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Alpha17 Feedback after 40 hours.


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My thoughts exactly. The good feedback is actually the one that challenges your views, not the one that gives you a little pat on the back - if you are aiming for improvement that is.


Constructive criticism is always a positive and welcome. If it is in complaint form criticism is not a positive and easily dismissed. Study how the OP made his points, write about anything you don't like in the same way and it will be taken in a positive way. Notice how Roland, fataal, and Mad Mole all responded to the OP? Try it!

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I like the idea of restricting upgrades to certain tools by material- accidental upgrade is a pet peeve of mine, too. Carrying multiple tools is a pain, but what about a (higher-level) recipe that allows you to make a "tool kit" that contains everything in one slot- but you select the specific tool to use via radial menu?


Hard-boiled eggs are a pain early game. I'd love to see a recipe for scrambled eggs- two eggs in a cookpot, make the gains about like two HB.

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Where did I trash someone’s opinion? You’re just continuing to make stuff up again. Please tell us again that your source says that what everyone is playing right now won’t show up until 2019....


Alpha 17 isn't out yet Roland. 37 days left and ticking.


That person claimed A17's development was a mess, what 2 months ago? After playing the experimental, I would say a "mess" is an understatement. It's literally killed multiplayer.

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More feedback.

Infection is absolutely deadly during horde night. Getting infected means losing most of your stamina, on top of having increased stamina costs for everything, a deadly double dipping combo. You never know whether or not you'll actually get infected, so unless you keep chugging down antibiotics (And even then) you can suddenly become completely incapable of fighting back.


Update: Game crashed while we were driving the jeep and it is now nowhere to be found. There's an icon on the compass but not the jeep, and my girlfriend ended up halfway accross the map after rejoining. Not very nice.

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My thoughts exactly. The good feedback is actually the one that challenges your views, not the one that gives you a little pat on the back - if you are aiming for improvement that is.


I personally found the post a good example of constructive criticism because it made me think about the game a different way. The OP did this by explaining get in detail how he plays, what he liked and what he didn’t like. I’ve read your post, MoldyBread’s post, and some of the others and none of them had the same impact me. First and foremost it’s not clear to me how you play the game. Do you play PVE or do you play PVP? How many players are on the server you regularly play on?

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I personally found the post a good example of constructive criticism because it made me think about the game a different way. The OP did this by explaining get in detail how he plays, what he liked and what he didn’t like. I’ve read your post, MoldyBread’s post, and some of the others and none of them had the same impact me. First and foremost it’s not clear to me how you play the game. Do you play PVE or do you play PVP? How many players are on the server you regularly play on?


I've made offers to Madmole/TFP staff to come play on a well-ran, large PVP server with a Discord channel on at least three separate occasions over the last 3 years. The goal being to take a few hours, play with a crew, go on some raids, fight a bit, and view the larger server builds and awesome mods that people have come up with. A lot of the big PVP servers actually have tons of player built communal areas (arenas, central trading, banking, vending areas) because the admins usually can't PVP and fill their time with creative construction. It's always been crickets from them, and I wouldn't even know where to go to show it to them now. The changes they have made have killed the ability for 90% of that. I'm a firm believer that they don't want to understand how people enjoy the game, unless it's to confirm their bias in the forums. They just want to "make" the game they want. If I had to bet, I would put money on it that Madmole isn't even playing A17 experimental in his spare time. I bet he's playing Fallout or some other action RPG.

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I've made offers to Madmole/TFP staff to come play on a well-ran, large PVP server with a Discord channel on at least three separate occasions over the last 3 years. The goal being to take a few hours, play with a crew, go on some raids, fight a bit, and view the larger server builds and awesome mods that people have come up with. A lot of the big PVP servers actually have tons of player built communal areas (arenas, central trading, banking, vending areas) because the admins usually can't PVP and fill their time with creative construction. It's always been crickets from them, and I wouldn't even know where to go to show it to them now. The changes they have made have killed the ability for 90% of that. I'm a firm believer that they don't want to understand how people enjoy the game, unless it's to confirm their bias in the forums. They just want to "make" the game they want. If I had to bet, I would put money on it that Madmole isn't even playing A17 experimental in his spare time. I bet he's playing Fallout or some other action RPG.


I feel for you. Game has massive pvp potential. From my time on the forums, I have seen little interest/focus on the PVP area. This has not been a surprise to me though since they have mentioned several times their focus has primarily has been around small group interactions (ie 8 player coop).


It would be awesome to see the developers give proper attention to PVP at some point as I think that will be the tipping point that catapults the game from cult classic to mainstream popularity and success.

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I feel for you. Game has massive pvp potential. From my time on the forums, I have seen little interest/focus on the PVP area. This has not been a surprise to me though since they have mentioned several times their focus has primarily has been around small group interactions (ie 8 player coop).


It would be awesome to see the developers give proper attention to PVP at some point as I think that will be the tipping point that catapults the game from cult classic to mainstream popularity and success.


I so wish bandits were in the game and zombies had guns. There were A16 mods that had all that, it functioned, and it was so much fun.


Now, we just have zombie jackhammerhands.

