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Question regarding the prefab converter (blocksA16PrefabConversion.xml)


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Ok let's have a look at an (typical) entry from the blocksA16PrefabConversion.xml:


<block id="117" name="glassBulletproofMaster">

<property name="Group" value="Building"/>

<property name="Material" value="Mstone"/>

<property name="Shape" value="New"/>

<property name="LightOpacity" value="2"/>

<property name="Model" value="cube_glass"/>

<property name="Mesh" value="transparent"/>

<property name="Texture" value="333"/>

<property name="EconomicValue" value="300"/>



That means that we assign the block id 117 (stored in the tts files) to the block name "glassBulletproofMaster", right? So if we use the command 'prefabupdater createmapping prefab_name', the game will create a file prefab_name.blocks.nim. The nim-file is a table containing the assignments for all blocks used in the selected prefab (prefab_name):


block id 1 -> "block name 1"

block id 2 -> "block name 2"

block id 3 -> "block name 3"


and so on...




My question is: Why do we have to know the LightOpacity, Mesh, EconomicValue and other stuff to convert the blocks?


I don't understand why we have this kind of information in the blocksA16PrefabConversion.xml.

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hi - haven't checked that yet - just tried out a littlebit with no success so far


just some basic informations what i found so far:


i have found 3 categories of block-Issues



1. there were missing blocks already since A16 (ID1763 and ID867) - is fixed now - just removed them in A16 with A16-editor


2. blocks that causes the prefab to not load after mapping in A17-POI-editor like A16-ID's:

1280(metalRailing),914(awningCNRfull),1143(railingWoodWhiteSheet), (maybe more)

(the Issue u already talked about)


3. blocks that become signmark-squres after mapping with blocksA16PrefabConversion.xml like A16-ID's:

ID10(clay) (no more in game anymore IMO or maybe different-name-conflict)

ID2(Grass) (maybe missing texture or different-name-conflict)



almost all trees (have to change them to small,middle and large helper-blocks)

all Paintings (have to change them to painting-helper-blocks)

all bridge-blocks (maybe different-name-conflict)



My question is:

Can we do manual addictions in the blocksA16PrefabConversion.xml at all ???

I tried to add/modify Grass - but had no success so far

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An A16 prefab containing all blocks has been generated by Pille's editor (size is 200x200x120):





This should help us to identify 'problematic' blocks. I've also cleaned up the blocksA16PrefabConversion.xml by deleting the junk data and most of the comments. The remaining comments are at the end of the file...:





The blocksA16PrefabConversion.xml is slightly modded. These are the changes (from what I remember):


<block id="277" name="paintingPictureRandomHelper"></block>

<block id="632" name="air"></block> <!-- just to get rid of the error message-->

<block id="907" name="paintingPictureRandomHelper">




Can we do manual addictions in the blocksA16PrefabConversion.xml at all ???

Probably, but what about my question? :-P I don't know Magoli. I haven't had time to play with the xml files/converter until now.

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An A16 prefab containing all blocks has been generated by Pille's editor (size is 200x200x120):





This should help us to identify 'problematic' blocks. I've also cleaned up the blocksA16PrefabConversion.xml by deleting the junk data and most of the comments. The remaining comments are at the end of the file...:





The blocksA16PrefabConversion.xml is slightly modded. These are the changes (from what I remember):


<block id="277" name="paintingPictureRandomHelper"></block>

<block id="632" name="air"></block> <!-- just to get rid of the error message-->

<block id="907" name="paintingPictureRandomHelper">





Probably, but what about my question? :-P I don't know Magoli. I haven't had time to play with the xml files/converter until now.


This is invaluable. Thank you for taking the time in doing this. Trying to convert some pois previously and so many blocks were either missing or causing a load error.

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The xml is not finished yet but we're trying to find a conversion process that works for all prefabs (I assume Magoli is on my side lol). :-( I don't think that the ingame converter in its current state is sufficient to transfer all the A16 stuff correctly, so we may need additional tools...

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TBH, it was pretty hectic at times and while I tried to keep updating the conversion file when blocks were changed, I'm certain I missed some.


If you find any missing ones and paste the entries here, I'll add them to the conversion file. No big deal.




My question is: Why do we have to know the LightOpacity, Mesh, EconomicValue and other stuff to convert the blocks?

I don't understand why we have this kind of information in the blocksA16PrefabConversion.xml.

It's not used.

I just did not remove all that because it does nothing either way.

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All right. I am not surprised by the content of your reply but by its existence.^^ Thank you for the answer. I'll add all wrong entries to the OP as soon as we have found everything.


