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[WIP] True Survival SDX


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I created a special config to help Jeoshua's craft mod. It'll add a new entry to the Mod Launcher, under the top level of Sphere. I didn't want to place it under Spider's column, since I didn't want to add any confusion.


For those who are interested in testing this completely experimental D...


In the Mod Launcher, click on Open URL, and copy and paste this URL:



It will add a new top level called "Sphere", where you can make an additional copy of True Survival SDX.


I wish I could test, but I only have 4G of RAM.

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In the Mod Launcher, click on Open URL, and copy and paste this URL:



Thank you, Sphereii. I'm installing a copy through this method, as we speak, so I can be on the same page as everyone when it comes to testing this out.


- - - Updated - - -


Are these used for anything yet?




Yes, Glue:


<recipe name="glue" count="2" craft_area="workchemistryStation" craft_tool="beaker" craft_time="15" craft_exp_gain="10">
	<ingredient name="Hoof" count="2" />
	<ingredient name="BoneMeal" count="1" />
	<ingredient name="bottledWater" count="1" />

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Thank you, Sphereii. I'm installing a copy through this method, as we speak, so I can be on the same page as everyone when it comes to testing this out.


It's good to note that this does not contain anything except my hacked DLL. When installing it, and it asks you if you want to make a copy, say yes and make a copy of the True Survival SDX directory you should already have.


my Config brings in Spider's True Survival, and just adds your DLL to the end of it. I had to re-host the DLL on my github, since my launcher was struggling with the google drive link.

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I created a special config to help Jeoshua's craft mod. It'll add a new entry to the Mod Launcher, under the top level of Sphere. I didn't want to place it under Spider's column, since I didn't want to add any confusion.


For those who are interested in testing this completely experimental D...


In the Mod Launcher, click on Open URL, and copy and paste this URL:



It will add a new top level called "Sphere", where you can make an additional copy of True Survival SDX.


I wish I could test, but I only have 4G of RAM.


When i clicked install mod i get this error





Error happens when i try to install any mod now, but one that is already installed loads fine

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So at that crash, you had click on the button to begin the copy of your Steam folder? Did you try to click on the drop down button, and select it again?


drop down? You mean the plus sign that expands the sphereii list?


OOOOO i see the drop down menu!


I fi understand this mod right, its SDX true survival, with the hax added to it?

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drop down? You mean the plus sign that expands the sphereii list?


OOOOO i see the drop down menu!


I fi understand this mod right, its SDX true survival, with the hax added to it?


Yes, that's correct :) It uses Spider's files, from his own depot. It just adds the new DLL to test.

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So if anyone is willing to help test, I need a few things done... and if you need clarification on how to do any of this, please step down as a tester. I need people who know what they're doing, this isn't a finished product:

1) See if replacing the Assembly-CSharp.dll file lets you run single player.

2) See if forge lag and search lag still occur

3) Beat on the workstations. Try to break them. I don't mean physically (although, do try that too). Don't try to make them work, try to make them LAG. Try to get them to act strange. Make them work improperly in a way they used to work. If you can, tell me how you did it.

4) If you can find no fault, try it on a dedicated server (preferably your own, in case it kills Spider's)

5) Try it on Vanilla, Recompile an SDX mod using it, see if the lag is gone.



I focused on dedicated server testing this evening and, wow...just wow. What a difference!


Before changing the clientside DLL:

Smelting a stack of scrap iron while making new scrap iron is a good stress test. I get 40-50 FPS out of forge, only a little less when doing the stress test using the favorites work around trick, but only 3-4 FPS staring into the forge while the test smelting/crafting is running. Moving items or searching is impossible.


After changing DLL: No FPS drop during stress test, even when rapidly searching for recipes. Everything smooth and stable playing on Dedi.


I will try other workstations tomorrow but I think you nailed it.

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I tested the fix in single player. I noticed a big difference. There was minor recipe lag, no lag while typing in the search box, till i hit the 4th letter, but the lag was minor, like 1 second. I loaded up the forge with iron, had it crafting nails, not much lag. Made a campfire, tossed in some wood, typed meat in the search filed, no lag what so ever.


Preliminary testing, shows this is a great fix!