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I don't know about zombies with guns but I enjoyed having bandits and survivors.


It's intense. It also highlighted the desire to be stealthy, because mobs would reveal your position to nearby players by chasing, shouting, and shooting at you. I wish I had the mod name. There were sniper zombies, rocket launcher rare zombies, ak47 zombies, pistol zombies, shotgun zombies, and they all dropped some of their own unique varieties of loot/special server event related items.

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Good post. I've already made acid more abundant and I'm lowering bicycle INT req to 4. You'll still have to scrounge up a workbench at a trader to craft it, but I find working stuff in POIs too.


Nice to hear that. You know when you missed something the past Alphas in the moment you try the feature. Love the bicycle. Awesome work.

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Internal build was up to 202 last night. Not sure if they cooked another one today. The changes would be in the new update. Not sure when that will be coming.


Do you know when the bike int 4 change will be? I didnt see it in the 208 update notes. Maybe I missed it?

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I'm "only" on day 24 in my game and going at it solo, so a little less far along, but most of what you wrote mirrors my experiences.


Before I sum up my criticisms, I have to say that TFP really exceeded my expectations with this build. Hats off to the team, it's obvious that a lot of work was put into this update and although I still think the EA update/information cycle leaves a lot to be desired, at least the payoff is quite big this time around. I haven't been this absorbed by a game in a while, nicely done.


My current game is my third attempt at A17e, the first two were cut short by multiple deaths and feeling behind the curve too much to continue. For this one, I went back to Navezgane (initial two were RWG). Settings/difficulty were mostly standard, aside from marking airdrops because I felt I needed the help :) So far, I've only died once, and it wasn't even on a Blood Moon (got swarmed in some dusty attic).


My criticisms so far


  • I got lucky with iron tools from traders/WS crates, so I'm unsure if the current forge gate is bad, but it feels like the reqs could be lowered a bit. Iron tools aren't that powerful without perks invested anyways.
  • Bicycle should either be easily lootable or craftable from scratch (once materials have been found). It makes exploration so much more enjoyable, without being so fast as to render distance moot.
  • Mods are great, too bad the progression.xml is still such a mess. Have to add most of them manually, in addition to the saw table and chem station.
  • Currently the only viable way of leveling up is by fighting zombies. Mining and crafting need an XP buff to make them more worthwhile activities. Zombie XP could be scaled down a little to balance it out. I'm currently seeking out hordes just for the XP, and whacking slow conga lines in the head gets old. Variation in XP would be neat!
  • RWG towns look better than ever thanks to the huge variation in POIs, but the landscape is a patchy mess of forest and burned forest, which is annoying to navigate and soon becomes boring. No problem with having only one desert and snow biome in the South and North, but we need more reasons to actually go there in RWG. Skyscrapers and wasteland seem to be missing in action. Needs more high risk/high reward areas imho.
  • Quests are mostly pointless, as OP stated. Too much travel time for laughable XP (killing two zombies nets you more) and lackluster items as rewards too often. Running through a POI dungeon is a much better reward all by itself. Maybe if quests had a better chance for rare but critical loot as reward (even relatively early on)? I.e. beakers, acid, seeds, mods/schematics. (EDIT: seeing rewards up front would help!!)
  • Zombie/horde AI is obviously an improvement over A16, but needs serious tweaking for better immersion and more dynamic horde nights.
    - Non-BM hordes need to go for your "last known position" rather than locking on and navigating straight to the player.
    - Bloodmoon hordes need varied pathing/intelligence: right now the best/only strategy seems to be exploiting their GPS pathing by deliberately leaving a hole in your defenses so they all come through an easily set up kill zone. It feels like cool, immersive bases aren't viable because the zombies will always target the weakest spot all together anyways.
  • Loot is way too saturated with low quality guns. I've started scrapping pretty much every one I find, just so I can easily get the ammo and a few mechanical parts. I was swimming in dukes at the end of the first week just by selling guns that felt like game changers in A16. I get that the mods now make the difference, but it would be nice if finding guns still felt exciting. Especially if pre-modded guns were a possible find (would obviously have to be rare).
  • Lighting is very pleasing in general, but day/night transitions are way too abrupt and during the night there seem to be sudden shifts in global illumination.
  • Please fix the night vision goggles, the A16 implementation was fine!


That's it for now. Hopefully this was of some use!


This is much better feedback than what OP said IMO.

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yeah but you found a forge, woulda been a diff story if you had to wait. and solo is a whole different story. I don't havea problem staying fed or alive just takes too long solo to kill the bazillion zombies to do anything else...boring now not because it's too easy OR too hard just no time to do any of the other stuff that was fun. it's become a one dimensional game espescially for solo games

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I agree with most of this. Mining anything with a pickaxe feels like I'm just bored and causally slapping at the Great Wall of China with a ham sandwich.


Use a fire axe for melee. A lot of mods work for it, faster swing than sledge and all the knockdown all the time. Modded steel fireaxe and I solo through big POIs at level 118 in light armor. I usually use about 5 medicated bandages and 3 or 4 regular ones. Maybe a pain pill if I get caught out. It's fast enough, 1 shot kills a lot and knocks down what it doesn't kill.

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