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Old Crow

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Posts posted by Old Crow

  1. Just now, Adam the Waster said:

    I can kind of understand that part I just still think I like the voice actor maybe it's about time to give Joel a baby face


    Really hoping they update the traders to use the new character models! And give Jen her labcoat back.

  2. 6 minutes ago, Adam the Waster said:

    I kinda like his voice tbh I'm shocked Joel didn't do the voice cuz.... you know.... 


    Yeah I was surprised at that too. The voice is fine on its own, it just doesn't fit the character model. Old cowboy dude with the voice of a young George McFly.. nah.

  3. Been watching Streamer Weekend, and I gotta say.. Trader Joel's new voice does NOT fit him. Voice is way too young.


    Another thing I noticed, the new armor sets do still have the dye slots, which changes the color of the armor pieces.. but only in your inventory. Will armor be dyable for real later on, or will the dye slot be removed or changed to something else?

  4. I've heard some perks will be updated/possibly changed in 1.0. Will this include rewording unchanged perks? Some, like Healing Factor and Light Armor have vague or even incorrect wording.



    "Specialize in boosting your natural healing rates as long as you're not starving. Self-healing will not work when you are out of food or water."

    While this one does explain that it doesn't work if your Hunger and Thirst meters are empty, it does NOT tell you that it makes you hungry and thirsty faster.



    "Specialize in light armor to increase armor rating and armor durability."

    This is just plain WRONG. Your armor rating does NOT increase with this skill - Only the durability of said armor does.

  5. Y'know, in all honesty... the current console version should have been delisted from the Playstation Store and the Microsoft store as soon as.. no, right before, 1.0 was announced. It's kind of dishonest to keep it up there, as a lot of folks are buying it now thinking it's 1.0.


    Is it up to the customer to do their research first? Yes, of course. Is it scummy to keep the old version up until right before the new game is released? Incredibly.

  6. 47 minutes ago, Riamus said:

    Well, I watched the dev stream off and on and it was a lot of wasted time, unfortunately.  You would think they'd take the time to test things before going live rather than waste over an hour of everyone's time.  Not even much was shown that was really worth seeing.  Here are my takeaways:


    • The new storage chests looked good and upgrading the chests is nice, I suppose.  Though it seems just a way to use forged iron and forged steel for no real gain besides having fewer chests. 
    • The assassin's armor looked really good, though the cloak clips even when standing still.  You'd at least expect clipping to be fixed when standing still, if nothing else.  And considering this is the full set they showed, you shouldn't even see clipping.  Clipping's usually what you get when mixing items that weren't properly animated.  But when it's a full set that clips?  That's pretty bad.  The suit outfit (I forget the name) was kind of okay.  And the enforcer armor looked really horrible.  I hope at least one of the heavy armors actually looks decent since I prefer heavy armor.
    • The update the the tutorial/journal is a good improvement for new players.  Not sure how much it'll benefit anyone else besides some extra experience and whatever rewards you get for each part, but it's still a good improvement.
    • The changes to the dew collector will make a lot of people happier, even if it doesn't change how you can get water.  At least you don't need filters to craft the basic version, which will give you murky water.  And mods to make that into clean water, increase speed, and increase capacity to 6 per collector... that's good for those who use the dew collectors.
    • Unspecified balancing to the trader quest rewards so you aren't outpacing crafting as quickly with quest rewards is probably good, though they didn't give any actual details and what they consider balanced could still be way off.
    • Animations for movements are a nice improvement and seeing where other players are looking can be helpful.  Walking backwards looked a bit strange, though.  The character leaned way back when walking backwards.  If someone really leaned back that much when walking backwards, they'd most likely fall over backwards.
    • There's apparently a "look at" animation when you're near stuff so that your character will turn their head to look at someone coming... I didn't see them show it off but might have missed it.  It is something that works in some games... but usually in games that are 3rd person as an indication that there's something interesting in that direction.  For 1st person, it seems odd.  But they claim it is interesting.  Not sure if your character's 1st person view will actually turn without your input to look at things.  Hopefully not.  Hopefully this feature is only something you see other people doing and doesn't actually affect any person's view.  Still, that is a very limited feature in that case.  Seems like wasted effort for a 1st person game.
    • Cotton and hops art was improved... not really a big deal.  It isn't like you're looking at those close up very often.  I'd rather see other things get art improvements, such as trees.  At least those you pay attention to and see more often.
    • No changes to storage chests as far as being able to craft from the chests or have multiple people using the same chest at the same time.  Not really surprising and it was stated that multiple people to use the same chest at the same time will not happen at all.  Nothing said about whether crafting from chests has any chance of ever happening.
    • 4x4 gets 4 seats by default and upgrades to 6.  Motorcycle upgrades to 2.  And I believe they said gyro upgrades to 4.
    • Crossplay, as has been already posted on the forum, will not be available initially.  The new info given is that it's working already and that the question about how or if it will happen comes down to a bunch of red tape certification processes with Microsoft and Sony.  For initial release, it will only be 4 player co-op on hosted locally for console players.
    • Graphics have a fade in/out instead of popping in, which will make things look a lot smoother.  That's going to probably make the game look a lot better, especially on slower computers.


