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XPath Modding Explanation Thread


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I have done a lot of xml modding in the past, but I am new to this xpath method. I'm making a mod that speeds up character progression a little bit. Can someone tell me if I'm doing this right?


I wanted to change the XP curve from 1.0149 to 1.01, so I think this is what I want to do for progression.xml:


<set xpath="/progression[@level]/@experience_multiplier">1.01</set>


And I wanted to add a skill point reward for finding the trader, so I think this is what I want to do for quests.xml:


<append xpath="/quests/quest[@id='quest_whiteRiverCitizen1']">
	<reward type="SkillPoints" value="1" />


Edit: I tested these changes, and the extra point for finding the trader is definitely working. I can't tell about the change in the XP curve. My math isn't coming out right for the amount needed to go from lvl 2 to lvl 3.

Edited by dhlmaster (see edit history)
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I'm trying to get rid of all gravel... I hate gravel... Will the following work?

<setattribute xpath="/worldgeneration/biomes/biome/subbiome/layers/layer/resource[@blockname='terrOreGravelPlusIron']" name="blockname">terrOreIron</set>


Basically a block to replace any "gravelpluswhatever' with orewhatever. Above is the iron example, I'll have more lines for the other resources, but the main issue is not knowing if I can change the attribute that I then want to override.


Edit: Okay I tested it and the above worked great.

Edited by Buggi (see edit history)
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Do you need to do something special before you try to utilize something that you append with xpath?


I'm adding a new entity template here, and then trying to utilize it, but I get the following error. This is for my Friendly Animal mod.


2018-11-28T22:39:27 12.539 ERR XML loader: Loading and parsing 'entityclasses.xml' failed
2018-11-28T22:39:27 12.539 EXC Did not find 'extends' entity 'animalTemplateFriendly'
Exception: Did not find 'extends' entity 'animalTemplateFriendly'
 at EntityClassesFromXml.LoadEntityClasses (.XmlFile _xmlFile) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
 at WorldStaticData+<loadSingleXml>c__Iterator1.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0


That error happens when I do:


<append xpath="/entity_classes">
       <entity_class name="animalTemplateFriendly">
       	<property name="Tags" value="animal"/>
               <!-- snip -->
       	<property name="MapIcon" value="ui_game_symbol_bullet_point"/>

<!-- animalBear -->
   <set xpath="/entity_classes/entity_class[@name='animalBear']/@extends">animalTemplateFriendly</set>


The moment I try to call the entity_class animalTemplateFriendly that I just added like there with animalBear, it bombs out with the above error.


Anyone have any idea why?



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Do you need to do something special before you try to utilize something that you append with xpath?


I'm adding a new entity template here, and then trying to utilize it, but I get the following error. This is for my Friendly Animal mod.


2018-11-28T22:39:27 12.539 ERR XML loader: Loading and parsing 'entityclasses.xml' failed
2018-11-28T22:39:27 12.539 EXC Did not find 'extends' entity 'animalTemplateFriendly'
Exception: Did not find 'extends' entity 'animalTemplateFriendly'
 at EntityClassesFromXml.LoadEntityClasses (.XmlFile _xmlFile) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
 at WorldStaticData+<loadSingleXml>c__Iterator1.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0


That error happens when I do:


<append xpath="/entity_classes">
       <entity_class name="animalTemplateFriendly">
       	<property name="Tags" value="animal"/>
               <!-- snip -->
       	<property name="MapIcon" value="ui_game_symbol_bullet_point"/>

<!-- animalBear -->
   <set xpath="/entity_classes/entity_class[@name='animalBear']/@extends">animalTemplateFriendly</set>


The moment I try to call the entity_class animalTemplateFriendly that I just added like there with animalBear, it bombs out with the above error.


Anyone have any idea why?




That happens because the animalBear probably appears before the animalTemplateFriendly.


Instead of an append, which puts your animalTemplateFriendly at the bottom of the entityclasses.xml, try an insertBefore

<insertBefore xpath="/entity_classes/entity_class[@name='animalBear']" >
    <entity_class name="animalTemplateFriendly" >
               <!-- snip -->


- - - Updated - - -


I'm trying to get rid of all gravel... I hate gravel... Will the following work?

<setattribute xpath="/worldgeneration/biomes/biome/subbiome/layers/layer/resource[@blockname='terrOreGravelPlusIron']" name="blockname">terrOreIron</set>


Basically a block to replace any "gravelpluswhatever' with orewhatever. Above is the iron example, I'll have more lines for the other resources, but the main issue is not knowing if I can change the attribute that I then want to override.


