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Everything posted by Blake_

  1. Lol.... It would basically remain the same, as I'm guessing the furthest detection range is also the furthest spawn possible (I think it is something around 80+meters for spawns in the wild and 8 meters for sleeper volume spawns). We get to fight all the enemies all the time. Priceless.
  2. Good afternoon (?) @faatal. I have a bunch of déjà vu questions for you. 1- Is a20 playable to some extent and/or did you have time to test/play it a bit these past few days for your own purposes ? Any highlight will be appreciated . 2-What are you working on at the moment ? 3- Do you know what the target/intended features for 19.5 ( that were ported from a20) are ? 4- Something you can share about interesting stuff from other departments/teams ? Anything will do ( things like new art team stuff info, RWG info, new features, a new wig for Prime, Roland's last Pi number findings...etc). 5- Can you name a feature that you really want to do (for 7dtd) and you wish you had the time for it , either current alpha or future ones ?
  3. I AGREE with the current system.... but liking it ? like really liking it ? I voted NO. Because if we are talking about possibilities, then there are ways to make a Zd system that does one or more of these things: A-Changes clothing colour of Zd entitities at random within a limit. B- Swaps heads, and/or animations (or even speeds and sizes) within a limit. "A" is easier to do than "B", as it would be cool for non- important Zds to be varied and randomized at least in clothing colour. but in reality I can ignore all this in favour of the current system: deterministic clones + clones with special abilities that generate good gameplay if not much "realism" or immersion (clones cause boredom to a degree). For special infected I would only recommend "A" or just leaving them as they are. Sure, "B" can be done, but it gets inconsistent. There's also a reason why the current system is in : dev time. Arguably a laughable excuse because a randomized character system working on normal Zds would be faster to do that 2 years modelling unique entities and result in way more variations for the same dev time. But a complex system generates more bugs.... does it not? Nope. About the same in comparison and it gets lighning fast after a few models get in. I wouldn't tolerate deterministic npc faces though. That would decrease fun quite a bit.
  4. I just saw the new model of the zombie cop on twitter. Proportions are good, clipping avoidance for the animations is finally achieved and the attention to colour and detail is arguably good enough. PROS: -Excellent colour choice makes cops more distinctive vs the old one. -The upper body/face is disgusting. Lovely. -Good body-arm separation avoids future clipping issues. CONS: Overall I think this one is an improvement, even if nothing is touched .
  5. The animation tool isn't the problem. The problem is mocapping the animations. Hiring a studio is too expensive so I would recommend (to TFP) just buying one of those full body mocap suits with a camera set and a 25 square meter place to do the motion capture animations themselves. It would save a lot of money and would inprove the current set of 5 animations and a half that they paid 20000 dollars for.
  6. I would add an advanced settings tab button that switchs to a new page with scrolling if needed with all of the new options. It really isn't a problem. But as you say, it needs a bit of code/redesign BTW, every once in a while it gets mentioned here the infamous fast travel. While I'm opposed to a cheap mechanic like that in general, I, as a player, would be partial to a fast travel method between traders for a hefty fee (like 1000 dukes per km to next trader and of course instantaneous for multiplayer reasons ). Could be unlocked after completing TIER V. Late game it is a chore to travel, even in a 4k map and with a helicopter. Sometimes you might choose to pay a kidney or two to travel in a limited fashion. Did something like that came up during the meetings ?
  7. Thematic armour/outfits will not be in a20, but a21. They got pushed back. Randomized colour modding is a preference that needs further programming. I really don't see the point because gameplay-wise makes it easy to find colour bottles, which sux as they are already quite abundant. Realistic-wise.... well.... let's just say that barring the fantasy theme, you wouldn't have a rainbow army of soldiers running around. Maybe an npc leader.... Cool idea for an actual mod though.
  8. Nice. By the way, what are you working on at the moment ? when you disappear for a long time good things tend to happen.
