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[WIP] True Survival SDX


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Spider, simple question and I have looked, but maybe missed it somewhere ... I can craft a Lockpick - But for the life of me .. I can not get it to work ... I get a bag in hand and I have right click - left click - Held down the "E" key and tried R-L click .. but nothing. What am I missing please.


Thank you


You need a lockpick device to use lock picks.

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Okay I'm going to try again, maybe 3rd times a charm :)


As the mod currently sits, you cannot put a door on your base until you are level 25, or are lucky enough to find a Wrench. This is because the level 5 item "Wooden Door" requires Springs. Springs do not drop as loot like Short Iron Pipes do.


So effectively the wrench gate has now prevented people from putting Doors on their bases until level 25. I believe this is a big issue and needs to be addressed.

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Okay I'm going to try again, maybe 3rd times a charm :)


As the mod currently sits, you cannot put a door on your base until you are level 25, or are lucky enough to find a Wrench. This is because the level 5 item "Wooden Door" requires Springs. Springs do not drop as loot like Short Iron Pipes do.


So effectively the wrench gate has now prevented people from putting Doors on their bases until level 25. I believe this is a big issue and needs to be addressed.


Think outside the square, climb some hay bales to get into a hole on the rooftop until you are able to craft doors.

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Think outside the square, climb some hay bales to get into a hole on the rooftop until you are able to craft doors.


Your missing his point. How is a crappy wood door a midgame item? Metal doors, sure, but not plain wood doors. This is another example of how some of the gates (here an L25 item gates an L5 item) need tweaking.




@Spider - loath that I am to point this out, but a nailed bat is a killer weapon you can get before L10 and unlike all other improved clubs is not gated behind the anvil workstation. Bats and nails are extremely easy to find so I'm guessing this is an oversight.

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A number of the quests involve purchasing skills to complete. Occasionally the points you spend to purchase these skills are more than the actual points the quest pays out, so it seems a little weird.


As an example of this, cop quest to 'craft a weapon repair kit' - Skill costs 2 points, XP awarded is 1 point.


Whilst this skill in particular is probably useful to purchase at some point anyway, not all of these negative quest skills are worth purchasing, especially with the cost involved.


I know quests do not 'need' to be completed, but by their very essence, it just seems like some tweaks need to be made in this regard, so at the very least the payout for the quest equals the XP awarded.

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Your missing his point. How is a crappy wood door a midgame item? Metal doors, sure, but not plain wood doors. This is another example of how some of the gates (here an L25 item gates an L5 item) need tweaking.




@Spider - loath that I am to point this out, but a nailed bat is a killer weapon you can get before L10 and unlike all other improved clubs is not gated behind the anvil workstation. Bats and nails are extremely easy to find so I'm guessing this is an oversight.


I'm not missing the point at all, i understand what you are saying, i just think a door is not the be all and end all to the game, there are a huge number of ways to work around it, especially considering that you only need to look in the right places to find yourself a wrench which will net you so many springs you'll be wondering what to do with them all...


Also, the bat used in the recipe you mentioned is a looted item only, so therefore, you wont always have an endless supply of them, whereas spiked clubs, you will at only a very slight cost to entity damage and the 'bleeding out' buff.

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Just had a strange experience with my minibike, It was 100% health and was fueled to around 50% i had parked it outside my base and went inside for the night, i then quit, [saving] the game.


When i reloaded the game and jumped back in, morning came i went outside to get on the bike, it was smoking, health was zero, aside from pulling up the radial menu by holding the 'E' key over it and also sitting on the bike, i was unable to interact with it in any other way. when sitting on it i noticed all fuel was gone, repair tool wont work on it, and i cant destroy it with any tools.


Anyone else had a similar experience in this mod? i have never had this happen before with a bike.

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Also, the bat used in the recipe you mentioned is a looted item only, so therefore, you wont always have an endless supply of them, whereas spiked clubs, you will at only a very slight cost to entity damage and the 'bleeding out' buff.


I diagree. The nailedbat is superior to all clubs except lucille. It does 60 bonus head damage where clubs have no headshot bonus. The nailedbat is repairable and wears very slowly. Each bat is good for hundreds of kils or more. You just need 1 decent one and a little skill then zombies cease to be a threat.

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I'm not missing the point at all, i understand what you are saying, i just think a door is not the be all and end all to the game, there are a huge number of ways to work around it


No one is saying a Door is the "be all end all to the game". No one is saying there aren't other ways to try to work around it.


We're saying that a fundamental item to a basebuilding game is a Door. The door is unlocked at level 5 and cannot be crafted until level 25 unless you are lucky enough to find a wrench, because Springs do not drop as loot. My opinion is that this needs tweaking.

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Just had a strange experience with my minibike, It was 100% health and was fueled to around 50% i had parked it outside my base and went inside for the night, i then quit, [saving] the game.


When i reloaded the game and jumped back in, morning came i went outside to get on the bike, it was smoking, health was zero, aside from pulling up the radial menu by holding the 'E' key over it and also sitting on the bike, i was unable to interact with it in any other way. when sitting on it i noticed all fuel was gone, repair tool wont work on it, and i cant destroy it with any tools.


Anyone else had a similar experience in this mod? i have never had this happen before with a bike.