Edit: Okay I tested it and the above worked great.


Interesting. Glad it worked. I don't think what you pasted would have been your final line though. It's probably something like:


<set xpath="/worldgeneration/biomes/biome/subbiome/layers/layer/resource[@blockname='terrOreGravelPlusIron']/@blockname">terrOreIron</set> 


<Setattribute> can add a new attribute that does not exist. Maybe it updates the value if its found to exist. But your starting tag of <setattribute> wasn't matching your ending tag of </set>

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Bro this is driving me crazy lol I am seeing in the posts some using <config> and others using <configs> which should we be using lol sorry want to make sure it's all in line.


Also I am not sure how to handle this and hoping you can tell me the best way to do this. I am adding about 95 new entities and and not really sure with the entitiesgroup.xml how should I take care of this? Here is what I mean, adding the new entities to each group easy.


The part I am not sure how to deal with this is alllllll the Sleeper generated and Horde generated codes at the bottom that HUGE LONG list. I mean I know I have to do it if I want the new entities in different game stages to appear properly. Would we really have to remove each and every single one of those or is there a faster way for that?

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Bro this is driving me crazy lol I am seeing in the posts some using <config> and others using <configs> which should we be using lol sorry want to make sure it's all in line.


Also I am not sure how to handle this and hoping you can tell me the best way to do this. I am adding about 95 new entities and and not really sure with the entitiesgroup.xml how should I take care of this? Here is what I mean, adding the new entities to each group easy.


The part I am not sure how to deal with this is alllllll the Sleeper generated and Horde generated codes at the bottom that HUGE LONG list. I mean I know I have to do it if I want the new entities in different game stages to appear properly. Would we really have to remove each and every single one of those or is there a faster way for that?


The top level that you are seeing <configs> and <config> are what's called a root node for an XML file. It can nearly be anything (except for leading with numbers...). I try to use <configs> because that's brought over from SDX, but as long as your opening node and closing tag matches, it doesn't really matter.


  <!-- all your xml changes -->


Can you be more specific about what you are trying to do? Are you trying to add 95 new entities to a single group, or scattered about? If you can give me an example of what you'd like to see, I'd be able to help more.

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The top level that you are seeing <configs> and <config> are what's called a root node for an XML file. It can nearly be anything (except for leading with numbers...). I try to use <configs> because that's brought over from SDX, but as long as your opening node and closing tag matches, it doesn't really matter.


  <!-- all your xml changes -->


Can you be more specific about what you are trying to do? Are you trying to add 95 new entities to a single group, or scattered about? If you can give me an example of what you'd like to see, I'd be able to help more.


I have 95 new entities/Zs that I have created. I know I can amend each of the groups - Like ZombiesAll etc etc. I did all that with A16 then I used that Google Spreadsheet to add them in for the generated like bloodmoon and hordes and sleepers. And as we all know thats a HUGE chunk of data especially if you're adding in 95 more Zs to the game. - again did all that with A16 and worked BEAUTIFULLY with no issues, Bloodmoon nights were amazing, seeing upwards of 60 different Zs coming at you and different types of waves.


Now with A17, I wanted to create that same experience using the Mod System. But how to do we change the Generated Code from the spreadsheet? Meaning I have the generated code that's easy to do. What I want to know for those random generated sections on the vanilla file, is there an easy way to remove that entire chunk so I can just amend and insert the new code.


What I fear is would have to MANUALLY add each and remove them like <entitygroup name="wanderingHordeStageGS1"> and <entitygroup name="wanderingHordeStageGS2"> and so on and so on. That would suck major monkey #$%^ if that's the case because there has to be literally over 1000+ easy with all those generated sections. On the entitygroups.xml line 351 is where all that starts and ends all the way to the bottom line 1875


I don't know if there is a magic solution for this to remove that entire data so that we can just add the new data of the new generated parts.

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I have 95 new entities/Zs that I have created. I know I can amend each of the groups - Like ZombiesAll etc etc. I did all that with A16 then I used that Google Spreadsheet to add them in for the generated like bloodmoon and hordes and sleepers. And as we all know thats a HUGE chunk of data especially if you're adding in 95 more Zs to the game. - again did all that with A16 and worked BEAUTIFULLY with no issues, Bloodmoon nights were amazing, seeing upwards of 60 different Zs coming at you and different types of waves.


