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[WIP] True Survival SDX


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I am encountering this bug for the first time so don't come at me with an axe please :p


I noticed when playing on Spider's server I can cancel the loot time and just straight open the container. I won't just say the way of doing it right away, but if this is indeed a bug and not on Spider's end / my end, then please tell me where to post it.

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I am encountering this bug for the first time so don't come at me with an axe please :p


I noticed when playing on Spider's server I can cancel the loot time and just straight open the container. I won't just say the way of doing it right away, but if this is indeed a bug and not on Spider's end / my end, then please tell me where to post it.


It is a known bug/exploit, Spider knows it but he has no idea what causes it and how to fix it.

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Having issue of getting a small lag every time i press tab to craft, and another lag when i try to search for the items i want to craft. Try to look through the forum with people have similar issue, but way too large of forum to look through. Please and thank you

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I'm not Spider, but let me. I started a new game as a cop, read the cop initial skills/quest, opened the inventory with 'I' and typed 'repair'. There was a weapon repair kit and IT WAS UNLOCKED. You don't have to unlock it in the skills menu (N), it stayes there locked. The same goes with all other professions.


Just as Spider said.


I just started a new cop char, and everything was exactly the same as I showed in the video above. It is as you say though, the item is actually craftable, even though it shows the skill as still being locked and buried behind engineering 10. and I have no doubt whatsoever that when engineering 10 is reached, the skill will still show as not being trained.

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So... not to get anyone too excited before I have it fully tested and distributable but...


I have fixed the crafting and search lag. It involves a dll hack which I'm not entirely sure how to distribute without either giving out a modified assembly-csharp.dll file or explaining how to hack it oneself.


There are some downsides:

One - I haven't fully tested it. I did get a crash, but it could have just been a wild crash and have nothing to do with this hack.

Two - It will make the game not work with EAC, since the assembly is changed, so it would need to be installed in a separate directory if you ever want to play on an EAC enabled

Three - You won't be able to search for items with names lower than 3 characters... which I don't think is actually a problem.

Four - Quickly completing items like nails, and quick burning fuel like sticks will still trigger their own brand of lag.

Five - You won't be able to smelt anything with the "embers" of fuel. If you stop the fuel burning process when you still have burn time available, but don't have any actual fuel in the input grid, you won't be able to restart the fire until you add some fuel.

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Five - You won't be able to smelt anything with the "embers" of fuel. If you stop the fuel burning process when you still have burn time available, but don't have any actual fuel in the input grid, you won't be able to restart the fire until you add some fuel.


Excellent work, you are a champ !


p.s. Regarding Point 5, I believe it has been like this in vanilla for some time anyway.

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Are we able to make glass? I see recipes listed in workbench, but they say i do not have the recipe. I read through all of the perk items and do not see one that states it has glass recipes with in.


Also did not see glass mentioned in the survivor notes.

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@Ozzland, you need to find a glass book I'm afraid, and this book is rare (maybe in steel lockers?). And a wiki to this mod would be great, but not much point doing it because the mod is always being changed. To see the workbench recipes just enter the bench and list thru the recipes (you need the bench installed of course). To learn what bench is required for some particular item read the item's description. Not all items have this info, and some info is outdated, but Spider is working on it. If you find any info misleading post it here on this forum and Spider fixes it.


@Tetrameth, this is somewhat complicated and confusing. As I understand it, there are two kinds of perks, normal perks for everyone, and the special profession's perks, which duplicate the normal perks. A cop, for example, has this 'weapon repair kit' perk, so he doesn't need to unlock the normal 'weapon repair kit'. Of course, you can unlock it (wasting your points), but it will not do you anything good, so just leave it locked. Every profession I think has its special skills. I'm a fitness instructor, I was born with the knowledge of making teas, but if I press N and look, those skills are locked to me (but of course I can make teas anyway). I hope my explanation is clear.


@Jeoshua, that sounds extreamly promising. This mod is an SDX mod, so not EAC compatible anyway. I hope some additional testing will reveal no crashing.


Lol after Spider left I feel I'm in charge here :)

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I just started a new cop char, and everything was exactly the same as I showed in the video above. It is as you say though, the item is actually craftable, even though it shows the skill as still being locked and buried behind engineering 10. and I have no doubt whatsoever that when engineering 10 is reached, the skill will still show as not being trained.


When you are given access to a skill for your class it doesn't unlock the perk, I don't think it is a bug, just a limitation. You know what profession you started with so it shouldn't be an issue to keep in mind the one or two perks that you do not need to buy.

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So... not to get anyone too excited before I have it fully tested and distributable but...


I have fixed the crafting and search lag. It involves a dll hack which I'm not entirely sure how to distribute without either giving out a modified assembly-csharp.dll file or explaining how to hack it oneself.


The Mod Launcher can generate a patch file with your changes and a baseline, and apply the patch automatically. No one would be the wiser, from an end-user point of view.


I could even provide the commands to perform the patch manually, for those inclined to avoid the Mod Launcher and want to do things manually.


Is it client-side only, or does it also need to exist on the server? Server uses a different DLL. Spider could also use the modified copy, and just apply the SDX changes to it, so it wouldn't be a big deal. Have you made the changes in your test scenario against the True Survival SDX version, or vanilla?

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So... not to get anyone too excited before I have it fully tested and distributable but...


I have fixed the crafting and search lag. It involves a dll hack which I'm not entirely sure how to distribute without either giving out a modified assembly-csharp.dll file or explaining how to hack it oneself.


