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NVIDIA SLI profile (BITS) NOW FOR 19.1 Alpha


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Requires Nvidia profile inspector (download it from guru3d)



Sli profile for 19.1 Alpha 😎



Sli profile for 18 Alpha



Sli profile for 17.4 stable



Sli profile for 16.4 and 17 exp (so 16.4 alpha and also 17 experimental)




Be sure it's real fullscreen pressing F4 to set the game in windowed mode then again f4 to set it in fullscreen (exclusive fullscreen)

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I've tried sli in 7dtd in the past and could never get any performance gains with it, so i was sceptical when i saw 180-190%. Very few games can scale that well, tomb raider for example and no voxel game scales anywhere near that if at all. But i gave it a shot and to a surprise to no one.... drum roll..... it did nothing, well that's not completely true it actually performed worse than a single gpu, at least with my 2x gtx 1080ti's. However as with sli (Or Crossfire) maybe your configuration could get better results. Nevertheless i think this guy is selling false promises, don't let the capitalisation and exclamation points fool you into believing there is a magic bullet for 7dtd performance problems. Real performance gains are going to come from TFP and upgrading hardware that's supported sorry but that's the reality we live in.

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I've tried sli in 7dtd in the past and could never get any performance gains with it, so i was sceptical when i saw 180-190%. Very few games can scale that well, tomb raider for example and no voxel game scales anywhere near that if at all. But i gave it a shot and to a surprise to no one.... drum roll..... it did nothing, well that's not completely true it actually performed worse than a single gpu, at least with my 2x gtx 1080ti's. However as with sli (Or Crossfire) maybe your configuration could get better results. Nevertheless i think this guy is selling false promises, don't let the capitalisation and exclamation points fool you into believing there is a magic bullet for 7dtd performance problems. Real performance gains are going to come from TFP and upgrading hardware that's supported sorry but that's the reality we live in.



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I am surprised that it is supported in 7D2D. You need a 2080 or better to still be able to use SLI. 1070 still had it, 2070 doesn´t anymore.

Even Nvidia who would profit from people buying 2 cards doesn´t think it´s worth for gaming.

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I am surprised that it is supported in 7D2D. You need a 2080 or better to still be able to use SLI. 1070 still had it, 2070 doesn´t anymore.

Even Nvidia who would profit from people buying 2 cards doesn´t think it´s worth for gaming.


That's just it, it's not supported

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I am surprised that it is supported in 7D2D. You need a 2080 or better to still be able to use SLI. 1070 still had it, 2070 doesn´t anymore.

Even Nvidia who would profit from people buying 2 cards doesn´t think it´s worth for gaming.


It doesn't quite work that way. Either it's supported for the card or it isn't. If it is, it still doesn't matter if the devs of games aren't taking advantage of it. The trend lately is that most devs won't support it. As long as they can meet 60 fps, why bother? You can't visually see a difference beyond that anyway. With a good g-sync, you can barely tell the difference between 30 and 60. Additionally, going Vulkan for lower overhead has done wonders for a lot games. Even DOOM (2016) almost skipped out on SLI support because the Vulkan mode was superb... and this would have been really odd because id software is known for getting the most out of the current technologies available. The 2070 simply does not support SLI and was not designed to. Plenty of older cards were, and therefore still do, support SLI:

Nvidia Titan Xp

GeForce GTX 1080 Ti

Nvidia Titan X

GeForce GTX 1080

GeForce GTX 1070


GeForce GTX 980 Ti

GeForce GTX 980

GeForce GTX 970

GeForce GTX 960

GeForce GTX 950


GeForce GTX 780 Ti

GeForce GTX 780

GeForce GTX 770

GeForce GTX 760 Ti

GeForce GTX 760

GeForce GTX 690

GeForce GTX 680

GeForce GTX 670

GeForce GTX 660 Ti

GeForce GTX 660

GeForce GTX 650 Ti BOOST

GeForce GTX 480

GeForce GTX 470

GeForce GTX 465

GeForce GTX 460

GeForce GTX 460 SE

GeForce GTS 450

GeForce GTX 555 (OEM)

