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Simple Question thanks for your time


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maybe i didn't fully understand about "stepping on the block"....


it seems this may work:

<property name="CorpseBlockChance" value="0"/>


If you specify a block, it is converted into a block that has no loot. But, i didn't check for a complete disappearance.

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maybe i didn't fully understand about "stepping on the block"....


it seems this may work:

<property name="CorpseBlockChance" value="0"/>


If you specify a block, it is converted into a block that has no loot. But, i didn't check for a complete disappearance.


oh wait sorry no , this isnt what i meant.. what i am meaning to do is., when a zombie steps on this block they will die.. I have got that far.. thats easy..


But it leaves a corpse. I dont want players running to it and looting those corpses.. so i just want them to step on the block and disappear.

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maybe i didn't fully understand about "stepping on the block"....


it seems this may work:

<property name="CorpseBlockChance" value="0"/>


If you specify a block, it is converted into a block that has no loot. But, i didn't check for a complete disappearance.


ok basically what I did is I removed the goreblocks from zombies so all they do is drop a body to loot, then disappear.

I set a buff on a block to where it will instant kill a zombie if they step on it.. (zombie only)


only problem i have is players will run out and loot them so.. it works to my liking cept that one part

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Could always change the lootlist on death.

<property name="LootListOnDeath" value="15"/>

I think change it to value="10" which is the player made storage chest.

At most they'll get is cobwebs for their efforts, but it'll also remove "all loot" from zeds as well.

If that's what you're going for.

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Could always change the lootlist on death.

<property name="LootListOnDeath" value="15"/>

I think change it to value="10" which is the player made storage chest.

At most they'll get is cobwebs for their efforts, but it'll also remove "all loot" from zeds as well.

If that's what you're going for.


Thats a great idea... but i wouldnt put that on the block right? would i put that on the buff? sorta confused on how that would work

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Thats a great idea... but i wouldnt put that on the block right? would i put that on the buff? sorta confused on how that would work


Directly on the entities, in the entityclasses.xml.

They should have that property line already present for most of them.


From entityclasses.xml

<entity_class name="zombieBoeFeral" extends="zombieBoe">
<property name="HandItem" value="handZombieFeral"/>
<property name="MaxHealth" value="400"/>
<property name="ExperienceGain" value="1556"/>
<property name="ApproachSpeed" value="1.35"/>
<property name="NightApproachSpeed" value="1.35"/>
[color="#00FF00"]<property name="LootListOnDeath" value="38"/>[/color]
<property name="ReplaceMaterial1" value="entities/zombies/materials/feral_eye"/>
<drop event="Harvest" name="rottingFlesh" tool_category="Butcher" count="0"/>

So you should only need to change the value on them.

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Directly on the entities, in the entityclasses.xml.

They should have that property line already present for most of them.


From entityclasses.xml

<entity_class name="zombieBoeFeral" extends="zombieBoe">
<property name="HandItem" value="handZombieFeral"/>
<property name="MaxHealth" value="400"/>
<property name="ExperienceGain" value="1556"/>
<property name="ApproachSpeed" value="1.35"/>
<property name="NightApproachSpeed" value="1.35"/>
[color="#00FF00"]<property name="LootListOnDeath" value="38"/>[/color]
<property name="ReplaceMaterial1" value="entities/zombies/materials/feral_eye"/>
<drop event="Harvest" name="rottingFlesh" tool_category="Butcher" count="0"/>

So you should only need to change the value on them.


Oh! but I only want that to change if they step on that block.. not forever. All I am trying to do is have a safe area for my players so that a horde doesnt come wipe them out while they are shopping etc. If i change the lootlist then it will be all the time.

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Changing the lootlistondeath would mean the zombie has that loot list no matter how it dies.


So that's not a particularly good way to do it.


Which might be why I added:


Could always change the lootlist on death.

<property name="LootListOnDeath" value="15"/>

I think change it to value="10" which is the player made storage chest.

At most they'll get is cobwebs for their efforts, but it'll also remove "all loot" from zeds as well.

If that's what you're going for.


Because what they are asking for wasn't clear to me...

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I missed that bit... I blame this headache (and I don't mean the wife, for once) ;)


What about using the PlantGrowing class with GrowOnTop on the block? So basically every X seconds (or whatever) it grows an "Air" block on top of it. Would that over-write the currently existing corpse block and thus get rid of it?

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I missed that bit... I blame this headache (and I don't mean the wife, for once) ;)


What about using the PlantGrowing class with GrowOnTop on the block? So basically every X seconds (or whatever) it grows an "Air" block on top of it. Would that over-write the currently existing corpse block and thus get rid of it?


It's all good. We all have our moments.


idk? but it sounds like a fun experiment to try xD

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I missed that bit... I blame this headache (and I don't mean the wife, for once) ;)


What about using the PlantGrowing class with GrowOnTop on the block? So basically every X seconds (or whatever) it grows an "Air" block on top of it. Would that over-write the currently existing corpse block and thus get rid of it?


Too bad you cant define this in a buff to where it would change the lootlist itself or even the class .. I think the only thing you can change in a buff are stats? I dunno

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I don't know either... but my brain is telling me that's logically how it'd work.


My only concern is the potential for lag if there's a LOT of blocks updating.


How about making the trap do over damage? I don't recall if they fixed that, to where it destroys the entity completely?

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I think it did get fixed.


HOWEVER I did think that duplicating the dart trap block, with it's own ammo and pointing it to fire up might work. So zombie steps on, buff kills it (so entity damage on the ammo can be set to 0) and then set the block damage of the ammo super high so it destroys corpse blocks in 1 shot.


Downside to this idea... needs ammo and power.

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How about making the trap do over damage? I don't recall if they fixed that, to where it destroys the entity completely?


Im going to try that because for some reason I dont think it was fixed. I was using a shotgun the other day, that i Modded and I would blast them straight into corpse blocks.. let me check and see and ill verify it still works

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I think it did get fixed.


HOWEVER I did think that duplicating the dart trap block, with it's own ammo and pointing it to fire up might work. So zombie steps on, buff kills it (so entity damage on the ammo can be set to 0) and then set the block damage of the ammo super high so it destroys corpse blocks in 1 shot.


Downside to this idea... needs ammo and power.


this wont work because it still leaves the initial zombie body.

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Then if over-damage from weapons works, you'll have to have the ammo do an obscene amount of entitydamage as WELL as blockdamage and tell your players not to step on the blocks. ;)


overdamage does not work.. :( it works if you shoot it with a shotgun repeatedly .. but you cant tell a block to keep shooting a dead body

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Then if over-damage from weapons works, you'll have to have the ammo do an obscene amount of entitydamage as WELL as blockdamage and tell your players not to step on the blocks. ;)


Oh btw just so you know, you can set a buff to only zombies are effected. So I wouldnt have to tell players anything.


<buff id="zkill" mutex="isPlayer" duration="9000" stack="reset" >

<modify id="1" stat="health" amount="-1000" rate="0.01"/>



The mutex="isPlayer"

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serveral servermanagers offer hostile free zones. Depending if they kill or despawn(this is what you want) thats about the only way i know.




Yes exactly what i want :) could you point me in the right direction please! :) that would help out greatly

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