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Jost Amman

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Posts posted by Jost Amman

  1. 3 hours ago, Neminsis said:

    Those 52 points are as strong as that tree will ever get and it's sufficient to day 300 on maximum difficulty, so it stands to reason that you don't even need to take it that high if you're going to call it end game by day 75 where you can completely max out 2 trees, right? 

    You didn't consider game settings... I play at 120 mins/day, and I assure you, you can do a lot more stuff and get up game stage, loot stage and skills much more for the same number of days. I don't know if that's the setting Pr00ch is using, but is worth considering.

  2. 4 hours ago, beHypE said:

    Is anyone finding any schematics for vehicles or already made parts ? We have been looting bookstores, post offices, mailboxes and every car shop to no avail, with 100+ lootstage in a big city in the snow biome. Not a single vehicle related item, aside from acid/wheels and batteries. We're still running our bicycles, and would be on foot if it wasn't for the reward you get when you end the tier 1 quests. It's getting to a point where I'll start investing points into Intelligence just to unlock Motorcycle recipes, it's pretty obnoxious to be fair. That's 7-8 wasted levels just to be able to craft 3 vehicles, not to mention it really takes away from the pleasure of finding the schematics, but at this rate we'll be decked out with T6 stuff in every slot before we can ride anything decent. 

    Not sure about vehicles schematics, but I found that vehicle mod for off-road lights. (I'm on week 3 - 120 mins/day)

  3. 7 hours ago, Pr00ch said:

    Absolutely spot on, the level gates are probably the single worst thing about the leveling system right now, along with the seemingly multiplayer-centered balance. It's obviously just a duct tape fix, but mod out level gates, set the points per level to 3, and the game becomes exponentially better. It is just baffling that in a survival game of all things, you are railroaded to "specialize" instead of diversifying your survival techniques, i.e. doing a little bit of gardening, a little bit of looting, a little bit of construction, and this, and that. 

    I've been saying for ages that they should have different attribute skill trees for SP and MP.

    This would solve once and for all the balancing problem we have now. Also, would solve the "Charismatic Nature" hole issue for SP.

  4. 1 minute ago, Beelzebubs Ghost said:

    Anyone else getting Null Reference errors?


    Played the gane fine then reopened with Missing Paint ID XML entry: 255 for block 'concreteShapes:cube'


    I use some mods but this hasn't occured and I didnt change anything but add one mod, which I have since deleted and still getting this error.


    It's spamming the console and I cannot move without it popping up. Any ideas?

    Even if you removed the mod, you should still try to verify the game cache from Steam.

  5. 46 minutes ago, Niil945 said:

    Healing Factor isn't about treating wounds, it's about natural recovery rate from wounds. Just like some people heal naturally fast and seem resilient against certain types of  injuries.

    I know, I'm not a beginner on this game lol, my reasoning is that you have to study/know a lot of things about vitamins, stimulants and so on to get the benefits from that skill, so it's more about INT to me.


    48 minutes ago, Niil945 said:

    Perception has the tracking of animals but not the butchering. Maybe it will become more useful when they add bandits.

    I mean, if I move Salvage Operations to FOR I have to give one skill back to PER, and IMO The Hunter is ok there (for the reasons I have described previously).


    50 minutes ago, Niil945 said:

    Whether salvage fits fortitude more isn't really the issue, I see it as a game balance thing. Fort already has farming and there are only so many gathering skills to spread around.

    Hmm... hadn't considered that.

    But if, like I said, you put The Hunter under PER and Salvage Operations under FOR, the net sum is still the same, both PER and FOR would still have some harvesting skills.

    Farming IMO is more of a long term skill, so I don't consider it a harvesting skill per se.


    53 minutes ago, Niil945 said:

    While I understand your desire for Charismatic Nature to be useful in single player (I'm in the same camp) that bonus doesn't really appeal to me in any way and I certainly wouldn't take it in a solo game if that's all it did. I'd much rather they add trap xp sharing to it, frame it as group tactics to lead or draw things into traps, whatever... so that Int builds can use traps in group play and not get too far ahead xp-wise. I've only ever taken it once back in like A17 when I first started playing and when I realized how short the range was and that it didn't do anything at all for me I never picked it up again.

    Well, I gave just one possible example of how they could adapt CN to SP remaining faithful to the meaning of the skill.

