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A16 Valmod Pack


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New Workbench


Ok So how do you get the new workbench? it looks like a skill level, but i cannot figure it out. Someone please help.


I found the problem, it was rem out in the progression.xml file.

fix it and good to go now. just got to get the 10 points to learn it!


thanks Val, Great mod!

John L.

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Server up and running, but i'm getting Invalid hash on several of the xml files under data\config. is there anything i can do about that? the file are as follows:













thanks in advance

John L. - Cousins Clan Server


Invalid hash just means the files are not vanilla. This is normal for modded servers and is what places your server in the "modded" category. Nothing to worry about.


I don't remember in the full mod Valmod, but is anything locked that if you pick say builder there are certain recipes you can NEVER learn? Or will you be able to learn every recipe eventually either thru loot or notes?


Well in previous miners tnt was something only a miner could learn. But that is locked behind a perk now. So no, nothing should be exclusive to a class. You can still be a "master of everything". A class may start knowing certain recipes other classes don't but everyone can learn the same things through books or perks.


Valmar, any idea what could be causing the weird inventory lag/glitch? Its not present in vanilla, tested that this morning.


I have some ideas on it, yes, though sadly its not something I can address. Frankly, at the risk of sounding like an arrogant jackass, I don't think the system is optimized to handle the amount of stuff my mod throws at it. I believe the cause is largely due to the recipe books and the way the engine handles "scanning" for learned recipes. It appears to "re-scan" everytime you open the menu and doesn't seem to save it in a cache anywhere.


Though its just speculation on my part. I'm not a dev, what do I know. When I get around to working up the Valmod Expansion (the new Lite version) perhaps I will have a better comparison to see.


If I use Valmod Beta 11+ on my server I will have to provide my players with the Localization file and Icons correct?

Since they are not pushed from the server, or has that been fixed like they did with the Ui?


To the best of my knowledge the localization file and progression file (to some extent, I've heard mixed results on this) do not push. Along with icons. For servers I provide this this easy to use link:



This link will direct the user to a folder that will always contain the latest version of server-specific files a client will need to install locally to enjoy a modded server. Have your players download and install this and they should be golden. To the best of my knowledge it contains all the files they need on their end (and nothing more) and is simple to install with just a drag and drop.


Ok So how do you get the new workbench? it looks like a skill level, but i cannot figure it out. Someone please help.


I found the problem, it was rem out in the progression.xml file.

fix it and good to go now. just got to get the 10 points to learn it!


thanks Val, Great mod!

John L.


Actually it was commented out on purpose. In my mod you are not supposed to need a perk to make the workbench because the workbench is a very important workstation in my mod, practically mandatory. The recipe should not have been locked.








Also the beta has been updated for the recent patch.

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To the best of my knowledge the localization file and progression file (to some extent, I've heard mixed results on this) do not push. Along with icons. For servers I provide this this easy to use link:



This link will direct the user to a folder that will always contain the latest version of server-specific files a client will need to install locally to enjoy a modded server. Have your players download and install this and they should be golden. To the best of my knowledge it contains all the files they need on their end (and nothing more) and is simple to install with just a drag and drop.



Thanks Val I was use to how you normally do things but with the beta you hadn't posted an updated icon pack. Thanks for all your work.

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New Workbench ?


Actually it was commented out on purpose. In my mod you are not supposed to need a perk to make the workbench because the workbench is a very important workstation in my mod, practically mandatory. The recipe should not have been locked.



ok, but we could not craft it, until i removed the comments. is it maybe locked out somewhere else?


thanks, Great mod!

John L.

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It shouldn't be. However if you were on a server of any kind (you said "we") then it may not work unless the player has my http://www.tiny.cc/valmodicons installed. The progressions.xml I believe doesn't push to clients so they need the one from my mod in their files. Hence why its included. When the game updates it will likely replace this file which is why you'd have to redownload and reinstall it for each update. If that makes sense.


I assume thats what the problem was, anyway.

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It shouldn't be. However if you were on a server of any kind (you said "we") then it may not work unless the player has my http://www.tiny.cc/valmodicons installed. The progressions.xml I believe doesn't push to clients so they need the one from my mod in their files. Hence why its included. When the game updates it will likely replace this file which is why you'd have to redownload and reinstall it for each update. If that makes sense.


I assume thats what the problem was, anyway.


Progression pushes to client side. I have no timers skill on my server, it works client side

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I've gotten conflicting reports on it. Some say it doesn't push, some says it does, some say only parts of it does. I don't know. I didn't want to take chances so I just included it.


Out of curiosity I did a quick test by joining our server with vanilla files and noticed the workbench was indeed still counted as being locked behind a perk (the server is modded with Valmod).


After adding my server files (including the progressions) and joining back into the server the workbench was no longer locked. So in this case it seems they DO need the progressions file.

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Yeah, stack sizes can still be adjusted. I plan to eventually sweep through the file and adjust them myself - I just haven't gotten around to it yet.


Mainly you're going to be looking at the items.xml


Search for "Stacknumber" and that will take you to all the appropriate lines.


