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[MOD]-=TacticalAction=- A17 TrainingManual


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Thanks everyone for your reply, I will keep update TA mod, but maybe slowy.


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Thanks everyone for your reply, I will keep update TA mod, but maybe slowy.




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Thanks everyone for your reply, I will keep update TA mod, but maybe slowy.



Thank you IvanDX! We will wait for this amazing mod :D

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Great mod Ivan. Here is an install.bat that will allow you to skip having to modify your localization file. Just edit the localization file to contain just what youve added. Have to go back and see the Author of the install bat, i use them a lot, but found this one with another mod with a localization file it needed pass through. Thanks again man.


@echo off

color 4F








for %%I in (.) do set CurrDirName=%%~nxI

echo This will install localization for %CurrDirName%.


IF EXIST "Localization.txt" echo Detected "localization.txt"


IF EXIST "Localization.txt" echo A backup of your localization.txt will be made called localization.txt.bak


IF EXIST "Localization.txt" echo This batch file can only do so much.




echo MENU:

echo 1 to Continue

echo 2 to Quit

echo 3 to restore a backup if one exists

set /p choice=Option:

if not '%choice%'=='' set choice=%choice:~0,1%

if '%choice%'=='1' goto install

if '%choice%'=='2' goto end

if '%choice%'=='3' goto restore

ECHO "%choice%" Choice is not valid, try again


goto start


IF EXIST "Localization.txt" copy "..\..\data\config\Localization.txt" "..\..\data\config\Localization.txt.bak"

type localization.txt >> "../../data/config/Localization.txt"

echo Finished

goto end


IF NOT EXIST ..\..\data\config\Localization.txt.bak echo Localization backup does not exist

IF EXIST ..\..\data\config\Localization.txt.bak echo Restoring backuped up file.

IF EXIST ..\..\data\config\Localization.txt.bak copy "..\..\data\config\Localization.txt.bak" "..\..\data\config\Localization.txt"

IF EXIST ..\..\data\config\Localization.txt.bak del "..\..\data\config\Localization.txt.bak"



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  • 2 weeks later...
Why am i getting this error




Most definitely a mod conflict. Two mods are trying to create a loot container with the id of 210.

And there is a conflict with two or more mods with the Traders.xml

I'd search the mods folder for Loot.xml and look for what could be the source of the errors.

If you find the problem you could just change one of the mods references to 210 to another number and get them to work.

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I do not know if the creator of this fantastic mod is still updating it or plans to. I certainly hope they do. :D I don't want to play without it. :D


I added recipes to make all the weapon mods and the weapons themselves.

Plus made edits to make most if not all the weapons silencer compatible.

Also fixed the silencer on the MP5N. Since it floated in the air above and to the left of the gun.

If the mod author says it's OK, I'll upload all the files I edited for them to integrate.

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  • 2 months later...





Hello everyone, I‘m from China, and I made this mod to improved 7DTD weapon system.

sorry about my bad English,so let‘s see some picture and vide.





workable double scope, ACOG_ECOS, and EOTech_ECOS, and scope side red dot sight.



MK23,USP9,P99,1911,HK416,M4A1,M249,M110,AWP,M82A1, and more



Zombie DT and HP JHP AP Bullets.



Fountain, BBQ, and Full Animation AirDrop.


Here is a A16.4 video for AirDrop Animation, and more thin not in A17 yet.



Downlod link:




Would it be possible to release your tool-belt character stats bar as a singular mod?

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