Now with A17, I wanted to create that same experience using the Mod System. But how to do we change the Generated Code from the spreadsheet? Meaning I have the generated code that's easy to do. What I want to know for those random generated sections on the vanilla file, is there an easy way to remove that entire chunk so I can just amend and insert the new code.


What I fear is would have to MANUALLY add each and remove them like <entitygroup name="wanderingHordeStageGS1"> and <entitygroup name="wanderingHordeStageGS2"> and so on and so on. That would suck major monkey #$%^ if that's the case because there has to be literally over 1000+ easy with all those generated sections. On the entitygroups.xml line 351 is where all that starts and ends all the way to the bottom line 1875


I don't know if there is a magic solution for this to remove that entire data so that we can just add the new data of the new generated parts.


You could probably do a <remove xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup" />, and re-append the entire file. I'm not sure what the format of your game stage is in.

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You could probably do a <remove xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup" />, and re-append the entire file. I'm not sure what the format of your game stage is in.


So using that, that basically removes the entire file? and I would just use append and just basically add the entire modded file back in basically?

If so, that's even better at least for me that is lol

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So using that, that basically removes the entire file? and I would just use append and just basically add the entire modded file back in basically?

If so, that's even better at least for me that is lol


It's not the most elegant way, but if you are already generating replacement nodes, it's certainly a way to do it. It'd probably wouldn't be compatible with many other modlets, unless they loaded after your nuke.

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It's not the most elegant way, but if you are already generating replacement nodes, it's certainly a way to do it. It'd probably wouldn't be compatible with many other modlets, unless they loaded after your nuke.


I am not worried about that, my mod is for my personal server. Haven't thought about actually releasing it to the public.



Below is something I wanted to make sure I did correctly. So with b208 the TFP took out the ability to upgrade to stainless steel - well I am adding it back in. I wanted to make sure for the SteelPolish I added in correctly or can I slim the code down a bit? do I need to list all of those or is there a way to add to the end of that list?



<set xpath="/items/item/property[@class='Action1']/property[@name='Allowed_upgrade_items'][@value='resourceWood,resourceClayLump,resourceSnowBall,resourceScrapIron,resourceForgedIron,resourceForgedSteel,resourceConcreteMix,resourceCobblestones,resourceYuccaFibers,resourceNail']/@value">,resourceSteelPolish</set>

<remove xpath="/items/item/[@name='resourceSteelPolish']/property[@name='CreativeMode']" />



<append xpath="/blocks/block[@name='steelMaster']">
	<property class="UpgradeBlock">
		<property name="ToBlock" value="stainlessSteelMaster"/>
		<property name="Item" value="resourceSteelPolish"/>
		<property name="ItemCount" value="10"/>
		<property name="UpgradeHitCount" value="4"/>


Keep in mind this is my first attempt at using the xpath way of modding. I believe I did it correctly.

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I am not worried about that, my mod is for my personal server. Haven't thought about actually releasing it to the public.



Below is something I wanted to make sure I did correctly. So with b208 the TFP took out the ability to upgrade to stainless steel - well I am adding it back in. I wanted to make sure for the SteelPolish I added in correctly or can I slim the code down a bit? do I need to list all of those or is there a way to add to the end of that list?



<set xpath="/items/item/property[@class='Action1']/property[@name='Allowed_upgrade_items'][@value='resourceWood,resourceClayLump,resourceSnowBall,resourceScrapIron,resourceForgedIron,resourceForgedSteel,resourceConcreteMix,resourceCobblestones,resourceYuccaFibers,resourceNail']/@value">,resourceSteelPolish</set>

<remove xpath="/items/item/[@name='resourceSteelPolish']/property[@name='CreativeMode']" />



<append xpath="/blocks/block[@name='steelMaster']">
	<property class="UpgradeBlock">
		<property name="ToBlock" value="stainlessSteelMaster"/>
		<property name="Item" value="resourceSteelPolish"/>
		<property name="ItemCount" value="10"/>
		<property name="UpgradeHitCount" value="4"/>


Keep in mind this is my first attempt at using the xpath way of modding. I believe I did it correctly.