  9. @Roland , I wanted to request this from you since it's really crutial and a huge improvement to the forums. Can we get a "cookie" to react to posts ? I get it that there's the "sympathy" bucket of flowers, but it generally looks like we are mourning someone instead of a deep feeling of acknowledgement. A cookie would be the intense yet funny one we are looking for in more than one situation. As with every other one, it should represent a certain specific feeling, and it does.
  10. Oh. I hope you have the time to check it out someday in the far future. Not a huge task, but we (she, I ? ) shall be grateful. Right now temperature indoors has a range in which it "detects" that you are indoors, and so does sound. The main problem is that particles have the same range as those two, when they (the particles) should not have a range at all and just stop right when inside. I dare say that the code for "particle stops" is already there, though I suspect that it's not very... "moddable".
  11. One thing I wanted to ask, are weather particles indoors still a thing in a20? I get that you can hear raining if you approach the window, but plain raining through the ceiling at the same "sound distance" is a bit off putting.
  12. As @Gazz said, scrapping in the new hypothetical forge would give you 100% brass/lead/iron/whatever without loss. Timewise right now it is indeed a micromanaging nightmare , with having to smelt some stuff 1 by 1 or -in the case of radiators- in packs of 5 . One more reason to fire Roland. I mean smelting :P.
  13. Oh, I wish. But Madmole said that there are no plans for it currently. If smelting really was out of the picture though, it would solve A LOT of problems. Aside from obvious performance/gameplay/time gains by making the forge like a workbench (but with mods) , all the brass items could just be gone and just get "brass" from radiators, doors, etc. Lots of redundant things gone that can make way to new items and even new mechanics (not really, but smelting gone = performance you could use for electricity or farming or even more base raids).
  14. For lowest end there is no better test than 64 alive and level 300 day 70000 horde + a big squared base that takes time to break to reach you and is equipped with ramps and pathing while you are using bombs and even dinamite. If you never go below 30 fps for a lowest end PC then there's absolutely no instance in the game that can be lower than that. My system currently achieves (at lowest 720p but shadows near) from 7 to 22 fps in the peaks of that test IF Occluder off or else 0-14fps if on. Quad Core/8 T 2.7ghz CPU 4gb VRAM GPU. This test will be invalid in a system with only 1 slot of RAM (single channel) at 2400MHZ or less, as it will freeze constantly in that case. It might also be more unstable for higher speeds of single channel rams(30% lower fps drop threshold when they do drop). It will also be invalid in a dual core/ 4 T system as it will run like rotten sham (7dtd CAN'T do dual core with stable 30fps 1% or 0.1%). I am very interested in testing a 19.5 and a20 with your new changes.
  15. Hello to TFP. I just saw the lumberjack on twitter. The model is fantastic, good detail on the overall body, very nice sculpting on the face, good proportions and excellent textures. The model is also well designed to be able to be integrated in all the biomes and the scary factor is high up there too. BUT, the cap colour is bland, poor and not a colour you want to put on the head of a Zd like that. While both that material (very well achieved by the way) and shape are somehow believable, if you put the cap with the same colour as the beard and you stick it to the head like that, at even a normal distance it looks like the cap belongs to his hair, a very poor and crappy modelled hair at that. So change the cap colour to a more distinctive one, either light brown or something like a conservative blue or red. It takes less than 10 minutes to do that. The current model is therefore a 5/10 because that crappy colour choice that looks like an unfinished head sculpture from a distance of more than 5 meters, but it will definitely be a 8/10 with that single cap colour change. The change of cap colour will also enhance the blood features on the head, which will catapult this model high into my favourite's ranking.
