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[WIP] True Survival SDX


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Hey Spider and crew. Is there interest in the community to add a setting where you are offered a set number or respawns or the ability to gain extra lives while leveling up? I know the FP's mentioned this feature may come to the game. I realize I can limit myself to so many deaths before I have to restart a game, but I think it would add to the challenge to have some form of permadeath setting. What do you guys think?

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Save Game Safe


Server and Players xml and Icon / Player only .dll


Anti-Nerd Pole is fixed


Bonus Zombie killing XP is fixed


Zombie Armor is fixed


Lowered NPC Zombie damage just a little more.


Fixed the Screamers Alert Sound and the other zombie using wrong sounds


Cut friendly NPC spawns in half


Fixed hand Boomer dropping


Fixed new woods burn times


Fixed a few of the new Junk Scrap items scrap values


Fixed Stone Drill now digs stone, metal and steel correctly


Changed how the Crowbar works a little. It doesn’t get used and returned anymore. You can click on any workbench and it will just pick it up. It also no longer breaks when you hit anything else with it. It does 0 damage to everything.


Added and fixed more descriptions


Added Power Drill parts to drop with other tools. Also added small chance for a complete one.


Added Nitroglycerin Perk


Added Profession Icons to the Profession Quest


Added recipe to make Honeycomb into Honey


Added Item Fire Wood. Fire Wood is dried on the drying Rack and combined with animal fat. Brings burn time of wood from 10 to 25 sec.(5 more than Coal) It can be made with Wood or Sticks.


Added recipe to change Mechanical Parts into Scrap Metal


Removed a few redundant recipes


Fixed Methane Bomb maker workstation

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While i like the change in general it does add yet another crafting timer you have to wait out. Are there any plans to have a workstation that can convert logs into wood/lumber? Like a Table Saw workstation?


Yeah, I like the change but to make sticks takes a lot of time. I had a stack of 3000 branches and I could only make sticks in my personal crafting menu. I think it was 50 minutes or something...and only returned ~70% of the branches as sticks. basically stuck making sticks from branches and wood from logs (also takes a while) all in my own crafting queue before I can throw them on a workbench to make planks. It would be nice to have the ability to make wood and sticks in the workbench. A logs to planks recipe in the workbench would be nice as well. It's not a huge deal, just a pita to cancel those so I can repair, then restart them.

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Ok guys, Spider and team, this patch is awsome! The exp on hord night is damn addictive. Totally worth diying for. One little complaint though. The loot was really bad, and i mean BAD. The best i got was 2 nightvision goggles and a mining helmet. But again, exp was amazing, i totally recomend everyone to try IT. And most important of all, it was a blast, really enjoyed it and it was fun as hell.


Thank you Spider and team, you made my evening fricken enjoyable!

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not a fan of new wood system

it just pain to much waiting


To much waiting, in what way? Is it that you don't immediately have access to one single "wood" type that you use to craft everything, after a single swing of an axe? Because that is as intended. Be specific in your feedback, please. The system is designed to increase resource management overhead and make the game a bit difficult, but if it's making things frustrating then we need to hear how and why, and consider that.

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Thank you Spider and team, you made my evening fricken enjoyable!


This is why we do it. That, and because I think Spider likes getting noobs killed. Actually definitely that. Glad to hear you enjoyed yourself.


As far as the loot is concerned, that is a constant uphill battle. Xyth redid the loot tables, recently. The issue is that we don't want too much "leveled loot" because it feels artificial. At the same time, we don't want Zombies dropping phat loots one out of ever 10 times, because then the game becomes too easy. It's a difficult balance to strike.


I have been thinking of trying to add something to the DLL to help with that, maybe a change to the available progression options, then replace Loot Quality in the Scavenging progression table with Loot Count, or something. A good scavenger should come out of his trip with more chances for good gear, not just better gear period. It has to do with having an eye for things that may be useful, not just magically getting better stuff.


- - - Updated - - -


Holy schnitzel! Were Zombie Brutes always able to one-hit 3000/3000 cobblestone blocks to nothing? I don't know how to defend that, lol. Reinforced concrete perhaps?




No, seriously tho, Cobblestone is not the end-all be-all of construction. If you're expecting to be able to hide behind Cobblestone walls from day 4 or 5 indefinitely, and never have to deal with Zombies, you have another thing coming... especially if you're already dealing with Brutes. Them dudes are nasty. I would love to ask Spider to move them later in the progression, but it is kind of nice when one comes along and you're not ready for it, yet.

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To much waiting, in what way? Is it that you don't immediately have access to one single "wood" type that you use to craft everything, after a single swing of an axe? Because that is as intended. Be specific in your feedback, please. The system is designed to increase resource management overhead and make the game a bit difficult, but if it's making things frustrating then we need to hear how and why, and consider that.


