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"That moment"


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[QUOTE=The Civillian;33761]That moment when your writing out a LONG post or playing a team game like League of legends only for your electric to run out (On a meter) before you can hit post or at a crucial turning point in the match.[/QUOTE] That happens to me all the time cuz this laptop seems to randomly go completely chaotic once in a while (like maybe once a month). The most I lost one time was about 6 paragraphs worth of post... I was raging so hard. That moment when you realize this old thread came back from the dead.
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[QUOTE=Red Eagle LXIX;33846]That moment when you look at the forum list, and see your name as the most recent poster in nearly every forum and you realize you spend [url=http://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?3665-Too-much-time-on-the-forums]Too much time on the forums[/url][/QUOTE] Totally had the same feeling last night. That moment when you look out of the window and you notice that it hasn't stopped raining much since mid-December... Rule Brittania :ambivalence:
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[QUOTE=LimeyRon;33875]Sucks. You got much flooding over there? Half of the Southwest is underwater and my fences blew down :([/QUOTE] Im UK mate and this weather stinks!?! Worse rain in 250 yrs... :< Think America is having bad snow? Re: That Moment... >>> When you go to work and forget your wellington boots. Had to work all day in 1 foot of water... Splashing about with just my trainers on! "Trenchfoot" springs to mind! lolol :>
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[QUOTE=Martial-Law;33902]Im UK mate and this weather stinks!?! Worse rain in 250 yrs... :< Think America is having bad snow? Re: That Moment... >>> When you go to work and forget your wellington boots. Had to work all day in 1 foot of water... Splashing about with just my trainers on! "Trenchfoot" springs to mind! lolol :>[/QUOTE] Lol @ trenchfoot. One of the very few upsides of being unemployed; I get to stay indoors where it's all warm and dry. I'm skint, but I'm comfy. [QUOTE=xiiMaRcLeoN;33910]No, because of the canal system my fences, are still in my garden.[/QUOTE] Lucky you. Then again, this is German engineering we're talking about. A major flood in Germany? Not bloody likely! Our canal system is more like an a.n.a.l system (it's full of sh...) :playful: [COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR] I fear we've hijacked the thread. Quick, say something relevant :) That moment when you hate the Germans for having better infrastructure than you :D
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[QUOTE=xiiMaRcLeoN;33920]Lol, good one because it's valentines day;).[/QUOTE] Not what I meant but it sounds like something I'd say so I'll take the credit anyway :D That moment when you hear the wind howling outside your bedroom window and and wonder if that 80 foot tree on the other side of your fence, on a steep hill, will actually stay rooted overnight or come crashing through your house...:scared:
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[QUOTE=LimeyRon;33916]Lol @ trenchfoot. One of the very few upsides of being unemployed; I get to stay indoors where it's all warm and dry. I'm skint, but I'm comfy. Lucky you. Then again, this is German engineering we're talking about. A major flood in Germany? Not bloody likely! Our canal system is more like an a.n.a.l system (it's full of sh...) :playful: [COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR] I fear we've hijacked the thread. Quick, say something relevant :) That moment when you hate the Germans for having better infrastructure than you :D[/QUOTE] PMSFL... That moment when you realise being in a 7 year drought is a good thing...
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That moment when they weeble and they wobble but they -don't- fall down. That moment when there was a "that moment when" thread and then people wrote That moment on the that moment when thread to describe that moment when they typed about that moment when there is a 'that moment when' thread. That moment when the zombies decide that they can just run quick like bunny whenever they want during the night regardless of how much light there is. (whenever there's 20ft of snow in japan they just deal like experts. Dat japanese punctuality. Snows 30 feet in however long, traffic gets delayed for five minutes.)
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[QUOTE=Kinyajuu;36057]That moment when you fix a small bug, compile, and 20 more show up. That moment when you have to edit a post because you're OCD about punctuation and capitalization.[/QUOTE] lmao, and I know the feeling (about the OCD thing). That moment when you think all is well in the forums, everyone is behaving so you start relaxing, and then 5 reported posts show up.
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[QUOTE=Kinyajuu;36057]That moment when you fix a small bug, compile, and 20 more show up. That moment when you have to edit a post because you're OCD about punctuation and capitalization.[/QUOTE] I've got corollaries to both of these. That moment when you copy your working function into a new code branch and something completely unrelated breaks. That moment when you see the typo you want to edit, go to hit edit, and then on save it says time expired.
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