Your set could be replaced by this:


<append xpath="/items/item/property[@class='Action1']/property[@name='Allowed_upgrade_items']/@value">,resourceSteelPolish</append>

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Your set could be replaced by this:


<append xpath="/items/item/property[@class='Action1']/property[@name='Allowed_upgrade_items']/@value">,resourceSteelPolish</append>


The only problem is if I used that, there is one item "meleeToolHoeIron" that, it would also attach that change to. I think it would be kind of strange seeing someone upgrading Steel with a Garden Hoe LOL, maybe I am wrong :p


The other tools would be fine because they all have exactly what I put in as far as upgrading goes, the hammer, nailgun, wrench and stoneaxe.

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The only problem is if I used that, there is one item "meleeToolHoeIron" that, it would also attach that change to. I think it would be kind of strange seeing someone upgrading Steel with a Garden Hoe LOL, maybe I am wrong :p


The other tools would be fine because they all have exactly what I put in as far as upgrading goes, the hammer, nailgun, wrench and stoneaxe.


if you wanted to explicitly exclude the meleeToolHoeIron, you could add a condition.

/items/item[@name != 'meleeToolHoeIron']/property[@class='Action1']/property[@name='Allowed_upgrade_items']/@value

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Awwwww snap, ok ok I see your style lol loving it!


I was getting an error with this part though

<remove xpath="/items/item/[@name='resourceSteelPolish']/property[@name='CreativeMode']" />

Does that not remove the property with that name on the item? or did I screw that up somehow.

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Awwwww snap, ok ok I see your style lol loving it!


I was getting an error with this part though

<remove xpath="/items/item/[@name='resourceSteelPolish']/property[@name='CreativeMode']" />

Does that not remove the property with that name on the item? or did I screw that up somehow.


Try removing the slash between item and [@name



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Awwwww snap, ok ok I see your style lol loving it!


I was getting an error with this part though

<remove xpath="/items/item/[@name='resourceSteelPolish']/property[@name='CreativeMode']" />

Does that not remove the property with that name on the item? or did I screw that up somehow.


Took me awhile to spot, but you have an extra / after item, it should be

<remove xpath="/items/item[@name='resourceSteelPolish']/property[@name='CreativeMode']" />


You could also just change the value of CreativeMode like this instead of removing it

<set xpath="/items/item[@name='resourceSteelPolish']/property[@name='CreativeMode']/@value">Player</set>

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So I tried adding in an item using the xpath and it throws an error and doesn't parse the items.xml file at line 16, expects item but doesn't find it. Am I just derping the code or can I not extend an item referenced in the original items.xml using xpath?

The line referenced in the error is the first </property> after <property class="Action0">.


<!-- <property name="" value=""/> -->
<append xpath="/items">

	<!-- Van Helsing Crossbow -->
	<item name="gunCrossbowVanHelsing">
		<property name="Extends" value="gunCrossbow"/>
			<property name="CustomIcon" value="gunCrossbow"/><property name="CustomIconTint" value="ffff66"/>
			<property name="EconomicValue" value="1000"/>
			<property name="RepairTools" value="resourceRepairKit"/>
			<property class="Action0"/>
				<property name="Class" value="Ranged"/>
				<property name="Delay" value="0.4"/>
				<property name="Magazine_items" value="ammoCrossbowBoltStone,ammoCrossbowBoltIron, ammoCrossbowBoltSteelAP"/>
			<effect_group name="Base Effects">
				<passive_effect name="MagazineSize" operation="base_set" value="20"/>
				<passive_effect name="EntityDamage" operation="perc_add" value=".59"/>
				<passive_effect name="SpreadDegreesVertical" operation="base_set" value="1.62"/>
				<passive_effect name="SpreadDegreesHorizontal" operation="base_set" value="1.62"/>
				<passive_effect name="SpreadMultiplierAiming" operation="base_set" value=".10"/>
				<passive_effect name="SpreadMultiplierCrouching" operation="base_set" value=".8"/>
				<passive_effect name="SpreadMultiplierWalking" operation="base_set" value="1.5"/>
				<passive_effect name="SpreadMultiplierRunning" operation="base_set" value="2.2"/>


Edit: this is just me trying to get proof of concept, plan on adding more stuff but wanna see it in game before I go full on coding in the perk requirements etc

Edited by METALmurderer (see edit history)
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Interesting. Glad it worked. I don't think what you pasted would have been your final line though. It's probably something like:


<set xpath="/worldgeneration/biomes/biome/subbiome/layers/layer/resource[@blockname='terrOreGravelPlusIron']/@blockname">terrOreIron</set> 


<Setattribute> can add a new attribute that does not exist. Maybe it updates the value if its found to exist. But your starting tag of <setattribute> wasn't matching your ending tag of </set>


Actually it worked as I typed it, I did fix the </set> to </setattribute> as that was a typo.


