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New Zombie Types/Mutations


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Am I the only one that is not looking forward to mutated zombies? I'd like this game to focus more on the survival aspect, and if that means no new enemies until they can implement bandits then so be it. This whole resurrector and beheamoth mutated zombie thing leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I feel the game is progressing towards weird mutated zombies that we will eventually be stuck in a world with flying zombies, zombies with guns for hands, zombies that do x, etc. In my opinion, it ruins the realism of what the game has been pretty solid at keeping going. Granted, zombies are clearly not real, but they're realistic. Zombies 15 feet tall that smash through ♥♥♥♥? No realistic. Zombies that...resurrect (what?lol) doesn't even come close to making sense, even in a weird mutated world. Now, I'm not arguing that they couldn't come up with a story/reason as to WHY there are mutated zombie monsters, but as of right now they feel pretty cheap and tacked on. I'm right there with everyone that I need to have some end game goals, but mutated left for dead style monsters is not what I was hoping for. Thoughts?

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I totally agree with you on this. I fell in love with this game because it delivers a pretty solid 'Walking Dead' experience, a realistic zombie apocalypse. I agree also, the new super power zombies just don't make sense and would cheapen the experience, at least for me it would.

I would much rather deal with more realistic survival situations.....bandits, harsher weather, food spoiling, new diseases....that sort of stuff.

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Completely disagree. [Respectfully]


We already have Ferals. We have radiation. We have a Zombie virus. We're already through the looking glass.


Saying it's more sciency to have TWD-style zombies, quite frankly, seems boring to me.


Furthermore, cite your course regarding the 'Lore' for 7DTD please.

I must have missed whatever you read.


You know, the part where TFP mentioned what the virus is and how it's limited to TWD only zeds and how

nothing is going to mutate and it's going to be Realism over Game Play and suit YOUR personal style.


I must have missed that.


Please post a link.

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I agree with the OP, but its more about my preference on the kind of zombie world i want to play in. Masses of shambling dead is my preference, not resident-evil style mutant freak show.(though i do love the resident evil movies) If the devs add something i dont like, ill just mod it out. As long as they leave the game wide open on modding like they have thus far, i dont worry much about things i dont like being added.

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Furthermore, cite your course regarding the 'Lore' for 7DTD please.


Well the original lore for 7D2D was Minecraft. I bet "Madmole" was Joel's characters name while he played it.


Looking at Minecraft, it has some freaky stuff that I bet most players have never gotten to (portals, dimensions). 7D2D has barely scratched the surface of Minecraft lore.


Now, I don't know if they are still trying to make a better minecraft. I think they are just doing what's fun for them now.

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well the problem is that the customer-base tends to want it both ways: They want very large numbers of zombies to be able to be rendered by the game engine and fought at once without causing lag or big FPS drops -AND- They want detailed textures and a large variety of zombie types. The game engine just cant handle both, apparently due to it being a voxel world which complicates things on the graphics side.


Plus not everyone strives for the TWD style of world. *shrug*

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Totally agreed with the OP.


I was personally hoping that the mutants we already have are primarily placeholders for higher zombie volume to come in the future. The more the game trends in the super-powered mutant direction, the more of my interest it loses.


I love the game, but there are a lot better mutant shooters out there to play. I own DOOM, too. If I want to play that, I will. I wanted something different from 7DTD, but as they already have my money, I guess I'll just mod out the stuff I don't like.

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I honestly don't care if it's zombies or mutants I'm shooting at, bring em all on and hopefully a bit more challenging soon. And I don't mean just raising their HP. Get creative, make the player get creative to solve the problem and take down the threat. The behemoth is a welcomed change in my opinion. Sure its not your typical zombie but what the hell, if this is what they've got to offer we'll take it.

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Regardless of which way they go with the zeds, so long as Mod support remains a constant we'll ALL be happy.


Anyone wanting a more TWD or even Romero style game play can make it so.


Personally, I've already added mutant Zeds to my game. Even a giant one.


So although I may not agree with the OP, I completely support the ability for them to make this game how they like it.

I may even try out a mod or two.

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I am all for TFP flexing their artistic freedom to mold and shape how they want their world to function and act.


The only 'One' rule that fits all for zombie fiction: Once was dead (doesn't even need to be human), reanimated and wants to eat you (Even the eating part by some writers has become blurred over time), everything else they want to add is fair game..


At one time TFP said stuff about the duke of naves and his band of mutated bandits.. Is it really that far of a stretch to imagine those bandits died and became zeds and continued to mutate?


  • Exploding acid spewing cops?

  • Zombies that can climb walls?

  • Giant bee's?

  • Blood moon events every 7 days?

  • Beer that gives unlimited stamina for extended times?

  • Zeds that can give you a infection without you bleeding?

  • Feral zeds?

  • ect,.

Just my opinion but I think the "7days to Die" world is more than accepting and fitting of having mutated zeds..

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I am all for TFP flexing their artistic freedom to mold and shape how they want their world to function and act.


The only 'One' rule that fits all for zombie fiction: Once was dead (doesn't even need to be human), reanimated and wants to eat you (Even the eating part by some writers has become blurred over time), everything else they want to add is fair game..


At one time TFP said stuff about the duke of naves and his band of mutated bandits.. Is it really that far of a stretch to imagine those bandits died and became zeds and continued to mutate?


  • Exploding acid spewing cops?

  • Zombies that can climb walls?

  • Giant bee's?

  • Blood moon events every 7 days?

  • Beer that gives unlimited stamina for extended times?

  • Zeds that can give you a infection without you bleeding?

  • Feral zeds?

  • ect,.

Just my opinion but I think the "7days to Die" world is more than accepting and fitting of having mutated zeds..


Thank you for that!


Very well said.

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For all those saying, TWD or only walking zombies are too easy and boring, you need to play project zomboid. Its the only survival game where all my deaths were my own fault and not lag, pc issues, enemy spawning right behind me etc.

Games add mutants, extra strong acid spitting zombies, because 3d engines cannot support 100s of zombies without the games crashing (maybe indie games only). 7d2d is doing ok in zombie numbers, but still not enough, and that's why they need stronger zombies. I'm not completely against this, however I wish devs would go a step further with this, and add certain zombies dropping rare loot, such as spitting zombie's acid sac, using zombie dogs teeth as an addon to make a more efficient killing axe.

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I think at some point TFP are going to have to offer up some Lore.


Know what the world is and it's rules will help people to accept what they are playing.


Right now it's up for grabs. That's why we're debating.


If the lore gives a valid reason for things like mutants then we'll be fine with it.

Those who don't want to play in a world with mutated things can make a choice ahead of time.

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  • 1 year later...

I would love to see mutated zombies but only to an extant. I would prefer the mutations to only really change their health, speed, and strength. I don't need any more zombies with special ability's, because we already have enough. Now what I want even more than that is a much better npc system, because all we have right now is a few traders.


I dream of a day when my friends and I are holed up in our base at night and we hear some yelling on a speaker outside, because the 7DTD version of Negan just arrived at our door step demanding half of our ♥♥♥♥.

Or maybe we see the front door open with it's lock broken and we catch a thief inside our base, and we could execute him any way we see fit :tickled_pink:


Edit: I actually want more special zombies now, so disregard the first paragraph pls.

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