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[06/06] Message from the Team


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Im hoping console version will follow pc version im always viewing YouTube clips of the game from pc gamers and there version looks alot better but I know it is harder for the console version due to how the console is built.

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But all in all it does not matter if there are some feral wights oder some nurses coming around on day XY. The only differences between them are their hit points, their damage count and their model along with different textures, sounds ans animations. So there is no point in trying to tell us that it is not possible to let there spawn more hard enemies due to hardware limits.


Just give us control over the enemy spawn probabilities and we will customize it the way we want it to be. Especially for those who need it the hardest way after a long period of having weak hordes.

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Spawning isn't the only issue. The issue with not having more zombie types is that the core system you are playing on doesn't have enough RAM to load all of the textures. Sure they could add harder Z's with the same textures, but then how would you tell them apart?


Imagine all the rage when you go to headshot a fattie and find out that his HP regens faster than you can deal damage with your arrows. But you didn't know, because he looked just like the other fattie you can one-shot.


The abysmal hardware limitations on the console are perfectly relevant both to the amount of content available in the client, and for what the

client is able to manage in the spawn mechanics.

Thankfully, the update being worked on adds a lot of optimization, and reduces the overhead that the client requires. Which will allow for more variety, and more zombies alive at once.

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A year or so ago they said they may look into adding it after the game goes gold, but it wasn't a priority. It's questionable as to whether it would even function in a full 3D Voxel environment.


Hi Sylen, Do you think you could ask for a mode that just has reg Zombies and no specials... and larger hordes. Thank you for everything on PS4Pro and Xbox X!

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Spawning isn't the only issue. The issue with not having more zombie types is that the core system you are playing on doesn't have enough RAM to load all of the textures. Sure they could add harder Z's with the same textures, but then how would you tell them apart?


Imagine all the rage when you go to headshot a fattie and find out that his HP regens faster than you can deal damage with your arrows. But you didn't know, because he looked just like the other fattie you can one-shot.


The abysmal hardware limitations on the console are perfectly relevant both to the amount of content available in the client, and for what the

client is able to manage in the spawn mechanics.

Thankfully, the update being worked on adds a lot of optimization, and reduces the overhead that the client requires. Which will allow for more variety, and more zombies alive at once.


Of course you are right with that but what I mean is that the whole run was more diffucult and interesting if there were more hard zombies instead of standard zeds. It does not matter if there are spawning two more feral wights instead of some Denzel-Washington-guys or some nurses.

This cannot be limited by the consoles hardware, it is just a variation in the spawn settings, just some different numbers and values. The difference would be big enough to have a way harder challenge.

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This is a total noob question but something ive been curious about.


Do boulders, coal & nitrate surface deposits, and trees (not replanted by seeds) eventually respawn?

Kinda like how loot containers eventually respawn depending on settings & if players have been in the area.

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Hey there so quick question


Hi all,


Below is a message from the Console Team on the update they're currently working on.






Hi everyone,


Thank you for your patience as we continue to work on the next update for 7 Days to Die on console. While the release is still scheduled for later this year, we wanted to give you an update on what's to come.


As many of you have already guessed, we are currently in the process of upgrading the game engine to Unity 2017. This is something we’ve been working towards for quite a while and we’re thrilled to finally be able to share the news with you.


But what does this mean for the game and for you, the players? Upgrading to Unity 2017 means we can fix some of the more persistent bugs in the game, as well as add features from A15 and A16 on PC.


Thank you again for your continuing patience and support. We'll be in touch soon with more information about which features and improvements you can look forward to in Patch 14, which will launch alongside the engine upgrade.


The 7DTD Console Team




So I'm excited to see some news but I feel like this still isn't enough at the same time. It would really nice to see the console to get the 2018 unity just like p.c. I understand it's alot of work. But ♥♥♥♥ it's already been a good while since our last patch. Honestly you should consider smaller updates and implementing features little by little instead of 1-2 patches a year. This is a great game with awesome potential.

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So I'm excited to see some news but I feel like this still isn't enough at the same time. It would really nice to see the console to get the 2018 unity just like p.c. I understand it's alot of work. But ♥♥♥♥ it's already been a good while since our last patch. Honestly you should consider smaller updates and implementing features little by little instead of 1-2 patches a year. This is a great game with awesome potential.