Is there a way to see how the game changes the files? A sort of dump for the data files it has after merging all changes? That way I can see just how it changes the line.

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Actually it worked as I typed it, I did fix the </set> to </setattribute> as that was a typo.


Is there a way to see how the game changes the files? A sort of dump for the data files it has after merging all changes? That way I can see just how it changes the line.


Once in game, type in the console: exportcurrentconfigs


It'll save them to your saved game folder under %APPDATA%. Delete the folder, if you want to re-run the same command in the same world.


- - - Updated - - -


So I tried adding in an item using the xpath and it throws an error and doesn't parse the items.xml file at line 16, expects item but doesn't find it. Am I just derping the code or can I not extend an item referenced in the original items.xml using xpath?

The line referenced in the error is the first </property> after <property class="Action0">.


<!-- <property name="" value=""/> -->
<append xpath="/items">

	<!-- Van Helsing Crossbow -->
	<item name="gunCrossbowVanHelsing">
		<property name="Extends" value="gunCrossbow"/>
			<property name="CustomIcon" value="gunCrossbow"/><property name="CustomIconTint" value="ffff66"/>
			<property name="EconomicValue" value="1000"/>
			<property name="RepairTools" value="resourceRepairKit"/>
			<property class="Action0"/>
				<property name="Class" value="Ranged"/>
				<property name="Delay" value="0.4"/>
				<property name="Magazine_items" value="ammoCrossbowBoltStone,ammoCrossbowBoltIron, ammoCrossbowBoltSteelAP"/>
			<effect_group name="Base Effects">
				<passive_effect name="MagazineSize" operation="base_set" value="20"/>
				<passive_effect name="EntityDamage" operation="perc_add" value=".59"/>
				<passive_effect name="SpreadDegreesVertical" operation="base_set" value="1.62"/>
				<passive_effect name="SpreadDegreesHorizontal" operation="base_set" value="1.62"/>
				<passive_effect name="SpreadMultiplierAiming" operation="base_set" value=".10"/>
				<passive_effect name="SpreadMultiplierCrouching" operation="base_set" value=".8"/>
				<passive_effect name="SpreadMultiplierWalking" operation="base_set" value="1.5"/>
				<passive_effect name="SpreadMultiplierRunning" operation="base_set" value="2.2"/>


Edit: this is just me trying to get proof of concept, plan on adding more stuff but wanna see it in game before I go full on coding in the perk requirements etc


Maybe the order is getting confused.


change your append to insertAfter

<insertAfter xpath="/items/item[@name='gunCrossbow']" >
 <!-- your stuff -->


That'll insert it after the gunCrossbow.

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Have my new weapon ready to go, just no icon showing for it in game. Copied the template for the MR10.


The weapon shows up when you use it, just no icon.

I'd rather not extract the icon from the files, it's using the exact same one as the MR10.

Is there a way to just tack that in, or do I have to do the extract?


nvm, custom icon command, told it just to use the MR10 and it's fixed.

Edited by canadianbluebeer (see edit history)
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That happens because the animalBear probably appears before the animalTemplateFriendly.


Instead of an append, which puts your animalTemplateFriendly at the bottom of the entityclasses.xml, try an insertBefore

<insertBefore xpath="/entity_classes/entity_class[@name='animalBear']" >
    <entity_class name="animalTemplateFriendly" >
               <!-- snip -->


Thanks shpereii, that worked! I should have realized that there was a reason more than readability that templates appeared before the entities using them! :D

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Should add a note about that 'exportcurrentconfigs' command to the OP's to help debug issues people may be having.


What does that do, does it output a more verbose log of the parsing of the xpath entries?


7 Days To Die/7DaysToDie_Data contains output logs at least which are more verbose for general logging, but don't seem to be more verbose for xpath issues specifically in comparison to what the console already tells you.

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What does that do, does it output a more verbose log of the parsing of the xpath entries?


7 Days To Die/7DaysToDie_Data contains output logs at least which are more verbose for general logging, but don't seem to be more verbose for xpath issues specifically in comparison to what the console already tells you.


Xpath gets applied when the game and worlds load. Seeing what the final XML looks like can help figure out when things don't go right. However, it'll only be useful if your changes were not fatal to the XML parsing.

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