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Graphics card support help


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I have had the console version for probably around a year now and i am hooked on the game. Console version lacking tons of things that the PC version had made me want to switch a long time ago, and i finally did this weekend. Or at least i tried. I have the FX 8320 8 core CPU and a Raedon 6970 GPU with 16 gb of DDR3 RAM, so the system is a little outdated but it should still be fine to run this game. I have windows 10 32 bit OS.


So the problem i am having is DirectX related. Boot up the game and it immediately crashes. I downloaded a benchmark program which also crashed and game me an error, when looking up this error is when i found that it is directly related to DirectX not working properly. I tried uninstalling the card and reinstalled the drivers directly from AMD website (Latest update was Feb 2016...) and still not working. So i can only assume that the drivers are too old for this card and do not support DirectX 12 that comes with windows 10? This is my guess anyways. Does anyone have any thoughts or suggestions? I am apparently getting a new (to me) GPU for xmas from my gf. I am just going to have her get me a 1050 ti since that card should be plenty to run this game. I dont PC game AT ALL and will most likely only be playing this game. Should i try to dig into the problem further or just wait for a new card?

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So i can only assume that the drivers are too old for this card and do not support DirectX 12 that comes with windows 10? This is my guess anyways.

I guess not. Your card supports up to dx11 and 7d2d doesn't need dx12, otherwise it wouldn't even run under windows 7. 2GB memory is also enough. I don't know if the game will run good on your gpu but it should at least start.


Maybe it helps if you post the complete logfile here (at least related to your last try to start the game).


Have you tried to reinstall DX?

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I guess not. Your card supports up to dx11 and 7d2d doesn't need dx12, otherwise it wouldn't even run under windows 7. 2GB memory is also enough. I don't know if the game will run good on your gpu but it should at least start.


Maybe it helps if you post the complete logfile here (at least related to your last try to start the game).


Have you tried to reinstall DX?


Windows 10 comes with Direct X pre installed as part of the OS, you cant uninstall it as far as i can tell. I did try to install latest version form microsoft and my computer was already updated. I looked into reverting it to 11 but no luck. I am not sure how to pull the log file

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If your Windows 10 is in fact running in 32bit, then you only have 3.2GB of usable ram which isn't enough to run this game (common mistake ppl make when installing Windows). Reinstall your OS in x64 and you'll be able to run this game just fine at medium graphics settings and be able to utilize the full 16GB of ram. Your graphics card does hold you back quite a bit, but otherwise, you have a pretty decent computer setup. And a 1050ti isn't much better than the graphics card you currently have. Your next GPU upgrade should at least be a GTX 1060 3GB which unfortunately are not cheap yet, unless you're ok with buying a used one.


EDIT: There might be a way to convert your x86 OS into x64 without having to reinstall the entire OS, so maybe do some googling if you prefer not to start over with the OS.


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If your Windows 10 is in fact running in 32bit, then you only have 3.2GB of usable ram which isn't enough to run this game (common mistake ppl make when installing Windows). Reinstall your OS in x64 and you'll be able to run this game just fine at medium graphics settings and be able to utilize the full 16GB of ram. Your graphics card does hold you back quite a bit, but otherwise, you have a pretty decent computer setup. And a 1050ti isn't much better than the graphics card you currently have. Your next GPU upgrade should at least be a GTX 1060 3GB which unfortunately are not cheap yet, unless you're ok with buying a used one.


EDIT: There might be a way to convert your x86 OS into x64 without having to reinstall the entire OS, so maybe do some googling if you prefer not to start over with the OS.


Hm, i will definitely have to look into it. I got Windows 10 for free as part of whatever Microsoft did when they offered the free upgrade from 7. So i dont even now if i can reinstall it without having to pay for it.

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Oh, in that case, you're definitely better off to try and see if you can convert over to x64 without having to reinstall Windows. I'm pretty sure I did it once with Windows 7, which means Windows 10 should have the same option. Basically, it's an install file that does it all for you. I haven't done it in forever, so I don't remember any of the specifics anymore.