Btw. we're getting error messages for some blocks even if there're correctly definited in all involved XMLs.

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I did have a hand in this so... not that surprising.



Btw. we're getting error messages for some blocks even if there're correctly definited in all involved XMLs.

I am not convinced that you will be able to convert all prefabs perfectly.


The question mark block is

<block name="missingBlock">


It is visible through everything so designers can beeline to broken parts of the prefab to replace those.


Since this is technically a valid block you can also mass-replace them if it's something like the prefab designer not using terrainfiller...

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I did have a hand in this so... not that surprising.




I am not convinced that you will be able to convert all prefabs perfectly.


The question mark block is

<block name="missingBlock">


It is visible through everything so designers can beeline to broken parts of the prefab to replace those.


Since this is technically a valid block you can also mass-replace them if it's something like the prefab designer not using terrainfiller...


Are we able to remove these blocks? The question mark blocks. I can not. The only way is by pressing "Z" and filling. hovering on the block gives no text. and shift left-click is as if punching thin air.


There are various 1m missing blocks on a wall and roof.

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FYI: A new (test) version of my editor is almost ready for release (soon™). It doesn't support the new features yet but you can use it for converted A16 prefabs. The global block replacing feature may be helpful...


brilliant - thats just what i need




a 4th Category of Block-Issues has been found:


converted blocks that have missing textures in A17 !!!


2 kinds of RedMessages are known to me:


"...blabla texture-ID216 is not listed in the texture-atlas"


"...blabla textureID147 has missing paint ID entry"

"...blabla textureID102 has missing paint ID entry"


also take notice of the A17 blocks.xml outcommented lines:



Models that are no longer used:

<property name="Model" value="Entities/Buildings/window03Prefab"/>


Textures/models that are no longer used:

















<property name="Texture" value="423"/>

<property name="Model" value="Entities/Resources/rock_resource02_broke3Prefab"/>

<property name="Texture" value="0"/> grass

<property name="Texture" value="308"/> Sod




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Thanks for the hints. I've also discovered some strange non-producible bugs.^^ Btw. the very first A17 update of my editor has been released a few minutes ago. We can use the global replacing function to avoid some of the problems.



Ahhhhh, brilliant minds at work while I just sit here like an idiot and hope you get the pack converted to A17.


Actually you're quite clever because you'll get the pack without working.^^





I had to reupload the editor due to a bug. Here is an alpha 17 prefab that contains all blocks. I don't know it's helpful to find issues in the converter but maybe you want to have a look at all neat new blocks:


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Thanks for the hints. I've also discovered some strange non-producible bugs.^^ Btw. the very first A17 update of my editor has been released a few minutes ago. We can use the global replacing function to avoid some of the problems.





Actually you're quite clever because you'll get the pack without working.^^





I had to reupload the editor due to a bug. Here is an alpha 17 prefab that contains all blocks. I don't know it's helpful to find issues in the converter but maybe you want to have a look at all neat new blocks:



This thread is too quiet, lol. Will the pack survive the A16 to A17 conversion?

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This thread is too quiet, lol. Will the pack survive the A16 to A17 conversion?


yes !!!


iam about to notice all of the errors which associated with the CP-prefabs


maybe tonight i will post the changelog-table here (when i get finished)


Its done when its done LOL

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hi folks - sry it tooks so long, but now iam finished with finding the Issues on the CP-prefab's blocks


this is what i found:


these A16-textures are making trouble during Convertion:


they are producing RedMessages (texture61) and also whiteMessages (101,102,103,104,133,146,147)


These blocks produce yellowMessages or will become other blocks in A17:



block 931(chaulkboardPlate)

block 10 (clay)

block 648(rockResource02Broke3)

