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Bug or bad luck?


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I agree with @Maharin. Since I perk Intelligence, I’m responsible for vehicles. Due to RNG, acid is uncommon lots of times so we usually skip bicycles and build motorcycles. I will buy all acid from traders plus loot as many bathroom sinks as I can. Sometimes I get them from kitchen cabinets but it “feels” like acid in kitchens is less common than bathrooms but it could be RNG. I can usually build 3 motorcycles by day 10 if I don’t spend too much time working on the base. Oh, you no longer need a workbench for tires, I make them in my backpack.

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Someone correct me if im looking at this wrong, but I checked blocks.xml and I don't see anything about wheels dropping when the car is dismantled (looting the car may be a different story) -- have you ever gotten wheels before from wrenching cars in a vanilla game? Was it many alphas ago?


the car has 3 stages of degradation, from damage 0 looking almost fully intact, to the damage 2 where it's mostly just frame left

mainly looking at where it says "harvest" as it tells you what item, min/max amount of that item, and probability

damage 0

<block name="cntCar03SedanDamage0Master">
	<property name="CreativeMode" value="None"/>
	<property name="Material" value="Mmetal"/>
	<property name="Class" value="CarExplodeLoot"/> <!-- cars explode when destroyed by a tool without harvest settings -->
	<property name="CustomIcon" value="cntCar03SedanDamage0Master"/>
	<property name="ItemTypeIcon" value="explosion"/>
	<property name="LootList" value="cars"/>
	<property name="Shape" value="ModelEntity"/>
	<property name="IsTerrainDecoration" value="true"/>
	<property name="Model" value="#Entities/Vehicles?Car/car_black_dmg0Prefab.prefab"/>
	<property name="Place" value="TowardsPlacer"/>
	<property name="ModelOffset" value="0,0,0"/>
	<property name="TintColor" value="B0B0B0"/>
	<property name="DisplayType" value="blockMulti"/>
	<property name="MultiBlockDim" value="2,2,6"/>
	<property name="ImposterDontBlock" value="true"/>
	<property name="ShowModelOnFall" value="false"/>
	<property name="PassThroughDamage" value="true"/>
	<property name="ParticleOnDeath" value="car_destruction_dmg1"/>
	<drop event="Harvest" name="terrStone" count="0" tool_category="Disassemble"/>
	<drop event="Harvest" name="resourceHeadlight" count="1" prob="0.2" tag="salvageHarvest"/>
	<drop event="Harvest" name="resourceMechanicalParts" count="1,2" prob="0.1" tag="salvageHarvest"/>
	<drop event="Harvest" name="resourceElectricParts" count="0,4" prob="0.1" tag="salvageHarvest"/>
	<drop event="Harvest" name="resourceLeather" count="1,3" prob="0.2" tag="salvageHarvest"/>
	<drop event="Harvest" name="resourceScrapIron" count="10,20" tag="allHarvest"/>
	<drop event="Destroy" count="0"/>
	<!-- <drop event="Fall" name="cntCar03SedanDamage1Master" count="1" prob="1.0" stick_chance="1"/> -->
	<property name="DowngradeBlock" value="cntCar03SedanDamage1Master"/>
	<property name="BigDecorationRadius" value="5"/>
	<property name="CanDecorateOnSlopes" value="false"/>
	<property class="Explosion">
		<property name="ParticleIndex" value="4"/> <!-- which prefab/particle is used -->
		<property name="RadiusBlocks" value="3.5"/> <!-- damage radius for blocks -->
		<property name="BlockDamage" value="500"/> <!-- damage for blocks in the center of the explosion -->

		<property name="RadiusEntities" value="5"/> <!-- damage radius for entities -->
		<property name="EntityDamage" value="250"/> <!-- damage for entities in the center of the explosion -->
	<property name="PlacementDistance" value="6"/>
	<property name="FilterTags" value="MC_building,SC_automotive"/>


