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A17 Bigger Backpack Mod!


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Hello guys, I was wondering if someone could help me Im using this mod via xpath, It seems to be working as i have the bigger back pack and so on but the console keeps opening saying 'Null Reference Exception, Object reference not set to a instance of an object' Is this normal? I have only the bigger back pack mod running also changed the progression slightly so it didnt feel as grindy as i dont have much time on my hands anymore : <progression>

<level max_level="300" exp_to_level="6000" experience_multiplier="1.0149" skill_points_per_level="2">

<!-- A15 : This is all ive done, Is there something im doing wrong? any help would be appreciated.


That doesn't help. I need the error from your output_log.


That'll state exactly what the NRE is.

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Search for these in your entityclasses.xml and make they are set to 18 and 45. If they are not then the mod won't modify them properly.

<passive_effect name="CarryCapacity" operation="base_set" value="18"/>

<passive_effect name="BagSize" operation="base_set" value="45"/>

Odds are you had a non modlet mod that changed them at some point.


Edit:The one in your data folder not the mods

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Do as scwanobi said. But the modlet isn't applying. Going by your output.log.


Not at puter atm so can't check the modlet itself but khaines pretty spot on with his stuff.


If what scwanobi mentioned isn't it I would validate files and try again on fresh files in case something got warped.

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Khaines xpath is like this for the 60 slot pack.

<set xpath="/entity_classes/entity_class[@name=playerMale]/effect_group/passive_effect[@name=CarryCapacity][@value=18]/@value">32</set>

<set xpath="/entity_classes/entity_class[@name=playerMale]/effect_group/passive_effect[@name=BagSize][@value=45]/@value">60</set>

I think you could also remove the [@value=18] and [@value=45] parts from his mod and that should make it modify the carry capacity and bag size regardless of the current values.

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I changed this :


<passive_effect name="CarryCapacity" operation="base_set" value="32"/>

<passive_effect name="BagSize" operation="base_set" value="60"/> <!-- number of slots on the inventory UI -->


to this :


<passive_effect name="CarryCapacity" operation="base_set" value="18"/>

<passive_effect name="BagSize" operation="base_set" value="45"/> <!-- number of slots on the inventory UI -->


still getting the same error.


cant paste bin as the file is too big.

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Looks like his progression.xml also looks for default values. Here is the values that it is looking for. He didn't modify level 3 or 4


<passive_effect name="CarryCapacity" operation="base_add" value="4" level="1"/>

<passive_effect name="CarryCapacity" operation="base_add" value="9" level="2"/>

<passive_effect name="CarryCapacity" operation="base_add" value="27" level="5"/>


If you haven't changed much in the data folder than as stallionsden said, it might be easier to verify file integrity in steam so that it can restore all the files to default. I mutilate my files pretty bad so its generally a last resort for me. As for the file being too large, search for the mod name in the log and that should bring you to the first instance of the error. Copy several lines before and after that and it might give us an idea if it is the same nre or if it hit a different snag in the mod. I really wish there was a way to tell the game to halt all operations if it hits the same error 3 or 4 times. That would make the logs a lot less massive.

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I noticed while playing that I couldn't move at all anymore when having like maybe 20 items into the encumbered slots, eventho I still got plenty of rows of slots open. So I feel like some values need to be changed? Using the 96 xpath mod with ui

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  • 2 months later...

Thanks for your efforts.


Is this one (on OP) still valid? I used the first link and added it to my install, but got a lot of errors on start-up and repeated errors during play - it was impossible to continue.


I used the backpack mods since about A12, so I'm used to editing the files myself - just wanted to try this ready made one first.


I'll try the x-path one before I do my own editing.

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Xpath one should work absolutely fine. Last time I checked, which I think is when 17.2 came out, it still worked :)


Thanks - not yet working for me, but I will try again with all sizes starting from smallest to largest and see what happens.


If all fail, I'll get my editor out...



