs that isn't necessarily going to have the types of magazines I want to find. You do get a random bundle of magazines as a quest reward if you choose that but I feel compelled to go into POIs now if I think they will have more of what I am specifically looking for. It's tough to choose sometimes.... "Do I go loot that Police Station where there is sure to be mags that I want or do a quest?" The new quest type also makes it a tough decision the other way. Man, A21 is full of new tough decisions....haha

    Can anyone from the dev team post a picture of the new workstation on Twitter please?

    With just a picture, we can go on talking for a couple of weeks on Steam...  :confused2::blah:

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