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The Offtopic, A17 thread.

Royal Deluxe

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That is why I started my post and most of the 7 days to die community flamed me. My post were not to hurt the game - read the news - ratings and the court filings. The Brothers (TFP) will not settle on a contract. Yes, A lot of money is involved. That is why I have asked where have they been? Players = Games = Company. They are stalled over money. OPEN your EYES - Large amount of money will make you greedy - Who came up with the game - Who decided this - Until the game is finalized with money - and the designers are payed what they think they are worth This game is dead. That is why I asked for them to produce a Financial statement. I am not talking ♥♥♥♥ of the (TFP), but if they had their finances in order they would release them to devoted players. Now, wow - I am not so bad. Start asking questions.


i commend you on that, seriously. as for robert and Dauth, you suck-ups are why nothing ever gets completed, KEEP giving them excuses to delay progress and see what happens. you speak of My Generation, well i will respond in kind. MY generation released titles and sold them, there was never any of this BS you are seeing in the current generation, the title was produced, people bought it and everyone was happy.. YOUR generation seems to thrive on complaining about crap you have no say in.. stfu and listen youngster, you arent the answers, youare the problem.

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as a coder AND a developer (since some people believe there is a distinction, which there isnt) my only problem with the release of a17e is that you are treating the current development as a pre-pre-alpha...

As another software developer, I can also tell you that version naming and version numbers don't have anything resembling a static industry-wide meanings. I certainly wouldn't call software that was incomplete a beta, but I also wouldn't be viscerally offended if some other company did. The labels are practically meaningless, but the description of "Early Access" on Steam is quite explicit that you are buying into a work in progress that may be broken and unfinished and if you are not happy with the current state of the game potentially being the only thing you get, to spend your money elsewhere.


I spent more on lunch today than I did on this game and was happy with my purchase at the 20 hour mark, let alone with the hundreds of additional hours of play that have happened since. I will absolutely consider early access for whatever the Pimps do next.

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As another software developer, I can also tell you that version naming and version numbers don't have anything resembling a static industry-wide meanings. I certainly wouldn't call software that was incomplete a beta, but I also wouldn't be viscerally offended if some other company did. The labels are practically meaningless, but the description of "Early Access" on Steam is quite explicit that you are buying into a work in progress that may be broken and unfinished and if you are not happy with the current state of the game potentially being the only thing you get, to spend your money elsewhere.


I spent more on lunch today than I did on this game and was happy with my purchase at the 20 hour mark, let alone with the hundreds of additional hours of play that have happened since. I will absolutely consider early access for whatever the Pimps do next.


i spent NO money on this game if we are going to be honest here, i was running a pirate version for a while and enjoyed it and a friend on steam purchased my legal version for me as a gift. I am not complaining about the sale of the product, i am complaining that they are advertising a new release and keep making excuses as to why they will not release it. they NEVER should have mentioned any timeframe what so ever to a17 (much less a17e) until they were ready to release something. further, barring the alpha/beta conventions *IF* they were intending on dropping an a17-e they should just release it, its Experimental.. it is bound to fail.. why are you in-house bug-checking?!? release the experimental and let users report the bugs, collect the data and work with it (as SHOULD be done with Beta) the publishers are so afraid to lose interest they are grasping at anything to keep people interested.. want to keep people interested? allow them to actively report bugs and identify them when you fi said bugs

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As another software developer, I can also tell you that version naming and version numbers don't have anything resembling a static industry-wide meanings. I certainly wouldn't call software that was incomplete a beta, but I also wouldn't be viscerally offended if some other company did. The labels are practically meaningless, but the description of "Early Access" on Steam is quite explicit that you are buying into a work in progress that may be broken and unfinished and if you are not happy with the current state of the game potentially being the only thing you get, to spend your money elsewhere.


I spent more on lunch today than I did on this game and was happy with my purchase at the 20 hour mark, let alone with the hundreds of additional hours of play that have happened since. I will absolutely consider early access for whatever the Pimps do next.


Agreed 100%, I have played this game more than any 6 games I have, every build has been like a new game for me. A couple of older guys I play with always come back with me on the releases, that alone is worth it to me. I wouldn't even mind letting some creative people join our server, but I don't want to put up with young kids or grievers, I don't have the patience for it anymore. I would have paid $100 extra for updates (+ 1 Behemoth-stares intently at MM). Can't wait to see what they come up with.

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i commend you on that, seriously. as for robert and Dauth, you suck-ups are why nothing ever gets completed, KEEP giving them excuses to delay progress and see what happens. you speak of My Generation, well i will respond in kind. MY generation released titles and sold them, there was never any of this BS you are seeing in the current generation, the title was produced, people bought it and everyone was happy.. YOUR generation seems to thrive on complaining about crap you have no say in.. stfu and listen youngster, you arent the answers, youare the problem.


Really? I have beta tested over a thousand games and alpha tested 200 +.

Most before steam existed some before the internet. Of those only about 20% ever made it to gold. Seems this generation is doing just fine.

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@3razar3 if you have so much pull, then demand the company "TFP" payroll and where all the money is going for their millions of copies? Development? Player satisfaction? Advertisement? So far, 3 Owners - Millions of Dollars - Where did it go?


- - - Updated - - -


I have caught so much crap because I want the players to demand where the money is going.... but I am the bad one on here. It is a game, lots of money involved and the so called "owners" which I called out a few days ago never answered. Millions of Dollars.... Millions..... No progression on the game.... Check their wallets - I bet they are FAT! and THICK.

