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Remove the Sprint Lock / Toggle function! It's such a poor design!

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The same way you can set your crouching to 'hold to crouch' or 'toggle,' we need the same function for sprinting.


It's so annoying when you're trying to maneuver through buildings and your sprint lock triggers because you pressed your sprint button for just a quick second. 
Give us the option to remove this toggle


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Definitely not removing it.  It's so much better being able to toggle it.  However, a setting to disable it is fine.  I've never had it trigger accidentally and don't know how people are managing that, but apparently some people are and having it optional is a good thing.  But it should absolutely not be removed.

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15 minutes ago, Riamus said:

I've never had it trigger accidentally and don't know how people are managing that

I trip on that on occasion now; I use the sprint button to micromanage my melee range, and sometimes the micro-sprint is short enough to toggle it instead.

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7 minutes ago, theFlu said:

I trip on that on occasion now; I use the sprint button to micromanage my melee range, and sometimes the micro-sprint is short enough to toggle it instead.

Yeah, but if you stop moving, it should disable as long as you have the option for it disabled.  Of course, it sounds like there may be some bug with that.

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12 minutes ago, Riamus said:

it should disable as long as you have the option for it disabled. 

Ah, I didn't actually know there's a setting for it... will have to play around with it. Dunno which I want more though, I do like the lock for traveling, the occasional getting punched in the face hasn't killed me yet. It'd be perfect for me if the toggle required a little shorter burst to be recognized as a toggle, "an actual tap"; now it seems it toggles from a "short sprint" - but I get the optimal cut off delay is highly personal.


But thanks for pointing it out! :)

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1 minute ago, theFlu said:

Ah, I didn't actually know there's a setting for it... will have to play around with it. Dunno which I want more though, I do like the lock for traveling, the occasional getting punched in the face hasn't killed me yet. It'd be perfect for me if the toggle required a little shorter burst to be recognized as a toggle, "an actual tap"; now it seems it toggles from a "short sprint" - but I get the optimal cut off delay is highly personal.


But thanks for pointing it out! :)

Yeah, I don't know what timing is set for a "click" to be considered a click versus holding the button.  Maybe it needs to be a little lower or have its own setting.  But if the option is disabled, it should disable the lock when you let go of your movement keys.  There have been people posting about it staying locked even with the option disabled, so there may be a bug.  But I haven't seen anyone give any useful information for reproducing the bug, so not sure how well they'll be able to find the cause if it is a bug.

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I can confirm, that regardless if you have sprint lock on or off, it will toggle anyway every now and then. Extremely frustrating and has got me hit countless times, even made me fall over the edge at least once

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3 hours ago, FranticDan said:

I can confirm, that regardless if you have sprint lock on or off, it will toggle anyway every now and then. Extremely frustrating and has got me hit countless times, even made me fall over the edge at least once

It is supposed to.  The option is not to disable or enable the ability to use sprint lock.  When the option is disabled, sprint lock will not remain enabled if you stop moving.  When the option is enabled, sprint lock will remain enabled if you stop moving (assuming it was enabled when you stopped moving).

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3 hours ago, Riamus said:

When the option is disabled, sprint lock will not remain enabled if you stop moving.

This does NOT happen, which has to be a bug. I've had the setting turned off the entire time I found out about it (during the streamer weekend), and hundreds of times my character will run with only W pressed

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5 hours ago, FranticDan said:

This does NOT happen, which has to be a bug. I've had the setting turned off the entire time I found out about it (during the streamer weekend), and hundreds of times my character will run with only W pressed

Sounds like there's some bug as I've never had that problem.  You and two or three others have mentioned it (might be more; I wasn't counting) not turning off when stopping.  But so far, no one has given any details to help narrow down the problem.  Just "it doesn't work" posts.  Heh.  I think it was Jugginator who asked if people were using any key combinations while playing (like Shift-Tab for Steam overlay) or Shift-R for blocks and although one person replied that they didn't use those specific ones, they didn't say if they used others.  In the same way, I had asked if they might be using any utilities or software that might lock keys for accessibility or ease of use (Sticky Keys or similar) and they said they didn't use Sticky Keys but didn't comment on if they used anything else.  I don't think the devs will have a lot of luck finding the problem without someone giving a lot more details than have been given.  If you have anything you can add that might help, there's a thread in General Support about it that you could add to.


