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Jost Amman

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Everything posted by Jost Amman

  1. I could use that line for almost anything... It would also be a def PITA.
  2. Ok @Matt115, stop messing around! We all know the real reason you like Valheim more...
  3. I admit I didn't play up to the levels you have probably reached in that game, but yes, after 10/15 hours I got bored and the stuff to do looked all the same, and it was an infinite grind instead of a fun game. The landscape has very little to explore: there's a forest, and some flowers, some caves and a few ruined buildings... wow! So, much, fun. Are you really trying to compare a random gen map in 7D2D with what little Valheim has to offer? Yes, I stand by my point: in 7D2D there's so much more to do than in Valheim because there's so much more content. And you know that just by looking at the actual content you can find in the maps you play in. In my opinion, you're confusing difficulty with progress. In 7D2D difficulty ramps up as game-stage grows. On the other hand, progress is made by your own actions, depending both on how you invest in your perks, and by what you can learn (magazines) and find (loot) in the world. In 7D2D, each progress you make is permanent. In Valheim, from what I've seen (and what I understand), difficulty ramps up with biomes (islands), but progress is just temporary, like in a hamster's wheel. You go into biomes/islands that are more difficult, but then you need to make progress with your gear to beat the new difficulty. After you do that, you start back again in the next biome, because all your progress is nullified by the new difficulty level of the monsters. Valheim is using the well known MMO grind routine that some (like you) like, and some others, like me, don't like at all. For that reason, I think 7D2D is better in that regard: you can use the basic club you craft in the beginning, to kill both the "basic zombie" at the start of the game, and the feral zombie you fight in later stages. A club is a club: you can use better clubs later, but your original club still works fine (you just learn to use it better maybe). So, in the end, all that stuff that you call "complexity" and that you say is better, it's just some poor excuse for a grind mechanic that Valheim is using to keep players "busy".
  4. Ok, then we have very different definitions of "simple" and "complex". When I define something complex, I don't stop at the basic understanding of it. I define something simple or complex by considering the overall simpleness or complexity of it. Otherwise, it's like I said before, if someone only knows "half of the story" (doesn't really know the game) he will think it's simple, just to realize later he was wrong. But the original point was: is 7D2D a complex enough game? Matt115 thinks it's not. In my opinion, however, simple or complex is irrelevant; the real question is: is it fun for you?
  5. And in 7D2D you have to craft a Farming Plot and collect the right ingredients. Then you have to remember that your crops must have access to light. So what? It seems to me that you like Valheim better. Great! Go play Valheim! But don't try to change 7D2D into Valheim, they're two completely different games with different play styles. I tried Valheim, but I simply get bored after a while because there's so little to do, and so little to interact with compared to 7D2D. Of course, that's just my opinion, but I don't go on the Valheim forums and try to change Valheim into 7D2D, because I know the devs of that game have their own plan about their game and have their own "style" they wish to give to their own game. In Valheim, IMO, they just give you the impression of progress. You always repeat the upgrade cycles over and over, but it's always the same stuff, they just give it a different skin and put a +1 on it. That's an old "trick" that MMOs all around the world have always used to entice people into keep playing. I don't like it. In 7D2D, when you acquire an advantage (a new weapon, a workstation) that advantage is real, and it's meant to stay. When you start making concrete for the first time, it's a pivotal point in base building. You don't have to start over again to get Titanium, or Diamond (lol) to build a stronger base because the monsters have been granted a +1 or +2 in a new Biome.
  6. That's not simple... it's just that the player starts not knowing the game much. Exactly like in 7D2D: you start by doing simple stuff, and after a while you find out about much more complicated stuff.
  7. You must have a Google account to download. What if I don't have one? Is there an alternative download location? Thanks
  8. I'm not friends with the developers. I follow this forum and listen when they speak. Just recently faatal, one of the lead programmers, stated as much when asked. From what I understand, adding factions before 1.0 would mean at least 2 more years of development, which I don't think The Fun Pimps are willing to consider. Also, you can have factions, without having "real" NPCs, meaning that they could add job givers (like traders) also for the bandit faction, and call it a day.
  9. Don't worry about that, because there are no "traditional" NPCs planned. Only bandits... and the only way we'll be "interacting" with them, is guns.
  10. No. Empty Jars are being removed. Have you missed all the discussions where some players were @%$#ed off because it makes no sense to not be able to fill empty jars with water?
  11. I'm particularly interested in this "Time Wolf" of yours... is that a wolf that can travel through time? That would be cool!
  12. And just because the new system doesn't work for all players of 7D2D, doesn't mean they have to scrap it.
  13. Well, if you want to go there... I really liked how they implemented attributes in Prey, where each new tier also allowed you to use your perks/skills on more stuff or do better or more difficult actions.
  14. No. But they're working hard on adding Klingon support! @JamesKirk
  15. Did you ever try to add zip-lines in your mods?
  16. Why would you think that if the last reply in this thread was just one hour before yours?
  17. @Laz Man since you're answering questions... Will the world end soon? What is the meaning of life? And most important of all... WHY 42??
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