There is a fine line between difficult and frustrating and you guys manage to stay on the difficult side for most things, this makes the mod fun. For the wood harvesting, the issue is just the time it takes to scrap branches to sticks and that it must be done in your personal crafting queue. I think this is entirely appropriate when starting out and you only need 50 sticks or so to make what you need for early-game. Mid-game, however, when you need 1000 sticks to make 50 cobblestone frames this is daunting. I spent almost the entirety of my day scrapping logs for wood and branches for sticks in my personal queue. I would suggest making a recipe on the wood workbench to scrap logs to planks directly (skipping wood) and branches to sticks. Or, an even easier and more realistic approach - change sticks to branches for cobblestone frames. If I am in the woods, IDGAF how pretty the frame for my cobblestone walls are, not to the same degree I care when crafting a hammer, for example.

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No, seriously tho, Cobblestone is not the end-all be-all of construction. If you're expecting to be able to hide behind Cobblestone walls from day 4 or 5 indefinitely, and never have to deal with Zombies, you have another thing coming... especially if you're already dealing with Brutes. Them dudes are nasty. I would love to ask Spider to move them later in the progression, but it is kind of nice when one comes along and you're not ready for it, yet.



I am level 25 and not quite to my second horde night - just opened up iron tools and was pretty excited to try them out. I went outside and there was a brute meandering in the nearby wastelands (not city wasteland). I decided to try and kill him - hah - mistake. I ran up my base and came around to pluck him off and before I got up, he had destroyed the corner of my place. I had to lure him out and just use my machete on him. It was quite the rush and I was absolutely not prepared. I am dreading what to do if one comes on my next horde night. I will need a plan for that. So, given all that - I am SUPER glad I ran into one during the day and could see what he was able to do before being surprised on a horde night. I know cobblestone is just an early game material, it was just a huge shock to hear and see him treat them like hay bales. Awesome stuff.

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Holy schnitzel! Were Zombie Brutes always able to one-hit 3000/3000 cobblestone blocks to nothing? I don't know how to defend that, lol. Reinforced concrete perhaps?


IDK about R.concrete, but they one-hit my normal concrete. Also cop's puke. I didn't try steel, but is it worth to spend all that steel if they maybe 2-3 hit it? I feel like block strength has no meaning now. What matters is how many upgrade stages are there. For examlple, a cabin log block upgraded twice is stronger than a concrete wall, because strong zeds can 1-hit concrete, but they need to hit wooden blocks several times to go thru all it's stages before they completely destroy it. This feels unbalanced.

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There is a fine line between difficult and frustrating and you guys manage to stay on the difficult side for most things, this makes the mod fun. For the wood harvesting, the issue is just the time it takes to scrap branches to sticks and that it must be done in your personal crafting queue. I think this is entirely appropriate when starting out and you only need 50 sticks or so to make what you need for early-game. Mid-game, however, when you need 1000 sticks to make 50 cobblestone frames this is daunting. I spent almost the entirety of my day scrapping logs for wood and branches for sticks in my personal queue. I would suggest making a recipe on the wood workbench to scrap logs to planks directly (skipping wood) and branches to sticks. Or, an even easier and more realistic approach - change sticks to branches for cobblestone frames. If I am in the woods, IDGAF how pretty the frame for my cobblestone walls are, not to the same degree I care when crafting a hammer, for example.

I agree that we need to add workbench recipes that require the circular saw. I think field crafting aka backpack crafting should be slow, but there should be an alternative back at the base. Scraping logs in your backpack ties up that crafting slot a long time so I'd just scrap branches in the field until you safely back at base. Thanks for the feedback. This was a major change to balance the trees and tree drop system and will need adjustments before perfected. We will get there.

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For examlple, a cabin log block upgraded twice is stronger than a concrete wall, because strong zeds can 1-hit concrete, but they need to hit wooden blocks several times to go thru all it's stages before they completely destroy it. This feels unbalanced.


That does seem wrong, but that's a better plan than I had which was to curl up in a ball and accept fate if one comes at night.

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IDK about R.concrete, but they one-hit my normal concrete. Also cop's puke. I didn't try steel, but is it worth to spend all that steel if they maybe 2-3 hit it? I feel like block strength has no meaning now. What matters is how many upgrade stages are there. For examlple, a cabin log block upgraded twice is stronger than a concrete wall, because strong zeds can 1-hit concrete, but they need to hit wooden blocks several times to go thru all it's stages before they completely destroy it. This feels unbalanced.

Sound like it need a bit of rebalancing. Fortunately, every weapon, item and hand will be look at very soon as this is needed to implement zombie armor. We will be changing every one of these items base damage so look for changes in this area soon. Also, forget about single block thick walls now, a layered defense and many block thick walls of weaker materials are a better strategy.

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To much waiting, in what way? Is it that you don't immediately have access to one single "wood" type that you use to craft everything, after a single swing of an axe? Because that is as intended. Be specific in your feedback, please. The system is designed to increase resource management overhead and make the game a bit difficult, but if it's making things frustrating then we need to hear how and why, and consider that.


Woa dude relax... not a fan still

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I am level 25 and not quite to my second horde night - just opened up iron tools and was pretty excited to try them out. I went outside and there was a brute meandering in the nearby wastelands (not city wasteland). I decided to try and kill him - hah - mistake. I ran up my base and came around to pluck him off and before I got up, he had destroyed the corner of my place.