    That's all I can think of right now.  Again, I just watched off and on because of all the wasted time, so there may have been some other things that were worthwhile that I missed.  If anyone has any other interesting items that I missed, please share.  I doubt I'll waste my time on watching the VOD.  All said, the dev stream was pretty lackluster and if I was deciding whether or not I was interested in the update based solely on that, I would not be impressed.  They like to have fun in the streams and there's nothing really wrong with that but they really should make at least some effort to make these streams actually worthwhile to people.  They are already late at night and then wasting so much time in them just joking around and trying to figure out sound and whatever else is kind of a slap in their viewers' faces.


    This is a pretty good breakdown.


    As far as "look at" animations, I doubt we will see our first person view turn to look at things or people, but we will see other players and NPCs possibly turn to look at the players.

  7. 3 hours ago, SylenThunder said:

    Clay is everywhere except desert sand now though. You just dig dirt for "clay soil" and drop that into the forge. Challenge of having to go look for clay is gone.


    And on a similar note, the challenge for all of the others ores is gone too.  They aren't boime specific anymore either.


    I thought Shale was biome-specific still, replacing Coal in the Desert. But yeah that's pretty much it.

  8. 48 minutes ago, AaronG85 said:

    I've searched but havnt found is it possible with 1.0 to crossplay between PS5 and PC? and if so if the PC has server side mods is the PS5 still able to crossplay.




    Q: Will the Console Version have Crossplay?
    A: While it will not be ready for the 1.0 Release, we are pleased to report that Crossplay connections already work with PC, PS5 and Xbox Series S/X. However, we are waiting for  certification approval with Microsoft and Sony. We intend to have more information in the future, and hope for it to be released with Update 1’s launch (tentatively scheduled for Q4 2024).


    Q: Will the Console Edition get modding support?
    A: We are discussing this, but there are no concrete plans yet. We are looking into how this might be achieved while maintaining performance on the console edition. 

  9. 12 hours ago, bdubyah said:

    If he gives a time frame, people get mad. If he doesn't, people get mad. I really don't care what he says, I know it will be here when it's ready and I can wait. As long as he isn't going around making promises, I see no problem giving out an optimistic date.


    Nah, I get that and feel the same way. I was making commentary moreso on Rick's tendency to over-promise due to his excitement. XD

  10. 11 hours ago, faatal said:

    In any release, features are often still in development right up to experimental. Even some feature changes during experimental.


    I started adding the new minibike model yesterday. That is a feature change as it shows mods added to it, but was not a high priority to me compared to many other tasks, so it has waited until now.


    So basically.. Rick shouldn't have said experimental was shooting for end of May.

  11. Was watching this video by Guns, Nerds, & Steel from a few months ago and saw some stuff I wish were still around, graphically.


    The old Toolbelt: I like that it used to look like an actual belt - from A13 on, it and the UI are just kind of.. sterile-looking.

    Some of the old item icons: The old rocket launcher, and boulders especially. Not knocking on the newer graphics and models we have now, but a lot of the older ones actually looked pretty nice.

    Vehicle assembly: Needed some work, but looked interesting.

    Containers: Opening a container and having the border resemble what you've opened.


    What are some old things from previous alphas you all miss?

  12. 11 hours ago, FramFramson said:

    Only if they give axe combat some love. Fire Axe has been my go-to melee for more than half a decade, in spite of no perks buffing it (Even the dedicated fireman's axe mod is terrible). It's the perfect balance of range, damage, stamina use, attack speed, and ability to one-shot zeds. Hunting Knife would be better but the range difference is critical - axe allows you to escape with little to no damage taken. Axe wins IMO; nothing else beats it as the holdout melee weapon for non-melee builds (though steel shovel comes close).


    I would love if axe combat got some love, but I believe they want to keep axes set as just tools, sadly. The current Steel Axe's model is definitely a home-welded battleaxe though, so I always found it odd that it was just a tool.

  13. I've been thinking - why is it some of the Steel tier melee weapons and tools look like something made haphazardly in someone's garage (steel club, steel axe, steel knuckles, steel spear), and others look like they're store-bought (machete, steel shovel, impact driver, steel pickaxe)? Let's change that!


    I propose, for starters, making the steel axe look like a woodcutting axe, and the fire axe look like a camping/survival hatchet. Feels kind of silly too that we have a Fire Axe AND a Fireman's Axe Mod. Keep the stats the same though - just model and name changes for those two axes.

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