placeholder block 559 : treeJuniper6m to 470 : signRoadArrowheadApache

placeholder block 560 : treeMountainPine8m to 470 : signRoadArrowheadApache

placeholder block 561 : treeMountainPine13m to 471 : signRoadAZ260eastSpeed65

placeholder block 562 : treeMountainPine16m to 472 : signRoadAZ260west

placeholder block 563 : treeMountainPine19m to 472 : signRoadAZ260west

placeholder block 564 : treeMountainPine20m to 472 : signRoadAZ260west

placeholder block 566 : treeBirch10m to 471 : signRoadAZ260eastSpeed65

placeholder block 567 : treeBirch12m to 471 : signRoadAZ260eastSpeed65

placeholder block 568 : treeBirch15m to 472 : signRoadAZ260west

placeholder block 570 : treeMaple6m to 470 : signRoadArrowheadApache

placeholder block 571 : treeMaple13m to 471 : signRoadAZ260eastSpeed65

placeholder block 573 : treeMaple15m to 471 : signRoadAZ260eastSpeed65

placeholder block 574 : treeMaple16m to 472 : signRoadAZ260west

placeholder block 575 : treeMaple17m to 472 : signRoadAZ260west

placeholder block 2 : grass to 792 : iBeamSmall

placeholder block 220 : woodBlock to 793 : iBeam

placeholder block 277 : painting01 to 794 : iBeamCorner

placeholder block 907 : painting02 to 794 : iBeamCorner

placeholder block 817 : bridgeAsphaltBlock to 795 : iBeamBent

placeholder block 818 : bridgeMetalRivetBlock to 796 : iBeamSupport

placeholder block 819 : bridgeConcreteBlock to 797 : iBeamFoundation

placeholder block 820 : bridgeWoodBlock to 798 : iBeamCentered

placeholder block 772 : treePlainsGrassDiagonal to 473 : signRoadAZ260westSpeed65

placeholder block 1145 : railingWroughtIronSheet to 474 : signRoadAZ73north

placeholder block 1143 : railingWoodWhiteSheet to 475 : signRoadAZ73northSpeed65

placeholder block 1280 : metalRailing to 476 : signRoadAZ73south

placeholder block 914 : awningCNRFull to 477 : signRoadAZ73southSpeed65

block 30 : sod

block 31 : hardSod

block 994 : awningRamp

block 37 : grassFromDirt

placeholder block 996 : awningBlock to 479 : signCampFish

block 40 : plainsGroundWGrass2

block 535 : jailDoor to 480 : signRoadDestinationsEast

block 1584 : wastelandCurb to 481 : signRoadDestinationsWest

block 1585 : wastelandCNRCurb to 482 : signInfoCenter

block 2021 : industrialLight01_player

block 701 : GoreBlock1Prefab

block 5 : radiated

block 2023 : ceilingLight01_player

block 2024 : ceilingLight02_player

block 2026 : ceilingLight07_player

block 2025 : wallLight01_player

placeholder block 1902 : sandbag_1 to 485 : signRoadWork

placeholder block 1903 : sandbag_2 to 486 : signRoadRoughSurface

placeholder block 1912 : sandbag_5 to 487 : signSchoolZone

placeholder block 1906 : sandbagCorner to 488 : signRoadSlow

placeholder block 1907 : sandbagEnd to 489 : signRoadSpeed25

block 22 : fertileFarmland

block 47 : clayInSandstone

block 2022 : porchLight01_player

placeholder block 399 : camoNetSheet to 800 : iBeamCornerCentered

block 266 : lootPlainsHelper

changed block 1576 : forestCurb to 481 : signRoadDestinationsWest

changed block 1577 : forestCNRCurb to 482 : signInfoCenter

placeholder block 28 : terrainFiller to 801 : iBeamTCentered

placeholder block 1904 : sandbag_3 to 490 : signRoadSpeed25noTrucks

placeholder block 1905 : sandbag_4 to 491 : signRoadSpeed35

placeholder block 1908 : sandbagEnd2to 492 : signRoadSpeed45

placeholder block 1909 : sandbagCornerDMG1 to 493 : signRoadSpeed55

placeholder block 1910 : sandbagCorner2 to 494 : signRoadSpeed65

placeholder block 1911 : sandbagCorner2DMG1 to 495 : signRoadStop

placeholder block 1913 : sandbag_5DMG1 to 496 : signRoadStop4way

changed block 1580 : plainsCurb to 481 : signRoadDestinationsWest

changed block 1583 : plainsCNRCurb to 482 : signInfoCenter


all tree's will become tree_random_helper (small,medium,large) after convertion (just already prepared them for it)


detailed list will come with the next CP-update

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hi folks - sry it tooks so long, but now iam finished with finding the Issues on the CP-prefab's blocks


this is what i found:


these A16-textures are making trouble during Convertion:


they are producing RedMessages (texture61) and also whiteMessages (101,102,103,104,133,146,147)