Edit: Okay, it's working, with a new game. Thanks again :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

OK, I'm pretty sure nobody has mentioned this. Odd as it's an issue that kinda kills the game. Anyways, the encumbered buff uses a multiplier to slow the character down. It takes the current number of locked slots that are filled and multiplies it by 0.026. The 60 slot backpack probably never ran into the problem, but I know that the 96 slot does. The 96 slot backpack has 51 locked slots for lack of a better term. That multiplied by 0.026 equals ~1.35 which I take to mean a 135% slowdown as my character could not move at all. Actually the screen does a sort of zoom thing like the bow does. If you go into the buffs file and search for the encumbered buff you can change that value to 0.014 which will revert it back to a value much more in line with the original 70% total slowdown though it'll be a couple percent more. Here's the code:


<triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffUpdate" action="ModifyCVar" cvar="$encumbranceEffect" target="self" operation="multiply" value="0.014"/> <!--0.026% X 27 = 0.70-->

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  • 1 month later...

BUGFIX "Khaine's 96-slot Bigger Backpack Mod" Encumbrance Error


As any edits to the existing Buffs.xml game file will be invalidated with each and every game update a better option to fix the Encumbrance bug is to follow either the Automatic or Manual bugfix to the XPath mod as outlined below.


Bugfix has been testes and confirmed working for Alpha 17.4 Stable




Install the original "A17 - 96 Slot Backpack Mod (Using XPath)" or "A17 - 96 Slot Backpack Mod, with Food and Water indicators on the UI. (Using XPath)".


Download the following BUGFIX patch file...




Extract the contents and copy the "KHA17-96BBMFW" folder into your "\Steam\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\Mods\" folder choosing yes to overwrite.







Install the original "A17 - 96 Slot Backpack Mod (Using XPath)" or "A17 - 96 Slot Backpack Mod, with Food and Water indicators on the UI. (Using XPath)".


Browse to your "\Steam\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\Mods\KHA17-96BBMFW\Config\" folder.


Create a new text document called Buffs.xml in this folder (Remember you need to have 'view file extensions for known file types' activated in windows explorer in order to rename an existing files extension).


Open this new blank Buffs.xml file and copy the following code into it...


   <!-- Make Encumberence Debuff percentage lower to accomodate more locked inventory slots -->
<set xpath="/buffs/buff[@name='buffEncumberedInv']/effect_group/triggered_effect[@cvar='$encumbranceEffect'][@value='0.026']/@value">0.013</set>


Save the file.





All thanks go to original author KhaineGB.


KhaineGB please feel free to include this bugfix in an updated version of your mod at your earliest convenience and thanks for the cool Mod.




BUGFIX patch for KhaineGB - A17 96 Slot Backpack Mod XPATH.zip

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  • 2 weeks later...
you must edit the progression.xml packmule perk.

I use a 144 inventory mod and the 2 things i edit to fit my backpack (with the packmule perk) are from entities.xml:


<passive_effect name="CarryCapacity" operation="base_set" value="54"/>


So i start with 58 non-enc slots and in progression.xml in the packmule perk :


<passive_effect name="CarryCapacity" operation="base_add" value="18" level="1"/>
<passive_effect name="CarryCapacity" operation="base_add" value="36" level="2"/>
<passive_effect name="CarryCapacity" operation="base_add" value="54" level="3"/>
<passive_effect name="CarryCapacity" operation="base_add" value="72" level="4"/>
<passive_effect name="CarryCapacity" operation="base_add" value="90" level="5"/>


so with each perk i add i ended with a +1 line in my inventory (8x18)


Here is a screenshot


OFC for the 144 inventory to fit i moved around some elements that got in the way like the output of workstations, fuff list in character window etc.




Edit: I'm a hoarder so i changed the vehicle slots too and the player made chest ;p


you have the modlet from 120 slot backpack?, i needed i try to search a modlet but nothing, only 96 slots or 375 slots please helpme!!

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