That has happen to me several times ... But for me - I was looting and getting stuff in small town - roaming horde comes and I go jump on my bike AND it is totally DEAD and when I parked it at 100% fuel and all was good ... I DIED ............. This mod has some bug's.

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Mod Update-


Both Player and Server files


Changed Icon on Purification Tablets


Added Sugar Cane to Grain Alcohol, Red Bull and Mead


Added new fermented drink Mead made with honey and sugar in the Fermentation Barrel. Mead gives more stamina and regular beer effects but gives wellness instead of taking it.


Removed burn ability on some metal chairs and tables that should not have been burnable


Decreased Sanitizing Bandages in loot


Decreased Bone Shivs decap chance


Fixed Miner 69er description


You can no longer pick up Hay Bales, they drop plant fibers when broken(thats for you Skippy :) )


Fixed Generator dropping extra generators


Changed Burglars quest to require Iron Shiv instead of Steak Knife


Moved Nailed bat to the Anvil with a Hammer like the others. Added another recipe to use the Goodnight Bat also


Fixed Wooden Frames HP to be low when placed but higher after being broken down


Lowered Follower Spawn more


Changed Dolly to a Crowbar and added new mesh and made the Crowbar easier to craft and available earlier


Added Crowbar Note in player Journal


Tinted Anti-Viral Med Icon


Added new item Scrap Rubber. Tires craft into these and then they can be melted in the campfire for melted rubber.


Fan Belt can be crafted into Scrap Rubber


Fixed Tomahawk to break when broken


Changed Stone Fighting Axe to take a Sinew instead of Lashing


Decreased all melee weapons starting decap bonus


Changed Wrench recipe to require Short Metal Pipes instead of Forged Iron


Removed Gas Can Perk. Now players can craft Oil Barrels into Gas Cans


Decreased Pipes from cars



You know I will take the blame on things I do but I will not sit here and have you blame me for TFP horrible Mini Bike that i REMOVED from the mod because of how buggy they are and only put back in after players asked me to but with the clear disclaimer I WILL NOT BE BLAMED FOR OR TAKE BUG REPORTS ABOUT THEM. If you have a problem with the Mini go harass TFP dont come in here saying my mod has bad bugs when the entire forum is full of bug reports about the Mini Bike.



Cops start with the Weapon Repair Kit recipe. You didnt have to buy it you already knew it. And the Mod notes say that Military Vehicles are steel Tier 3 loot containers and the Notes also say that steel materials take steel tools to break. So yes the Mod Notes do tell you.


OK people I'm off for a week. Die well my friends.

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Cops start with the Weapon Repair Kit recipe. You didnt have to buy it you already knew it..


Weapon repair kit was used purely as a quick example, probably not he best one to use.


Might i add, that its impossible to tell that the skill is already trained when engineering skill is still below 10. And as such, I have not had the opportunity on my cop char to see that skill showing up as anything but grey and with a lock on it. [because my engineering skill is still below 10]


Regardless of that, weapon repair kits were only used as an example, instead, take a look at the spikes quest. The quest gives 1 point but it costs 2 points to unlock the spike skill...

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Scratch that, to put things to the test, I just tried pumping up my engineering skill with some spare SP I had hoarded on the cop. When I hit 10 the weapon repair kit skill lost its 'locked' status and became available... but i needed to spend 2 points to unlock it, as it was not already trained.

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None of this information you are spouting off is true and it is all there to be read in game easily. If you look under the Cop Perk you will see your skills. Your engineering level has nothing to do with you being able to make a Weapon Repair Kits as a Cop or a Soldier. Professions have their own Perks with their own recipes that are completely separate from normal Perks.


And yes some quest will require you to buy a skill that you will need eventually anyway. So instead of seeing it as I have to spend 2 points to earn one you should be looking at it as a refundable discount on the cost of that Perk that you would be purchasing anyway. But a player does not need to purchase anything to do their Profession quest. The Profession quest get you to use your professions abilitys so you can learn what they can do.

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OK people I'm off for a week. Die well my friends.



None of this information you are spouting off is true and it is all there to be read in game easily. If you look under the Cop Perk you will see your skills. Your engineering level has nothing to do with you being able to make a Weapon Repair Kits as a Cop or a Soldier. Professions have their own Perks with their own recipes that are completely separate from normal Perks


That week went fast...at least we are one week closer to A16 :D

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Possible Bug: TPXBat, unlike its counterpart the Goodnight Bat, cannot be upgraded to nailed bat.

Its a Metal bat and the nailed bats mesh is a wood bat. Jut tryn to keep some immersion.


I'm leaving in about 3 hours. Cant wait!

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Its a Metal bat and the nailed bats mesh is a wood bat. Jut tryn to keep some immersion.


I'm leaving in about 3 hours. Cant wait!


Ah, makes sense. I'd imaging then that an aluminum bat would be a little bit faster (it has a balance point closer to the handle) and have more durability than a wooden bat then. Don't forget sunscreen, the sun can be brutal down here in the south even in spring.

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Would showing you a video of it suffice ?


I'm not Spider, but let me. I started a new game as a cop, read the cop initial skills/quest, opened the inventory with 'I' and typed 'repair'. There was a weapon repair kit and IT WAS UNLOCKED. You don't have to unlock it in the skills menu (N), it stayes there locked. The same goes with all other professions.


Just as Spider said.

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