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Really? I have alpha tested 200 +.

Most before steam existed some before the internet.


so you are an in-house developer with a company then? otherwise you are lying. if you claim to have the experience i am speaking of, thats the only answer. otherwise you are talking trash.


and to clarify unless you are over 70, you werent doing jack sh*t before the internet. I was in high-standing (in less than reputable areas) on the internet in the early 80's and forward in the realms of programming and development and I assure you your excuse is still invalid


- - - Updated - - -


@3razar3 if you have so much pull, then demand the company "TFP" payroll and where all the money is going for their millions of copies? Development? Player satisfaction? Advertisement? So far, 3 Owners - Millions of Dollars - Where did it go?


- - - Updated - - -


I have caught so much crap because I want the players to demand where the money is going.... but I am the bad one on here. It is a game, lots of money involved and the so called "owners" which I called out a few days ago never answered. Millions of Dollars.... Millions..... No progression on the game.... Check their wallets - I bet they are FAT! and THICK.


edit this post, i will edit this one after you do.. we are NOT in disagreement

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So, when is another software company going to stand up to the TFP and demand answers? None - as of yet. Free money from the players. I wish a real Software company would file suit and demand a formal audit. Wow! That would be devastating.

How do you think the software industry (and I suppose the court system in general) works? I work for a software company. What should we sue the Fun Pimps over? We have no business relationship and even if we'd bought a copy of the game the kickstarter and early access models explicitly include no contract between the buyer and the developer. MadMole could post a video of him rolling around naked on stacks of $100 bills tomorrow and say they're done and neither of us would have any recourse, let alone some outside "Software company".

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How do you think the software industry works? I work for a software company. What should we sue the Fun Pimps over? We have no business relationship and even if we'd bought a copy of the game the kickstarter and early access models explicitly include no contract between the buyer and the developer. MadMole could post a video of him rolling around naked on stacks of $100 bills tomorrow and say they're done and neither of us would have any recourse, let alone some outside "Software company".


gotta agree with zackss there is no legal recourse by other companies UNLESS there is a copyright infringement.. HOWEVER, for the many people complaining (not myself) Steam SHOULD have a payback system.. it's one thing to offer a title with a year or two open end early release another to keep the buyers on an eternal fishhook

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as a coder AND a developer (since some people believe there is a distinction, which there isnt) my only problem with the release of a17e is that you are treating the current development as a pre-pre-alpha. <snipped for sanity>


Gold: Final bug-fix

Beta: Mechanics in, buggy

Alpha: Mechanics are broken or missing

Pre-Alpha: The mechanics are written on paper

Pre-Pre-Alha: The mechanics exist as thought


Between that and the quite frankly terrible spelling and punctuation? I'm doubting the aging developer story, we get more pedantic with age... not less.

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3razar3, i will not withdraw my previous comments. Months ago when TFP started saying "The Owners" want this or that... And the "Owners want to delay the release date"... I commented and asked WHO WERE THE OWNERS? NO one, even the TFP staff can confirm who the so called owners are. So, who is accountable for this game? The ghost "OWNERS". I really do believe MadMole is just a prop, look at his past videos and they are limited, not much there. YOU need to look deeper.

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HOWEVER, for the many people complaining (not myself) Steam SHOULD have a payback system.. it's one thing to offer a title with a year or two open end early release another to keep the buyers on an eternal fishhook

If they're not paying any more for their access and they were never guaranteed the game would even complete in the first place, in what way are they being held on a fishhook? My purchase guaranteed me nothing beyond the first copy of the game I played (and liked). It wasn't an investment or a pre-order.


From the perspective of my purchase everything else they've shipped is essentially free-DLC.

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I am here until the game is released, flops or people are brought up on charges. None the less, if you are a company and promise a product to consumers and do not deliver - you should be looked at and held accountable. Over the years and the amount of money involved from one company should raise red flags - Hello - . Yes, more people are speaking up. And as time goes on more will Question this game.

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I wish there was a payback of time for reading idiotic forum posts, but that ain't happening.


read this. do it. read the whole thing twice. this post contains valuable knowledge and wisdom.



quit slacking off and get back to work. i'm sick and tired of you wasting valuable coding time reading this post! lazy good for nothing so and so.




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I am here until the game is released, flops or people are brought up on charges. None the less, if you are a company and promise a product to consumers and do not deliver - you should be looked at and held accountable. Over the years and the amount of money involved from one company should raise red flags - Hello - . Yes, more people are speaking up. And as time goes on more will Question this game.

There was and is no promise of a finished product. You were promised access to a game in development. You got what you were promised. End thread

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I have one last statement. I was told to post statements against TFP in a spoiler type tag so the so called owners would not see my post and ban me from here. I have had comments with players in the "Spoil" drop down comments for a bit about the OWNERS. Owners, I will not post in secret with other players. There are ALOT OF US THAT ARE PISSED OFF PLAYERS AND YOU REFUSE TO ANSWER US ABOUT THE GAME. If it is about money, Pad your pockets and move on. Sell the game to another company that really cares about it players and takes pride in a game that is fun. TFP, it is just business - take care of your game and the players or just move on. Sellout and quite making the devoted players pay the price of greedy money. TFP - remember - it is a GAME you created - A Game. A Game has lots of other people-other than yourselfs, stop being greedy - take your money and go on. Leave the game to the Devoted Players.

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