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A16 - Medieval Mod (SDX)


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I actually forget the original purpose, but I think they're needed for the poison cure? Or is that just the ichor? A lot of things you see are going go have a greater purpose in Book II, when we can make better use of things like area of effect buffs... think of a "web" spell you can cast that slows enemies down in an area. =)


The alchemy ingredients would be for more spell components.

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Guppy and Crew, thanks.

I had put this game on the shelf after burning myself out since playing from A6. I saw a random link for a Kage vid on my feed which led me to firing this up. All I can say is, Awesome! I mean you guys have done some really cool stuff. Just the new skins alone made this feel like a whole new game. Can't wait to see what else you guys have in store.

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What am I doing wrong?


I've tried multiple times to play Medieval Mod. I get as far as the Fun Pimps screen coming up, the the files pre-caching...once it gets to "loading start screen" the game just hangs indefinetly. Am I missing something? I'm using the mod launcher, I've even uninstalled and re-installed the mod several times. Any input would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks in advance :)

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I've tried multiple times to play Medieval Mod. I get as far as the Fun Pimps screen coming up, the the files pre-caching...once it gets to "loading start screen" the game just hangs indefinetly. Am I missing something? I'm using the mod launcher, I've even uninstalled and re-installed the mod several times. Any input would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks in advance :)


i had this and i don't know why it worked when i checked "refresh auto" before launch the game. it takes time to load anyway, but worth it ;)

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How long did you wait? It can take up to 15 minutes to get the start menu on some computers.


I've actually started it up, then left for a bit and did other things, was def longer than 15 minutes lol, this is the only mod I seem to have issues with, I run Undead Legacy, Ravenhearst, and WotW all with no start-up issues. I'll try again tomorrow and click the refresh auto, and post the output_log.txt file if I still have issues.

Edited by ddahlberg72 (see edit history)
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Did you guy put in some crazy Easter egg fun time stuff? Wife and I started a new game and day 7 horde this round was actually pretty good for first one.....then about 2am we hear that gurgling that cops make and we turn around on our little safety roof perch and there is not one but 2 stay puff marshmallow policemen.

Lol those things were huge...as tall as a full grown pine tree.

♥♥♥♥ was funny but after awhile kiting we decided to just log instead of using all our arrows. Did get some screenshots I can try and upload later.

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Did you guy put in some crazy Easter egg fun time stuff? Wife and I started a new game and day 7 horde this round was actually pretty good for first one.....then about 2am we hear that gurgling that cops make and we turn around on our little safety roof perch and there is not one but 2 stay puff marshmallow policemen.

Lol those things were huge...as tall as a full grown pine tree.

♥♥♥♥ was funny but after awhile kiting we decided to just log instead of using all our arrows. Did get some screenshots I can try and upload later.


Hahaha, I see you met my special little friends! Thanks for playing the mod :)


They are tough and probably the only way to defeat them is with the blunderbuss.

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Anyone did a successful macOS install ?


Has anyone been able to install the latest version of this mod on a Mac?


I've followed the instructions found here ( but haven't been able to launch the game without it crashing.


Any help would be helpful at this point.


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