    They can come up with something better, for sure. The point is, currently in SP that skill is like a "black hole" inside the INT skill tree.

  6. The other day I was looking at the skill tree and I thought there were some skills that IMO could work better if assigned to a different attribute.



    Salvage Operations should be under the Fortitude attribute, since dismantling something (I've had some non-professional experience there) is not much about perception, since you basically get whatever parts you need after you disassemble everything, but is much more about stamina, since it's a lot of sweat and work to strip down something.


    Instead, The Hunter is much more appropriate IMO under Perception, since you need to look at the good cuts and then notice what parts of the animal are good or bad to extract.


    I think also that Charismatic Nature, which is now an MP only skill, should have a use also in single player.

    An example of a possible way to use CN in SP is to have it affect how animals react to you.


    Example (in SP):

    "You are an inspiration to your allies, increasing their combat prowess. Your charisma also extends to animals. Small animals perceive you less a threat, and some predators will instead be more careful as you project an Alpha vibe on them."


    Lvl.1 Small animals like chickens and rabbits will let you get closer before running away.

    Lvl.2 Coyotes and snakes will not attack you unless you get much closer to them.

    Lvl.3 Wolves will perceive you as an Alpha pack leader, will only attack when much closer than "normal".

    Lvl.4 You can behave so that Mountain Lions don't easily see you as prey anymore... until you get closer!

    Lvl.5 You understand how to "respect" Bears to not easily upset them, you get a lesser chance to be attacked.


    Now, about the other two skills that I think should be switched...


    Grease Monkey, should move under Fortitude since doing the mechanic is hard work, and you need a lot of stamina to wrench, dismantle and assemble stuff.

    At the same time, Healing Factor should go under Intellect because knowing the right things to take (either food or medicine) to get a healing boost is about having a good knowledge and understanding of how the body works, so you need to be smart and knowledgeable.


    That's it! Hope you guys give me some feedback on my view, and hopefully it makes sense to you too.

    Thanks :)

  7. 49 minutes ago, Aldranon said:

    The "simplest" way to explain zombies is a modified rabies/flu virus that stops at stage 2 infection and leaves the infected with extreme aggression and various levels of mental degradation. 


    -The player is one of the few people who developed an immunity to the virus but not the super bug bacteria coating the zombies.

    -Oh yeah, the strange side effect of the virus immunity was the ability to lift tons of construction material.


    Got it all covered with science!  :D

    Fauci couldn't explain it better! :heh:



    1 hour ago, Quantum Blue said:

    And I haven't been able to find anything like that in the A19 or A20 Dev Diary or EXP forums.

    Wow! You already searched all that stuff?? Your searching ability is beyond anything I could imagine! :jaw:

  8. 19 minutes ago, Beelzebubs Ghost said:

    I was asking about new zombies and the application of existing animations being applied across the board, (though for the fat zombied the bees-in-my-ears animation may cause clipping issues), and not just for variations in what the colour of their clothes.

    That's something I wouldn't want, honestly. They already did that in A18/19? (can't remember, but it was weird to see some random animations applied to a zombie which is completely "out of character" for that specific one.


    The way to go IMO is exactly the opposite: fat zombies should walk more like "fat people" while thin and agile ones can have nervous/quick animations, and so on...

  9. 13 minutes ago, Beelzebubs Ghost said:

    On that point, can we expect more zombie variants in the future, as well as a mix up of the behaviour? (dragging leg, bees in the ears etc.)

    They already said this in one of the dev streams. They found a way to probably (they need to experiment a bit) give many variations with colors to zombies.

    As for other special zombies, IIRC they said they're not done yet.

  10. 1 hour ago, Lord Morphleyes said:


    Cheese - the act of manipulating the AI of a game in order to gain an advantage at the cost of immersion and realism. 


    See also: meta gaming

    Define "realism". I mean, you're already out of whack here, since zombies don't exist! :madgrin:

    1 hour ago, Callum123456789 said:

    using blocks that have proporties that manipulate the ai, just sitting on roof tops on blood moons long concrete corridors to walk along on bms same goes for just circling around an undergroudn tunnel and probably repair spamming hatches so you dont have to fight the horde these all seem like messing with the game and or ai to make it easy i always have some sort of killing pillar with wedges leading upwards then i build myself with a kill box with poles and normal blocks seems pretty fair of a fight to me 

    Can you tell me if you consider my current A20 base cheesy please?