GeForce GTX 560 Ti (OEM)

GeForce GTX 560

GeForce GTX 550 Ti

GeForce GTX 590

GeForce GTX 660

GeForce GTX 560 Ti

GeForce GTX 545 GDDR5

GeForce GTX DDR3

GeForce GTX 570

GeForce 9800 GT

GeForce GTX 580

GeForce 9600 GT

GeForce 8500 GT

GeForce 8600 GTS

GeForce 8600 GT

GeForce 8400 GS

GeForce GTX 275X

GeForce GTS 150

GeForce GT 130

GeForce GT 120

GeForce GTS 250

GeForce GTX 285

GeForce GTX 295

GeForce 8800 ULTRA

GeForce GTX 280

GeForce 8800 GTX

GeForce 9800 GX2

GeForce GTX 260

GeForce 9400 GT

GeForce 9500 GT

GeForce 9800 GTX

GeForce 9800 GTX+


And yes, 2080 and 2080 Ti does.

But again, the number of games that can take advantage of SLI is, and always has been, very limited... just like how even less games will support RTX

DOOM Eternal, based on the past, would normally be expected to support the new RTX tech. Unfortunately, id is now under Bethesduh and I fear they don't care about pushing the bar in gaming like id is known for. (yes, I hate Bethesduh and everything it stands for. I don't care if they had a couple great games, or that the devs here admire their work. The way I see it now, id Software is the only studio under them that hasn't fallen to their pressure for money-making, bug-ridden trash... yet)

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My point was that there will be a point soon where it doesn´t matter for gaming how many cards support it, because they will very soon be too old and the average gamer doesn´t have a 2080 or better. I mean, look at your list, it´s a lot of cards. But on how many do you wanna play 7D2D? I see 8 that aren´t too old, not sure about the 950 though. And i bet this is soon reduced to 1070 and better.


Also your VRAM is NOT doubled. The 2nd one doesn´t get recognized. And Anno is said to use 8 GB already. I really don´t see the point.

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My point was that there will be a point soon where it doesn´t matter for gaming how many cards support it, because they will very soon be too old and the average gamer doesn´t have a 2080 or better. I mean, look at your list, it´s a lot of cards. But on how many do you wanna play 7D2D?


I was only showing the list because you said that SLI "is no longer supported" for a card... but that's an incorrect statement. Either a card can do SLI or it can't.

SLI is not supported in 7D2D regardless of if your card is capable, regardless if it is new or old.

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I was only showing the list because you said that SLI "is no longer supported" for a card... but that's an incorrect statement. Either a card can do SLI or it can't.

SLI is not supported in 7D2D regardless of if your card is capable, regardless if it is new or old.

I think he just means Nvidia is raising the bar up on newer generation cards to support sli dropping classes of cards that supported it previously.

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Yep that´s my point. @cmpbellh24.


90% of the list are pretty much useless already because they are way too weak, who would go 760 SLI instead of buying a newer card? (Not even mentioning that the CPU is also propably way too weak if you use a 760) @Atomic


They don´t even bother anymore with gaming cards unless you spend 700€ on it, wich is not what the average gamer does. Wouldn´t be surprised if this will be totally gone for consumergrade GPU´s one day.

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Yep that´s my point. @cmpbellh24.


90% of the list are pretty much useless already because they are way too weak, who would go 760 SLI instead of buying a newer card? (Not even mentioning that the CPU is also propably way too weak if you use a 760) @Atomic


They don´t even bother anymore with gaming cards unless you spend 700€ on it, wich is not what the average gamer does. Wouldn´t be surprised if this will be totally gone for consumergrade GPU´s one day.


For cards like the 760 i can understand why they didn't bother with sli on next gen cards. it's just always better to go for the most powerful card you can get, a single gpu will work with every game but not sli. Even if you already had a 760 why buy another when you could sell the one you have and put the money you had for a second 760 to a more powerful card. I can see some edge cases like you got one for free, or your mate had one that didn't work and you fixed it up or something or maybe it's been some time since you bought it and another one would be dirt cheap.


