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Unofficial XML Fixes

Clockwork Orange

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All the stuff that currently seem to miss in progression.xml: https://pastebin.com/raw/a1X5YR7M

Ready .xml chunk: https://pastebin.com/raw/Rr11jAez


From your fixes I was missing only hammer/sledge part - I thought tags were hardcoded. So I nicked them. Thanks a bunch for your hard work anyway.


Edit: Beat me to it. Now what seems to remain is:


- perkAdvancedEngineering :

- perkYeahScience :

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entityclasses.xml > zombieSpiderFeral has duplicate ApproachSpeed. Pretty sure the correct one is the second (1.1) and is probably already working properly as I think the latter one overwrites the former.


<!-- Gameplay -->
<property name="ApproachSpeed" value="1.5"/>
<property name="NightApproachSpeed" value="1.5"/>
<property name="ApproachSpeed" value="1.1"/>
<property name="JumpMaxDistance" value="12"/>

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entityclasses.xml > zombieSpiderFeral has duplicate ApproachSpeed. Pretty sure the correct one is the second (1.1) and is probably already working properly as I think the latter one overwrites the former.


<!-- Gameplay -->
<property name="ApproachSpeed" value="1.5"/>
<property name="NightApproachSpeed" value="1.5"/>
<property name="ApproachSpeed" value="1.1"/>
<property name="JumpMaxDistance" value="12"/>


Correct and thanks for posting! Cheers!

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2 issues with this...


1. the buffs.xml you provided looks to have a typo...case matters (you put HasBUff instead of HasBuff)


2. I am not sure that a mod like this is the perfect example of where to use modlet since it mostly brute replaces whole values. At a minimum, it needs to be noted in bold that its folder name needs to be changed so that it is at the top of the list alphabetically since mods are loaded in that order and this could end up overwriting code from later mods since by name, it will basically load last.

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Is this mod feasible? Seems to be a lot of errors in the files or is it good to use?


Also if I loaded this on my server does both server and client files need to be replaced?


Yeah this is what you want to use to avoid any errors I have fixed caused by xml mistakes, if running a server yes these files need to installed on the server so they can be pushed to clients.

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I will hold off installing this until all files have been combed over and scrubbed. Please keep us updated, eager to try this


I would install both on server and client to be sure, but the server is supposed to push the files to the clients when they connect. The updates I have made so far have a huge impact already and will only continue further provided I or anyone else finds any more issues.


Pls feel free to post if you do find anything.

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2 issues with this...


1. the buffs.xml you provided looks to have a typo...case matters (you put HasBUff instead of HasBuff)


2. I am not sure that a mod like this is the perfect example of where to use modlet since it mostly brute replaces whole values. At a minimum, it needs to be noted in bold that its folder name needs to be changed so that it is at the top of the list alphabetically since mods are loaded in that order and this could end up overwriting code from later mods since by name, it will basically load last.


My bad for the typo. I agree that this ever-changing mod is not the best example of a modlet's capability. I gave it a shot after speaking with Clockwork Orange, but it changes way too frequently. I have removed the link.

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Update (11/27/18)


Version 3.41



-rebarFrameBlock Fixed upgrade path <property name="ToBlock" value="pouredRConcreteBlock"/> <property name="ToBlock" value="pouredConcreteBlock"/>

-rebarFrameRamp Fixed upgrade path <property name="ToBlock" value="pouredRConcreteRamp"/> <property name="ToBlock" value="pouredConcreteRamp"/> </property>

-rebarFrameMaster Fixed upgrade path <property name="ToBlock" value="pouredRConcreteMaster"/> <property name="ToBlock" value="pouredConcreteMaster"/>

-rebarFrameCNRInside Fixed upgrade path <property name="ToBlock" value="pouredRConcreteCNRInside"/> <property name="ToBlock" value="pouredConcreteCNRInside"/>

-rebarFramePillar100 Fixed upgrade path <property name="ToBlock" value="pouredRConcretePillar100"/> <property name="ToBlock" value="pouredConcretePillar100"/>

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Give it some time dude, I'm sure the next version he puts out will be built for 208, this ain't his full time job :)


Wow really? Chill out man, i'm just asking as I saw he literally updated 3 hours before my post after the update dropped.


As developer of Ravenhearst don't you think I know it takes time? I wasn't expecting him to answer within minutes of my post.


Great work Clockwork and a vital part of the alpha process. Always look forward to your work and time you put into this for us. Sorry to dampen the thread a bit there.

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Wow really? Chill out man, i'm just asking as I saw he literally updated 3 hours before my post after the update dropped.


As developer of Ravenhearst don't you think I know it takes time? I wasn't expecting him to answer within minutes of my post.


Great work Clockwork and a vital part of the alpha process. Always look forward to your work and time you put into this for us. Sorry to dampen the thread a bit there.


Ha ha no worries bud I will be looking at the new files today should have something out in a few hours, cheers!

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Update (11/28/18)


Version 3.42


Updated to A 17 EXP B208


-Updated all files, out of the fixes that were previously corrected these are all that remain.




-rebarFrameBlock Fixed upgrade path <property name="ToBlock" value="pouredRConcreteBlock"/> <property name="ToBlock" value="pouredConcreteBlock"/>


-rebarFrameRamp Fixed upgrade path <property name="ToBlock" value="pouredRConcreteRamp"/> <property name="ToBlock" value="pouredConcreteRamp"/> </property>


-rebarFrameMaster Fixed upgrade path <property name="ToBlock" value="pouredRConcreteMaster"/> <property name="ToBlock" value="pouredConcreteMaster"/>


-rebarFrameCNRInside Fixed upgrade path <property name="ToBlock" value="pouredRConcreteCNRInside"/> <property name="ToBlock" value="pouredConcreteCNRInside"/>


-rebarFramePillar100 Fixed upgrade path <property name="ToBlock" value="pouredRConcretePillar100"/> <property name="ToBlock" value="pouredConcretePillar100"/>


-bladeTrap Removed duplicate repair code <property class="RepairItems"> <property name="resourceElectricParts" value="1"/> <property name="resourceScrapIron" value="1"/> </property>




-Fixed thrownAmmoPipeBomb is now properly unlocked with perkYeahScience Rank 1 added missing tags="learnable"

-Fixed thrownDynamite is now properly unlocked with perkYeahScience Rank 2 added missing tags="learnable"




-Added missing item name and description modShotgunSawedOffBarrel,item_modifiers,mod,New,Shotgun Short Barrel,,,,,

-Added missing item name and description modShotgunSawedOffBarrelDesc,item_modifiers,mod,New,Increases the shotgun's spread.,,,,,

-hpRunningShoesDesc removed ,',

-resourceAcidDesc added description "A corrosive substance that can react with and sometimes dissolve other materials."


-Fixed typo in townGroup <prefab rule="detailFillerGroup" prob="0.1"/>

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