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Infested quests


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So far infested quests are pretty much trash. Clear a T2, then reset the quest for infested. Garage with 1 zombie? Now it has 1 regular and 3 feral/rads. And they are all aggro instantly. Hit the quest marker, 4 ferals spawn on top of you. Dead before you can even shoot. Walk in a room, whole house goes instantly aggro. Getting chased by 10+ ferals out of a tier 3 quest is not what I would consider balancing at any level.

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I've only done a small number of infested quests and they are definitely harder than you might expect but they are certainly doable.  But you need to be prepared for them.  Trying to do an infested quest before you have decent armor and weaponry can be a quick death.  I don't see anything wrong with that.  They should be much more difficult.

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The infested quests aren't that difficult. Like seriously what weapons were you using? What level were you? What difficulty do you have the game set at?lots of info is missing from your complaint. If the whole house aggroed you could have closed doors on the way out behind you. Honestly most of the time it's a skill issue. Folks panic because they see a few fast zombies and forget where they are and boom they get killed and call it unfair. 


Bad enough the pimps gave a massive nerfs to the debuffs again and I'm hoping that they don't nerf how early we have been getting ferals and rads.

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53 minutes ago, Riamus said:

I've only done a small number of infested quests and they are definitely harder than you might expect but they are certainly doable.  But you need to be prepared for them.  Trying to do an infested quest before you have decent armor and weaponry can be a quick death.  I don't see anything wrong with that.  They should be much more difficult.

yep agreed, while a highly experienced player can deal with them... the average person may not.


most important factor is... the infested quests are designed for more challenge and rewarded via a special loot container for the tier in which it is.


infested is not for the timid player, you gotta wanna be a player who is not afraid of dangerous ambushed with higher types of zeds.



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Just did my first infestation quest it was a T2.

First room was a couple feral and 3 more chopped them with axe and promptly died 😔


Failed the quest but went and grabbed backpack and pistol and worked my way though the rest of the house to clear them all.


Actually was a lot of fun.

I'll be better prepared for next one.





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I run Survivalist and have for maybe the last 6 months. And when the whole house went aggro, I walked in the front door by the quest icon. Basically the normal pathing you would do for a clear. It isn't a "Freak Out" issue, and I am fairly decently geared at level 45 with good weapons and armor. But you can't chew through that many when you walk in and they spawn all around you. I saw a few playthroughs were people were having the same issue. Walk into an empty room and close the door. start harvesting things and find 2 or 3 zombies have popped in right next to you.

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1 hour ago, Genma said:

I run Survivalist and have for maybe the last 6 months. And when the whole house went aggro, I walked in the front door by the quest icon. Basically the normal pathing you would do for a clear. It isn't a "Freak Out" issue, and I am fairly decently geared at level 45 with good weapons and armor. But you can't chew through that many when you walk in and they spawn all around you. I saw a few playthroughs were people were having the same issue. Walk into an empty room and close the door. start harvesting things and find 2 or 3 zombies have popped in right next to you.

Well there ya go. Higher difficulty where zombies do more damage to you and you walked into a room and closed the door behind you. Wouldn't be the first time someone went into a room and harvested or looted without paying proper attention and didn't notice a zombie or two. Not just that it's an infestation idk why folks even on normal quests don't wait till it's all clear to loot and harvest. Why would anyone loot knowing their are still zombies in the house lol. 


Honestly half the time it's a player issue and sometimes a game issue and when folks do what you said it's a player issue. 

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2 hours ago, unholyjoe said:

most important factor is... the infested quests are designed for more challenge and rewarded via a special loot container for the tier in which it is.


Well, the most important factor is that the rewards atm for infested are awful lol. Since you're QA you are probably aware, but the quest rewards atm are bugged and you get absolute garbage for any quest over a t2, so doing a T3 infested clear and wasting 300 bullets and nearly dying will still just get you the same rewards doing a t2 fetch quest would have.


The actual rewards from inside the boss loot in the infested clears don't seem much better to me? I've done like 3 infested clears so far and can't remember actually getting anything notable from them, not more than just running an easier quest gave. You seem FAR better off just running 2-5+ t2 quests in the time it would take to do one t3 or t4 infested quest, not even getting into the resource sink that t5 infested are


I do like the challenge of them though, so once rewards aren't terribad I think they'll be fine

Edited by Khalagar (see edit history)
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2 hours ago, unholyjoe said:

yep agreed, while a highly experienced player can deal with them... the average person may not.


most important factor is... the infested quests are designed for more challenge and rewarded via a special loot container for the tier in which it is.


infested is not for the timid player, you gotta wanna be a player who is not afraid of dangerous ambushed with higher types of zeds.




Going to be interesting to see the response if/when people start running into only Infested quests being offered above tier 1.

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I've done quite a number of infested clears now, and honestly, only one was a little bit scary.  And in terms of Tier 5 quests, if you asked me if I'd rather do an infested clear or a regular T5, 99 times out of 100 I'm going to take the infested clear (but I kinda hate the T5 POIs, they're never worth it in terms of risk and time versus reward to me.)

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