In example for the emptyJar:



<item id="1368" name="emptyJar">

<property name="Meshfile" value="Items/Food/emptyJarPrefab" />

<property name="Material" value="glass" />

<property name="HoldType" value="3" />

<property name="Stacknumber" value="15" /> <!-- STK resource -->

<property name="Weight" value="15" />

<property name="CraftingIngredientTime" value="15" />

<property class="Action0">

<!-- UseAction -->

<property name="Class" value="ExchangeItem" />

<property name="Delay" value="1.0" />

<property name="Change_item_to" value="bottledWater" />

<property name="Focused_blockname_1" value="workingCabinetSink" />

<property name="Focused_blockname_2" value="workingGranitSink" />

<property name="Sound_start" value="UseActions/bucketfill_water" />


<property class="Action1"> <!-- UseAction -->

<property name="Class" value="ExchangeItem" />

<property name="Delay" value="1.0" />

<property name="Change_item_to" value="bottledRiverWater" />

<property name="Do_block_action" value="deplete1" />

<property name="Focused_blockname_1" value="water" />

<property name="Focused_blockname_2" value="waterMoving" />

<property name="Focused_blockname_3" value="waterStaticBucket" />

<property name="Focused_blockname_4" value="waterMovingBucket" />

<property name="Focused_blockname_5" value="waterSource8" />

<property name="Sound_start" value="UseActions/bucketfill_water" />


<property name="Group" value="Resources" />





Eventually, as I said, I will go through it myself and update the stacks. Perhaps to a nice round 50 minimum. Its just finding the time and energy to do it.

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Any way to just add Animal Snares and Plant Farming?


Yeah. I mention that in the start of the topic.


This is a relatively large mod pack I've gradually created over time. It's mainly a collaboration of all my smaller mods placed together into one larger file. Those individual mods you can find here: Valmar's Mod Collection


The Mod Collection has individual snippets of a lot of stuff in this pack, including animal snares and expanded farming.


Breakfast item, and i think dinner don't have icons


Odd, I remember making those. Oh well, I'll fix that. Thanks.

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Eventually, as I said, I will go through it myself and update the stacks. Perhaps to a nice round 50 minimum. Its just finding the time and energy to do it.


would it help if you delegated tasks to your loyal and loving fans, to do some of the basic work, and simply let you...scan over their work? I don't know if it would really save you time if you still needed to look over another's work to make sure it fit what you wanted or not. I know enough how to modify the xml's ie to adjust the stack size of glass jars.


simple answer, could you benefit from a few helpers? I really want to see valmod kept up to date. and I have the time available to help you, but if dealing others in, won't really gain much benefit I can understand that.


Also, it's cool on you having a server already, sorta figured you would. but can't hurt to ask anyway.

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It might save a little time. Though, as you said, I'd still need to scan through it for a quality check. Though for this particular matter I actually had planned to get a friend of mine to take care of the stack sizes. He wanted to learn a bit of the xml file anyway so it could be a win-win, haha. I do appreciate the offer though and may take you up on it in the future should anything relevant comes up.


Brian has also offered to create so cool new quests that take advantage of my modded items and class system. I'm hoping to incorporate that soon.

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It might save a little time. Though, as you said, I'd still need to scan through it for a quality check. Though for this particular matter I actually had planned to get a friend of mine to take care of the stack sizes. He wanted to learn a bit of the xml file anyway so it could be a win-win, haha. I do appreciate the offer though and may take you up on it in the future should anything relevant comes up.


Brian has also offered to create so cool new quests that take advantage of my modded items and class system. I'm hoping to incorporate that soon.


Custom Quests would be very cool :) Maybe even disable the default quest if possible and start with a class specific set of quests? If that is possible it would allow for a way to "teach" what a class is intended for?

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Custom Quests would be very cool :) Maybe even disable the default quest if possible and start with a class specific set of quests? If that is possible it would allow for a way to "teach" what a class is intended for?


The custom quests right now are kinda basic. I think the roles are pretty straightforward.


Combat classes involve killing with your signature weapon, medic involves creation of medical items, miner involves working with metals and cobblestone, etc. It's a first iteration and myself or Valmod can easily tweak them based on players feedback. The rewards are a combination of skill points , ammo, or other stuff suited to the class.


I am going to be adding more quests over the next few weeks focused on some of Valmar's unique stuff such as farming and collecting all his new seeds, having people craft some of his new items, and so forth. As well as making some quests to hunt down the new zombies he has added in.


I'm contemplating a quest where you have to kill a zombie bear with your bare hands and the quest will be called "Bear Handed:. Just not sure if even I can be that evil.

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It might save a little time. Though, as you said, I'd still need to scan through it for a quality check. Though for this particular matter I actually had planned to get a friend of mine to take care of the stack sizes. He wanted to learn a bit of the xml file anyway so it could be a win-win, haha. I do appreciate the offer though and may take you up on it in the future should anything relevant comes up.


Brian has also offered to create so cool new quests that take advantage of my modded items and class system. I'm hoping to incorporate that soon.


If you need any other xml help Valmar, pm me, ive got plenty of xml experience.


On another note, i have discovered a bit of a flaw in the progression of the mod, i managed to acquire steel forging long long before iron because of the way you have it set up. You might want to lock iron forging behind construction tools at say level 10 while steel should be like 40 or 50. Just a suggestion. That or reverse the way they are achieved, make iron the skill based perk and steel the book based perk.


One other suggested change, in keeping with immersiveness, maybe add a scrap iron requirement to the workbench, or perhaps an iron pipe requirement to the recipe. Its almost too cheap to crank out a bunch of them and mass produce.

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