Again with the lack of reading before posting. The unity update they are working on is the same unity update they just did for the PC. Anything else we just have to wait and see because nothing they add past the release of the game is guaranteed. But besides that and the fact that PC is in alpha and console is not the PC has been like 11 to 12 months from A16 released and A17 hasn't released yet so that should show how much this unity update has done and show that it isn't something to update over night it is a big update to the engine so it is taking time to get everything pretty much redone.

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So I'm excited to see some news but I feel like this still isn't enough at the same time. It would really nice to see the console to get the 2018 unity just like p.c. I understand it's alot of work. But ♥♥♥♥ it's already been a good while since our last patch. Honestly you should consider smaller updates and implementing features little by little instead of 1-2 patches a year. This is a great game with awesome potential.


What would be the point on working on a small fix when the whole thing is being upgraded anyway? It would be a waste of time and resources. Historically, they have done regular patches with bug fixes, improvements and occasional bits of content, but with a big update coming, a longer wait for the next patch seems perfectly understandable. Generally, the longer we wait, the better/bigger the patch will be.

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This is a total noob question but something ive been curious about.


Do boulders, coal & nitrate surface deposits, and trees (not replanted by seeds) eventually respawn?

Kinda like how loot containers eventually respawn depending on settings & if players have been in the area.


Yeah that’s a little off topic here. Maybe post it in the discussion forum. I’ve wondered the same thing. From what I can tell, and not being scientific about it is that the surface deposits, birds nest, trash bags, and those dead scrubby trees you can one shot with a stone axe randomly respawn when the area resets. I always just chop them up as I loot them and in time there are always more. The larger tress like pine, spruce, maple I’m not sure. Would need to clear a few areas and the stay away until they reset to see.

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Yeah that’s a little off topic here. Maybe post it in the discussion forum. I’ve wondered the same thing. From what I can tell, and not being scientific about it is that the surface deposits, birds nest, trash bags, and those dead scrubby trees you can one shot with a stone axe randomly respawn when the area resets. I always just chop them up as I loot them and in time there are always more. The larger tress like pine, spruce, maple I’m not sure. Would need to clear a few areas and the stay away until they reset to see.


Yeah i know its a little off topic but didnt see the need to create a thread just for that simple question.

Oh well, i suppose i should test it out sometime if im that curious.


I also hope we get the new gun mods in this update, getting rid of the gun parts. Although im not holding my breath as i know this is an alpha 17 addition.

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Yeah i know its a little off topic but didnt see the need to create a thread just for that simple question

Oh well, i suppose i should test it out sometime if im that curious.


I also hope we get the new gun mods in this update, getting rid of the gun parts. Although im not holding my breath as i know this is an alpha 17 addition.


I wouldn't on breath either. But with that said it looks as if A17 will drop before this update so depending how the new gun system is put in and if it is not that buggy it very well have a chance to be put in. It just all depends. They put a few things from A16 in the summer update so this is why I say this. Just with all that said don't hold breath at the same time lol

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I wouldn't on breath either. But with that said it looks as if A17 will drop before this update so depending how the new gun system is put in and if it is not that buggy it very well have a chance to be put in. It just all depends. They put a few things from A16 in the summer update so this is why I say this. Just with all that said don't hold breath at the same time lol


Thats the reason i had a small hope we might get some A17 stuff snuck in.

Ill be happy with whatever tho. I just got back in to playing again, been having a blast.

Cant wait for the new stuff & better optimization.

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...The abysmal hardware limitations on the console....


In your opinion, how much RAM do you think the console needs to run a game like 7 Days? Is the issue the RAM alone or RAM and Processor? Do developers ever try to convince Microsoft/Sony/Nintendo to beef up their hardware so it can adequately run their games and do the console makers ever listen?

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In your opinion, how much RAM do you think the console needs to run a game like 7 Days? Is the issue the RAM alone or RAM and Processor? Do developers ever try to convince Microsoft/Sony/Nintendo to beef up there hardware so it can adequately run their games and do the console makers ever listen?


