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Power went out, and I lost all progress?


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Was hosting a game, during a blood moon the power went out, and after restarting back up, I was in a different location and as a new character back to level 1! Still a blood moon, so I got ganked by zombies right away too to add insult to injury I guess. I had like 40 hours of grinding progress in too. My friend lost all progress too!



Has anyone else encountered this? Can this even be fixed?

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No, I didn't. I had no idea this game had an issue with saves.


I got back to my base, everything in the world is as it should be, except I am level 1 again.

I assume there is no way to restore then? That is horrendous for a game with so much grind and time investment! I hope the pimps fix this asap. In the meantime I guess I'll have to hope there is some kind of commands to give exp points.

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Ok, well, lesson learned - back up your saves regularly - character loss is pretty rare, but not unheard of.


Assuming you're hosting on a Windows machine look for:


c:\users\(your username)\AppData\Roaming\7DaysToDie\Saves\(Random Gen or Navazgane)\(your seed name)\Player


There'll be two files in there, per player. A map image and the ttp file, both with the digits of your steam profile ID. It's likely they're both already overridden, but if you're spectacularly lucky there may be a third file with a .bak extension. Delete the .ttp file and rename the .bak to 9302873987432987 (etc).ttp - after first backing these files, indeed the whole 7DaysToDie directory up... hehe.


Option 2 is the trickiest, which is to edit your character file to give yourself however many thousands of skill points you want to recover the ones you've lost. It's a bit of a pain in the ass though to be honest.


Option 3 is edit the progression.xml file to reduce the XP required for levels, both character and skill. You could edit them all the way down to 1 even (and boosting the skill points per character level) to re-acquire what skills and character levels you've lost by just about sneezing over 2 sticks and a rock.


But, which ever you want to do, please do make sure to regularly back your files up - I do every time I leave the game, but I'm OCD like that, but at least do it every now and then.


PS: If the power went out, and the file was open, then this could easily have happened to a AAA, Gold game too. I mean, it's not like the server got to perform a proper shutdown.

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Yeah I don't think TFP is gonna be able to control your power outages :p


Just funnin' with ya, I know what you're getting at. I've had a similar issue a few different times when I had my machine completely lock up due to video driver crashes and such... After a reboot, similar situation to what you described. Since that time, I backup often.

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No, I didn't. I had no idea this game had an issue with saves.


The power outage must have occurred while that particular file was being written to which has meant that it's been corrupted.


This is not an issue TFP have any control over. It can happen to any computer, any operating system and any file. This is an issue with how computers write data to disk. It's an issue that affects both platter drives and solid state drives so nothing is truly safe. There are a few bugs in the saving system but this is not one of them.


Please do not assign blame unless you know why the people you accuse are at fault.

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Get a cybperpower uninterruptible power supply.


It is a battery backup that will keep you system up turn a power spike were the building power goes down and then back up.


It will give you time to save your session and properly power down your system, about three minutes, during a prolonged outage. It needs to be in the 900 wat range and costs 140 bucks on amazon.


don't get APC they're crap.

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Please do not assign blame unless you know why the people you accuse are at fault.


They are at fault.


No excuse for anyone to have a poor save feature. Especially after this many years of 7 days being out- alpha doesn't excuse it after so many years. The feature would be easy to build too, imo.



OzHawkEye- thank you, for the advice- though I found a much better answer on reddit which lead me to investigate more and find a solution here--





TO ANYONE WONDERING HOW YOU TOO CAN FIX THIS IF YOU DIDN'T HAVE A BACKUP SAVE-- All you got to do is press f1 or f2 to access the console command drop down box.... then give all players affected admin powers so they too can use this command-


giveselfskillxp <skill name> <amount>


So for example -- giveselfskillxp Archery 100000


It doesn't matter how much exp you grant yourself, you will only ever be able to get 1 level each time you enter this command. So have your skill sheet open then spam the command by pushing up arrow and enter again to quickly re-enter the command.


Then with creative mode on- use that creative menu with the U key to get back any items or resources you may have lost.



And yes, now I backup my saves. The fact I need to do this, and that everyone else here does this, is all the evidence I need to say, what the heck pimps? I love you guys but this is way too easy to fix to not have done it ages ago!



Auto save feature, saving every 00:00 hours or something- that makes 2-3 different saves rotated for easy restoration! Boom problem solved. Have a nice day folks, back to gaming I go.

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They are at fault.


No excuse for anyone to have a poor save feature. Especially after this many years of 7 days being out- alpha doesn't excuse it after so many years. The feature would be easy to build too, imo.


You've had three people point out that this is an issue with operating systems in general and you're still firing the blame-thrower? TFP have bigger bugs to worry about than an edge-case scenario such as this.


Never mind your opinion, try it yourself. It's simple enough to write a python script that runs in the background and does what you require, I'll let you work out the fun of sharing access violations by yourself :-)

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It has nothing to do with being an alpha. Any save file will get corrupted if you lose power while in the process of saving it regardless of the game.


That's not entirely true. It depends on whether you are using save/rename. In that case modern file systems will still have the previous file data because it's an atomic operation. Either the rename worked or it did not. There is no in between.


Worst case you lose data since the last save. It's theoretically possible to have other corruption occur, but it's unlikely to affect the saved file.

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NO Operating System keeps a back up of every file. A file is opened in memory, sure, but we're not talking about that... The file was being written to, the power went out, the file got corrupted. That's the end of the story.


