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h0tr0d's mods!


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I have used the majority of these since A11 and I decided I might as well start sharing the miscellaneous stuff I do.


To note...I'm not interested in doing anything fancy as most of my time is spent administrating a server when I'm at the computer. As Thoreau before me, I simplify.


I want to enhance the game and make it more enjoyable through diversity/options; I don't worry about all the mods which are hastily thrown together for the sake of having mods. I spend a great deal of time getting things as desired as possible. The look of the football armor took days, as an example.


I'm sure most of us modders here use/have used at least 1 thing from another modder at some time; I know I do so I won't give you a " h0tr0d mod" which may have the COMPOPACK and Valmar's working lights or my take on Sarge's flamethrower(to name a few) etc., etc...


My thinking in applying mods to my server are:


1) will it enhance the experience (& will players like it)

2) does it make sense? and if not...

3) is it just too cool to pass up?

5) what does the magic 8-ball say?


Ofc, 3 and 4 trump all.


If you like different pieces/sets/paths you can PM me asking for it to be integrated into a vanilla.xml or the .xml you may have with someone else's mods and I'll do my best.


If you use a complete mod from someone else and only want 1 or 2 things here I'm sure that mod-maker could help you out as they would be more familiar with their own work than I would.


Take all of that as you will and do with these as you will.


Custom brick


Vanilla path























Colored Metal Blocks




Working Ovens




Freezers/blueberry ice



Original take (Requiem76)


Witch (based on Sarge's witch):





<entity_class name="witch" extends="zombie01">
	<property name="Mesh"   value="Zombies/zombieStandardScreamerRagdoll" />
	<property name="Class"  			  value="EntityZombieCop" />
	<property name="CanClimbVertical" value="true" />
	<property name="WalkType" value="5" />
	<property name="HandItem" value="bloodMouth" />
	<property name="RightHandJointName" value="Jaw" /> <!--value="Bip001 Head"--> 
	<property name="AITask-1" value="BreakDoor" />
       <property name="AITask-2" value="BreakBlock" />
       <property name="AITask-3" value="RangedAttackTarget" param1="1" param2="5" />  <!-- param1: 0 == attack action, 1 == use action, param2: attack length in s -->
       <property name="AITask-4" value="ApproachAndAttackTarget" param1="EntityPlayer" />
	<property name="SoundRandom" value="Enemies/Spider_Zombie/spiderroam" />
	<property name="SoundAlert" value="Enemies/Spider_Zombie/spideralert" />
	<property name="SoundAttack" value="Enemies/Spider_Zombie/spiderattack" />
	<property name="SoundDeath" value="Enemies/Spider_Zombie/spiderdeath" />
	<property name="SoundHurt" value="Enemies/Spider_Zombie/spiderpain" />
	<property name="MaxHealth" value="1000" />
	<property name="WanderSpeed" value="0.08" />
	<property name="ApproachSpeed" value="1.6" />
	<property name="NightWanderSpeed" value="0.08" />
	<property name="NightApproachSpeed" value="1.6" />
	<property name="PanicSpeed" value="1.6" />
	<property name="LootListOnDeath" value="29" />
	<property name="ExperienceGain" value="150" />



Grow aloe & yucca




Air Conditioning







Corner Wedges




New Cobblestone blocks w/ new path(also included a vanilla upgrade path)


Pls let me know if vanilla path has an error; I did it by the seat of my pants.








Hidden Doors(Based off Maverick's work)




Forge Copper





Trap Floors



Flamethrower(Inspired by Sarge's original)








Vote h0tr0d 2016 -- the shape of things to come

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I like these smaller mods to allow me to mix-and-match my own preferences. One slight issue i noticed is a minor naming error in the vanilla brick to steel mod...


Recipes - name="brickStairs"

Blocks - name="stairsBrick"


Apart from that, Thank you.

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I like these smaller mods to allow me to mix-and-match my own preferences. One slight issue i noticed is a minor naming error in the vanilla brick to steel mod...


Recipes - name="brickStairs"

Blocks - name="stairsBrick"


Apart from that, Thank you.


nice catch. corrected.



Vote h0tr0d 2016 -- what's in a name?