  16. A little respect for Mr Rekt. One never knows what his past might've been.
  17. Rekt was a hard working farmer who owned a small farm in Navezgane. His every day was a tale of sweat and scarce but warm food, enjoying evenings next to a wooden table with his wife and four children. Sharing his life with his family was all he had hoped for since his parents died. The life on the farm was tough, with only him to carry the product, alternating the harvesting of corn and various vegetables with the works inside a small fenced area for livestock. His wife helped with what she could, but since the doctor diagnosed her with cancer a few months prior, life on the farm was getting unbearable. The kids were four beautiful girls , two with golden hair and two with dark hair, or -as he used to call them- his big eyed fluffy marbles, still with the tiny spark of innocence on their eyes. The oldest one, Sarah, now 7 years old, was way more serious than the children of her age, as she had learnt too soon the meaning of going to sleep on an empty stomach . Insurance was not around to hep due to the usual technicalities , so Social Services were starting to pressure the family into a change of pace, for the sake of the children. One day, Rekt was going back home from a particular difficult day, when he heard screams coming from the house. He ran with surreal speed towards the entrance, with a knot forming inside his chest. He walked upstairs only to see a horrible scene before his eyes: all five of them, all his life and dreams, wife and kids dismembered, bones in plain sight, viscera on the floor.... foul smells all around while a group of fat and ugly creatures ( the neighbours ? -he thought, candidly-) were loudly eating whatever they could stuff in their mouths. A white rage started from the bottom of Rekt's mind. His empathy also began to walk away from him as he went calmly donwstairs. "Tap" "Tap", "Tap". Each step down was easier than the former, his brain relieved of some unimaginable weight. There was no humanity left in his eyes. Only curses. "Tap" "Tap", "Tap". He went to the kitchen and very calmly opened a drawer with an old rusty key on his pocket. He took out a shotgun and a box of cartridges from the place. Once he reached his family's living quarters, he just unloaded each round on both their former neighbours and killed their other monster relatives in a storm of blows and loud screams. There was one left. A kid. Bryan, the 5 year old son of the McLauren , glowing eyes and rotten flesh, still looking at him like he was a can of sham. Next to him, a legless armless Mr McLauren was still gurgling like an animatronic prop straight out of a horror movie. First, he punched the kid's face, surprisingly soft and mushy, resulting in a unbearable sound as the creature's brain exploded and immediatly after, its body stumbled downstairs on a last otherwordly noise. Rekt was completely wet in a crimson shower of flesh and blood. His maddened eyes looked down at the struggling stump of Mr Ralf McLauren. As he grabbed the infected from his long, dirty hair, he started walking in a straight line . He was headed to the window. Opening the right pocket of his overalls, he pulled out a dirty, muddy stick of dinamite carefully wrapped in a thick cloth. A very dangerous luck charm that he always keeped with him since he repaired the well last summer. One never knows.... his father used to say. He stuffed the stick inside the neighbour's mouth and, with a sharp twist, he lighted a full set of matches against the dinamite's wick. He smirked as he throwed his former neighbour through the window like a bag wheat. And he said to himself: -Now that we are done doing business, get out of my house.
  18. That will be enhaced in the future. From a20 onwards you will be able to paint all 11 sides of a cube. It can be said that the feature is at its prime with the new update :P .
  19. Indeed. Leyend has it that Ryzen ShawnRipper 5950X might handle everything below the sky. It might not have enough IPS to do everything without thermal throttling though.
  20. That depends. What is more costly, 1 entity with pathing and AI or incremental hp calculations/ full heal for many blocks at once (workbench task) ? My experience tells me the drone is more costly than many blocks, but if the base is huge then we might just need a CPU with two cores per faatal to handle the situation.
  21. Repairing a base is something I would rather not expend more than 30 seconds doing. An extremely boring and repetitive task that doesn't reward the player with the slightest xp. Some way to alleviate that task late game would indeed be to add a "gamey way" like that to reduce some time to it. Destroyed blocks should remain destroyed though. This is not a space survival. Don' t tell me you love to repair a 10000 concrete block base with a warm feeling in your heart. Grind can be ok, I love farming and the feeling of harvesting. But repairing for more than an hour? Please, I prefer to build or craft or go sightseing with that time.
  22. That sounds like a nice idea. I would be up for it if the cost of automatic repair was higher than the actual manual one. It could be done in a workbench as a task/recipe, maybe unlocked with a workstation mod akin to bellows or the like.
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