The ram on the pro and the X are probably ok I mean they could probably do with a little extra but could probably manage where they are. The CPU for both are still under specs for this game. The processor I think on console is a I3 or something and this game recommends at least the I5 but the I7 would be better. The issue with Sony and Microsoft is they system it self. They prepare a game system get it out together then sale it. Then it is about 6 to 8 years before they release a new one (not a updated version of the one they just released a complete new one) by the time you go from putting it together and put them out to sale they system is already outdated compared to a PC. They can put a game system together right now with high end specs as a PC. Sale it and it will be outdated shortly after. PC parts update/upgrade so often it isn't even funny. They have money to do so because parts are sold separately by a different company and so on. So these companies that make all these PC parts have money to do test after test to improve the next computer part they put out. Sony and Microsoft don't make that much money off the consoles to do testing after testing like that. They do enough to make sure you get a good gaming console but again it is already outdated by the time you buy it. Why you think console cost 400 when released and a pretty good PC is double to triple that price and a really good high end gaming computer is even more. This is just a little info about it and way more info on the subject is out there. I just kinda did a pretty short version put of the top of my head. It can be really complicated to understand it all unless you do some good research. But if you do you would understand a little to why. But hope the little I shared may help.

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.....But hope the little I shared may help.


Yes, it does. Thanks for the input. If I want a decent PC to game on, I can of course build one from scratch to make sure it has enough RAM, a sufficient processor and a solid graphics card to keep up with the technology for a few years. And the console makers love to offer consoles with different specs to cater to the casual gamer vs the hardcore gamer. Why not offer a console that has PC like specs, demo it running a game like 7 Days and sell it to the hardcore gamer willing to buy it? Is it feasible to offer a separate "build your own console" model to the console community? Decide how much RAM you want, a faster processor and place a custom order. I wonder if something like that could work.

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It's been a year since the last substantive update. Can you please give us an ETA on the Unity upgrade?


I don't think that's an unreasonable request.


"At some point that is later then now, there will probably be an update that adds some new stuff" is not "news." All of us already knew that.


If you're not going to offer us an actual status update, then don't jerk us around by giving us a faux status update.


Just be honest and tell console players, "We don't care about you; you are not a priority. Maybe you'll get new stuff if TFP, IG, and TT get super bored or something."


Why is it so hard to offer an expected ETA? Is the team so bad at their jobs that after all this time, they still have no idea how long projects take?

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More content?


We don't care about content. I just want the game to not crash after every 2 hours. And the sad part is me and two friends are on the one x and it seems to run better on the og Xbox and Xbox s.

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I have never run into the issues you mention running the game on PS4. So I'm biased.


But I haven't played the game in months because there's nothing new and interesting to do in it.


Furthermore, the focus of the update is irrelevant to the core of my argument, that the devs should, by now, understand roughly how long they expect a project to take.


Saying, "there will be a patch sometime that is later than now" is farting in the wind.

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Not sure I would call the argument that the "console versions were sold as a finished product" just a "screw you to people who can't afford high-end PCs." in fact, I'd argue the exact opposite. The consoles being a finished product of the A14 version shows two interrelated things.


1. It shows that neither the publisher TaleTell Games nor the developer Iron Galaxy have any obligation to add new content or updated features or game engine.

2. It shows that despite there being no obligation to add content and updates TT and IG are willing to do so. At least as much as the engine and hardware limitations will allow.


That doesn't strike me as a screw you to console players at all. The point being made is that TT and IG could have just said "screw you" we aren't adding anything and just walked away, but they didn't. And it also shows this isn't simply just about a cash grab either. Was it done to make money? Sure. That said, you have to wonder how much money they are actually making with the continued work they are putting in. With no DLCs or lootboxes and the like they aren't bringing it in hand over fist. Especially when you take into account discount sales.


I can sympathize with the frustration and anger with such long update periods and the lack of information. In the end you just have to decide if the waiting is worth it for you. For me, it is. For you, maybe not.


So, if I decide it's not worth the wait, does that mean I get a refund?


Didn't think so.


The fact is, IG, TT, and TFP have decided they've made all the money they're gonna make on console, so console development and bug fixing is their lowest priority.


Telling us that, "there will be a patch at some later time" is just farting in the wind. Of course there's always going to be patches eventually; that's how it's always worked. We already expected that.


This isn't an announcement. This is a PR ruse to tell console players to ST♥U.


I'll stop complaining when the devs give us an actual rough timeline. Until that happens, the devs have done nothing to inspire any confidence they care about the console experience.


I wouldn't recommend anyone buy this buggy, unfinished game for more that $5. At the $39.99 price I paid, I got ripped off, and unfortunately I have no recourse but to keep insisting they make the game I paid $39.99 for worth $39.99.

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