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Getting this erro when starting launcher


INFO 1 _7D2DLauncher.frmMain - System.Xml.XmlException: The 'meta' start tag on line 23 position 6 does not match the end tag of 'head'. Line 39, position 4.

at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw(Exception e)

at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ThrowTagMismatch(NodeData startTag)

at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseEndElement()

at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseElementContent()

at System.Xml.XmlLoader.LoadNode(Boolean skipOverWhitespace)

at System.Xml.XmlLoader.LoadDocSequence(XmlDocument parentDoc)

at System.Xml.XmlDocument.Load(XmlReader reader)

at _7D2DLauncher.frmMain.ReadXML(String strXMLFile)


But the launcher still starts

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I focused on dedicated server testing this evening and, wow...just wow. What a difference!


Before changing the clientside DLL:

Smelting a stack of scrap iron while making new scrap iron is a good stress test. I get 40-50 FPS out of forge, only a little less when doing the stress test using the favorites work around trick, but only 3-4 FPS staring into the forge while the test smelting/crafting is running. Moving items or searching is impossible.


After changing DLL: No FPS drop during stress test, even when rapidly searching for recipes. Everything smooth and stable playing on Dedi.


I will try other workstations tomorrow but I think you nailed it.


Great to hear. I have identified a few unnecessary hacks, and a better method of fixing the search lag. I will be testing it tonight and releasing it tommorow if everything works out.


What issues I have identified so far are recipes not updating (them updating is what caused the lag). Dropping an Anvil on the stack does not update the recipes available. My next file will leave that alone. If you run into somewhere the recipes should update but aren't, please note that down. The recipes can be manually updated by clicking on the recipe list icon, picking up an item from your backpack, searching the list, or reopening the workstation. Clicking on the campfire icon is the best way.


Part of me wants to make that the only way the list updates, too.

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I finally figured out what was causing these awful 20 sec long freezes of lag that made the game near-unplayable, it was Vsync, turning off Vsync made it disappear however it was replaced with slightly choppier FPS overall, but a hell of a lot more playable. Might be worth making a note in case this is an issue with anyone else.


TURN OFF VSYNC if you're having troubles with bad load stuttering.



Also spotted a weird bug earlier, traveled about 1-2km out from my base, when I turned around I noticed that I could still see trees on the chunk my base was in, meaning the chunk was still active despite all the land around it being terrain mesh.

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You have to do something to make the hordes of rabbits, chickens, etc.?, because they never worked and I'm not the only one, thank you in advance


Not sure what you are asking here. Roaming animal horde spawns happen on specific days only.

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Getting this erro when starting launcher


INFO 1 _7D2DLauncher.frmMain - System.Xml.XmlException: The 'meta' start tag on line 23 position 6 does not match the end tag of 'head'. Line 39, position 4.

at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw(Exception e)

at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ThrowTagMismatch(NodeData startTag)

at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseEndElement()

at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseElementContent()

at System.Xml.XmlLoader.LoadNode(Boolean skipOverWhitespace)

at System.Xml.XmlLoader.LoadDocSequence(XmlDocument parentDoc)

at System.Xml.XmlDocument.Load(XmlReader reader)

at _7D2DLauncher.frmMain.ReadXML(String strXMLFile)


But the launcher still starts


I think my XML tag got messed up, causing an error. I will fix it as soon as I get to a computer again.


Does the Mod Launcher still play the TS SDX with the DLL change?

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Yeah, but they are very rare, I'm playing for a couple of years and seen only a hornet horde twice, I think thats because they are easier to spot.


Yeah, I agree, though I really dislike the zombie bear/rabbit/chicken thing so its not an issue for me. Bee swarms are fun though. I think part of the issue is that in the spawning.xml Spider has many of the spawn days effectively turned off, using this code:


<property name="DelayBetweenSpawns" value="1" />

<property name="TotalAlive" value="0" />

<property name="TotalPerWave" value="0" />


My read on that is the spawn triggers but nothing spawns. I see this alot in this mod, but might just be his intention to have random horde free days.

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RE: the new DLL


Anyone reading this thread might try using this DLL with other mods. If they use it in vanilla it should work fine, but in mods that also use a modified assemblyCSharp.dll, like those with bigger backpack mods, will result in lost backpack inventory and other unexpected results.

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hello everyone.....I'm using the 7D2D mod launcher to play this mod.....I wanted to use Zompact 2.0 to get a bigger backpack but when I go into my 7 days to die folder and install files and load game the backpack size doesn't change? I'm not a rocket scientist when it comes to modding but should I assume that since I'm using launcher true survival files aren't actually loaded in my game? any help would be greatly appreciated to get help and play with a bigger backpack

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