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Multiplayer Server Issues


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Hello everyone, i being playing on A19.6 this server for the last 2 months with no issues, until 4 days ago
Noticed a lot of lag spikes, even when the server tells me that my ping its only 23

Gpu, cpu, ram and Hdd are not even on 30% utilization

But i notice that the sound its off like 10 seconds, some sounds are completely gone, i was flying to the earth core multiple occasions. 

I was looking on the Logs and only notice 2 things

First: looks like im missing the Mono Library (not even sure if im supposed to have it)

Second: a lot of Prefabs cant be found/not existent 

i have tried a lot of things:

Windows updates and gpu updates=nothing

Reinstallation of Redistributables=nothing

Deleted the Server/World files on my pc and when i log back i can download all of it but same results=nothing

Deleted the game and Reinstall it=Nothing

not sure what else to do , any help will be greatly appreciated


Here are the logs:

UnloadTime: 0.415031 ms
2022-01-04T12:41:59 0.017 INF [Steamworks.NET] SteamAPI_Init() ok
2022-01-04T12:41:59 0.257 INF Localization language: english
2022-01-04T12:41:59 0.272 INF Texture quality is set to 1
2022-01-04T12:41:59 0.273 INF Precaching...
2022-01-04T12:41:59 0.274 INF Precaching file: 7DaysToDie_Data/resources.assets
2022-01-04T12:41:59 0.364 INF [EAC] Initializing ...
2022-01-04T12:41:59 0.367 INF [EAC] Initialized :: Easy Anti-Cheat successfully initialized
2022-01-04T12:42:05 5.854 INF Precaching file: 7DaysToDie_Data/sharedassets1.assets
2022-01-04T12:42:05 5.873 INF Precaching file: Data/Bundles/blocktextureatlases
2022-01-04T12:42:11 12.208 INF Precaching file: Data/Bundles/terraintextures
2022-01-04T12:42:19 20.269 INF Precaching done
2022-01-04T12:42:19 20.269 INF Loading main scene
Unloading 6 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
UnloadTime: 1.629092 ms
2022-01-04T12:42:19 20.604 INF [GSM] Singleton Initialized...
2022-01-04T12:42:19 20.611 INF Awake IsFocused: True
2022-01-04T12:42:19 20.611 INF Awake
2022-01-04T12:42:19 20.623 INF Version: Alpha 19.6 (b8) Compatibility Version: Alpha 19.6, Build: Windows 64 Bit
2022-01-04T12:42:19 20.623 INF System information:
2022-01-04T12:42:19 20.623 INF    OS: Windows 8.1  (6.3.0) 64bit
2022-01-04T12:42:19 20.623 INF    CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8700K CPU @ 3.70GHz (cores: 12)
2022-01-04T12:42:19 20.623 INF    RAM: 16338 MB
2022-01-04T12:42:19 20.623 INF    GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 3GB (2945 MB)
2022-01-04T12:42:19 20.624 INF    Graphics API: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] (shader level 5.0)
2022-01-04T12:42:19 20.624 INF Last played version: Alpha 20
2022-01-04T12:42:19 20.624 INF Local UTC offset: -6 hours
2022-01-04T12:42:19 20.629 INF Command line arguments: E:\Steam Apps\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\7daystodie.exe -force-d3d11 -logfile E:\Steam Apps\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\7DaysToDie_Data\output_log__2022-01-04__12-41-29.txt -eac_executablename 7daystodie.exe
2022-01-04T12:42:19 20.629 INF Not running in Big Picture Mode, no on-screen keyboard available
2022-01-04T12:42:19 20.630 INF Starting PlayerInputManager...
Fallback handler could not load library E:/Steam Apps/steamapps/common/7 Days To Die/7daystodie_Data/Mono/XInputInterface32
Fallback handler could not load library E:/Steam Apps/steamapps/common/7 Days To Die/7daystodie_Data/Mono/XInputInterface32.dll
Fallback handler could not load library E:/Steam Apps/steamapps/common/7 Days To Die/7daystodie_Data/Mono/XInputInterface32
Fallback handler could not load library E:/Steam Apps/steamapps/common/7 Days To Die/7daystodie_Data/Mono/libXInputInterface32
Fallback handler could not load library E:/Steam Apps/steamapps/common/7 Days To Die/7daystodie_Data/Mono/libXInputInterface32.dll
Fallback handler could not load library E:/Steam Apps/steamapps/common/7 Days To Die/7daystodie_Data/Mono/libXInputInterface32
2022-01-04T12:42:20 20.821 INF InControl (version 1.8.2 build 9357, native module = False, XInput = True)
2022-01-04T12:42:20 20.834 INF Starting UserProfileManager...
2022-01-04T12:42:20 20.902 INF Occlusion: Awake
2022-01-04T12:42:20 20.936 INF Persistent GamePrefs saved
2022-01-04T12:42:20 20.940 INF Graphics Reset
2022-01-04T12:42:20 20.975 INF Persistent GamePrefs saved
2022-01-04T12:42:20 20.976 INF Controls Reset
2022-01-04T12:42:20 20.977 INF ApplyAllOptions streaming budget 2650.5 MB
2022-01-04T12:42:20 20.978 INF ApplyAllOptions current screen 2560 x 1440, 59hz, window 2560 x 1440, fullscreen True FullScreenWindow
2022-01-04T12:42:20 20.978 INF Texture quality is set to 1
2022-01-04T12:42:20 20.978 INF ApplyTextureFilter 0, AF Disable
2022-01-04T12:42:20 20.979 INF ApplyTerrainOptions 3
2022-01-04T12:42:21 21.920 INF [MODS] No mods folder found
2022-01-04T12:42:21 21.928 INF Loading permissions file at 'C:\Users\Ozzie\AppData\Roaming/7DaysToDie/Saves/serveradmin.xml'
2022-01-04T12:42:21 21.958 INF Loading permissions file done.
2022-01-04T12:42:21 22.027 INF GameSense server not found (no props file), disabling
2022-01-04T12:42:21 22.027 INF Awake done in 1416 ms
Fallback handler could not load library E:/Steam Apps/steamapps/common/7 Days To Die/7daystodie_Data/Mono/libc
Fallback handler could not load library E:/Steam Apps/steamapps/common/7 Days To Die/7daystodie_Data/Mono/libc.dll
Fallback handler could not load library E:/Steam Apps/steamapps/common/7 Days To Die/7daystodie_Data/Mono/libc

Unloading 17 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 4401.
Total: 16.387334 ms (FindLiveObjects: 0.196156 ms CreateObjectMapping: 0.086165 ms MarkObjects: 16.059576 ms  DeleteObjects: 0.045160 ms)

