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Lack of perks related to building


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From the first look at the A17 perks, it appears that there are plenty of perks related to fighting zombies and crafting loot, but I just realized that from just reading the perk list, the only hint that you'd get that 7dtd was a voxel-based game with a fully destructible/buildable environment would be from "Miner 69er"'s "extra block damage" and the "harvesting bonus" that is mentioned in two or three other perks. Since the voxel thing is supposed to be what makes this game unique, I can see why people are saying this game is becoming just another post-apocalyptic RPG (I hear "Fallout 4" a lot, even though I'll admit I don't know much about that game). Obviously a lot of the perks will indeed affect how we build, albeit indirectly through resource management mechanics, but I think we should consider, "Is that enough?".

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I always saw 7D2D like Fallout meets The Walking Dead meets Minecraft. The best of all three franchises. That to me seems where they are and have always been headed in my mind. Maybe that is because I have typically played SP and I think of it more as an RPG than an RTS voxel game.

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It seems they aren´t even aware of the fact that a lot of people like to build a lot in this game. At least Roland was a bit surprised about people who keep on playing only to build stuff, after they maxed everything.


This is me. I love building. I have mentioned from time-to-time that "end game" for me is being able to reclaim a city, having repaired everything and made it nice again.


I guess the one benefit of the new perk tree is that my weapon abilities actually will scale with the zombies. Since I wasn't much of a fighter before, I was behind. Now, I can just buy the perks to make my weapons better.

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And how do you imagine you can improve building through perks in any other way then increasing block damage and reducing crafting time?


You're not going to slap 2+ blocks at once and your only interaction with blocks is either repairing them(different tools) or destroying them(tools+perks).

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And how do you imagine you can improve building through perks in any other way then increasing block damage and reducing crafting time?


You're not going to slap 2+ blocks at once and your only interaction with blocks is either repairing them(different tools) or destroying them(tools+perks).


Why not 2 blocks at once? It would make construction of a base faster.


What about picking up more than wood frames? This would break realism to a certain extent, but that is selectively cheesed throughout the game anyway.


What about higher block health? This one might be a resource drain depending on how they cause the game to remember that the person with this perk placed the block, but maybe it is doable.


(Sorry if any of these happen to be a thing already. I only watched one of Joel's videos so that I could preserve some mystery.)

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Like Katitof said, it is hard to create sensible builder perks, I would guess new building blocks in the game would benefit a builder the most.


But I think the stealth perks could be called a builder perk as well, because you don't want to be disturbed too often by zombies strolling by.


Oh wait, got a few ideas for builder perks: A perk that makes broken legs less likely or heal faster might be useful for builders (Alternative: a parachute item). Or longer reach for putting down blocks.


EDIT: Jedo's idea about higher block health is a nice one too. I'm sure it could be trivially implemented by having builder variants of blocks in the game with higher health. And it may be also trivially possible with the new buff system for the builder player to "buff" any block with higher health.

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Building perks ideas as said above and a few more:


Longer reach to place blocks, 5 levels, 1 block extra range per level

Longer reach to upgrade / repair, 5 levels, 1 block extra range per level

Reduced resource cost to upgrade blocks, 5 levels, 1 - 2 less resource items to upgrade

Reduced resource cost to repair blocks, 5 levels, 1 less resource to repair

Increased personal crafting que, 5 levels, 1 extra slot per level

Increased durability on crafted tools / (maybe weapons), 5 levels, 10% extra durability per level


Off to drink more coffee and think of some more.

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What I was thinking of was the addition of deeper mechanics for deeper building/mining that allows for the selection of different tools, building materials, and perks to support different playstyles.


For example, we have critical hits, sneak attacks, flurry of blows, headshots, decapitations, stun bonuses, and charging bull hits that all make fighting zombies more interesting. So what if we made it possible to do a critical hits against blocks? At first glance, that might seem a little silly, because all it would do on it's own is randomize the player's damage output a little bit. However, if we add something else into the mix, say, blocks have a higher chance to receive critical hits when they are damaged, suddenly everything gets more complicated and there are a lot more meaningful choices to make when it comes to building. A few fissures in your concrete wall can make the difference on whether a weak zombie can break through with a few lucky hits. You might choose to use a slightly weaker building material because you don't have the perks/tools to repair the stronger building material over 80%. There is more strategy for breaking blocks, heavy weapons/power attacks do more damage, but have a much lower chance to crit, and which one makes sense depends on your active buffs, perks and the durability of the block. A possible strategy might be to weaken a block first with the auger, then smash it with a critical sledgehammer. When you hear the sickening crunch of a critical hit on horde night, you know it means that something that shouldn't have broken has just broken, and that you should be terrified.


I don't think that idea is fleshed out enough for implementation, but it shows that there is a lot more that can be done than just changing some numbers. I don't believe anyone's even touched on the SI system yet in this thread.

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Why not 2 blocks at once? It would make construction of a base faster.

Endgame perk would be for example not having to place every single block but beeing able to set a whole row of blocks at once.

Block placing is already so unrealistically fast though. It's like the player character already put 20 perk points into the block placing skill. Unless you're in the middle of an epic fight and simultaneously trying to abuse the game's mechanics, being able to place down multiple blocks at once isn't going to mean the difference between life and death, which is what all the perks should be able to do.


Building perks ideas as said above and a few more:

Increased personal crafting que, 5 levels, 1 extra slot per level

Increased durability on crafted tools / (maybe weapons), 5 levels, 10% extra durability per level

Both are already a thing.



And it may be also trivially possible with the new buff system for the builder player to "buff" any block with higher health.

Yeah, like you could brace the door with your body






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