There are some downsides:

One - I haven't fully tested it. I did get a crash, but it could have just been a wild crash and have nothing to do with this hack.

Two - It will make the game not work with EAC, since the assembly is changed, so it would need to be installed in a separate directory if you ever want to play on an EAC enabled

Three - You won't be able to search for items with names lower than 3 characters... which I don't think is actually a problem.

Four - Quickly completing items like nails, and quick burning fuel like sticks will still trigger their own brand of lag.

Five - You won't be able to smelt anything with the "embers" of fuel. If you stop the fuel burning process when you still have burn time available, but don't have any actual fuel in the input grid, you won't be able to restart the fire until you add some fuel.


If this is true, this would be the first attempt, and success of fixing the inventory lag. Im hopeful! If you need anyone to help in testing let me know. As in what sphereii asked, server side or SP?

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I hope my explanation is clear.


Yep, cheers for that, we are on the same page.


I guess with spider deciding to focus more on the point of the police officer skillset already having the weapon repair kit [rather than just seeing it as the example that I stated it was] kind of derailed my original point.


I tried to be pretty clear in my OP that I was only using the weapon repair kit as an example [granted, in hindsight it probably wasn't the best one to use] there were a number of others.


Where I was getting at was that perhaps some of the quests needed to be looked at in regards to XP gain/cost. When something costs as much as you get back, it just seems a tad useless. Spikes quest gives you 1 point, the skill costs 2 points [why not just make spikes cost 1 point and be done with it] iron club, costs 1 point and rewards 1 point [just remove the quest altogether] etc...


I understand that if a specific profession quest grants you XP then its XP you usually wouldn't get back on any other char outside of that profession, so they prob dont need to be changed, but as far as the other standard quests go...

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When something costs as much as you get back, it just seems a tad useless.


As I understand it, Spider put these quests there as an education tool, to explain how these new mod's mechanic work. People (me included) were used just to put spikes on the ground and then wonder why they don't slow and damage zombies. Or how do we dry leather. TFP put those starter quests with the same goal, to educate new players.


So those quests are not there for the reward XP, but to educate players how to do things that they are expected to do anyway, and the reward XP are a bonus.



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Have you made the changes in your test scenario against the True Survival SDX version, or vanilla?


That's why this is going to take a bit of time to test. Because yes, I have made drastic changes to my personal testing environment which need to be accounted for. The hack is simple enough tho that it should be universal. I need to make it for three environments (Personal, TS, and Vanilla) and test it in at least two. It would be helpful if I could get some instructions on how to take TS, get the launcher to understand the changed assembly, and then how to distribute that to you and Spider. I could always just make it, fork his github, and issue a pull request...


As far as the testing, so far no crashes. I'm currently doing a burn-in test, filling up a few forges. Frame rate is steady with three forges full blast, and two forges are already full.


Also, to update, I was also able to eliminate fuel-based lag (from burning sticks). Working on quick-craft lag now.

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That's why this is going to take a bit of time to test. Because yes, I have made drastic changes to my personal testing environment which need to be accounted for. The hack is simple enough tho that it should be universal. I need to make it for three environments (Personal, TS, and Vanilla) and test it in at least two. It would be helpful if I could get some instructions on how to take TS, get the launcher to understand the changed assembly, and then how to distribute that to you and Spider. I could always just make it, fork his github, and issue a pull request...


As far as the testing, so far no crashes. I'm currently doing a burn-in test, filling up a few forges. Frame rate is steady with three forges full blast, and two forges are already full.


Also, to update, I was also able to eliminate fuel-based lag (from burning sticks). Working on quick-craft lag now.


Start with Vanilla first. That'll help the most people. Spider can always re-compile TS using the modified vanilla file as a base.


To Generate a patch, go to View menu, and click on Patches. Then, in the new window, go to File, and click on Generate Patch. It will then ask you for the path of the two files, one being the original, unmodified one (TS if that was your base), then your modified one. It will generate a patch file and an XML file.


The XML file is used to make sure that it'll only patch the right file. So if someone has a different copy of the assembly-csharp.dll, it won't blindly apply the patch and break things.


To help distribute, you can create a github repo with the patch file and XML file. I can make a copy of the Spider's config, and add his repo plus yours, and the Mod Launcher will combine them. I won't public share the Config, but I can give people a link to perform their testing. This test config would be separate from TS, so people can go back and forth easily. So all that being said, just send me a link where I can find the patch and XML file, and I can take care of the rest.


Once Spider comes back, we can figure out what else needs to be done for official support.


Ideally, I'd like to see your patch go into vanilla, then have Spider re-compile SDX into it. That way, your Quicker Search mod would be able to be utilized by other modders, if that's your intent. It'd be absolutely perfect if it could work without it being required on the server.



Edit: You can add me to Steam if you want some help. Same username as here.

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item icons


Hi I am geting item icons missing in game the ones i am missing are the fruits and the juices the item show up in hand but no icons ow and flour and wheat to there maybe more but i not sean them yet i have tryed my setting and nothing but i did look in the itemicon file and they show up there but not in game can u help plz

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Engineering skill


What items/actions are tied to Engineering skill now? Using the wrench used to be a good way to level that skill but i believe that action is now tied to Journeyman crafting. So, how are people now raising their engineering skill in the early/mid game?

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Hi I am geting item icons missing in game the ones i am missing are the fruits and the juices the item show up in hand but no icons ow and flour and wheat to there maybe more but i not sean them yet i have tryed my setting and nothing but i did look in the itemicon file and they show up there but not in game can u help plz


did you use the mod launcher or extract the files to the directory yourself?

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