2022-01-04T12:42:21 22.551 INF User joined: Ozzie0057
2022-01-04T12:42:21 22.677 INF Reloading serveradmin.xml
2022-01-04T12:42:21 22.677 INF Loading permissions file at 'C:\Users\Ozzie\AppData\Roaming/7DaysToDie/Saves/serveradmin.xml'
2022-01-04T12:42:21 22.677 INF Loading permissions file done.
2022-01-04T12:42:22 22.776 INF Updated culture for display texts
2022-01-04T12:42:30 31.387 INF UMA Overlay loading took 7448 ms
2022-01-04T12:42:30 31.389 INF UMA Slot loading took 1 ms
2022-01-04T12:42:30 31.472 INF [GSM] GameSparks Connected
2022-01-04T12:42:35 36.328 INF LoadTextureArraysForQuality quality -1 to 1, reload False
2022-01-04T12:42:36 36.876 INF [GSM] Skipping me
2022-01-04T12:42:37 38.622 INF WorldStaticData.Init() needed 6.986s
2022-01-04T12:42:38 38.920 INF [Steamworks.NET] Login ok.
2022-01-04T12:42:38 39.096 INF AchievementManager: Received stats and achievements from Steam
2022-01-04T12:43:02 63.282 INF Started thread ServerBrowserListUpdater
2022-01-04T12:43:20 81.151 INF Connecting to server SALTY ZOMBIES PVE CASUAL USA A19...
2022-01-04T12:43:20 81.151 INF NetPackageManager Init
2022-01-04T12:43:20 81.159 INF [EAC] Connected to game server
2022-01-04T12:43:20 81.175 INF NET: LiteNetLib trying to connect to:
2022-01-04T12:43:20 81.193 INF Exited thread ServerBrowserListUpdater
2022-01-04T12:43:20 81.241 INF NET: LiteNetLib: Connected to server
2022-01-04T12:43:20 81.292 INF Started thread NCS_Reader_0
2022-01-04T12:43:20 81.293 INF Started thread NCS_Writer_0
2022-01-04T12:43:20 81.322 INF Started thread NCS_Reader_1
2022-01-04T12:43:20 81.323 INF Started thread NCS_Writer_1
2022-01-04T12:43:20 81.341 INF [Steamworks.NET] Auth.GetAuthTicket()
2022-01-04T12:43:20 81.342 INF NPPL.Write
2022-01-04T12:43:20 81.454 INF Login: authstate_steam
2022-01-04T12:43:20 81.698 INF Login: authstate_steamgroups
2022-01-04T12:43:20 81.699 INF Login: authstate_eac
2022-01-04T12:43:21 82.763 INF Login: authstate_authenticated
2022-01-04T12:43:21 82.765 INF Player allowed
2022-01-04T12:43:21 82.773 INF [Steamworks.NET] AddFavorite: 26
2022-01-04T12:43:22 82.790 INF [Steamworks.NET] Trying to create Lobby (visibility: k_ELobbyTypePublic)
2022-01-04T12:43:22 82.796 INF StartGame
2022-01-04T12:43:22 82.891 INF Persistent GamePrefs saved
GamePref.AdminFileName = serveradmin.xml
GamePref.AirDropFrequency = 24
GamePref.AirDropMarker = True
GamePref.AutopilotMode = 0
GamePref.BedrollDeadZoneSize = 15
GamePref.BedrollExpiryTime = 45
GamePref.BlockDamageAI = 100
GamePref.BlockDamageAIBM = 50
GamePref.BlockDamagePlayer = 100
GamePref.BloodMoonEnemyCount = 8
GamePref.BloodMoonFrequency = 30
GamePref.BloodMoonRange = 0
GamePref.BloodMoonWarning = 8
GamePref.BuildCreate = False
GamePref.ConnectToServerIP =
GamePref.ConnectToServerPort = 26900
GamePref.ControlPanelEnabled = False
GamePref.ControlPanelPort = 8080
GamePref.CraftTimer = 
GamePref.CreateLevelDim = 1024
GamePref.CreateLevelName = WorldTestMods2
GamePref.CreativeMenuEnabled = False
GamePref.DayCount = 3
GamePref.DayLightLength = 18
GamePref.DayNightLength = 120
GamePref.DebugMenuEnabled = False
GamePref.DebugMenuShowTasks = False
GamePref.DebugStopEnemiesMoving = False
GamePref.DropOnDeath = 0
GamePref.DropOnQuit = 0
GamePref.DynamicSpawner = 
GamePref.EACEnabled = False
GamePref.EnemyDifficulty = 0
GamePref.EnemySpawnMode = True
GamePref.FavoriteServersList = 
GamePref.FragLimit = 20
GamePref.GameDifficulty = 1
GamePref.GameGuidClient = 
GamePref.GameMode = GameModeSurvival
GamePref.GameName = WhatThe@%$#Server
GamePref.GameNameClient = My Game
GamePref.GameVersion = Alpha 19.6
GamePref.GameWorld = New Yilabane Valley
GamePref.HideCommandExecutionLog = 0
GamePref.JoiningOptions = True
GamePref.LandClaimCount = 1
GamePref.LandClaimDeadZone = 30
GamePref.LandClaimDecayMode = 0
GamePref.LandClaimExpiryTime = 7
GamePref.LandClaimOfflineDelay = 0
GamePref.LandClaimOfflineDurabilityModifier = 4
GamePref.LandClaimOnlineDurabilityModifier = 4
GamePref.LandClaimSize = 41
GamePref.LastGameResetRevision = 13
GamePref.LastLoadedPrefab = 
GamePref.LastLoadedPrefabSize = 31,11,41
GamePref.LastLoadingTipRead = 1
GamePref.LootAbundance = 100
GamePref.LootRespawnDays = 5
GamePref.LootTimer = 
GamePref.MatchLength = 10
GamePref.MaxSpawnedAnimals = 50
GamePref.MaxSpawnedZombies = 64
GamePref.MaxUncoveredMapChunksPerPlayer = 524288
GamePref.NoGraphicsMode = False
GamePref.OptionsAllowController = True
GamePref.OptionsAmbientVolumeLevel = 0.137931
GamePref.OptionsAudioOcclusion = False
GamePref.OptionsBackgroundGlobalOpacity = 0.8079742
GamePref.OptionsControllerVibration = True
GamePref.OptionsControlsResetRevision = 5
GamePref.OptionsDisableChunkLODs = False
GamePref.OptionsDynamicMusicDailyTime = 0.45
GamePref.OptionsDynamicMusicEnabled = True
GamePref.OptionsForegroundGlobalOpacity = 1
GamePref.OptionsGfxAA = 1
GamePref.OptionsGfxBloom = True
GamePref.OptionsGfxBrightness = 0.5
GamePref.OptionsGfxDOF = False
GamePref.OptionsGfxDynamicMinFPS = 25
GamePref.OptionsGfxDynamicMode = 0
GamePref.OptionsGfxDynamicScale = 1
GamePref.OptionsGfxFOV = 65
GamePref.OptionsGfxGrassDistance = 1
GamePref.OptionsGfxLODDistance = 0.5
GamePref.OptionsGfxMotionBlur = 1
GamePref.OptionsGfxObjQuality = 3
GamePref.OptionsGfxOcclusion = True
GamePref.OptionsGfxQualityPreset = 2
GamePref.OptionsGfxReflectQuality = 1
GamePref.OptionsGfxReflectShadows = False
GamePref.OptionsGfxResetRevision = 1
GamePref.OptionsGfxResolution = 0
GamePref.OptionsGfxShadowDistance = 1
GamePref.OptionsGfxSSAO = True
GamePref.OptionsGfxSSReflections = 1
GamePref.OptionsGfxStreamMipmaps = True
GamePref.OptionsGfxSunShafts = True
GamePref.OptionsGfxTerrainQuality = 3
GamePref.OptionsGfxTexFilter = 1
GamePref.OptionsGfxTexQuality = 1
GamePref.OptionsGfxTreeDistance = 4
GamePref.OptionsGfxUMATexQuality = 1
GamePref.OptionsGfxViewDistance = 6
GamePref.OptionsGfxVsync = 1
GamePref.OptionsGfxWaterPtlLimiter = 0.5
GamePref.OptionsGfxWaterQuality = 1
GamePref.OptionsHudOpacity = 1
GamePref.OptionsHudSize = 0.85
GamePref.OptionsInterfaceSensitivity = 0.75
GamePref.OptionsInvertMouse = False
GamePref.OptionsJournalPopup = True
GamePref.OptionsMenuMusicVolumeLevel = 0.2939655
GamePref.OptionsMicVolumeLevel = 0.862069
GamePref.OptionsMouseSensitivity = 0.5
GamePref.OptionsMusicVolumeLevel = 0.1508621
GamePref.OptionsOverallAudioVolumeLevel = 0.137931
GamePref.OptionsPlayChanceFrequency = 3
GamePref.OptionsPlayChanceProbability = 0.983
GamePref.OptionsPlayerModel = playerMale
GamePref.OptionsPlayerModelTexture = Player/Male/Player_male
GamePref.OptionsPOICulling = 1
GamePref.OptionsScreenBoundsValue = 1
GamePref.OptionsShowCompass = True
GamePref.OptionsShowCrosshair = True
GamePref.OptionsStabSpawnBlocksOnGround = True
GamePref.OptionsTempCelsius = True
GamePref.OptionsUiFpsScaling = 1
GamePref.OptionsVoiceChatEnabled = True
GamePref.OptionsVoiceVolumeLevel = 0.862069
GamePref.OptionsZoomMouseSensitivity = 0.5
GamePref.PartySharedKillRange = 10000
GamePref.PersistentPlayerProfiles = True
GamePref.PlayerAutologin = False
GamePref.PlayerId = 76561198082763988
GamePref.PlayerKillingMode = 0
GamePref.PlayerName = Ozzie0057
GamePref.PlayerSafeZoneHours = 7
GamePref.PlayerSafeZoneLevel = 5
GamePref.PlayerToken = 
GamePref.RebuildMap = False
GamePref.SaveGameFolder = C:\Users\Ozzie\AppData\Roaming/7DaysToDie/Saves
GamePref.SelectionContextMode = 0
GamePref.SelectionOperationMode = 0
GamePref.ServerAdminSlots = 0
GamePref.ServerAdminSlotsPermission = 0
GamePref.ServerDescription = 
GamePref.ServerDisabledNetworkProtocols = 
GamePref.ServerIP = 
GamePref.ServerIsPublic = True
GamePref.ServerLoginConfirmationText = 
GamePref.ServerMaxAllowedViewDistance = 12
GamePref.ServerMaxPlayerCount = 8
GamePref.ServerMaxWorldTransferSpeedKiBs = 512
GamePref.ServerName = Default Server
GamePref.ServerPort = 26900
GamePref.ServerReservedSlots = 0
GamePref.ServerReservedSlotsPermission = 100
GamePref.ServerVisibility = 0
GamePref.ServerWebsiteURL = 
GamePref.ShowFriendPlayerOnMap = True
GamePref.TelnetEnabled = False
GamePref.TelnetFailedLoginLimit = 10
GamePref.TelnetFailedLoginsBlocktime = 10
GamePref.TelnetPort = 25003
GamePref.TerminalWindowEnabled = True
GamePref.TwitchBloodMoonAllowed = True
GamePref.TwitchServerPermission = 90
GamePref.UNUSED_OptionsBloom = 
GamePref.UNUSED_OptionsDeferredLighting = 
GamePref.UNUSED_OptionsDOF = 
GamePref.UNUSED_OptionsFieldOfViewNew = 
GamePref.UNUSED_OptionsGamma = 
GamePref.UNUSED_OptionsImageEffects = 
GamePref.UNUSED_OptionsMotionBlur = 
GamePref.UNUSED_OptionsObjectBlur = 
GamePref.UNUSED_OptionsReflectionBounces = 
GamePref.UNUSED_OptionsReflectionCullList = 
GamePref.UNUSED_OptionsReflectionFarClip = 
GamePref.UNUSED_OptionsReflectionRefreshMode = 
GamePref.UNUSED_OptionsReflectionShadowDistance = 
GamePref.UNUSED_OptionsReflectionTimeSlicingMode = 
GamePref.UNUSED_OptionsSSAO = 
GamePref.UNUSED_OptionsStreamingMipmapsBudget = 
GamePref.UNUSED_OptionsSunShafts = 
GamePref.UserDataFolder = C:\Users\Ozzie\AppData\Roaming/7DaysToDie
GamePref.WorldGenSeed = 
GamePref.WorldGenSize = 8192
GamePref.XPMultiplier = 300
GamePref.ZombieBMMove = 1
GamePref.ZombieFeralMove = 0
GamePref.ZombieMove = 0
GamePref.ZombieMoveNight = 0
GamePref.ZombiePlayers = True
GameStat.AirDropFrequency = 0
GameStat.AirDropMarker = False
GameStat.AllowedViewDistance = 12
GameStat.AnimalCount = 0
GameStat.AutoParty = False
GameStat.BedrollExpiryTime = 45
GameStat.BlockDamagePlayer = 100
GameStat.BloodMoonDay = 0
GameStat.BloodMoonEnemyCount = 8
GameStat.BloodMoonWarning = 8
GameStat.ChunkStabilityEnabled = True
GameStat.CraftTimer = 
GameStat.CurrentRoundIx = 0
GameStat.DayLightLength = 18
GameStat.DayLimitActive = False
GameStat.DayLimitThisRound = 0
GameStat.DropOnDeath = 1
GameStat.DropOnQuit = 0
GameStat.EnemyCount = 0
GameStat.EnemyDifficulty = Normal
GameStat.EnemySpawnMode = True
GameStat.FragLimitActive = False
GameStat.FragLimitThisRound = 0
GameStat.GameDifficulty = 2
GameStat.GameDifficultyBonus = 1
GameStat.GameModeId = 0
GameStat.GameState = 0
GameStat.GlobalMessageToShow = 
GameStat.IsCreativeMenuEnabled = False
GameStat.IsFlyingEnabled = False
GameStat.IsPlayerCollisionEnabled = True
GameStat.IsPlayerDamageEnabled = True
GameStat.IsResetMapOnRestart = False
GameStat.IsSaveSupplyCrates = True
GameStat.IsSpawnEnemies = True
GameStat.IsSpawnNearOtherPlayer = False
GameStat.IsTeleportEnabled = False
GameStat.IsVersionCheckDone = True
GameStat.LandClaimCount = 1
GameStat.LandClaimDeadZone = 30
GameStat.LandClaimDecayMode = 0
GameStat.LandClaimExpiryTime = 3
GameStat.LandClaimOfflineDelay = 0
GameStat.LandClaimOfflineDurabilityModifier = 32
GameStat.LandClaimOnlineDurabilityModifier = 32
GameStat.LandClaimSize = 41
GameStat.LoadScene = 
GameStat.LootTimer = 
GameStat.OptionsPOICulling = 0
GameStat.PartySharedKillRange = 100
GameStat.PlayerKillingMode = KillStrangersOnly
GameStat.ScoreDiedMultiplier = -5
GameStat.ScorePlayerKillMultiplier = 1
GameStat.ScoreZombieKillMultiplier = 1
GameStat.ShowAllPlayersOnMap = False
GameStat.ShowFriendPlayerOnMap = True
GameStat.ShowSpawnWindow = False
GameStat.ShowWindow = 
GameStat.ShowZombieCounter = False
GameStat.TimeLimitActive = False
GameStat.TimeLimitThisRound = 0
GameStat.TimeOfDayIncPerSec = 20
GameStat.TwitchBloodMoonAllowed = True
GameStat.XPMultiplier = 100
GameStat.ZombieHordeMeter = False
2022-01-04T12:43:22 82.913 INF StartAsClient
2022-01-04T12:43:22 82.913 INF Sending RequestToEnterGame...
2022-01-04T12:43:22 82.927 INF StartGame done
2022-01-04T12:43:22 82.965 INF [Steamworks.NET] Lobby creation succeeded, LobbyID=, server SteamID=, server public IP=17*.9*.18*.3*, server port=29300
2022-01-04T12:43:22 82.971 INF [Steamworks.NET] Lobby entered: 
2022-01-04T12:43:23 83.784 INF Received mapping data for: blocks
2022-01-04T12:43:23 83.786 INF Received mapping data for: items
2022-01-04T12:43:23 83.796 INF Received config file 'materials' from server. Len: 4006
2022-01-04T12:43:23 83.796 INF Received config file 'physicsbodies' from server. Len: 3684
2022-01-04T12:43:23 83.796 INF Received config file 'blocks' from server. Len: 142761
2022-01-04T12:43:23 83.796 INF Received config file 'painting' from server. Len: 3415
2022-01-04T12:43:23 83.796 INF Received config file 'buffs' from server. Len: 45898
2022-01-04T12:43:23 83.796 INF Received config file 'misc' from server. Len: 707
2022-01-04T12:43:23 83.796 INF Received config file 'items' from server. Len: 101183
2022-01-04T12:43:23 83.796 INF Received config file 'item_modifiers' from server. Len: 13707
2022-01-04T12:43:23 83.796 INF Received config file 'entityclasses' from server. Len: 27800
2022-01-04T12:43:23 83.796 INF Received config file 'qualityinfo' from server. Len: 155
2022-01-04T12:43:23 83.796 INF Received config file 'sounds' from server. Len: 30507
2022-01-04T12:43:23 83.796 INF Received config file 'recipes' from server. Len: 21545
2022-01-04T12:43:23 83.796 INF Received config file 'blockplaceholders' from server. Len: 5122
2022-01-04T12:43:23 83.796 INF Received config file 'loot' from server. Len: 34116
2022-01-04T12:43:23 83.796 INF Received config file 'entitygroups' from server. Len: 54986
2022-01-04T12:43:23 83.796 INF Received config file 'utilityai' from server. Len: 625
2022-01-04T12:43:23 83.796 INF Received config file 'vehicles' from server. Len: 3613
2022-01-04T12:43:23 83.796 INF Received config file 'weathersurvival' from server. Len: 276
2022-01-04T12:43:23 83.796 INF Received config file 'progression' from server. Len: 22610
2022-01-04T12:43:23 83.796 INF Received config file 'archetypes' from server. Len: 15346
2022-01-04T12:43:23 83.796 INF Received config file 'quests' from server. Len: 8886
2022-01-04T12:43:23 83.796 INF Received config file 'traders' from server. Len: 10245
2022-01-04T12:43:23 83.796 INF Received config file 'npc' from server. Len: 518
2022-01-04T12:43:23 83.796 INF Received config file 'dialogs' from server. Len: 1093
2022-01-04T12:43:23 83.796 INF Received config file 'ui_display' from server. Len: 5463
2022-01-04T12:43:23 83.796 INF Received config file 'nav_objects' from server. Len: 2760
2022-01-04T12:43:23 83.796 INF Received config file 'gameevents' from server. Len: 4227
2022-01-04T12:43:23 83.796 INF Received config file 'twitch' from server. Len: 5838
2022-01-04T12:43:23 83.796 INF Received config file 'dmscontent' from server. Len: 3365
2022-01-04T12:43:23 83.797 INF Received config file 'XUi/styles' from server. Len: 2721
2022-01-04T12:43:23 83.797 INF Received config file 'XUi/controls' from server. Len: 14888
2022-01-04T12:43:23 83.797 INF Received config file 'XUi/windows' from server. Len: 42133
