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Developer Discussions: Alpha 17


Developer Discussions: Alpha 17  

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  1. 1. Developer Discussions: Alpha 17

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Omg. You basic b!


Lol...I talked to Joel about it. Here’s what he said to me:


We need quests, npcs, followers, gold. We can revisit non critical things in post gold patches. We plan on updating 7 Days for years but our primary objective now is going Gold.


So it was a fun discussion but it’s not a dev focus right now and there are too many factors that are unknown that are just blind guesses.


But don’t worry. Tilleen keeps responding to posts as he drinks his ketchup so we’re getting a recap anyway....lmao

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Lol...I talked to Joel about it. Here’s what he said to me:




So it was a fun discussion but it’s not a dev focus right now and there are too many factors that are unknown that are just blind guesses.


But don’t worry. Tilleen keeps responding to posts as he drinks his ketchup so we’re getting a recap anyway....lmao


Man this new wave A17 TFP is full of teases. :-p


Is underground a revisit item?


And is there anything TFP would like to see tossed around by a group of knuckleheads? Really Pille is the main one of that group... But still... There is a group.


Oh! And btw! That's an awesome list to focus on Madmole! Woo!

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This perhaps exploits the zombie behavior to keep climbing down a ladder...


The Anti-Fortress:


-Have 10-100 open shafts to bedrock with ladders, all with side tunnels to other shafts at different depths.

-The maze can be in any overall shape but each shaft should be connected to two or more other shafts.

-Your working area should be avoided during horde nights.


For PvP, you could also make simple codes:

-Every tunnel at height -51 goes to your emergency backup fort.

-Shaft at 300N, 150E, -39 goes to stash area #2.


So you will need to keep spare ladders and that's it! Vertical warfare always wins! :)

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Oh Sillls, you can certainly have some!


@Darkfoxx117 Was A17 really the AI Alpha? I have little clue on these things some times. Is that where they added the senses like eyes and ears to the zombs? Thanks for the reply too! :)



Yep it was said by MM himself since smell and what not is broken, stealth is also in it's first iteration (not complete) and they planned to revisit AI it kind of went hand in hand.


For anyone getting withdrawal symptoms here's something to help you out.


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why are u dropping ziplines, just make it that they break after a few uses or something. also u should add cars as well as bikes


Boss said ziplines are no gold,- or kickstarter goals and distract from accomplishing them. They also leed to boring game play (to easy escaping zombies). So i guess they stay on the cutting floor until after gold.



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why are u dropping ziplines, just make it that they break after a few uses or something. also u should add cars as well as bikes


Hi welcome to the mad house.


Zip lines are out that's all there is to it devs didn't like them so nope. MM said there is something about a 4x4 jeep in the works but nothing official yet.

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Search a spot where the surface is 200 Meters high

Build there on bedrock and Zombies cant spawn on surface because out of reach

if this dont work search a area where the surface is only 30 Meters high and make a 3x3 Tower up to max high

The same Zombies should not be able to attack the tower because you are too high and the surface is not rendered

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I'm pretty sure it checks until near by block stability is all lower than the block being checked. Then zips to bedrock to be sure that the column is fully supported. Haven't seen the code. But by video tutorials that demo everything except subterranean air pockets and just how things seem to behave in game.


What I find to be the most vodoo is the load sharing that's done by two unsupported blocks. But I think that's a simple matter of, if we're both unsupported, we split the weight of a block that's attached to us both.


Referring to scenarios like...










S = Supported to bedrock

s = Unsupported


Where the top platform should only be able to hold 4 wood frames out, but because the Support underneath, it can hold 5 or 6 I think. But more than the 4 wood frames with nothing but air under them.


Scenarios like the one you describe is actually closer to real life. The get the angled support is essentially a truss, and trusses and arches should work, but don't. My feeling is that if a block is sitting on some other block then its mass is supported by that block and any other blocks that are next to it. For under things digging underground, it should mean that the mass gets distributed over such a large area that the deeper you go, the bigger the hole has to be to cause it to fall down.

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I'm pretty sure it checks until near by block stability is all lower than the block being checked. Then zips to bedrock to be sure that the column is fully supported. Haven't seen the code. But by video tutorials that demo everything except subterranean air pockets and just how things seem to behave in game.


What I find to be the most vodoo is the load sharing that's done by two unsupported blocks. But I think that's a simple matter of, if we're both unsupported, we split the weight of a block that's attached to us both.


Referring to scenarios like...










S = Supported to bedrock

s = Unsupported


Where the top platform should only be able to hold 4 wood frames out, but because the Support underneath, it can hold 5 or 6 I think. But more than the 4 wood frames with nothing but air under them.

Yes it checks (more or less) until bedrocks, no way to go more than 15 Blocks out of the core tower

here my very first tower in this game where i tried this (not even 15 blocks because you would want to playe stuff on the plateau and the corner allready have no SI )



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I suppose you would have to make your walls out of the strongest material you can and not have storage on the walls.


Thus you will hear the zombies trying to break in and even if they do they wont trash your goods ... well at least not straight away.


There is a way to defend, don't put your crate against the wall. Put them in the middle of the room. Put them in a room in the centre of a larger base. Put them in the floor.


I personally don't see this as an issue. I would not particularly like zombies appearing in stone, I don't like them climbing out of the ground either, but if they can do that then I see no reason why the could not come out of the dirt next to your shaft. I would actually prefer zombies that dug down slowly, rather than vertical and would tend towards the surface if there was not someone, thing to attract them.


I am still behind, so this may have been covered.

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I personally don't see this as an issue.

Zombies moving through rock like Rocketworms


How can you see this not as a issue

Denys 80% of all Bases i ever invented


Screws everybody who has not the time to dig for some real days and make a Hole he can place his base in (like the basepics above show)

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Lol...I talked to Joel about it. Here’s what he said to me:




So it was a fun discussion but it’s not a dev focus right now and there are too many factors that are unknown that are just blind guesses.


But don’t worry. Tilleen keeps responding to posts as he drinks his ketchup so we’re getting a recap anyway....lmao


And no one responds :-(


What the hell is Ketchup, I think you mean Tomato Sauce!!!.

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Zombies moving through rock like Rocketworms


How can you see this not as a issue

Denys 80% of all Bases i ever invented


Screws everybody who has not the time to dig for some real days and make a Hole he can place his base in (like the basepics above show)


I don't see it as an issue, because I don't think many of them will do it. If zombie has no reason to dig down, why would it. If you are up in your tower, then why would the zombie dig down. Not every zombie will do it. Others may follow. I have had zombie get stuck and dig under the base any way because that have spawned on the other side of a cliff. Also it will make think of other ways of building bases.


I initially go up.

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I don't see it as an issue, because I don't think many of them will do it. If zombie has no reason to dig down, why would it. If you are up in your tower, then why would the zombie dig down. Not every zombie will do it. Others may follow. I have had zombie get stuck and dig under the base any way because that have spawned on the other side of a cliff. Also it will make think of other ways of building bases.


I initially go up.


Because of this nearly nobody build near a cliff. And this diggers would make every place to a cliff.

The point is that there are a huge group of players who like to build really big. (With zombies in the world)


Look at this picture.

Dark Blue = Crates

Red = SI Pillars



to add a Defense against Diggers would mean instead 4x4 SI Pillars (16) you would need 6x6 Pillars (36).

I hope all that read this understand how much difference this makes. You suddenly would need more than the double amount of work and materials.


And if this would not be enough. Now imagine you will need to Defend 4-10 Storys. Means you spend the whole Horde night by running the Defence Rings of all storys. I cant see there any fun

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