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Darkness Falls: They mostly come out at night...


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With 3 I guess we should just play some more then we would've figured this one out 😄 to be fair so far we haven't managed to get all that far as we only play every now and again, with all the new builds and having to start over.


thanks for taking the time to reply 🙂

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ERR Model '#Entities/Vehicles?Truck/ambulanceTruck01Prefab.prefab' not found on block with name cntAmbulanceTruck01

Error, this needs a clean reinstall according to the darkness falls mod discord.


A lot of people on the DF Discord are reporting the issue. They'll be a few without it, but that just means that prefab file never got created on their rwg ( RWG will pick a load of prefabs to load, in this case you seemed to have a map that has one loaded that no longer exists)


The above were messages from my server customer support. After mod launcher updated to darkness falls 19.1 and i updated steam and darkness falls mod on my control panel my server stopped working. the server customer support can't fix it and told me i would need to reinstall and lose my world and progress. why did 19.1 mess up my world so now i have to start from scratch? 19.0 was working just fine for me.

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i didn't even know there was a new 19.1 update. i woke up in the morning. started mod launcher. it must have updated itself after the start and then i got notified the mod is 19.1 and game is 19.0. so i went to the server and updated there and all that happened. where do i find your release notes? don't assume all your players know where your release notes are.

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i started a new 7 days to die 19.1 stable with a new game server coompany and i'm still getting this error message trying to join my new server, same error as my old server from this morning. My map is navezgane.  how do i fix this error launching the server from mod launcher? sorry i am a noob with computer and gaming.


ERR Model '#Entities/Vehicles?Truck/ambulanceTruck01Prefab.prefab' not found on block with name cntAmbulanceTruck01

should i try another map?

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Sorry if this asked already, but how is it possible to get only one starting class after the spawning? If i play on a server, i always get only one class paper after spawning. But if i start a game for myself, i get two class papers all times. Is there a legit way to start with only one class other than destroying a second one? :D

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28 minutes ago, neo2000 said:

i started a new 7 days to die 19.1 stable with a new game server coompany and i'm still getting this error message trying to join my new server, same error as my old server from this morning. My map is navezgane.  how do i fix this error launching the server from mod launcher? sorry i am a noob with computer and gaming.


ERR Model '#Entities/Vehicles?Truck/ambulanceTruck01Prefab.prefab' not found on block with name cntAmbulanceTruck01

should i try another map?

That means SOMETHING is still running 19.0. Try single player. If it works, then the server isn't updated.

19 minutes ago, kexes said:

Sorry if this asked already, but how is it possible to get only one starting class after the spawning? If i play on a server, i always get only one class paper after spawning. But if i start a game for myself, i get two class papers all times. Is there a legit way to start with only one class other than destroying a second one? :D

I mean, you could get the entityclasses.xml file from the server build and drop that into your SP game. That'd do it.

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We updated to the 19.1 version did a clean install deleted old saves but after playing the game and then leaving and trying to reenter the game the load screen gets stuck at crerating character and does not finish loading.  If I delete the map save and load a different map it will work ok until we leave the game and then later return.  The mod worked fine with 19.0.  All of this started immediately after the update.  Any suggestions


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1 hour ago, kexes said:

Exactly what i need to download for that fix?

If you used the launcher, just hit presync.

If you didn't, lemme know and i'll t oss the single file in here.

51 minutes ago, XaLeX12 said:

The mule perk is bug.




No it's not.

What? You thought you could just buy the whole perk and open the whole backpack??? HA!

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Seems like its broken now. Me and 2 other friends were playing on last update, and it seemed fine. We updated the game and updated the mod with the newest posted version and its broken for all of us. Seems okay for me, but noone can join me, Anytime my friends try to join, they crash when receiving configs shows. Weve tried completely wiping the PC , roaming, and steam installations of 7d2d and it still doesnt work. Seems like there are settings saving somewhere, outside of those 2 locations, that arent being deleted. These might not even be the issue but very strange, and completely unplayable now. 

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As said in several posts already.

1) You NEED a completely new save. It's not option. It's not if you feel like it. You NEED one.
2) Gitlab screwed up and did not delete a file I told it to delete. I fixed that. However apparently it's not being deleted for some mod launcher users when they pre-sync. So, wherever you have the mod installed, nuke it. Full nuke it. Don't verify through steam. Don't just hit "uninstall" on steam and assume it'll clean it, because it doesn't. Steam is dumb. It leaves behind any folders that aren't part of the "vanilla" install.

Like Mods.

Where the bad file is.

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16 hours ago, rubjonny said:

Just for info I did the update from v19 to 19.1 and our saved game do appear to load and work ok, but I've not explored for any great distance so there might be huge holes in the map I've not found yet :D So if you do update I'd say its worth at least having a look!


..."Due to quest changes, forge changes and the fact we're going from 19.0 to 19.1, A RESTART/WIPE IS ABSOLUTELY REQUIRED! You have been warned."

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i just played a few hours of 19.1 darkness falls. maybe stop updating. 19 was fine. you update and fix some glitch but then your new update has even more glitch and more annoying ones. it's just the evil of this game. it's glitchful. updating doesnt mean it's better. for all the hassle of getting 19.1 working - i'd rather you just kept it 19. it was fine. now it's just double annoying. it's more glitchful then 19 was.

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