2022-01-04T12:43:23 83.797 INF Received config file 'XUi/xui' from server. Len: 2033
2022-01-04T12:43:23 83.797 INF Received config file 'biomes' from server. Len: 6012
2022-01-04T12:43:23 83.797 INF Received config file 'worldglobal' from server. Len: 284
2022-01-04T12:43:23 83.797 INF Received game GUID: A0AAF15E727BEC4299E2AFA5F7CDD389
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Hidden/Nature/Terrain/Utilities' - All passes removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
ERROR: Shader Shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Hidden/Nature/Terrain/Utilities' - Setting to default shader.
2022-01-04T12:43:23 84.369 INF Set Microsplat diffuse: MicroSplatConfig_diff_tarray_1 (UnityEngine.Texture2DArray)
2022-01-04T12:43:23 84.369 INF Set Microsplat normals: MicroSplatConfig_normal_tarray_1 (UnityEngine.Texture2DArray)
2022-01-04T12:43:23 84.369 INF Set Microsplat smooth:  MicroSplatConfig_smoothAO_tarray_1 (UnityEngine.Texture2DArray)
2022-01-04T12:43:23 84.413 INF Loaded: materials
2022-01-04T12:43:23 84.516 INF Loaded: physicsbodies
2022-01-04T12:43:39 100.568 ERR Block spotlightPlayer is found multiple times, overriding with latest definition!
2022-01-04T12:43:39 100.568 ERR Block autoTurret is found multiple times, overriding with latest definition!
2022-01-04T12:43:39 100.570 INF Block IDs with mapping
2022-01-04T12:43:39 100.570 INF BlockIDs from Mapping
2022-01-04T12:43:39 100.577 INF Loaded: blocks
2022-01-04T12:43:39 100.616 INF Loaded: painting
2022-01-04T12:43:51 111.874 INF Loaded: buffs
2022-01-04T12:43:51 111.921 INF Loaded: misc
2022-01-04T12:43:51 112.691 INF Loaded: items
2022-01-04T12:43:52 113.402 INF Item IDs with mapping
2022-01-04T12:43:52 113.403 INF ItemIDs from Mapping
2022-01-04T12:43:52 113.419 INF Loaded: item_modifiers
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Hidden/PostProcessing/Uber' - Pass '' has no vertex shader
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Hidden/PostProcessing/Uber' - Pass '' has no vertex shader
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Hidden/PostProcessing/FinalPass' - Pass '' has no vertex shader
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Hidden/PostProcessing/FinalPass' - Pass '' has no vertex shader
2022-01-04T12:43:52 113.751 INF Loaded: entityclasses
2022-01-04T12:43:52 113.761 INF Loaded: qualityinfo
2022-01-04T12:43:53 113.835 INF Loaded: sounds
2022-01-04T12:43:53 114.029 INF Loaded: recipes
2022-01-04T12:43:53 114.095 INF Loaded: blockplaceholders
2022-01-04T12:43:53 114.224 INF Loaded: loot
2022-01-04T12:43:53 114.326 INF Loaded: entitygroups
2022-01-04T12:43:53 114.391 INF Loaded: utilityai
2022-01-04T12:43:53 114.462 INF Loaded: vehicles
2022-01-04T12:43:53 114.532 INF Loaded: weathersurvival
2022-01-04T12:43:53 114.604 INF Loaded: progression
2022-01-04T12:43:53 114.713 INF Loaded: archetypes
2022-01-04T12:43:53 114.773 INF Loaded: quests
2022-01-04T12:43:54 114.816 INF Loaded: traders
2022-01-04T12:43:54 114.901 INF Loaded: npc
2022-01-04T12:43:54 114.963 INF Loaded: dialogs
2022-01-04T12:43:54 115.035 INF Loaded: ui_display
2022-01-04T12:43:54 115.105 INF Loaded: nav_objects
2022-01-04T12:43:54 115.182 INF Loaded: gameevents
2022-01-04T12:43:54 115.248 INF Loaded: twitch
2022-01-04T12:43:54 115.318 INF Loaded: dmscontent
2022-01-04T12:43:54 115.389 INF Loaded: XUi/styles
2022-01-04T12:43:54 115.470 INF Loaded: XUi/controls
2022-01-04T12:43:54 115.535 INF Loaded: XUi/windows
2022-01-04T12:43:54 115.639 INF Loaded: XUi/xui
2022-01-04T12:43:55 115.793 INF Loaded: biomes
2022-01-04T12:43:55 115.961 INF Loaded: worldglobal
2022-01-04T12:43:59 120.436 INF ShapeControllers: 64
2022-01-04T12:44:02 122.923 INF createWorld: [f5d142]S[-][f54242]Z[-]PVECASUSV11, PVECASUSV11, GameModeSurvival
2022-01-04T12:44:02 122.925 INF Occlusion: Enabled
2022-01-04T12:44:02 122.952 INF Started thread ChunkRegeneration
2022-01-04T12:44:02 122.952 INF Started thread ChunkCalc
2022-01-04T12:44:02 123.007 INF World.Load: [f5d142]S[-][f54242]Z[-]PVECASUSV11
2022-01-04T12:44:02 123.255 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Courthouse(by_Stallionsden)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:02 123.255 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Courthouse(by_Stallionsden)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:02 123.504 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Hotel_Construction_Site_01(by_Zyncosa)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:02 123.504 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Hotel_Construction_Site_01(by_Zyncosa)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:02 123.504 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Mall_DOD(by_captainwhiskerbiscuits_mentalninja33)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:02 123.505 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Mall_DOD(by_captainwhiskerbiscuits_mentalninja33)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:02 123.505 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Office(by_Wsiegel)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:02 123.505 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Office(by_Wsiegel)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:02 123.505 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Multi_Storey(by_War3zuk)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:02 123.505 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Multi_Storey(by_War3zuk)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:02 123.606 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Firehouse(by_Warsaken)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:02 123.606 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Firehouse(by_Warsaken)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:02 123.663 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Apartment(by_Gertle)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:02 123.663 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Apartment(by_Gertle)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:02 123.713 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Apartment_Stores(by_Laz_Man)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:02 123.713 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Apartment_Stores(by_Laz_Man)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:03 124.003 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Hostel(by_TopMinder)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:03 124.003 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Hostel(by_TopMinder)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:03 124.003 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_skyscraper_omni(by_Flanua)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:03 124.003 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_skyscraper_omni(by_Flanua)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:03 124.003 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Casino(by_Stallionsden)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:03 124.003 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Casino(by_Stallionsden)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:03 124.004 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_TV_Tower_Restaurant(by_magoli)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:03 124.004 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_TV_Tower_Restaurant(by_magoli)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:03 124.004 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_SuperStore(by_Volar)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:03 124.004 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_SuperStore(by_Volar)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:03 124.067 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_ShoppingCenter_Galleria(by_Laz_Man)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:03 124.067 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_ShoppingCenter_Galleria(by_Laz_Man)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:03 124.068 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Spirallibrary(by_TopMinder)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:03 124.068 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Spirallibrary(by_TopMinder)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:03 124.201 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Skyscraper(by_Peppino)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:03 124.202 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Skyscraper(by_Peppino)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:03 124.243 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_MultiStore(by_ANT)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:03 124.243 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_MultiStore(by_ANT)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:03 124.279 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_OrigamiGallery(by_Pille_TopMinder)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:03 124.279 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_OrigamiGallery(by_Pille_TopMinder)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:03 124.312 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_ModernArtGallery(by_Pille_TopMinder)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:03 124.312 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_ModernArtGallery(by_Pille_TopMinder)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:03 124.312 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Shoppingcenter(by_TopMinder)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:03 124.312 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Shoppingcenter(by_TopMinder)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:03 124.312 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_NotreDamn_(by_tehkarma)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:03 124.312 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_NotreDamn_(by_tehkarma)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:03 124.693 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_3BlockStores(by_Leo_Liuos)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:03 124.693 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_3BlockStores(by_Leo_Liuos)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:03 124.772 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Hotel_01(by_Zyncosa)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:03 124.772 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Hotel_01(by_Zyncosa)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:03 124.772 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_bridgesideapartmentsA16(by_Batman)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:03 124.772 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_bridgesideapartmentsA16(by_Batman)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:03 124.772 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Sky-Twintowers(by_TopMinder)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:03 124.772 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Sky-Twintowers(by_TopMinder)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:03 124.772 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_skyhigh(by_Gobarg_Mana)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:03 124.772 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_skyhigh(by_Gobarg_Mana)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:04 124.820 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Hospital(by_TopMinder)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:04 124.821 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Hospital(by_TopMinder)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:04 125.019 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_UnionStation(by_BuLLeTZ)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:04 125.019 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_UnionStation(by_BuLLeTZ)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:04 125.054 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_drivethru(by_bigstep70)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:04 125.054 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_drivethru(by_bigstep70)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:04 125.236 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_KooshieMart(by_Kayido)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:04 125.236 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_KooshieMart(by_Kayido)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:04 125.237 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Walcart(by_Swolk)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:04 125.237 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Walcart(by_Swolk)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:04 125.237 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_TittyTwister(by_Sorrowthief)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:04 125.237 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_TittyTwister(by_Sorrowthief)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:04 125.368 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Housing_Block(by_War3zuk)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:04 125.368 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Housing_Block(by_War3zuk)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:04 125.434 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_DriveIn(by_Wsiegel)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:04 125.434 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_DriveIn(by_Wsiegel)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:04 125.446 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_FuneralHome(by_Wsiegel)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:04 125.446 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_FuneralHome(by_Wsiegel)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:04 125.544 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Hightop(by_Curbolt)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:04 125.544 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Hightop(by_Curbolt)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:04 125.625 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_CurlingCenter(by_magoli)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:04 125.626 