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So my helicopter tried to sneak away on its own...

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Funny glitch, no clue what caused it, but it was hilarious so I have to share it. I was working at our base and a storm comes up. I look up and see my MD-500 (Bdubyah's mod) start sliding along the ground, backwards, very slowly. I watch it for a minute, then get a screenshot. A minute more and another. Finally a third. I go out to it and it keeps sliding along. Once I got in, it stopped. Hasn't happened since, but DANG I was laughing hard! See attached screenshots.




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Yeah, I've seen the chicken sliders happen when killing them mid-hop. I think the cause for the chickens is killing them mid animation. Could be wrong though. Hadn't heard of this happening to vehicles before though. I do know that you do not want to climb on top of the 4x4 and log out of the game. When you log back in it would punt your character up into the sky. Might have been fixed but it killed me in A18 or 19.


Some of the bugs in the game are just hilarious though. Wish I could have captured video of it, but if you hit a zombie just right when on the motorcycle and at full speed, you can launch the zombies up into the air like punting a football. Difficult to recreate though.

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With the 4x4 I had a bug happen where I'm driving on open land in the desert.  All of a sudden the screen stutters, then freezes, then goes dark.  A second later it comes back and I find myself, still in the 4x4, inside a house with the 4x4 stuck between a wall and a couch.  Of course Zs were all over it so I had to jump out, kill the Zs and then empty the truck, pick it up, drop it outside and reload my stuff into it. 


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kinda reminds me of the countless bellyflop-sliding dead rabbits I've encountered (they really like to do that in the desert because they hop into a cactus).

Never saw it happen to anything else.

But seeing a vehicle do it is somewhat scary, because they don't just despawn like a dead rabbit after some time.

Dang think about it, you park that thing for the night, and next day it is half a mile away 😀...I guess I would immediately check my game settings for "accidental multiplayer" 😄

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It is a bug in the MD-500 I think. My UH-60 never did this. Nor did the AH-64D. My motorcycles, minibikes, and other vehicles also do not exhibit this behavior. Very odd, but it sure makes us laugh!


Something else we discovered. My friend told me the 500 was sliding away again. On her end it was sliding away. On my end it was stationary where I landed it. Might also mean netcode issues!

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