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Everything posted by Blake_

  1. @faatal , any words about special infected behaviour or if some of them will make it to a20 ? There seems to be a lot of work and time put in a facewash for the old 3d models, I was just wondering if Mr Spider & Co are getting any weirder AI-wise.
  2. Will Adam's gun have particles inside POIs ?
  3. @madmole, I have a single-triple question : have you been playing a20 lately ? Can you give us some info on the new loot progression ? What's the vision for a20 loot progression ?
  4. He must be one hell of a kisser. Like a sour, wet post apocalyptic broom. Ew.
  5. The new trader Hugh is just awesome. Good sculpture, good textures, good detail and colour. Heck you can even tell that he fought off a bear just by looking at his face. Great job from Joel Byington. This version fits like a glove in the game's theme and the artist really did an impresive job with the little details. No cons this time. It's top quality, just like his pal Trader Joel.
  6. This comment is so funny that I quickly went to tell my husband. We earn 6000 dukes a week from home just by mining on day 7. Just click the link below and see what happens.
  7. Those decals on the roads are placeholders, and by no means represent the definitive game lore. Madmole stated a few months ago that they want to change them to something better/cooler. They also stated that they don't want much depth to it though, as the game will mainly focus on the near past/present/near future (they want a "The Walking Dead" day-to-day survival scenario).
  8. If you crouch (sneaky mode) the sound from most tasks gets muffled. Unknown if it also works with containers.
  9. Idk. It says "a ton of updated and new environment art and a brand-new Random World Generation Algorithm". It doesn't specifically imply inclusion or exclusion of groins in the twister rules. I learned not to asume nor bend the bladder for such statements until properly confirmed.
  10. @faatal I know this is not exactly your department, yet I wanted to ask, do you know if road signs/paint, sidewalks, Street lights and stuff like that is going to be in RWG for a20 or is it just Navezgane at the moment? Kynasdfjhkdjfhgju has been pretty quiet these past few months and we can only guess, and guesses are often wrong .
  11. So... @faatal , will 19.5 exp be released today or are you waiting to fix it a bit more for next week ? faatal: Yes.
  12. Honestly, Unreal is a bad choice, both for the company's economy (WAAAAAAAAY more expensive than Unity for devs ) and for the development of the game (the point of a successful title is porting to a second title, not starting from scratch in a new engine changing code more often than not) . Sure, it has pros too, like some fleshed out postprocessing, some amazing support and stability... ...and I like the environment ever since they made it just like Unity in level design (UI, libraries, etc). At the end of the day, you are also sharing your soul with EPIC and they might go full Origin in the very close future. The best choice is either making your own engine or Unity. Even if it lags behind in some aspects, it's very competitive . It's just that 7dtd is too cutting edge to the point that you guys would be better off expending 8 sexy years making an engine .
  13. As far as I know, roads were and are a separate generation layer with certain rules, that includes road decals, decorations, vehicles and were to generate and not to . What is extremely exciting is that Kyansdjkfhadfgju (Robert) said that [everything that is on the screenshot] will be in A20, including a mountainous/flat option to make the flat map of your dreams, all the way up to City density control option, and all of that in addition to these roads, sidewalks. Street lights, rivers, etc. Expect weird elevations and placement on a few places in (default non-flat elevation) big RWG maps though. It takes A LOT of time to perfect an algorithm the size of this one. It will eventually be perfect after all the POI, props and features are in. In the meantime, it ,might just be 98% believable. Right now I would say for a bunch of generated 4kx4k maps I encountered from 2 to 8 weird places in each one, usually related to road elevation or POI elevation (too high or too deep or bad intersection elevation).
  14. I asked a while ago and yes, trees are going to get love. Just maybe not in a20. There's a lot of problems with trees at the moment, not just uglyness but also weird texturing, displaced shadows, too much wiggling, etc.
  15. I'm partial to the idea of crafting Street lights as long as they are a late game electricity-consuming commodity that takes a lot of resources to build (forged steel, electrical parts, mechanical parts, plastic, headlight and pipes). It's fluff, but it would be nice to enjoy a nice late game base with cool props like that.
  16. I feel you ( in a non-Snowdog way). I know we will come to like the new system because while it looks like a unbearable cut, it really only just results in less cosmetic choices in favour of gameplay. So now armour has both temperature and effects and every piece is meaningful. Ok. And every quality level of every piece is "enchanted" with effects. Still OK. What does that mean for us who love pink banana hats to improve our character looks? It means that cosmetic mods can still happen but it won't really matter for us in the long run. Less clutter of useless clothing means more time to do more meaninful armour/clothing/wearables, either for the base game or for a dlc.
  17. I love the new cookie icon. Now you can mock or praise or give sympathies or just hand over the product of your lovely sweet cooking at the very same time with a single tiny image ! Or not ! Your choice ! I'm sure Krakens eat cookies. Gimme so I can lure it :P.
  18. Concrete shall give wood when destroyed. Stainless wood. Jen could be the only trader that sells it. On a more serious note, I'm partial to the street lights exploding in a rain of yellow loot bags on hit. They could also give 5000 Xp when the player looks at them. This game needs depth and survival realism and good design and raves.
  19. True that. Nevertheless, the spawns are all handcrafted to be "random but gamestage-limited" choosing deterministic entity sets, so while they certainly work, once ALL the entities and special entities are in the game, they will most certainly be modified by hand again with new sets of "cool pools" of entities. That soldier situation seems to be an oversight. It should probably be reported as a bug (wink, wink).
  20. Hi, @faatal, a while ago you talked about how you worked on improving chunk generation. Is that change going to be in 19.5 and, regardless of the answer, how much of an improvement is it in terms of performance? Thanks in advance.
  21. Vehicles, as you say, have to be like that for a reason. They are well designed to be convenient and not OP. Maps are intended to be like a Walking Dead urban-country side environment, so of course they have to have some basic road network. I'm not opposed to faster vehicles as an option in the menu for larger than 8k maps in the future. Costly and limited fast travel between traders can save precious time late game. I don't know about you, but we will eventually have to travel 8+ km from trader to trader (10k x 10k maps in a20 ) which can take 8-15 minutes and that is a huge waste of time in a game in which every second counts. And if you have a common playstyle with 1 base and you are not a nomad then you might see the problem here. Time management for a hefty cost is ok for me. Only in that case though. Any other fast travel is just a cheap blow.
  22. That will not happen because a minimum specs system can't load data fast enough and they would hit an invisible generation wall or would even fall through unloaded parts. As an option with a warning though, who knows. The only possible instant fast travel that I would agree on is one from trader to trader unlocked after finishing Tier V quests and for a price. Like 1000 or 2000 dukes per km, so a 2km distance would cost like 4000 dukes for those with lazy legs/pedals. 8kx8k maps and avobe can sometimes ve a chore to ride 4 times in a row doing nothing but wasting fuel.
  23. You guys are being mean, he meant to say (jokingly) that you need a Supercomputer able to process an AI pathing of 2,5 radial km (from the player) of a 7dtd world in real time. Get me 2 servings of 0.3 (repeating) entity spawns with that request. That's an infinite number, is it not ?
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