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disconnection from server.


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hello, i always get a disconnection shortly after entering the server. I'm not kicked out of the game. I can still move through the world, but I can't open chests or other loot containers. you don't see a chat anymore. I have completely reinstalled windows and installed a new router. however, this did not result in any improvement. my provider has already measured the internet line. no errors occurred. all other programs make no problems. what can I do that I can play 7D2D again without any problems. please excuse my bad english, i wrote this text with a translation program.

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Moved this topic to "General Support" where it belongs.


Backup any savegames you want to keep. Then start the game launcher, change to the tools tab, select the tool that clears your configuration data, check all buttons and clear away. Then create a new game


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4 hours ago, Rollo said:

sorry, didn't you read the text? I even reinstalled windows and with it 7D2D. this was also unsuccessful.


You mean when you reinstalled windows you also deleted all your personal files and your account? I had assumed most people would keep their personal directory at least. If you didn't wipe your whole PC completely then the settings I was talking about were possibly not deleted with your reinstall. And a 7D2D reinstall will not delete the settings either


I can only say the phenomen you were describing happened to a lot of people changing from A19 to A20 and it seemed to vanish when the settings were cleared with the launcher. So do this anyway even if it just gives us the certainty that it isn't the most probable cause.


If it doesn't help come back and read https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/3956-how-to-report-an-issue-please-read-before-creating-new-threads/?do=getNewComment . It tells you how to post a logfile and you should do that to give us more information. Also test whether you have the same problems with local games and other servers.


Edited by meganoth (see edit history)
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Ok. The logfile you posted seems to be the logfile from your singleplayer test, that looks ok to me. Could you also post a logfile from a session where you enter a server. You can look at the dates of the output logfiles to see which one is from what session, or you can create a new one.


Also, did you try a second server as well?



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You need to delete all mods and return the game its default version. You have a bunch of modded blocks as well as old A19 prefabs. Once you clean all your data and remove all mods and verify your files, try and connect with servers that are also running vanilla. If that works then if you want to join a modded server or add mods yourself, add them one at a time and test your connection before adding another.

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Additionally, if it is happening on multiple computers in the same house, I would worry about a connection issue. I have the exact same issue. I have a cable modem that records upstream and downstream power levels of my internet connection and my issue was too low upstream power levels compared to published levels. I am having to work with my internet provider to fix this so it is not a problem with 7 Days game.

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@RolloHere's some things that effect your network and ping latency.

Antivirus - adds latency by checking every packet between the game server and client. Add an exclusion in your AV software for the game folder and the save folder.

VPN - reroutes packets adding latency. Turn it off.

Wireless - don't use it, connect an ethernet cable.

Voip phones - usually cause a double nat, which adds latency.

Steamnetworking - Litenetlib is lower latency.

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Hello, I have followed all the tips. installed everything again. nevertheless the error remains. the time until the error occurs is very different. sometimes it can be good for 10 minutes, sometimes only 2 to 3 minutes. it's really very annoying. I don't know what else I can do?

can it be that the problem has something to do with eac?

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On 3/3/2022 at 2:16 PM, Rollo said:

Hello, I have followed all the tips. installed everything again. nevertheless the error remains. the time until the error occurs is very different. sometimes it can be good for 10 minutes, sometimes only 2 to 3 minutes. it's really very annoying. I don't know what else I can do?

can it be that the problem has something to do with eac?


If you did everything the result should be a new logfile to post where problems that we saw in your previous logfile don't exist anymore.

So please connect to a server (make sure both he and you are strict vanilla), play until the problem occurs again, then post that logfile.



Edited by meganoth (see edit history)
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output_log__2022-03-10__16-18-16 (files.fm) 


here is a log file of a vanilla server. after a few seconds I fell through the floor. If I can walk around a bit longer, I have the following errors: 1. I no longer see my entries in the chat and I also don't see any chat history of other players. 2. I can't open loot containers. 3. doors that i open make no sound. I don't hear the reloading of weapons anymore. it is very unsatisfactory because a few weeks ago i had no problems at all. I have not made any changes to the software or the hardware. slowly I despair. I've played this game for more than 2800 hours and never had so many problems.

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Why are you running xui close trader right when you join? Never saw that being done before. 