Here's how it works for me and how I am pretty sure it's supposed to work:


With the option disabled:

  • Press W to move and you are walking.
  • While holding W, press Shift and you are sprinting or driving faster.
  • While holding W, tap Shift once (sometimes I have to tap it two or three times to get it to register, but it should be once) and sprint lock should enable (the sprint icon is next to your health and stamina just like when holding Shift), making you sprint without needing to hold Shift.
  • While sprinting with shift lock, let go of W and all other movement keys (A,S,D) and sprint lock will turn off.  Move again and you will be walking.

With the option enabled:

  • Press W to move and you are walking.
  • While holding W, press Shift and you are sprinting or driving faster.
  • While holding W, tap Shift once (sometimes I have to tap it two or three times to get it to register, but it should be once) and sprint lock should enable (the sprint icon is next to your health and stamina just like when holding Shift), making you sprint without needing to hold Shift.
  • While sprinting with shift lock, let go of W and all other movement keys (A,S,D) and sprint lock will not turn off.  Move again and you will still be sprinting.
  • If sprint lock is enabled, tap Shift once and it will disable sprint lock and you will be walking.

Anyhow, that's how it works for me every time (and for other people I personally know who play) and how I'm pretty sure it should work.  If it is not working that way, see if you can find any details that might help them figure out the problem.  You can give this same kind of example of what happens for you and that could also help them.  Things like what keyboard could help (keyboards can have accessibility options in the driver software that might be triggering).  They know of a bug with a couple Shift combinations (I forget which ones or if it was specifically related to sprint lock... it's mentioned in that thread in General Discussions), so giving any details on any key combinations you are or might be pressing, even accidentally.  For example, maybe you sometimes hit Shift-E instead of Shift-W to sprint forward.  So far, the details given have been almost non-existent, so anything you might provide could help.

Edited by Riamus (see edit history)
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I don´t get why turning it on and off isn´t an option. All the discussions about this even when ending in flamewars, people agreed on one thing. It needs to be able to be turned off and on and that off should be the default setting.


How they didn´t do this is beyond me tbh, but i hope just technical difficulties, everything else would be embarrassing tbh.

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3 hours ago, pApA^LeGBa said:

I don´t get why turning it on and off isn´t an option. All the discussions about this even when ending in flamewars, people agreed on one thing. It needs to be able to be turned off and on and that off should be the default setting.


How they didn´t do this is beyond me tbh, but i hope just technical difficulties, everything else would be embarrassing tbh.

Yes, and I probably said as much at some point.  Having it optional is good.  But that doesn't change that it appears there is a bug that should be found and fixed.

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Adding a check box option yes. Removing it no. I like it for very same
reason that it frustrates you. I have played a lot of games with totally
simplistic if/then controls and macro movements. It makes it feel artificial,
meaning the interaction with the game.


I like the possibility of messing up a movement it creates a panic moment for me
in game. I like Killer instinct for the fact that you have to coordinate an f-ton
of coordinated finger movements to get to an ultra combo with Cinder. A single press
and go is too robotic. Macros, meaning a single action that allows multiple actions with
no actual tactile input, when used take away the human factor, and responsibility from
the user.


To compare I will use pvp, I listened to some of my friends talk about how good
they were and how many frags they had gotten the night before. So i watched, all
I saw was jockeying for a single position, and rinse repeat sniping. Fun for them,
I made some food, went to the toilet, came back and watched the same loop. Then we played
Elden Ring, Dark souls, and 7 days to die, they died. Ran into the fray, and died. The
next day they talked about how hard it was, they are just used to single coverall input to buffer

human error.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Another vote in favor of any possible way to get rid of sprint toggle when running.  Don't care if it's fully removed from the game or a setting to disable it but it's causing high frustration.  If it's a setting, and if possible, have separate options for on foot vs when driving.

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Since 1.0 the double-jump-by-accident thing is a bit irritating, i don't know if it's the same functionality as the ladder changes since 1.0 but either way, both things are irritating when you're in the midst of a ton of zombies and trying to jump/run away, i played A21 a hell of a lot and and i don't recall either mechanic being like that (and jumping/running away from zombies was less fraught with danger because of that (in A21)

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