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(A21) SHOTGUN Pack (v.3.1 Completed)


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57 minutes ago, BFT2020 said:


You are going to have to examine both mods and figure out what changes Khaine has made to his mod.  I do know that Khaine has heavily changed the perks and crafting elements of the game which will affect this mod.


In this case, it is tied to the shotgun perk that Khaine is using.  In vanilla, it is perkBoomstick which if you look at the tags in both the shotgun and ammo, it will have those in them.  With Khaine's mod, you would need to add those custom tags he has for shotguns to the items in Izayo's mod.

thanks, I did change the tags. In inventory, shells are still doesnt show the damage but they are dealing damage.

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  • 4 weeks later...

The final update is gonna take longer than expected, I'm working on the new muzzle flash effect to make a realistic shotgun blast but they're gonna require Custom Particle Loader mod , made by closer_ex  

- big rework / re-balance plan in the picture

- short / original / long barrel , Silencer effect immersion

- blocks like posters , containers (shotgun related)






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7 hours ago, Black_Wolf said:

hey Izayo, do you think you could give the Benelli M4 a little more bullet spread? Or did you want it that way?

yeah after played with my own mod for around 2 month , I found out that long range shotguns are sucks, I'll revert back to default stats .they will be changed only in rate of fire / mag CAP. / Damage

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47 minutes ago, Izayo said:

also I can't remember my Unity account password. I have set-up everything again :(


Password vaults.  Best invention ever.  Now I can have an unique password for every account I have, make it difficult and random, and only have to remember one password to be able to unlock all of them.

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6 hours ago, BFT2020 said:


Password vaults.  Best invention ever.  Now I can have an unique password for every account I have, make it difficult and random, and only have to remember one password to be able to unlock all of them.

I just realized that I can login with my google accout.  


4 hours ago, Brugas said:

Can it not be "slaved" in any way?

I did lose some games , some homeworks😏 ,  pre-made assets like gun attachments , particles that I usually left these things on my desktop

the completed guns are in the other HDD. it's safe



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  • 2 weeks later...
On 10/26/2023 at 7:43 AM, Izayo said:

my main 1TB HDD died today .  but the completed Assets are in the game mods folder in drive :F (2nd HDD 300gb.)

also I can't remember my Unity account password. I have set-up everything again :(

I feel that. My main storage SSD died some months back. Luckily I was able to extract most of my modding assets, and when combined with the last backup I had, I didn't lose much, thankfully. Good luck getting everything up and running again.


2 hours ago, Izayo said:


Haha, perfect song choice for that mayhem. Looks great. :)

Edited by bdubyah (see edit history)
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Izayo changed the title to (A21) SHOTGUN Pack (v.3 Completed)

V3 Update 27/11/2023

- rework balance and weapon classes

- allowed all modification for all guns

- added new guns

- added new particle effect for immersion 

- added new ammo type (Explosive round) , and merge token shot flechette's ability into 1 ammo type

- added some blocks , 2 gun storages , 2 ammo storages , 1 poster

- added models for ammo drops and carrying models


know bugs : 

crafting Explosive round will popup unkow red error so I take it out from crafting (still can be found in loot and trader)


Optional will be upload in few days (still testing)


Have fun no more update / only bug fix and balance adjust

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9 hours ago, Izayo said:

know bugs : 

crafting Explosive round will popup unkow red error so I take it out from crafting (still can be found in loot and trader)


This code should work.  I didn't know the exact recipe you wanted for the shells, so I just copied and modified one that you already had in your files.


items file

<item name="explosiveAmmoSchematic">
    <property name="Extends" value="schematicNoQualityMaster"/>
    <property name="CreativeMode" value="Player"/>
    <property name="CustomIcon" value="ammo12gExplosive"/>
    <property name="Unlocks" value="ammoShotgunExplosive"/>
    <effect_group tiered="false">
        <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfPrimaryActionEnd" action="ModifyCVar" cvar="ammoShotgunExplosive" operation="set" value="1"/>
        <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfPrimaryActionEnd" action="GiveExp" exp="50"/>


recipes fie

    <recipe name="ammoShotgunExplosive" count="1" craft_area="workbench" tags="workbenchCrafting,learnable">
        <ingredient name="resourceForgedSteel" count="1"/>
        <ingredient name="resourceGunPowder" count="6"/>
        <ingredient name="resourceScrapPolymers" count="1"/>


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50 minutes ago, BFT2020 said:


This code should work.  I didn't know the exact recipe you wanted for the shells, so I just copied and modified one that you already had in your files.


items file

<item name="explosiveAmmoSchematic">
    <property name="Extends" value="schematicNoQualityMaster"/>
    <property name="CreativeMode" value="Player"/>
    <property name="CustomIcon" value="ammo12gExplosive"/>
    <property name="Unlocks" value="ammoShotgunExplosive"/>
    <effect_group tiered="false">
        <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfPrimaryActionEnd" action="ModifyCVar" cvar="ammoShotgunExplosive" operation="set" value="1"/>
        <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfPrimaryActionEnd" action="GiveExp" exp="50"/>


recipes fie

    <recipe name="ammoShotgunExplosive" count="1" craft_area="workbench" tags="workbenchCrafting,learnable">
        <ingredient name="resourceForgedSteel" count="1"/>
        <ingredient name="resourceGunPowder" count="6"/>
        <ingredient name="resourceScrapPolymers" count="1"/>


Thanks . but do you know what cause this? , I got red errors about workbench crafting or something.

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10 minutes ago, Izayo said:

Thanks . but do you know what cause this? , I got red errors about workbench crafting or something.


Not sure, I would have to see your original code to see where the original issue was.  Some possibilities could be:


  • Wrong unlock name in the schematic
  • Wrong unlock by name in the property
  • Hidden character / wrong character


I got red error messages in the workbench on my crafting mod, the issue was tied back to the Unlocked by property that I didn't update for my changes.

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Used to love the old Tactical Weapons mod, and was hoping someone would carry the torch forward. You've done an incredible job, I'm using all your Packs and am eagerly awaiting the final form of the others now that the Shotgun one is complete. Kudos brother, you've got serious talent!

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Сегодня поставил мод. v3 и заметил появление ошибок. В начале игры постоянно вылетает консоль, пока без ошибок.. Но это напрягает. + Нет показа магазинов, если увеличится боезопас у сайги12G. Просто пустота, хотя должен быть двойной магазин, который скреплен спец. клипсой. И так же с барабанным магазином. 

Edited by reizor11111 (see edit history)
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9 hours ago, BFT2020 said:


Not sure, I would have to see your original code to see where the original issue was.  Some possibilities could be:


  • Wrong unlock name in the schematic
  • Wrong unlock by name in the property
  • Hidden character / wrong character


I got red error messages in the workbench on my crafting mod, the issue was tied back to the Unlocked by property that I didn't update for my changes.

 the recipe are same as the other, but since you mention something about "Schematic"  it make me realized that I forgot to remove this line in item.xml  


    <property name="UnlockedBy" value="explosiveAmmoSchematic"/>


now it's working fine, thankyou again sir. 

5 hours ago, reizor11111 said:

Я пока буду использовать V2, потому что игра ругается на V3/Ошибки и консоль. 


I used translate and it said you got error when the game start right?

seem like you did not turn off EAC ,  


and yes I made saiga12 become T1 weapon because I like the original AK shape , wood and steel  




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