2022-03-10T16:20:48 122.051 ERR Error opening SDF file:
2022-03-10T16:20:48 122.063 EXC Sharing violation on path C:\Users\rguto\AppData\Roaming\7DaysToDie\Saves\profiles.sdf
  at System.IO.FileStream..ctor (System.String path, System.IO.FileMode mode, System.IO.FileAccess access, System.IO.FileShare share, System.Int32 bufferSize, System.Boolean anonymous, System.IO.FileOptions options) [0x0019e] in <695d1cc93cca45069c528c15c9fdd749>:0 
  at System.IO.FileStream..ctor (System.String path, System.IO.FileMode mode) [0x00000] in <695d1cc93cca45069c528c15c9fdd749>:0 
  at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) System.IO.FileStream..ctor(string,System.IO.FileMode)
  at SDF.SdfFile.Close () [0x0000a] in <39cf8b713b17414c9e5ddfff01d6df19>:0 


Lack of permissions, more likely an antivirus/firewall blocking access to %appdata%

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5 hours ago, Rollo said:

output_log__2022-03-12__13-44-29 (files.fm)

I can't get to any server. I disabled the firewall and antivirus software.

There are no errors at all in the latest log. You mentioned that you are having the same problem trying to play on a different computer on the same network. So with no errors in the game log and two different computers having the same problem, that points to your network as being the source of your problem. Since your internet provider says that your connection is fine, that leaves your router as the most likely source. It still could be your antivirus even though it is disabled. Some antivirus software still have some functionality even disabled. So, first I would create an exclusion in the antivirus for both the the 7Days folder and also your save game folder in app data/roaming/7daystodie. If you don’t know how to exclude folders, instructions are in this pinned topic for the most popular antivirus software:     https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/3998-support-faq-information-and-common-solutions/


Second, I would access your router and be sure to forward all the ports listed in that same thread. Once you are done, use an online port scanner to check that those ports are indeed open. Some routers are notorious for being difficult to forward ports. Also, some internet providers will not allow users to forward ports. You must contact them by telephone and have them forward the ports for you.


If all of that fails, I have a final suggestion to uninstall the game, clean the files and edit the registry. Let me know if the above suggestions do not work then I’ll walk you through the extreme uninstall process.


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On 3/12/2022 at 7:50 PM, Star69 said:

There are no errors at all in the latest log. You mentioned that you are having the same problem trying to play on a different computer on the same network. So with no errors in the game log and two different computers having the same problem, that points to your network as being the source of your problem. Since your internet provider says that your connection is fine, that leaves your router as the most likely source. It still could be your antivirus even though it is disabled. Some antivirus software still have some functionality even disabled. So, first I would create an exclusion in the antivirus for both the the 7Days folder and also your save game folder in app data/roaming/7daystodie. If you don’t know how to exclude folders, instructions are in this pinned topic for the most popular antivirus software:     https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/3998-support-faq-information-and-common-solutions/


Second, I would access your router and be sure to forward all the ports listed in that same thread. Once you are done, use an online port scanner to check that those ports are indeed open. Some routers are notorious for being difficult to forward ports. Also, some internet providers will not allow users to forward ports. You must contact them by telephone and have them forward the ports for you.


If all of that fails, I have a final suggestion to uninstall the game, clean the files and edit the registry. Let me know if the above suggestions do not work then I’ll walk you through the extreme uninstall process.



He doesn't need to forward any ports on the router if he isn't hosting a MP game himself.

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Based on my years of server processing experience, there is a problem with your network and server network communication. It is recommended that you detect the DNS forwarding of your personal network, and a better solution is to ask the server administrator to reset your personal information.

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On 3/13/2022 at 7:33 PM, meganoth said:


He doesn't need to forward any ports on the router if he isn't hosting a MP game himself.

Oops…..thought server was another computer on his network…my bad. Still think it’s some sort of network issue since none of his pcs can connect.

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8 hours ago, Star69 said:

Oops…..thought server was another computer on his network…my bad. Still think it’s some sort of network issue since none of his pcs can connect.


Quite likely.

But the other common part about his PCs is that he installed them 😉. It is possible that he did something to all his PCs that 7D2D doesn't like (an example of such a problematic setting we already know about would be to set the disk cache of windows to a fixed value instead of letting it be managed by the OS which seems to lead to crashes)


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Hello, it's me again. I'll summarize everything again now. I played 7d2d normally for months. on February 15th, 2022 I noticed for the first time that I can't open any boxes, loot containers, forges or chemical stations. this happened overnight without me changing anything in the hardware or software. I then completely reinstalled windows 10. but this did nothing. then i installed a new router. this didn't do anything either. i tried all the tips that my fellow players and experts gave me. everything has not helped so far. I also asked my provider to check the internet line. this has not been able to find any errors. i can play all other games (lostark, minecraft, rising world and various other games) without any problems. i don't know if it could be due to some windows update, if there was one at all at that point in time? I would also like to say a big thank you to everyone who has helped so many here. but somehow it seems to me that there is no solution for my problem at the moment.


Kind regards Rollo

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