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_CurlingCenter(by_magoli)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:04 125.626 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Restaurant(by_Gertle)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:04 125.626 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Restaurant(by_Gertle)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:04 125.626 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Supermarket_06Destroyed(by_Zyncosa)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:04 125.627 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Supermarket_06Destroyed(by_Zyncosa)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:04 125.627 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_kwikemart(by_magoli)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:04 125.627 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_kwikemart(by_magoli)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:04 125.649 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Orphanage(ex_vanilla_ornate02)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:04 125.649 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Orphanage(ex_vanilla_ornate02)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:04 125.744 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_icestadium(by_magoli)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:04 125.744 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_icestadium(by_magoli)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:05 125.790 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Supermarket_03Destroyed(by_Zyncosa)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:05 125.790 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Supermarket_03Destroyed(by_Zyncosa)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:05 125.790 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_ZombieZoo(by_Wsiegel)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:05 125.790 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_ZombieZoo(by_Wsiegel)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:05 125.790 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Supermarket_03(by_Zyncosa)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:05 125.790 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Supermarket_03(by_Zyncosa)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:05 125.790 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Supermarket_02(by_Zyncosa)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:05 125.791 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Supermarket_02(by_Zyncosa)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:05 125.791 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_donut_shop(by_bigstep70)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:05 125.791 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_donut_shop(by_bigstep70)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:05 125.791 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Bank(by_Limodor)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:05 125.791 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Bank(by_Limodor)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:05 125.791 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Hicks_Family_Diner(by_Hydroponic)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:05 125.791 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Hicks_Family_Diner(by_Hydroponic)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:05 125.791 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Bus_Depot(by_Hydroponic)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:05 125.791 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Bus_Depot(by_Hydroponic)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:05 125.792 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Firestation(by_Slick50)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:05 125.792 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Firestation(by_Slick50)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:05 125.986 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_SC_steakhouse01(by_Dragoness)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:05 125.986 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_SC_steakhouse01(by_Dragoness)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:05 125.986 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_TheVillage(by_Stallionsden)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:05 125.986 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_TheVillage(by_Stallionsden)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:05 126.012 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Supermarket_05(by_Zyncosa)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:05 126.012 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Supermarket_05(by_Zyncosa)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:05 126.012 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Supermarket_08(by_Zyncosa)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:05 126.012 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Supermarket_08(by_Zyncosa)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:05 126.012 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Mall_Large_Volume(by_hernanxx)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:05 126.012 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Mall_Large_Volume(by_hernanxx)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:05 126.012 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_DriveIn(by_NAGG_Genosis)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:05 126.012 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_DriveIn(by_NAGG_Genosis)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:05 126.023 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_HBW_Metro_Station(by_Hydroponic)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:05 126.023 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_HBW_Metro_Station(by_Hydroponic)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:05 126.167 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Store_Automotive_sm(by_Laz_Man)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:05 126.167 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Store_Automotive_sm(by_Laz_Man)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:05 126.240 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Car_Dealership_new(by_p1ut0nium)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:05 126.240 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Car_Dealership_new(by_p1ut0nium)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:05 126.269 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Villa(by_TopMinder)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:05 126.269 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Villa(by_TopMinder)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:05 126.525 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Stonehouse(by_TopMinder)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:05 126.525 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Stonehouse(by_TopMinder)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:05 126.608 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Redhouse(by_TopMinder)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:05 126.608 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Redhouse(by_TopMinder)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:06 126.906 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_house7(by_Curbolt)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:06 126.906 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_house7(by_Curbolt)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:06 126.984 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_house_modern_05(by_Kam)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:06 126.985 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_house_modern_05(by_Kam)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:06 127.066 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Basement01(by_PVWolfgang)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:06 127.066 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Basement01(by_PVWolfgang)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:06 127.066 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_burntshell(by_Evilracc0on)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:06 127.066 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_burntshell(by_Evilracc0on)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:06 127.066 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_house_modern_03(by_Kam)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:06 127.066 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_house_modern_03(by_Kam)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:06 127.115 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Dave_Home_2(by_DMC)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:06 127.115 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Dave_Home_2(by_DMC)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:06 127.216 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Roundhouse(by_TopMinder)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:06 127.216 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Roundhouse(by_TopMinder)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:06 127.396 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Nuket0wn(by_Limodor)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:06 127.396 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Nuket0wn(by_Limodor)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:06 127.681 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_house4(by_Curbolt)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:06 127.681 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_house4(by_Curbolt)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:06 127.681 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Safehouse(by_Limodor)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:06 127.681 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Safehouse(by_Limodor)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:07 128.145 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_minigolf(by_magoli)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:07 128.145 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_minigolf(by_magoli)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:07 128.146 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Cell_Tower(by_LuckyStar)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:07 128.146 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Cell_Tower(by_LuckyStar)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:07 128.181 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Paintballarena(by_Jackelmyer)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:07 128.181 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Paintballarena(by_Jackelmyer)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:07 128.181 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Industry_03Destroyed(by_Zyncosa)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:07 128.181 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Industry_03Destroyed(by_Zyncosa)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:07 128.181 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Utility_Combo(by_LuckyStar)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:07 128.181 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Utility_Combo(by_LuckyStar)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:07 128.199 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_HarbingerLabs(by_Riahsaurus_Rex)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:07 128.199 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_HarbingerLabs(by_Riahsaurus_Rex)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:07 128.199 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_crematory(by_magoli)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:07 128.199 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_crematory(by_magoli)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:07 128.199 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Industry_07(by_Zyncosa)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:07 128.199 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Industry_07(by_Zyncosa)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:07 128.199 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Industry_08(by_Zyncosa)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:07 128.199 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Industry_08(by_Zyncosa)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:07 128.199 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Recycling(by_Limodor)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:07 128.199 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Recycling(by_Limodor)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:07 128.199 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_rave_factory(by_orak)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:07 128.199 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_rave_factory(by_orak)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:07 128.199 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Nuka_Factory(by_bdubyah)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:07 128.200 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Nuka_Factory(by_bdubyah)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:07 128.200 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_sewer_layout(by_Evilracc0on)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:07 128.200 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_sewer_layout(by_Evilracc0on)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:07 128.200 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Prison(by_Limodur)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:07 128.200 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Prison(by_Limodur)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:07 128.248 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Bills_1(by_Theodryck)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:07 128.248 