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Old Crow

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Posts posted by Old Crow

  1. 2 hours ago, Unamelable said:
    • Can't skip the night before 4:00 am
    • You can't put a merchant's hours of working
    • The game does not mark magazines that have already been read
    • The game does not mark magazines gray that have already opened the entire progress thread


    I mean, if you want to skip Horde Night that badly, just turn them off.


    Not sure what you mean by "Put a merchant's hours of working." They're always open from 6:05 to 21:50. Different traders don't have different open hours.


    Magazines and books ARE marked. The little book icon. That's your indicator. Closed book - unread/unfinished. Open book - You're done with that one.

  2. 15 hours ago, Roland said:


    I don't have the facts on this but your speculation makes a lot of sense and I agree it is very likely.


    Yeah, I figure it makes the most sense to add it with or just after biome progression is added in, since at that point they could add irradiated areas within biomes instead of just at the map edges.Maybe maybe the water sections of the water treatment plant might have irradiated water, giving the player more reason to wear appropriate gear, or hurry through it before getting sick/infected.

  3. 1 hour ago, Dreyseth said:


    Nah, that's a different movie.  Also, the sequel to "House" was called "House II: The Second Story".  I think they are categorized as Comedy/Horror.



    I know lol, I was doing a bit.

    1 hour ago, Doomofman said:


    That's not the point I was making. 


    I'm trying to say that because it's a 1.0 release, that streamer weekend might not look like what we're used to. What Rick started saying before getting cut off by Lathan in that discussion backs that up.


    So I was speculating that maybe they'd have a 'launch' weekend for Stable rather than a weekend for experimental


    another idea I put out was that they might call it a Closed Beta instead and when Experimental releases it would be an Open Beta 


    I'm speculating because TFP haven't confirmed anything about a streamer weekend so far other than Rick saying "we'd also like to do a streamer weekend but it may be navigated through..." before Lathan stepped in


    Is it just me, or is Lathan often at these interviews in order to babysit Rick?

  4. 1 hour ago, Doomofman said:

    Still not sharing info about the streamer weekend. I hope it's not too different than we're used to. 


    One thought I had, and I really hope they don't do this, is having it for Stable rather than Experimental due to 1.0. But I hope that's too silly an idea for them to do


    The roadmap did say there'd be an Experimental before the first Stable. Hopefully that won't change - I doubt it will.

    11 hours ago, Dreyseth said:





    11 hours ago, Dreyseth said:

    cool; so the New Challenge System will premier as a replacement for the often dreaded opening tutorial!  Sounds like it might be a little more interactive and better integrated into gameplay with incentives for accomplishing optional tasks.  With future potential for enhancement of later gameplay.



    Where'd you find that info?

  5. 3 hours ago, Jost Amman said:

    Will the new weather system in "Storm's Brewing" mean we'll have a deeper (or at least more dangerous) weather survival system, much like we had a long time ago?

    Will we risk dying of cold or of a stroke in hot climates?




    Hell, the bigger question is - will it stop raining so damn often?

  6. 2 hours ago, Riamus said:

    I've done that but wouldn't say that I like it.  😁


    Besides, A21 drops aren't ever all that good, so not worth it.


    On super rare occasions they'll be good. But otherwise.. they just kinda suck most of the time.


    I will say though, they are super useful early game.

  7. 35 minutes ago, Arez said:

    The famous movie POIs - The Bates Motel, Evil Dead cabin, Nightmare on Elm Street house, etc, were significant solidifying factors for me to consider this my favorite game of all time.


    I've already mentioned George Romero movies and Return of the Living Dead earlier in this thread. 

    So I would absolutely love to see more of those. Exorcist house, Michael Myers house, etc. 


    More open area POIs like Housing Development, which I brought up in another thread here and has been confirmed that there will be more like that, so we can check that off.


    ALSO...I think we need a POI (or multiple POIs or an overall spawning system) where zombies crawl out of the ground! Somewhere here on the forums I made a post about this and someone replied with a video of a POI they made that has zombies crawling out of graves. It looked great! 


    What about the Last House on the Left?

  8. 1 minute ago, FramFramson said:


    fataal or Laz may reply, but my guess is a place you can hotswap entire outfits without doing so piece by piece. This is more important in a game with more specialized outfit sets, and also if they're going to bring in cosmetic skins/mods as another point suggests.

    See, that was my thinking on it. Being able to swap outfits based on what you want to do (kind job-swapping in FF14 with a click or two would be awesome, since we are getting specialized outfits.

  9. 3 hours ago, HB_H4wk said:

    Three zombies were removed during a previous alpha 1. the farmer 2. cheerleader 3. football player. Any chance of reskinning those for some new zombies? How about adding a Zombie Deer? Bigger Gore Piles please and some sort of bloodstains for poi creators.


    I don't believe they're bringing them back. Which is a shame, with all the farms in the game, and the fact the stadium is returning.

  10. 2 hours ago, Riamus said:

    Although limiting trader money has is uses, I've never been a fan of it in games.  If I want to sell something rather than hold onto it forever but the trader can't afford what it is worth, then it just sits there forever.


    Not necessarily. I'd often run into this in Fallout New Vegas, and would offset the issue of the trader not having enough caps by also buying things I did needed as well as selling what I had.


    Realistically, it would make sense for the traders to have a limited amount of Dukes (refreshing when the store stock changes every few days), as I doubt they'd just have an unlimited amount of currency on hand.

  11. On 4/5/2024 at 8:05 PM, warmer said:

    What did the mod do?


    It was kind of like the Hunter mod, but allowed your weapon to deal double damage to zombies.

    22 hours ago, bdubyah said:

    Yeah, seems it was removed from the xml in A21. Here is the xml for it from A20:

    <item_modifier name="modGunMeleeBlessedMetal" installable_tags="weapon,tool" modifier_tags="specialDamage" blocked_tags="noMods" type="attachment">
    	<property name="Extends" value="modGeneralMaster"/>
    	<property name="UnlockedBy" value="modGunMeleeBlessedMetalSchematic"/>
    	<!--Do double damage to evil / undead-->
    	<effect_group tiered="false">
    		<requirement name="EntityTagCompare" target="other" tags="zombie"/>
    		<passive_effect name="EntityDamage" operation="perc_add" value="1"/>

    And the icon, in case you wanna add it back in.



    Ah, dang. Thanks for posting the code, though!

  12. 5 minutes ago, cigarettelegs said:

    Where did you hear this information? I haven't seen anything about whether or not cross play being available at launch.


    It's been mentioned by the team on Twitter and in these forums. I think they also said something about it during the A21 dev streams last year, too.


    There's also the fact that ONE OF THE DEVS made a post about it on this very page.

    4 hours ago, rateds2k said:

    This would be a great idea. Make those decaps more valuable.


    I'm surprised they don't already. Zombie dogs sound like freaking TIE Fighters when they die.

  13. 56 minutes ago, Adam the Waster said:

    I was thinking that too. But I wouldn't think of that as a preacher... then again Idk what a preacher would wear as a hat


    I plan on wearing the Preacher set to proselytize to the masses the Glory of the Stun Baton

  14. 3 minutes ago, MichaelL. said:

    I can't believe TFP went ahead with this horrible design for the Intellect armor - especially in light of all the hate it garnered when it was first teased way back.  Please tell me this is an April Fools prank.......


    Pretty sure it's not an April Fool's prank, sadly.

  15. 2 hours ago, Evil_Geoff said:

    Easy fix for that.

    Add a buff to the LCB to increase lock picking difficulty by the same *X as the block bonus.  There.  Balance returned.



    Or add a buff to the claim block that makes doors and containers within it are unpickable.

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