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Looks good, h0tR0d. I like the kevlar armor - it's a good addition. One thing I noticed, though, is that you don't have any items that can be harvested for the raw kevlar beyond the armor itself. It would make sense to have a loot item of, say, a roll of kevlar cloth, or a stack of kevlar plates that can be salvaged down to raw kevlar for crafting.

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Looks good, h0tR0d. I like the kevlar armor - it's a good addition. One thing I noticed, though, is that you don't have any items that can be harvested for the raw kevlar beyond the armor itself. It would make sense to have a loot item of, say, a roll of kevlar cloth, or a stack of kevlar plates that can be salvaged down to raw kevlar for crafting.


In an effort to go along the lines of TFP direction I included the item="kevlar" as they have the item "leather". No more leatherStrips, metalStrips, etc.


More directly to your point, I thought about the post-apoc setting and couldn't think of many instances in this relatively small area of the world we would be operating in where we could find "a roll of kevlar cloth". A stack of kevlar plates...perhaps. If a prefabber came up with an actual military base/compound where stores would exist in warehouses this may work.


As such, I disagree with your assertion that it would "make more sense..."; rather, I find this to be a form of begging the question or supposition.


I found it more plausible to suggest we would scavenge most of the high materials as opposed to having the ability to create kevlar. There is a certain suspension of belief/realism with our understanding of the smithing process among other things. I was not willing to go with the ability to create kevlar.


I want players to find swat and military gear/surplus where they could scavenge pieces to repair armors in a patchwork fashion; which is a suspension of realism for my taste considering how kevlar material works.


This armor was designed to be superior versus other players and not so much zombies taking the kevlar material into account...superior mitigation versus puncture and not geared towards mitigating blunt force trauma.


I did not want it to be easily found nor as prevalent as cloth; I wanted kevlar armor to be "rare loot" as it were and a prized commodity. I want there to be a trade community and POIs which are contested hotly for loot; munitions boxes and army camps as examples. I gear most of my decisions towards the dynamic I want on my server and I believe my thinking is intuitive and applicable game-wide.


Your observation was not a mistake on my part, nor was it an oversight. Perhaps one of the prefabbers can create a "kevlar factory" or a place where kevlar material is produced..pardon the crude naming convention. Yet I do not see a textile factory...shrug.


If you wish to use this idea/material and further your own ideas, this is what I certainly do here. Alongside of mine own ideas I take ideas I like and try to be creative with them.




Vote h0tr0d 2016 -- do with it what you will

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Actually, h0tr0d, I only said that it would make sense, rather than 'make more sense". I don't disagree with the way you've presented this at all. Heck, it's your mod. I merely made an observation, and your explanation makes perfect sense to me. As far as finding pieces in the wild, the idea of finding bits in military encampments sounds more likely than pretty much anywhere else (although the presence of homegrown militias with their own stockpiles could also be a possibility).

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Actually, h0tr0d, I only said that it would make sense, rather than 'make more sense". I don't disagree with the way you've presented this at all. Heck, it's your mod. I merely made an observation, and your explanation makes perfect sense to me. As far as finding pieces in the wild, the idea of finding bits in military encampments sounds more likely than pretty much anywhere else (although the presence of homegrown militias with their own stockpiles could also be a possibility).


Yup, I did provide a loot.xml with the kevlar with it dropping in munitionsboxes. I am refraining from doing so in the future, so people who have ideas such as yours can do with it as they will.


I welcome the input!



Vote h0tr0d 2016 -- and the witch doctor said to me...

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its known you can make kevlar by useing - fiber glass cloth and polyester resin - something to think about


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Vote h0tr0d 2016 -- something to think about.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 5 months later...

Hi and thanks for sharing your mods.


Im working in installing working ovens and I have a few questions:


1. Do I need to add recipes from recipes.xml for the custom blocks? Im not using modified vanilla.


2. In the readme it says I need to replace clawhammer with your hammer.

Why is the name hammer and not clawhammer?

Why do I need all this changes? Cant I just add a entry that it can upgrade ovens?


thanks for all help :)

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  • 4 months later...
  • 1 year later...

Hello Mr. h0tr0d


I'm looking for the files from ya. If it is possible


1. Working Oven / Toilets / methane





3. Witch (based on Srge's Witch) (found it on envul.com )



an yes, now you would say, it gives other better one's.


But No, i want exactlly this, because i have the !flamethrower-91! .



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