damage 1

<block name="cntCar03SedanDamage1Master">
	<property name="CreativeMode" value="None"/>
	<property name="Material" value="Mmetal"/>
	<property name="Class" value="CarExplodeLoot"/>
	<property name="ItemTypeIcon" value="explosion"/>
	<property name="CustomIcon" value="cntCar03SedanDamage1Master"/>
	<property name="LootList" value="cars"/>
	<property name="Shape" value="ModelEntity"/>
	<property name="ImposterDontBlock" value="true"/>
	<property name="IsTerrainDecoration" value="true"/>
	<property name="Model" value="#Entities/Vehicles?Car/car_black_dmg1Prefab.prefab"/>
	<property name="Place" value="TowardsPlacer"/>
	<property name="ModelOffset" value="0,0,0"/>
	<property name="TintColor" value="B0B0B0"/>
	<property name="DisplayType" value="blockMulti"/>
	<property name="MultiBlockDim" value="2,2,6"/>
	<property name="ShowModelOnFall" value="false"/>
	<property name="PassThroughDamage" value="true"/>
	<drop event="Harvest" name="terrStone" count="0" tool_category="Disassemble"/>
	<drop event="Harvest" name="smallEngine" count="1" prob="0.25" tag="salvageHarvest"/>
	<drop event="Harvest" name="carBattery" count="1" prob="0.25" tag="salvageHarvest"/>
	<drop event="Harvest" name="resourceRadiator" count="1" prob="0.5" tag="salvageHarvest"/>
	<drop event="Harvest" name="ammoGasCan" count="50,500" tag="salvageHarvest"/>
	<drop event="Harvest" name="resourceMechanicalParts" count="2,4" tag="salvageHarvest"/>
	<drop event="Harvest" name="resourceElectricParts" count="0,2" tag="salvageHarvest"/>
	<drop event="Harvest" name="resourceAcid" prob=".08" count="1" tag="WasteTreasuresAcidHarvest"/>
	<drop event="Harvest" name="resourceScrapIron" count="17,35" tag="allHarvest"/>
	<drop event="Destroy" count="0"/>
	<property name="DowngradeBlock" value="cntCar03SedanDamage2Master"/>
	<property name="BigDecorationRadius" value="5"/>
	<property name="CanDecorateOnSlopes" value="false"/>
	<property class="Explosion">
		<property name="ParticleIndex" value="4"/> <!-- which prefab/particle is used -->
		<property name="RadiusBlocks" value="3.5"/> <!-- damage radius for blocks -->
		<property name="BlockDamage" value="500"/> <!-- damage for blocks in the center of the explosion -->
		<property name="RadiusEntities" value="5"/> <!-- damage radius for entities -->
		<property name="EntityDamage" value="250"/> <!-- damage for entities in the center of the explosion -->
	<property name="PlacementDistance" value="6"/>
	<property name="FilterTags" value="MC_building,SC_automotive"/>



damage 2

<block name="cntCar03SedanDamage2Master"> <!-- car wreck -->
	<property name="CreativeMode" value="None"/>
	<property name="Class" value="CarExplode"/>
	<property name="CustomIcon" value="cntCar03SedanDamage2Master"/>
	<property name="ItemTypeIcon" value="explosion"/>
	<property name="Material" value="Mmetal"/>
	<property name="Shape" value="ModelEntity"/>
	<property name="ImposterDontBlock" value="true"/>
	<property name="IsTerrainDecoration" value="true"/>
	<property name="Model" value="#Entities/Vehicles?Car/car_black_dmg2Prefab.prefab"/>
	<property name="Place" value="TowardsPlacer"/>
	<property name="ModelOffset" value="0,-0.25,0"/>
	<property name="TintColor" value="B0B0B0"/>
	<property name="DisplayType" value="blockMulti"/>
	<property name="MultiBlockDim" value="2,2,6"/>
	<property name="ShowModelOnFall" value="false"/>
	<drop event="Harvest" name="terrStone" count="0" tool_category="Disassemble"/>
	<drop event="Harvest" name="resourceMetalPipe" count="5" prob="0.5" tag="salvageHarvest"/>
	<drop event="Harvest" name="ammoGasCan" count="50,500" tag="salvageHarvest"/>
	<drop event="Harvest" name="resourceHeadlight" count="1" prob="0.45" tag="salvageHarvest"/>
	<drop event="Harvest" name="resourceScrapPolymers" count="2,7" tag="salvageHarvest"/>
	<drop event="Harvest" name="resourceOil" count="0,2" tag="salvageHarvest"/>
	<drop event="Harvest" name="resourceMechanicalParts" count="1,5" tag="salvageHarvest"/>
	<drop event="Harvest" name="resourceElectricParts" count="0,2" prob="0.1" tag="salvageHarvest"/>
	<drop event="Harvest" name="resourceSpring" count="1,3" tag="salvageHarvest"/>
	<drop event="Harvest" name="resourceScrapIron" count="12,20" tag="allHarvest"/>
	<drop event="Destroy" count="0"/>
	<drop event="Fall" name="scrapMetalPile" count="1" prob="1" stick_chance="1"/>
	<property name="BigDecorationRadius" value="5"/>
	<property name="CanDecorateOnSlopes" value="false"/>
	<property class="Explosion">
		<property name="ParticleIndex" value="4"/> <!-- which prefab/particle is used -->
		<property name="RadiusBlocks" value="3.5"/> <!-- damage radius for blocks -->
		<property name="BlockDamage" value="500"/> <!-- damage for blocks in the center of the explosion -->
		<property name="RadiusEntities" value="5"/> <!-- damage radius for entities -->
		<property name="EntityDamage" value="250"/> <!-- damage for entities in the center of the explosion -->
	<property name="PlacementDistance" value="6"/>
	<property name="FilterTags" value="MC_building,SC_automotive"/>



Edited by NekoPawtato (see edit history)
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Yea gone are the days when we would find tires by dismantling cars and...tires on the road.  It was nice but I guess they figured it was too easy.


I noticed they show up in loot containers a lot more than they did in the last few versions, I have about 5 now in storage after day 7 last night.  Target the autoparts crates from garages and autoshops, been trying to get vehicle accessories and chassis but came out with a lot of tires.  Threw in the towel last night and just bought a motorcycle.



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