SOME softwares (particularly editors) will create a copy of a file when opened, and THAT file will be what's edited (the copy), and only when the file is saved will it write to the "real" file. Thing is, if the power goes out when that happens? Same thing.


Blaming TFP because they don't what, keep 1000000 backups of your game progress is their fault? No, that's YOUR fault. *MY* server is set to automatically backup on a set interval. If you were responsible, and clearly you're not, yours would be too.

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Sortry zombo, I'm with the crowd on this one. You didn't back up, you got caught out, it ain't TFP's fault.


Glad you found the console commands, I should have thought of those in my original post. My server ran a script which created a time stamped backup every hour on the hour, I suggest you look at doing the same.


Precious few games recover from a power outage, this isn't an Early Access or a TFP thing.

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They are at fault.


No excuse for anyone to have a poor save feature. Especially after this many years of 7 days being out- alpha doesn't excuse it after so many years. The feature would be easy to build too, imo.


Dude. Settle down. You're clearly (or at least I hope) letting your understandable emotions get the better of you.


That does not excuse your incredibly immature response. You're literally having the community here saying that we sympathize and reassure you that it's a standard tech thing that happens everywhere and you're *STILL* throwing a temper tantrum?


*AND* you think that alpha isn't a "excuse it after so many years"? First of all, you seem to not have a clue what the term "alpha" means. It doesn't matter if a game is in Alpha for 15 years, it's still *ALPHA*. They're still building the components. They're still working on all the things that "would be easy to build too, iyo." Your opinion is irrelevant here... even if it was correct (and it's not). They've built thousands upon thousands of "easy to build" things. You're experiencing one that they aren't able to build because of basic technology concepts that you don't seem to understand.


Do yourself a favor. Unplug your computer while saving games across all your other games. Come back and report your results.




TFP haven't done anything wrong.

They are not at fault.

You don't understand the tech that literally everyone else here is trying to describe to you

You also clearly don't understand what "alpha" means.

You seem to be perfectly comfortable continuing with your temper tantrum.


Kudos on alienating literally everyone that was trying to help you. Hope you feel better.


Again... I completely sympathize, as per my linked example. Learned the lesson the hard way *ONCE* with this game (I thought I had been backing up the correct save files. I learned the lesson of backing up saved games like 20 years ago). I had to step away from the game for about four months because I was so struck by the loss.... but I didn't throw a temper tantrum and I certainly didn't blame anyone whose fault it wasn't.

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You've had three people point out that this is an issue with operating systems in general and you're still firing the blame-thrower? TFP have bigger bugs to worry about than an edge-case scenario such as this.


Never mind your opinion, try it yourself. It's simple enough to write a python script that runs in the background and does what you require, I'll let you work out the fun of sharing access violations by yourself :-)



See you proved my point. It's incredibly easy to do yet the pimps haven't done it yet...


It is their fault.



Looking this problem up I see it happens on PS4 a lot too. They inherited this problem.


It's too easy to fix to not have done it. I see it's been a problem for a long time, in a game that gets ever longer to play through. It's bizarre they haven't made a backup save and restore feature. That opinion apparently is enough to send the white knights of this forum into the stratosphere and I am wasting my time on such people. I love the pimps, and want them to know they are at fault for costing me some time. I am not even super angry with them, but white knights HAVE to read ANYTHING even SLIGHTLY dissenting towards their IDOL as the most serious dark tone EVAR!!!! Some of you threw a hissy fit.



I am sorry for nothing.

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It's not being a white knight, it's pointing out the hilarity and retardation of blaming the pimps for a power outage, something that would have cause any software in the world the exact same problem.



How about the retardation of thinking that is what I am blaming the pimps for?


I am not blaming them for a power outage genius.


I am blaming them for not having a backup and restore save feature in a 4 year old game that is prone to save corruption. Something that is easy to do and NEEDED. Is this hard to understand or something?


Some software you can't do this for in windows. But for this game they can and it's easy to do. So why not? Why not? Any good reasons? I am not hearing one yet.


Some of you people are just plain nasty.

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It is against the whole design of the game to have a SAVE feature. You can argue, that there should be a backup feature... but I would REALLY like to see a big list of games, that provide that for servers that are NOT under their control. And I don't think anyone here want TFP to eliminate the option of private servers.

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Some software you can't do this for in windows. But for this game they can and it's easy to do. So why not? Why not? Any good reasons? I am not hearing one yet.


I already gave you one, it's called a "sharing access violation". Do your own research as to why this is a problem with _all_ file operations whether they belong to the same program or not. If you actually try to write your own backup script in any language you'll have to deal with this at one point or another. It's not a constant problem but it will happen eventually.

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So why not? Why not? Any good reasons? I am not hearing one yet.





This is not a 4 year old game. This is an alpha product that hasn't even been born yet. Your save doesn't really mean anything to them. Focusing on ways to prevent save corruption from acts of god on an alpha game isn't going to have a high priority.


I think your suggestion of having a save file management feature embedded within the game that offers backup options at the click of a button certainly would be convenient...but again, they aren't about convenience right now. Just expect bugs, expect your entire world, character, saved file to become corrupt. It's a great thing that it's as rare as it is, if you think about it.

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It does not matter if this is Alpha, Beta, Gamma or Zeta. A power outage is something you cannot account for when programming any software. Sure, you can close file handles immediately when you are done writing or loading, but with a game like this, that put's a lot more strain on the system. And the outage can still happen while you are writing or reading. Therefore this whole discussion is moot and OP needs to grow some chest hair and stop being a whiny little human.

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