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Bills_1(by_Theodryck)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:07 128.248 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Glass_factory_big(by_Khyber)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:07 128.248 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Glass_factory_big(by_Khyber)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:07 128.248 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Industry_04(by_Zyncosa)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:07 128.248 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Industry_04(by_Zyncosa)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:07 128.249 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Badonkadonk(by_CaptainandMental)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:07 128.249 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Badonkadonk(by_CaptainandMental)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:07 128.249 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Monopoly_Board(by_Grtruck_Sarongas1999_Crazy1)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:07 128.249 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Monopoly_Board(by_Grtruck_Sarongas1999_Crazy1)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:07 128.249 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_LittleLeagueBaseball(by_Curmudgeon)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:07 128.249 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_LittleLeagueBaseball(by_Curmudgeon)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:07 128.249 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_MonsterFlexGym(by_Swolk)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:07 128.249 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_MonsterFlexGym(by_Swolk)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:07 128.249 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Science_lab(by_kinklade)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:07 128.249 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Science_lab(by_kinklade)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:07 128.297 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Prison1(by_Curbolt)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:07 128.297 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Prison1(by_Curbolt)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:08 128.885 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_dregora_station_southfront(by_Eagle)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:08 128.885 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_dregora_station_southfront(by_Eagle)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:08 128.898 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_MiniMall(by_Spider)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:08 128.899 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_MiniMall(by_Spider)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:08 128.899 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_stripclub(by_magoli)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:08 128.899 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_stripclub(by_magoli)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:08 128.958 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Design_firm(by_EvilRacc0on)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:08 128.958 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Design_firm(by_EvilRacc0on)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:08 129.045 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_HellMart(by_Riahsaurus_Rex)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:08 129.045 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_HellMart(by_Riahsaurus_Rex)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:08 129.203 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_CanucksCoffee(by_Genosis)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:08 129.203 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_CanucksCoffee(by_Genosis)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:08 129.203 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_MidwichSchool_01(by_Dragoness)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:08 129.203 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_MidwichSchool_01(by_Dragoness)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:08 129.203 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Cantine(by_Limodor)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:08 129.203 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Cantine(by_Limodor)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:08 129.203 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Info_Center(by_LuckyStar)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:08 129.203 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Info_Center(by_LuckyStar)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:08 129.203 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_LMARTRoadHouseTruckstop(by_Stallionsden)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:08 129.203 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_LMARTRoadHouseTruckstop(by_Stallionsden)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:08 129.229 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_swimmingbath(by_magoli)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:08 129.229 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_swimmingbath(by_magoli)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:08 129.250 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Apartments(by_Batman)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:08 129.250 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Apartments(by_Batman)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:08 129.250 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_circus(by_magoli)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:08 129.250 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_circus(by_magoli)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:08 129.440 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_SUBDAY(by_Swolk)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:08 129.440 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_SUBDAY(by_Swolk)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:08 129.537 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_JoJos(by_JSDoctor)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:08 129.537 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_JoJos(by_JSDoctor)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:08 129.537 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_seafoodshop(by_Guppycur)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:08 129.537 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_seafoodshop(by_Guppycur)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:08 129.591 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Italo_Restaurant(by_axebeard)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:08 129.591 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Italo_Restaurant(by_axebeard)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:08 129.628 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Bavarian_Bowse_Shop(by_magoli)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:08 129.628 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Bavarian_Bowse_Shop(by_magoli)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:08 129.718 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Car_Dealership_old(by_P1ut0nium)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:08 129.718 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Car_Dealership_old(by_P1ut0nium)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:09 129.843 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_House_6(by_Nodabba)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:09 129.843 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_House_6(by_Nodabba)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:09 129.926 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_house04(by_Guppycur)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:09 129.927 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_house04(by_Guppycur)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:09 129.927 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Dormerhouse(by_TopMinder)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:09 129.927 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Dormerhouse(by_TopMinder)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:09 129.927 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_house3(by_Curbolt)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:09 129.927 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_house3(by_Curbolt)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:09 130.056 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_SmallWoodhouse(by_TopMinder)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:09 130.056 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_SmallWoodhouse(by_TopMinder)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:09 130.057 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Blue_House(by_TopMinder_and_Pille)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:09 130.057 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Blue_House(by_TopMinder_and_Pille)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:09 130.057 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_The_Cobblestone_House(by_JSDoctor)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:09 130.057 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_The_Cobblestone_House(by_JSDoctor)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:09 130.145 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_House_09(by_Zyncosa)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:09 130.145 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_House_09(by_Zyncosa)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:09 130.269 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_townvilla(by_owl79)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:09 130.269 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_townvilla(by_owl79)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:09 130.316 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Manorhouse(by_WereWulfen)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:09 130.316 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Manorhouse(by_WereWulfen)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:10 131.000 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_fp_house_medium_002(by_Frank_Souza)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:10 131.000 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_fp_house_medium_002(by_Frank_Souza)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:10 131.149 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_House_09Destroyed(by_Zyncosa)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:10 131.150 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_House_09Destroyed(by_Zyncosa)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:10 131.188 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_WulftownCD(by_WereWulfen)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:10 131.188 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_WulftownCD(by_WereWulfen)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:10 131.339 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_serial_killer_01(by_FLESHUS)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:10 131.339 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_serial_killer_01(by_FLESHUS)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:10 131.339 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_forthouseone(by_Fortbrick)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:10 131.339 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_forthouseone(by_Fortbrick)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:10 131.339 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Experimentalhouse(by_TopMinder)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:10 131.339 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Experimentalhouse(by_TopMinder)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:10 131.339 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Haulier_lg(by_Limodor)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:10 131.339 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Haulier_lg(by_Limodor)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:10 131.339 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Windowfactory(by_magoli)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:10 131.339 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Windowfactory(by_magoli)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:10 131.339 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Bowling_Alley(by_Sarongas1999_Crazy1)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:10 131.339 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Bowling_Alley(by_Sarongas1999_Crazy1)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:10 131.340 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Industry_02Destroyed(by_Zyncosa)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:10 131.340 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Industry_02Destroyed(by_Zyncosa)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:10 131.340 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_TruckStop(by_magoli)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:10 131.340 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_TruckStop(by_magoli)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:10 131.340 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Haulier_md(by_Limodor)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:10 131.340 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Haulier_md(by_Limodor)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:10 131.451 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Industry_06(by_Zyncosa)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:10 131.451 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Industry_06(by_Zyncosa)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:10 131.451 