These blocks produce yellowMessages or will become other blocks in A17:



block 931(chaulkboardPlate)

block 10 (clay)

block 648(rockResource02Broke3)

placeholder block 559 : treeJuniper6m to 470 : signRoadArrowheadApache

placeholder block 560 : treeMountainPine8m to 470 : signRoadArrowheadApache

placeholder block 561 : treeMountainPine13m to 471 : signRoadAZ260eastSpeed65

placeholder block 562 : treeMountainPine16m to 472 : signRoadAZ260west

placeholder block 563 : treeMountainPine19m to 472 : signRoadAZ260west

placeholder block 564 : treeMountainPine20m to 472 : signRoadAZ260west

placeholder block 566 : treeBirch10m to 471 : signRoadAZ260eastSpeed65

placeholder block 567 : treeBirch12m to 471 : signRoadAZ260eastSpeed65

placeholder block 568 : treeBirch15m to 472 : signRoadAZ260west

placeholder block 570 : treeMaple6m to 470 : signRoadArrowheadApache

placeholder block 571 : treeMaple13m to 471 : signRoadAZ260eastSpeed65

placeholder block 573 : treeMaple15m to 471 : signRoadAZ260eastSpeed65

placeholder block 574 : treeMaple16m to 472 : signRoadAZ260west

placeholder block 575 : treeMaple17m to 472 : signRoadAZ260west

placeholder block 2 : grass to 792 : iBeamSmall

placeholder block 220 : woodBlock to 793 : iBeam

placeholder block 277 : painting01 to 794 : iBeamCorner

placeholder block 907 : painting02 to 794 : iBeamCorner

placeholder block 817 : bridgeAsphaltBlock to 795 : iBeamBent

placeholder block 818 : bridgeMetalRivetBlock to 796 : iBeamSupport

placeholder block 819 : bridgeConcreteBlock to 797 : iBeamFoundation

placeholder block 820 : bridgeWoodBlock to 798 : iBeamCentered

placeholder block 772 : treePlainsGrassDiagonal to 473 : signRoadAZ260westSpeed65

placeholder block 1145 : railingWroughtIronSheet to 474 : signRoadAZ73north

placeholder block 1143 : railingWoodWhiteSheet to 475 : signRoadAZ73northSpeed65

placeholder block 1280 : metalRailing to 476 : signRoadAZ73south

placeholder block 914 : awningCNRFull to 477 : signRoadAZ73southSpeed65

block 30 : sod

block 31 : hardSod

block 994 : awningRamp

block 37 : grassFromDirt

placeholder block 996 : awningBlock to 479 : signCampFish

block 40 : plainsGroundWGrass2

block 535 : jailDoor to 480 : signRoadDestinationsEast

block 1584 : wastelandCurb to 481 : signRoadDestinationsWest

block 1585 : wastelandCNRCurb to 482 : signInfoCenter

block 2021 : industrialLight01_player

block 701 : GoreBlock1Prefab

block 5 : radiated

block 2023 : ceilingLight01_player

block 2024 : ceilingLight02_player

block 2026 : ceilingLight07_player

block 2025 : wallLight01_player

placeholder block 1902 : sandbag_1 to 485 : signRoadWork

placeholder block 1903 : sandbag_2 to 486 : signRoadRoughSurface

placeholder block 1912 : sandbag_5 to 487 : signSchoolZone

placeholder block 1906 : sandbagCorner to 488 : signRoadSlow

placeholder block 1907 : sandbagEnd to 489 : signRoadSpeed25

block 22 : fertileFarmland

block 47 : clayInSandstone

block 2022 : porchLight01_player

placeholder block 399 : camoNetSheet to 800 : iBeamCornerCentered

block 266 : lootPlainsHelper

changed block 1576 : forestCurb to 481 : signRoadDestinationsWest

changed block 1577 : forestCNRCurb to 482 : signInfoCenter

placeholder block 28 : terrainFiller to 801 : iBeamTCentered

placeholder block 1904 : sandbag_3 to 490 : signRoadSpeed25noTrucks

placeholder block 1905 : sandbag_4 to 491 : signRoadSpeed35

placeholder block 1908 : sandbagEnd2to 492 : signRoadSpeed45

placeholder block 1909 : sandbagCornerDMG1 to 493 : signRoadSpeed55

placeholder block 1910 : sandbagCorner2 to 494 : signRoadSpeed65

placeholder block 1911 : sandbagCorner2DMG1 to 495 : signRoadStop

placeholder block 1913 : sandbag_5DMG1 to 496 : signRoadStop4way

changed block 1580 : plainsCurb to 481 : signRoadDestinationsWest

changed block 1583 : plainsCNRCurb to 482 : signInfoCenter


all tree's will become tree_random_helper (small,medium,large) after convertion (just already prepared them for it)


detailed list will come with the next CP-update


I have no idea what any of this stuff means but I love seeing progress! :)

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