Ignore this post

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Hm, i will definitely have to look into it. I got Windows 10 for free as part of whatever Microsoft did when they offered the free upgrade from 7. So i dont even now if i can reinstall it without having to pay for it.


From what I remember, you can do a complete re-install, if the migration from 32 bit to 64-bit doesn't work well for you. You would lose everything currently on your machine, so be sure to back up. You can find more information here: https://support.microsoft.com/en-ca/help/4000735/windows-10-reinstall


When Windows 10 upgraded your windows 7, it gave you a free license key that Microsoft has. Once you re-install Windows 10, and connect to the internet, it'll talk to Microsoft and get the key back.

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Thanks everyone. I was able to look this up last night. I wont be able to get into it until this weekend though since it does require some time to back everything up, reinstall Windows, reinstall any/ all drivers, and reinstall any programs i have on the computer. I will report back by next week if this solved the problem. Im honestly hoping it does, i will rock with the graphics card i have until i absolutely cant play anything with it lol

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.. you seriously have Windows 32bit on a PC with a FX 8320, 6970, and 16GB of ram?


How in the world did you manage this? :f

It happens more often than you know. My sister did that with her FX 8320 just last year. The problem is the x86 versions of Windows comes up first in the list of options to choose from. So ppl try to race through it all and just select Windows 7 Home Premium for example and forget to look at the part that says x86.

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Another possible issue is that they are using the Windows GPU driver and not an actual GPU driver. Always download and install the driver from the GPU website.


OpenGL could be selected in the launcher options as well.


Unless you go out of your way to disable automatic installation of drivers via winupdate, this is nearly impossible now.

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Unless you go out of your way to disable automatic installation of drivers via winupdate, this is nearly impossible now.

Ya, I disable all updates on all my computers and I tell everyone else to do the same. Receiving constant updates are just a gimmick. Has there ever been a time when someone said, OMG, that Windows update was amazing? And despite popular beliefs, Windows updates does not fix random computer issues. And some updates are actually really harmful anyways, like that one Windows 10 update that randomly deleted terabytes worth of important files from ppl's computers for no reason at all.

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It worked! Updating to 64 bit version on Windows 10 actually worked. I ran into a snag along the way though, when i started the install it kept telling me my HDD wasnt the correct format type and i had to completely reformat it through the command prompt. Didnt really matter much though since i had to do the fresh install anyways. I keep all of my files on a secondary HDD so nothing was even lost. i have a SSD for the OS, winning! I tried to play for a little bit, but i have never played a computer game before so the controls threw me off, any suggestions for getting used to the keyboard and mouse would be appreciated.

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It worked! Updating to 64 bit version on Windows 10 actually worked. I ran into a snag along the way though, when i started the install it kept telling me my HDD wasnt the correct format type and i had to completely reformat it through the command prompt. Didnt really matter much though since i had to do the fresh install anyways. I keep all of my files on a secondary HDD so nothing was even lost. i have a SSD for the OS, winning! I tried to play for a little bit, but i have never played a computer game before so the controls threw me off, any suggestions for getting used to the keyboard and mouse would be appreciated.

OMG, please tell me you didn't also have your hard drive in FAT32 mode, lol. That's like Windows 98 era.



As for getting used to the controls... time... time will train you. Just don't reconfigure any of the controls as it'll mess you up for any other future games as most games use a very similar layout.

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OMG, please tell me you didn't also have your hard drive in FAT32 mode, lol. That's like Windows 98 era.



As for getting used to the controls... time... time will train you. Just don't reconfigure any of the controls as it'll mess you up for any other future games as most games use a very similar layout.


No haha had nothing to do with FAT 32. I forget exactly what format it said the HDD was and what it needed to be, but when goggling the issue i found some stuff that said it had to do with the amount of partitions the HDD was able to create. Easy fix through the command prompt like i said. People sometimes dont realize how useful google really is, saved my life with this situation because i had NO IDEA what it meant when i first seen the error lol.

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