Sli sure has it's problems you can see in the ops screenshot his top card is practically frying itself being 26C Hotter than the bottom card, a few years of dust or bad airflow it wouldn't take much to push that card into the red. 82C is acceptable but if you don't keep an eye on it you don't have much margin to work with. Anyway i hope amd steps up their game nvidia is out of control with pricing, i could buy 2 cars for a single 2080ti and for what 15-20% more fps than what i have and ray tracing that only works in games i don't play lol. I used to have 2 AMD R9 295x2's it was glorious haha but not for 7dtd which only used 1 out of the 4 gpus. Come back to the light AMD!

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i've tried sli in 7dtd in the past and could never get any performance gains with it, so i was sceptical when i saw 180-190%. Very few games can scale that well, tomb raider for example and no voxel game scales anywhere near that if at all. But i gave it a shot and to a surprise to no one.... Drum roll..... It did nothing, well that's not completely true it actually performed worse than a single gpu, at least with my 2x gtx 1080ti's. However as with sli (or crossfire) maybe your configuration could get better results. Nevertheless i think this guy is selling false promises, don't let the capitalisation and exclamation points fool you into believing there is a magic bullet for 7dtd performance problems. Real performance gains are going to come from tfp and upgrading hardware that's supported sorry but that's the reality we live in.


enable exclusive fullscreen in launcher and press f4 two times for true fullscreen, i will upload the latest profile in 5 minutes, forgot to mention that the game always start as windowed fullscreen




Im sad hearing this, try again, use the latest profile and be sure the game is in exclusive fullscreen or sli will make things worse, im making a video proof so u see by yourself





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Ok well let's start with how do you know it's giving you more performance if you never showed it running on 1 gpu? then you claim because you pressed f4 twice now it works magically and you get 140fps from 80 but you're staring at the sky....... look at 00:15 before you did that and 04:30 after you claim it's working but this time your looking in the same general area and your fps is no different than before. Then you show us that your not running at a native resolution but at 50% of course you getting good fps if you cut your resolution in half. But running the game below your monitors native resolution makes it look even worse than on a native 1440p monitor because of interpolation.


Never the less i humored you, double checking exclusive fullscreen is enabled, using your newest profile and pressing f4 twice and boom it worked!!! ... lol just kidding it did nothing. I suggest you try running the game on a single gpu looking at the same spot, same time of day and same settings. I suspect your in the same boat as me, i've yet to see any real evidence that sli works in 7dtd (and by work i don't just mean it's enabled and the game is running, i mean give more performance than a single gpu)

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enable exclusive fullscreen in launcher and press f4 two times for true fullscreen, i will upload the latest profile in 5 minutes, forgot to mention that the game always start as windowed fullscreen




Im sad hearing this, try again, use the latest profile and be sure the game is in exclusive fullscreen or sli will make things worse, im making a video proof so u see by yourself






Also "4k is a bit cpu Bottlenecked" is a incorrect statement, it's the other way round, when you lower resolution it puts more load on the cpu processing more frames and raising the resolution puts more load on the gpu delivering less frames .


lower res= more load on the cpu

higher res= more load on the gpu

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this game never run well on 4k, too much cpu overhead and i've noticed more gpu usage with 4k and also cpu, due to the heavy use of postprocessing in this game, as far as i know what u say it's true, but in this game not so much.

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Your "SLI Disabled" screenshot is running at a lower resolution than your "Sli Enabled" did you change settings between shots? single gpu shot is noticeably blurrier. I noticed in your vid you had an issue getting 4k res to stick could be why.


My settings

Everything turned on and at highest settings except motion blur disabled



I7 6700K @4.6ghz

16gb ddr4 3600Mhz

2x oc'd evga gtx 1080ti's

Win 10 pro 64bit


sli was run at stock gpu clocks, latest drivers (430.86), A17.4

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u are bottlenecking it with SS REFLECTIONS... LOL disable them and retry


- - - Updated - - -


it's just implemented so it's really heavy.


ps: i've checked while making the screens that the resolution was correct, because u made me think that it doesnt works.


problably ss reflections do not allow the fps to go higher due to low optimization in the current state

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