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_AnarchyHighriseLab(by_NLEagle)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:10 131.451 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_AnarchyHighriseLab(by_NLEagle)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:10 131.451 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_GasStation(by_Warsaken)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:10 131.451 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_GasStation(by_Warsaken)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:10 131.451 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Industry_02(by_Zyncosa)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:10 131.451 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Industry_02(by_Zyncosa)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:10 131.451 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_pistol_gunshop(by_magoli)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:10 131.451 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_pistol_gunshop(by_magoli)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:10 131.451 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_RaceTrack(by_Guppycur)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:10 131.451 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_RaceTrack(by_Guppycur)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:10 131.451 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Industry_05Destroyed(by_Zyncosa)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:10 131.451 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Industry_05Destroyed(by_Zyncosa)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:10 131.452 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Hydro_Plant(by_LuckyStar)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:10 131.452 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Hydro_Plant(by_LuckyStar)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:10 131.452 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Power_Station(by_LuckyStar)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:10 131.452 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Power_Station(by_LuckyStar)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:10 131.452 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Storage(by_ShoNuff)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:10 131.452 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Storage(by_ShoNuff)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:10 131.452 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Industry_05(by_Zyncosa)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:10 131.452 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Industry_05(by_Zyncosa)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:10 131.452 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_warehouse(by_NLEagle)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:10 131.452 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_warehouse(by_NLEagle)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:10 131.452 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_celltower_2_waste(by_axebeard)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:10 131.452 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_celltower_2_waste(by_axebeard)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:10 131.452 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Warehouse(by_Batman)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:10 131.452 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Warehouse(by_Batman)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:10 131.763 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Zug1(by_Horst)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:10 131.763 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Zug1(by_Horst)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:11 131.883 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_StripClub(by_Wsiegel)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:11 131.883 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_StripClub(by_Wsiegel)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:11 131.883 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Snakehotel(by_TopMinder)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:11 131.883 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Snakehotel(by_TopMinder)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:11 131.883 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Library(by_NAGG)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:11 131.883 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Library(by_NAGG)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:11 131.883 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_trainstationRiah(by_Riahsaurus_Rex)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:11 131.883 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_trainstationRiah(by_Riahsaurus_Rex)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:11 131.883 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_PG_BusStstion(by_Dragoness)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:11 131.883 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_PG_BusStstion(by_Dragoness)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:11 131.884 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Church_01(by_LazMan)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:11 131.884 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Church_01(by_LazMan)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:11 131.914 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_CityPark(by_Spider)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:11 131.914 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_CityPark(by_Spider)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:11 131.914 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Motel(by_Limodor)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:11 131.914 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Motel(by_Limodor)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:11 131.914 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_LMART_Garage(by_Stallionsden)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:11 131.914 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_LMART_Garage(by_Stallionsden)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:11 131.974 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_TacoBele(by_Swolk)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:11 131.974 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_TacoBele(by_Swolk)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:11 131.974 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_McDonalds(by_BigC90210)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:11 131.974 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_McDonalds(by_BigC90210)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:11 132.052 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Bike_Shop(by_War3zuk)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:11 132.052 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Bike_Shop(by_War3zuk)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:11 132.052 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Apartments_Curtilage_Playground(by_magoli)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:11 132.052 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Apartments_Curtilage_Playground(by_magoli)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:11 132.102 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Bookstore(by_Kayido)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:11 132.102 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Bookstore(by_Kayido)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:11 132.266 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_moestaverne(by_magoli)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:11 132.266 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_moestaverne(by_magoli)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:11 132.266 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_med_clinic_small(by_magoli)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:11 132.266 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_med_clinic_small(by_magoli)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:11 132.266 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_IZEA_market(by_Genosis)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:11 132.266 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_IZEA_market(by_Genosis)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:11 132.385 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Hotel_01Destroyed(by_Zyncosa)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:11 132.385 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Hotel_01Destroyed(by_Zyncosa)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:11 132.385 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Strip_Mall_Large_shops(by_Hydroponic)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:11 132.385 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Strip_Mall_Large_shops(by_Hydroponic)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:11 132.486 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Public_Pool(by_Warsaken)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:11 132.486 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Public_Pool(by_Warsaken)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:11 132.486 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_ArtGallery(by_Wsiegel)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:11 132.486 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_ArtGallery(by_Wsiegel)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:11 132.502 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_WaterPark1(by_NAGGcommunity)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:11 132.502 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_WaterPark1(by_NAGGcommunity)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:11 132.502 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Supermarket_07Destroyed(by_Zyncosa)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:11 132.502 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Supermarket_07Destroyed(by_Zyncosa)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:12 132.815 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Supermarket_05Destroyed(by_Zyncosa)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:12 132.815 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Supermarket_05Destroyed(by_Zyncosa)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:12 132.815 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_SlavCo_SuperMarket(by_Hydroponic)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:12 132.815 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_SlavCo_SuperMarket(by_Hydroponic)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:12 132.815 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Apartment(by_Spider)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:12 132.815 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Apartment(by_Spider)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:12 132.895 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_ZHigh(by_Volar)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:12 132.895 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_ZHigh(by_Volar)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:12 132.895 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_CasinoANKH(by_magoli)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:12 132.895 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_CasinoANKH(by_magoli)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:12 132.895 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Boys_Only_Hotel_(by_SWAG)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:12 132.895 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Boys_Only_Hotel_(by_SWAG)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:12 132.895 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Apartments_01(by_Zyncosa)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:12 132.895 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Apartments_01(by_Zyncosa)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:12 132.895 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Dregora_Furniture_Timber_Deco(by_Eagle)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:12 132.895 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Dregora_Furniture_Timber_Deco(by_Eagle)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:12 133.022 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Supermarket_07(by_Zyncosa)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:12 133.022 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Supermarket_07(by_Zyncosa)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:12 133.022 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_CDC_Mission(by_TheFootpad)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:12 133.022 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_CDC_Mission(by_TheFootpad)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:12 133.022 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Doctors_Office(by_Bostonlondon)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:12 133.022 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Doctors_Office(by_Bostonlondon)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:12 133.023 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Guildhall(ex_vanilla_ornate01)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:12 133.023 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Guildhall(ex_vanilla_ornate01)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:12 133.112 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Supermarket_04Destroyed(by_Zyncosa)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:12 133.112 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Supermarket_04Destroyed(by_Zyncosa)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:12 133.148 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Wank_Bank(by_Hydroponic)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:12 133.148 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Wank_Bank(by_Hydroponic)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:12 