Italics and Bold to emphasize what happened here. You took a risk, a bad one. And it blew up in your face. First mistake: Making a base at lowish level near the wasteland. Second mistake: Thinking you could take on a Brute at such a level.


That does seem wrong, but that's a better plan than I had which was to curl up in a ball and accept fate if one comes at night.


You know... you laugh but that is always an acceptable strategy XD


I feel like block strength has no meaning now. What matters is how many upgrade stages are there. For examlple, a cabin log block upgraded twice is stronger than a concrete wall, because strong zeds can 1-hit concrete, but they need to hit wooden blocks several times to go thru all it's stages before they completely destroy it. This feels unbalanced.


I do think you're right that there is a bit of imbalance when it comes to how strong zombies interact with bigger materials. They are supposed to be able to get through the heavy stuff. This may be, in part, my fault. I gave Spider the ability to re-balance the damage that Zeds and players do to materials by allowing 0 damage on some materials, and he put the blocks back to default hit points after rebalancing the item damage. I'm not sure he got to the zombie damage, as the Cops and Brutes had to be buffed in the past to get through the übermaterials that he was using to make sure players would not be knocking down re-bar with a stone axe.


But you bring up a good point about the multi-stages. It might be worthwhile to add some downgrade stages to some of the higher level materials. Slash their health, poured concrete would start basically at Stage 4 (or something), then as damage is done downgrade through those stages. That way, even if something can one-shot a material, if it's tough it will still last for a little while. It's only too bad there aren't any block meshes of various levels of damage to concrete like there are for the doors.


- - - Updated - - -


Woa dude relax... not a fan still


"Relax"? I ask for more information on your reply, and you tell me to "relax"? Now you're just "not a fan" because I asked you to clarify so I could better help you?


Children. Absolute children. That's what I feel like I'm dealing with, at times. If you have an issue, and someone on the development team asks you to clarify, it's not because they are upset at you. It's because they need more information. Take a note from Nikola, up there. He states his position and responds to requests for clarification sanely, and in return gets talked to like an adult. Not patronizingly, like I'm doing to you.


So please, don't misunderstand me. I am not (well, wasn't) telling you to suck it up and deal. I was asking you in what way the experience wasn't optimal for you, in case it was something that could be addressed. It seems, however, that your laconic method of speaking can only parse verbosity as anger. How pissed I must seem. That, you will have to deal with. If I speak to you at all, it is because I found something worth responding to in your words. And if I ask you for clarification, it is because I wanted to see if I could help.


Now... not so much.

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Personally a fan of the new wood refining system, but imo the traffic it causes in inventory crafting def needs to be addressed.


Also im guessing the 600 wood from a single tree was intentional, given it wasn't fixed in the update? Seems a bit much.

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Which tree? Some are pretty gigantic and need lots of wood. Others not so much.

The wood drops on trees may need some global adjusting but the wood drops "should" be proportional to size and width. I went in game and spawned every tree model and compared it to a tall stack of wood blocks, making note in a spreadsheet regarding relative higth and width. This determined approximate volume which was used to grade the trees into groups of small medium and large for purposes of drops. If an individual tree type or size seems out of line proportionally in drops from comparable trees, please let me know.

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Jeo there are a lot of impatient kids on here lol.


I mean, he does have some kind of a point in that it might take a bit too long to scrap some things. It's just like pulling teeth to find out exactly what. If it's just that he doesn't like to wait for things that are automatic in vanilla, he would NOT like some of my proposed changes in making cars Hardness 5 and having 1000 hit points. Think multiple in-game hours to disassemble a car... along with suitably increased yields of metal for such an endeavor. One car should be a decent haul of metal... if your wrench lasts, maybe even enough to build you an anvil.


Of course, at that rate, the noise you would be making, the time involved, and the fact that you're going to be outside means that there is a great chance of you being interrupted by a small horde by the time you're done.

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Spider (Creator) - A lot a bit of everything

Xyth - Coder, Icons, Mod Designer

Jeoshua- .dll Coder, Mod Designer

Darkstardragon- UMA Zombies Creater, Official Server Admin

Unlike Them - Tester, Official Server Admin


My apologies to these people above. I often let Spider know how much I enjoy his mod yet I forgot that others are involved who make it the best 7DTD mod out. So thanks to you all and others who contribute. You have made 7DTD the best $10 bucks I ever spent on a game. I have five kids, a growing counseling practice, and I'm wrapping up my Master's degree. This game has been a fun and welcomed distraction. You guys should really be working in the gaming field professionally with your creative talent. Have a great Easter, God bless.


Whoa, lets not jump the gun here. Im not part of any ts team.:nono: In fact im basically worthless to spider now that he has others to listen to his "should the redwood tree.... bla bla bla etc" lol(private joke). I made some npcs and thats it. I offered to keep making them and possibly some zombies because i enjoy that aspect of the game. So give kudos to spider, jeoshua and xyth and thats it. Btw, this mod is getting cra cra, keep up the awesome modding guys!

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