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The nonsense that is fertilizers


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Hello again folks.

I will be straight. Fertilizers made out of rotting meat makes absolutely zero sense. I've recently started watching the walking dead series and saw how much common it has with this game. In fact I think the devs have taken lots of nice little features from the series and incorporated them into the game (walkers are more organized in the night and have a herd mind so they gather into hordes ,are attracted by heat light and noise etc).

However one thing that must be really stressed out is the fact that almost everyone in the series pointed out the obvious: They don't want walker corpses into their crops. And why would they? They are infecting everything and if you just so happen to get as much as a scratch from the walkers,let alone eat their poisonous parts will turn you into infected.


Instead fertilizers can be very easily crafted with compost assuming you have the right components.Fertilizers are usually made with a lot of paper,wood,leaves and leftovers from food but mostly patience! A fertilizer requires around 6 months of rotting time .It's best to move the compost container up and down every few months for it to work. So I do understand the need for a mixer but it doesn't necessarily have to be the ones we have now.


Rotten meat should be burned and tossed away to clear path.

If you want it to be used as a material it already serves its purpose as food for when you starve. If you need it as a component for something bigger...well..you could try feeding it to the flies as they seem to be unaffected by the virus (codeword SEEM) and those flies could be fed to chicken or other animals that eat insects. I personally wouldn't even do that. I would wait for the virus to die out in the wilderness and in the change of climate or even burn it then feed it to the trees.


As a last resort we could use the bones as barricades and the meat as bait for the actual animals which should not come into contact with it otherwise they are infected as well.


In general rotten meat is a very,very bad idea as any form of component and should be tossed aside or burned or somehow recycled but away from the survivors and definitely not be a part of the food chain.


Thanks for your time.

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The existence of zombies (ours or the TWD variety) is complete nonsense.


What you make of those nonsensical beings is not magically going to make sense.

Taking two rights instead of one left doesn't get you to the same destination.


We could make meat a building material for "meat blocks" and it would be no sillier than the original premise of zombies. =P

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I'd like to point out that 7dtd zombies are not nearly as infectious as Walking Dead zombies, and therefore a lot safer. If players can directly eat rotting flesh and not get infected, then I think it would be fairly safe to use it as fertilizer.


About the meat walls, they might aesthetically work if you had flesh-like zombie hives akin to what you see in Lone Survivor, SC Zerg, or the Stranger Things upside-down:




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Hello again folks.

I will be straight. Fertilizers made out of rotting meat makes absolutely zero sense. I've recently started watching the walking dead series and saw how much common it has with this game. In fact I think the devs have taken lots of nice little features from the series and incorporated them into the game (walkers are more organized in the night and have a herd mind so they gather into hordes ,are attracted by heat light and noise etc).

However one thing that must be really stressed out is the fact that almost everyone in the series pointed out the obvious: They don't want walker corpses into their crops. And why would they? They are infecting everything and if you just so happen to get as much as a scratch from the walkers,let alone eat their poisonous parts will turn you into infected.


Instead fertilizers can be very easily crafted with compost assuming you have the right components.Fertilizers are usually made with a lot of paper,wood,leaves and leftovers from food but mostly patience! A fertilizer requires around 6 months of rotting time .It's best to move the compost container up and down every few months for it to work. So I do understand the need for a mixer but it doesn't necessarily have to be the ones we have now.


Rotten meat should be burned and tossed away to clear path.

If you want it to be used as a material it already serves its purpose as food for when you starve. If you need it as a component for something bigger...well..you could try feeding it to the flies as they seem to be unaffected by the virus (codeword SEEM) and those flies could be fed to chicken or other animals that eat insects. I personally wouldn't even do that. I would wait for the virus to die out in the wilderness and in the change of climate or even burn it then feed it to the trees.


As a last resort we could use the bones as barricades and the meat as bait for the actual animals which should not come into contact with it otherwise they are infected as well.


In general rotten meat is a very,very bad idea as any form of component and should be tossed aside or burned or somehow recycled but away from the survivors and definitely not be a part of the food chain.


Thanks for your time.


Rotting animals have been used for centuries as a fertilizer so its definitely not nonsense. Part of composting is killing off the bacteria via high heat.


Now obviously this game is not based on real life, but the premise is sound and is based in facts.

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Rotting animals have been used for centuries as a fertilizer so its definitely not nonsense. Part of composting is killing off the bacteria via high heat.


Now obviously this game is not based on real life, but the premise is sound and is based in facts.


We get poisoned for eating rotting meat. There's a clear logical inconcistency here that needs to be addressed. Leaves,wood,ashes and some leftovers are what's needed for fertilizers. Nitrate is a bonus and comes with the paper iirc. However rotten meat makes no sense.

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We get poisoned for eating rotting meat. There's a clear logical inconcistency here that needs to be addressed. Leaves,wood,ashes and some leftovers are what's needed for fertilizers. Nitrate is a bonus and comes with the paper iirc. However rotten meat makes no sense.


Yes, you would get poisoned from bacteria if you ate raw meat. hence why part of composting involves heating the compost to a temperature that kills said bacteria.


It's perfectly ok to use meat scraps as compost as long as you properly treat it.

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We get poisoned for eating rotting meat. There's a clear logical inconcistency here that needs to be addressed. Leaves,wood,ashes and some leftovers are what's needed for fertilizers. Nitrate is a bonus and comes with the paper iirc. However rotten meat makes no sense.


Plants don't absorb the bacteria or fungus because those things are too big to pass through the root cell walls. Plants just absorb the nutrients, which is why it's more safe to eat plants than it is to eat dirt.


Here's a famous example of meat-based fertilizer:


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In the Walking Dead, the zombies being so highly infectious, is a good story device to create tension and drama (everyone can die over time from just one bite / people have to kill their group members to save themselves).


In a game, where the player has to fight many of them in melee, that would be very distracting. Its represented by the infection/antibiotics system here. (a curable disease)

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