133.324 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_storeset2(by_Guppycur)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:12 133.324 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_storeset2(by_Guppycur)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:12 133.592 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Split_Level(by_CraterCreator)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:12 133.592 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Split_Level(by_CraterCreator)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:12 133.676 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Adam_House_Z1(by_DMC)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:12 133.676 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Adam_House_Z1(by_DMC)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:12 133.676 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_cityhouse3(by_Kam)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:12 133.676 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_cityhouse3(by_Kam)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:13 133.896 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Woodhouse(by_TopMinder)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:13 133.896 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Woodhouse(by_TopMinder)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:13 133.945 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_House_03(by_Zyncosa)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:13 133.946 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_House_03(by_Zyncosa)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:13 134.074 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_kuldlargehouse(by_Kuldiin)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:13 134.074 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_kuldlargehouse(by_Kuldiin)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:13 134.074 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_House_08(by_Zyncosa)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:13 134.074 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_House_08(by_Zyncosa)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:13 134.145 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_AmityvilleHorrorHouse(by_Swolk)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:13 134.145 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_AmityvilleHorrorHouse(by_Swolk)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:13 134.230 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_house_suburb_01(by_LazMan)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:13 134.230 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_house_suburb_01(by_LazMan)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:13 134.350 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_House_2Destroyed(by_Nodabba)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:13 134.350 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_House_2Destroyed(by_Nodabba)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:13 134.350 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_House_5(by_Nodabba)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:13 134.350 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_House_5(by_Nodabba)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:13 134.592 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_house2(by_Curbolt)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:13 134.592 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_house2(by_Curbolt)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:13 134.635 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_house_old_tudor_06(by_Pille)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:13 134.635 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_house_old_tudor_06(by_Pille)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:13 134.635 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_House_05Destroyed(by_Zyncosa)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:13 134.635 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_House_05Destroyed(by_Zyncosa)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:13 134.635 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_house_modern_05(by_Pille_TopMinder)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:13 134.635 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_house_modern_05(by_Pille_TopMinder)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:13 134.635 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_House_05(by_Zyncosa)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:13 134.635 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_House_05(by_Zyncosa)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:13 134.635 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_House_1(by_Nodabba)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:13 134.635 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_House_1(by_Nodabba)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:13 134.636 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_QuietPinesSpecial(by_hernan)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:13 134.636 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_QuietPinesSpecial(by_hernan)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:13 134.636 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_House_2(by_Nodabba)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:13 134.636 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_House_2(by_Nodabba)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:13 134.636 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_house_modern_02(by_Kam)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:13 134.636 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_house_modern_02(by_Kam)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:14 134.832 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Nicehouse(by_BigC90210)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:14 134.832 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Nicehouse(by_BigC90210)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:14 134.988 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Warehouse(by_Illidua)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:14 134.988 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Warehouse(by_Illidua)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:14 134.988 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Tank_Garage(by_LuckyStar)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:14 134.988 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Tank_Garage(by_LuckyStar)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:14 134.988 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Apaxco_(by_Gouki)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:14 134.988 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Apaxco_(by_Gouki)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:14 134.988 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Firedepartment(by_Guppycur)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:14 134.988 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Firedepartment(by_Guppycur)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:14 134.988 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_FarmerJoesNursery(by_Stallionsden)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:14 134.988 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_FarmerJoesNursery(by_Stallionsden)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:14 134.988 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Vacant(by_00Zorro100)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:14 134.988 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Vacant(by_00Zorro100)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:14 134.988 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_GasnWash32(by_LuckyStar)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:14 134.988 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_GasnWash32(by_LuckyStar)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:14 134.988 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Asylum(by_Wsiegel)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:14 134.988 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Asylum(by_Wsiegel)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:14 134.988 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_FuneralParlor(by_Zombieman)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:14 134.988 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_FuneralParlor(by_Zombieman)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:14 134.988 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Industry_04Destroyed(by_Zyncosa)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:14 134.988 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Industry_04Destroyed(by_Zyncosa)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:14 134.988 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Industry_06Destroyed(by_Zyncosa)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:14 134.988 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Industry_06Destroyed(by_Zyncosa)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:14 134.989 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_shootingrange(by_magoli)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:14 134.989 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_shootingrange(by_magoli)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:14 134.989 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_BoxingGym(by_KamR)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:14 134.989 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_BoxingGym(by_KamR)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:14 134.989 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_food_truck_01(by_LazMan)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:14 134.989 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_food_truck_01(by_LazMan)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:14 134.989 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_MiniBikeRaceTrack(by_Spider)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:14 134.989 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_MiniBikeRaceTrack(by_Spider)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:14 135.048 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Industry_01(by_Zyncosa)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:14 135.048 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Industry_01(by_Zyncosa)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:14 135.048 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Industry_03(by_Zyncosa)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:14 135.048 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Industry_03(by_Zyncosa)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:14 135.287 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_VarietiesDepartmentStore(by_Stallionsden)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:14 135.287 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_VarietiesDepartmentStore(by_Stallionsden)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:14 135.311 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Library(by_War3zuk)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:14 135.311 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Library(by_War3zuk)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:14 135.311 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Supermarket_04(by_Zyncosa)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:14 135.311 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Supermarket_04(by_Zyncosa)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:14 135.311 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_ConvenienceStore1(by_Guppycur)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:14 135.311 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_ConvenienceStore1(by_Guppycur)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:14 135.381 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_McDowell_restaurant(by_LazMan)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:14 135.381 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_McDowell_restaurant(by_LazMan)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:14 135.423 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Lattez(by_Nauti_Angel)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:14 135.423 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Lattez(by_Nauti_Angel)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:14 135.423 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Apartment_Building_(by_Gouki)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:14 135.423 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Apartment_Building_(by_Gouki)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:14 135.423 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Bank(by_Guppycur)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:14 135.423 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Bank(by_Guppycur)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:14 135.501 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_bowlingcenter(by_magoli)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:14 135.501 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_bowlingcenter(by_magoli)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:14 135.501 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Supermarket_06(by_Zyncosa)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:14 135.501 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Supermarket_06(by_Zyncosa)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:14 135.557 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_storeset1(by_Guppycur)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:14 135.557 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_storeset1(by_Guppycur)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:14 135.557 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Small_Cafe_1(by_Bostonlondon)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:14 135.557 