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(A21) SHOTGUN Pack (v.3.1 Completed)


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47 minutes ago, BFT2020 said:


There is an issue with the progression file.  I am going to try and assist Izayo with some updates this weekend so expect to see some patches rollout over the weekend.  I meant to do it earlier, but the boss at home had me working on furniture so I spent all day Sunday keeping her happy  😁



There is an old expression...


Happy wife, happily don't get smothered in your sleep.


I think that is somewhat how it goes.

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Here is the fix - I will also post the link in my mods thread in case someone searches that way




There are 3 files in there, one for each of Izayo's weapon mods (762 mod already has the fixes in it and doesn't need my help).  Install one or more of the mod files based on which one of Izayo's awesome weapon mods you have installed.


I don't think it will hurt if you install all 3, but I can't make any guarantees.  I also cannot guarantee that this will work with an existing save file so use at your own risk.


And in case anyone asks, no I will not make Izayo's mods work with other weapon mods or overhaul mods - Not going down that rabbit hole.

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  • 1 month later...
6 hours ago, asfasdsadasd said:

Hello, please tell me why ammo 12g Explosive have no description in the game


don't worry I didn't have that too. I'm not good with English so I didn't write anything.  just lets you know the damage is very high ,around 3 blocks radius , it will take 8 point of durability / shot (default round is 1)  because I don't want people to spam Explosive round with the Auto shotgun.

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12 hours ago, Izayo said:

don't worry I didn't have that too. I'm not good with English so I didn't write anything.  just lets you know the damage is very high ,around 3 blocks radius , it will take 8 point of durability / shot (default round is 1)  because I don't want people to spam Explosive round with the Auto shotgun.

Izayo, if you need help with the description of the items i can help you with it ^^

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1 hour ago, Black_Wolf said:

Izayo, if you need help with the description of the items i can help you with it ^^

I don't want to bother people to help with the description ever again because they're gonna need to change it in every update. but If you want to make it as an additional mod. it would be better.  like BFT does


but thanks anyway.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hii, soo I’m testing this mod and the other pack like 7.62 and shotgun and I really love it but the weapon duration is really low, it there a way to Mel it like the cannula o es and edit the value of weapon duration? every other detail of the mods it almost perfect

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2 hours ago, Furty said:

Hii, soo I’m testing this mod and the other pack like 7.62 and shotgun and I really love it but the weapon duration is really low, it there a way to edit it to change the value of weapon duration? every other detail of the mods it almost perfect


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On 4/15/2024 at 5:44 PM, Furty said:

Hii, soo I’m testing this mod and the other pack like 7.62 and shotgun and I really love it but the weapon duration is really low, it there a way to Mel it like the cannula o es and edit the value of weapon duration? every other detail of the mods it almost perfect



Create a modlet with an items.xml file in it

Have the following code below:


<set xpath="//item[@name='X']/effect_group/passive_effect[@name='DegradationMax']/@value">Y,Z</set>


Where X is the item name, Y is the duration at Q1, and Z is the duration at Q6

Do this for each item


Name the modlet so it loads after Izayo's mods

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  • 1 month later...
On 3/2/2024 at 2:37 PM, BFT2020 said:

Here is the fix - I will also post the link in my mods thread in case someone searches that way




There are 3 files in there, one for each of Izayo's weapon mods (762 mod already has the fixes in it and doesn't need my help).  Install one or more of the mod files based on which one of Izayo's awesome weapon mods you have installed.


I don't think it will hurt if you install all 3, but I can't make any guarantees.  I also cannot guarantee that this will work with an existing save file so use at your own risk.


And in case anyone asks, no I will not make Izayo's mods work with other weapon mods or overhaul mods - Not going down that rabbit hole.


Thank you very much, it works great. But would you mind sharing fix for 7.62 as well? I have downloaded V2 version from March and it seems the fix isn't implented there. 

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16 hours ago, Kevkos said:


Thank you very much, it works great. But would you mind sharing fix for 7.62 as well? I have downloaded V2 version from March and it seems the fix isn't implented there. 


Izayo is working on combining all the weapon packs into one and releasing it.  At that time, all the fixes should be incorporated.  I would wait for the 1.0 release, as I myself am not doing any modding until after 1.0 drops.

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5 hours ago, BFT2020 said:


Izayo is working on combining all the weapon packs into one and releasing it.  At that time, all the fixes should be incorporated.  I would wait for the 1.0 release, as I myself am not doing any modding until after 1.0 drops.


Understandable. I wanted to play A21.2 with friends until 1.0 is stabilized and mods polished. If you have working 7.62 progression.xml, I'd be really grateful. If not, I guess we'll just have to live with it or maybe I'll try looking at other mods to find some workaround. Your fix in other Izayo's mods is too advanced for me to implement on my own ;) 

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  • 4 weeks later...
Would you interested to make a mod for me. I want someone to add a double barrel shotgun, Kombi Merkel B3 Black 12/8X57JRS to the game, including ingame model, animation, craftable recipe and 6 level of it. I don't want high grade graphic or great animations. just make the same one that you made before. It's enough. I will pay 50 dollar through your PayPal when it done and you post the mod to https://7daystodiemods.com/. It would be great if you available to add attachment, red dot for it.
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