    I'm asking because I don't think my base is like that, since I actually fight and kill zeds and my gate CAN be broken.




  11. 3 hours ago, Callum123456789 said:

    i havent ever cheesed the ai in this game point for this is it makes the game way too easy if i took a guess id say the peeps who most likelly cheese the game are newcomers who are getting the hang of things or if you are playing on insane 

    Define cheese.

  12. 44 minutes ago, Vedui said:

    I get that both single player and in multiplayer :)


    I run across them all the time. It makes me long for the Alpha 16 AI where they ran towards you and attacked you. Having them run away from me to fight a tree or a rock, or just forget about me, really is jarring :)

    Then it must be about the way we play. Maybe if you do some things instead of others the AI "bug" can be experienced, but again, I don't experience some of the behaviors you describe at all and only sometimes I see zeds getting stuck in destroy mode.


    My horde base is laid out in a way they almost never get stuck into destroy mode. :) 




  13. 2 hours ago, faatal said:

    The code I did is visibly fixing it 100% in the case of the player and zombies, but I just don't know about vehicles and turrets yet, because I have not seen one move in days, which does not prove it is fixed, just that it might be fixed.

    Anyway, that's great new IMO!

    Good job... if anything is still bugging out after this, we, the players may catch it after hours of gameplay (which you can't spare because you need to use your time otherwise).

  14. 2 hours ago, Vedui said:


    In my experience playing Alpha 20, they all have in common that they act decidedly like Matrix Buggy Software Entities very often that need to be deleted ;)


    They have behaviour that clearly is not intended, and unrelated to being dumb or smart.  For instance:


    1) Charging the player, gets stuck on a tree (or a 1 wide block) and instead of moving aside, just beats on it. Even with the player moving to stand watching right next to it.


    2) Rushing towards the player. Then running away from the player. Then running perpendicular to the player. Then again towards the player. This can repeat making for a super jerky and buggy path.


    3) Running towards the player. Player moves a few blocks. Zombie arrives at player position and stops, then starts leisurely walking (having obviously lost track of the player in the span of 5 seconds, despite no obstructions, daylight, etc).


    4) Player jumps. Zombies run off to beat on a random tree or pillar, as for a moment the player is now not in the exact spot it was, being 1 meter up in the air.


    There seems to be something seriously wrong with the pathing, OR the zombie AI is hitting a lot of unintended decision tree branches struggling to adapt in a reasonable fashion. While we had some of this in Alpha 19, it's almost comical with how this makes zombies act decidedly non-zombie like.


    A "dumb" zombie I can understand trying to break through rather than path a convoluted path. This is not what is happening :)

    Did you experience this in SP or MP?


    I'm asking because I only play SP and I only experienced n.1 once in a long time.


    I don't know why other people see these anomalies so often.

    If it was an MP issue, it could be explained maybe with the pathing data is not being synced properly between host and client? Just a guess.

  15. 9 hours ago, Kalex said:

    No, there is a path to us. I had the AI view (whatever it is actually called dm mode Num 0) on and watched 10 zeds spawn in within eyesight and 9 pathed to us immediately but one immediately went into destroy mode (it was a duplicate of another zed that was out and was closer to the path to us than its twin who actually pathed to us). And every other zed that went into destroy mode for whatever reason stayed in destroy mode permanently instead of coming out of it as the xml indicates they should.

    If you think it's a bug, then file a bug report and put screenshots of the "AI view" to prove your point. I think it's the best course of action.

    faatal needs a bug report to act upon, then maybe he'll find out it's a bug with the "destroy mode" and fix it.

  16. 52 minutes ago, Kalex said:

    Are blood moon zeds supposed to spawn in already in destroy everything mode? Because we are certainly seeing it happen.

    And aren't they supposed to exit destroy everything mode after a certain amount of time? We are seeing ANY exit destroy everything mode once they get in it.

    You may have set up your base so that the best choice for them is to go in destroy mode.

    Try to "fix" the path they should follow to you so that they have the most clear and easy way to you.


    Also, as faatal mentioned some time ago, there are different types of "AI levels", some zombies are very dumb, and they almost always go into destroy mode.

    The "smarter" ones, instead, will path to you even if the path is longer and "complicated".

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