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Version 1.0 (Alpha 22) Dev Diary

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12 hours ago, Old Crow said:


We shouldn't have to rely on mods to improve the game, period.

I’ll call BS on that. TFP can’t possibly make a game that has features that appeals to every person nor can they put in every single feature that every single person wants. The player base can’t even decide among themselves what features and changes constitute an improvement or a backslide. Opinions range all over the place. 

Therefore, the only logical conclusion is that for certain people with a particular set of preferences, they absolutely must, should, and will rely on mods to improve the game for them. 

It’s unreasonable to think that one set of default game rules is going to be good enough for everyone and nobody should mod those rules for their own pleasure. Other games that can’t be modded are ignored and uninstalled by players that wind up disliking them but this game can be tailored into something enjoyable even if the vanilla experience is not something they like. So should they just ditch the game since they supposedly shouldn’t have to improve it for their own preferences or is it actually a huge bonus to be able to find or create modified versions that someone might like better?


The truer statement is that more games in the industry should be modable to improve them for your tastes so that as a gamer you can rely on being able to find some version that really aligns with your sense of fun. 

Edited by Roland (see edit history)
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If a new form of zombie were added I'd like something a little more simple.


For instance, one is the Bubble head that spews all over the area, since he is radiated
there is an option in the xml for Z radiated reskinning, if he spews in a crowd of
regular zombies have them turn into radiiated. A second blast and they become radiated


The scout or screamer could take advantage of the Ai for take cover, showing intel.

The animals could function the same as the scout, a specific wail would potentially
draw a pack or a flock.


The vultures, could have a random, short burst attack then fly away, if during
their flight pattern they come within a specific distance to the player, then they
could swoop attack and fly away. Its hard enough to tag one with a bow in flight,
imagine unprompted burst attacks from any direction, and if you get wounded enough
you get swarmed. Also add circle of life, all dead attack all living, unless you are the target.


Zombies presently are definitely dead on the second drop unless radiated. What if they
randomly played dead, unless you made sure to double tap them to the head. Come too close
and get swiped.


Last if the zombies were killed, and a screamer is present then her hoard call could
rez those that have not been decapitated or disappeared yet.

Simple stuff like that.

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2 hours ago, 4sheetzngeegles said:

if the zombies were killed, and a screamer is present then her hoard call could
rez those that have not been decapitated or disappeared yet.


The preceding concept is Necromancer approved.



-Arch Necromancer Morloc 💀

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8 hours ago, Roland said:

I’ll call BS on that. TFP can’t possibly make a game that has features that appeals to every person nor can they put in every single feature that every single person wants. The player base can’t even decide among themselves what features and changes constitute an improvement or a backslide. Opinions range all over the place. 


I'll politely call BS in turn, Roland, because I and many others rely on mods or DIY fixes out of habit since we don't expect our feedback to be taken seriously.  No one who understands how small-time early-access game development works is demanding a perfect product, and there's lots of fog around what the community wants for a variety of reasons, but that's no excuse to write off feedback the way it frequently is.

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With so many new POI's that came along, what i'd like to see is more of those included in Trader quests; now and then - yes i do a playthrought where i hardly go to traders for quests, ie just loot lots of POI's as and when i want, thus i can sometimes go to POI's i haven't seen before, but most of the time i play such that i do lots of trader progression, and that's where it would be nice to see more variety in the POI's offered

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