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Small_Cafe_1(by_Bostonlondon)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:14 135.764 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Supermarket_01(by_Zyncosa)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:14 135.764 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Supermarket_01(by_Zyncosa)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:14 135.765 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_dregora_here4beerpub(by_Eagle)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:14 135.765 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_dregora_here4beerpub(by_Eagle)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:14 135.765 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Hospital(by_Wsiegel)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:14 135.765 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Hospital(by_Wsiegel)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:15 135.824 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Book_Stop(by_Hydroponic)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:15 135.824 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Book_Stop(by_Hydroponic)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:15 135.865 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Pawnshop(by_magoli)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:15 135.865 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Pawnshop(by_magoli)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:15 135.865 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Frat_house(by_EvilRacc0on)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:15 135.865 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Frat_house(by_EvilRacc0on)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:15 135.925 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_RedCatDiner(by_Najax)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:15 135.925 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_RedCatDiner(by_Najax)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:15 136.075 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_housewhiteblue(by_owl79)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:15 136.075 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_housewhiteblue(by_owl79)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:15 136.075 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_WulftownA(by_WereWulfen)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:15 136.075 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_WulftownA(by_WereWulfen)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:15 136.258 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_house02(by_Guppycur)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:15 136.258 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_house02(by_Guppycur)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:15 136.356 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_House(by_LastI)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:15 136.356 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_House(by_LastI)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:15 136.356 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_House_06Destroyed(by_Zyncosa)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:15 136.356 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_House_06Destroyed(by_Zyncosa)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:15 136.356 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Park(by_Guppycur)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:15 136.356 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Park(by_Guppycur)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:15 136.416 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Brownstones_House(by_Laz_Man)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:15 136.416 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Brownstones_House(by_Laz_Man)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:15 136.417 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Resident_Evil_Mansion(by_Libby)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:15 136.417 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Resident_Evil_Mansion(by_Libby)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:15 136.478 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Flagstonemansion_sm(by_elitelex)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:15 136.478 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Flagstonemansion_sm(by_elitelex)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:15 136.478 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Villa(by_Limodor)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:15 136.478 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Villa(by_Limodor)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:15 136.478 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_kuldbrickhouse(by_Kuldiin)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:15 136.478 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_kuldbrickhouse(by_Kuldiin)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:15 136.574 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Burrows(by_Nauti_Angel)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:15 136.574 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Burrows(by_Nauti_Angel)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:16 136.977 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_rollerskatedisco(by_magoli)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:16 136.977 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_rollerskatedisco(by_magoli)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:16 137.055 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_PetStore(by_Jackelmyer)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:16 137.055 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_PetStore(by_Jackelmyer)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:16 137.152 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Alms_house(ex_vanilla_ornate03)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:16 137.152 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Alms_house(ex_vanilla_ornate03)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:16 137.208 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_LMART_RoadHouse(by_Stallionsden)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:16 137.208 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_LMART_RoadHouse(by_Stallionsden)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:16 137.208 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Supermarket_02Destroyed(by_Zyncosa)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:16 137.208 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Supermarket_02Destroyed(by_Zyncosa)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:16 137.231 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_7EndStore(by_Jackelmyer)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:16 137.231 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_7EndStore(by_Jackelmyer)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:16 137.590 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_House_8(by_Nodabba)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:16 137.590 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_House_8(by_Nodabba)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:16 137.671 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_House_1Destroyed(by_Nodabba)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:16 137.671 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_House_1Destroyed(by_Nodabba)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:16 137.671 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_CQC_HOUSE(by_Evilracc0on)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:16 137.671 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_CQC_HOUSE(by_Evilracc0on)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:16 137.742 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_house05(by_Guppycur)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:16 137.742 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_house05(by_Guppycur)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:16 137.742 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_house_modern_04(by_Kam)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:16 137.742 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_house_modern_04(by_Kam)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:17 137.826 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_House_4(by_Nodabba)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:17 137.826 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_House_4(by_Nodabba)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:17 137.855 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_house_modern_01(by_Kam)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:17 137.855 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_house_modern_01(by_Kam)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:17 137.916 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_house03(by_Guppycur)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:17 137.916 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_house03(by_Guppycur)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:17 138.011 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_prefabhome1(by_Riahsaurus_Rex)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:17 138.011 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_prefabhome1(by_Riahsaurus_Rex)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:17 138.011 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_House_06(by_Zyncosa)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:17 138.011 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_House_06(by_Zyncosa)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:17 138.056 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_House_3PartialDestroyed(by_Nodabba)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:17 138.056 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_House_3PartialDestroyed(by_Nodabba)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:17 138.168 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Small_House(by_ThetruJames)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:17 138.168 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Small_House(by_ThetruJames)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:17 138.203 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_House_04Destroyed(by_Zyncosa)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:17 138.203 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_House_04Destroyed(by_Zyncosa)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:17 138.251 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_simpsonshouse(by_magoli)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:17 138.251 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_simpsonshouse(by_magoli)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:17 138.252 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_House_3Destroyed(by_Nodabba)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:17 138.252 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_House_3Destroyed(by_Nodabba)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:17 138.252 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_House_04(by_Zyncosa)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:17 138.252 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_House_04(by_Zyncosa)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:17 138.319 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_KarenHouse(by_Kayido)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:17 138.319 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_KarenHouse(by_Kayido)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:17 138.319 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_House(by_ShoNuff)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:17 138.319 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_House(by_ShoNuff)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:17 138.319 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_houseprefabbrickandconc(by_fortbrick2)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:17 138.319 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_houseprefabbrickandconc(by_fortbrick2)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:17 138.424 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_House_3(by_Nodabba)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:17 138.424 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_House_3(by_Nodabba)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:17 138.468 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Container_house(by_Evilracc0on)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:17 138.468 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Container_house(by_Evilracc0on)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:17 138.468 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Park(by_Bostonlondon)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:17 138.468 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Park(by_Bostonlondon)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:17 138.522 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_4Apartments(by_TopMinder)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:17 138.522 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_4Apartments(by_TopMinder)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:17 138.522 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_house_number14(by_Kam)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:17 138.522 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_house_number14(by_Kam)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:17 138.522 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_HNHouse(by_Hernan)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:17 138.522 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_HNHouse(by_Hernan)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:17 138.556 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_House_11(by_Zyncosa)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:17 138.556 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_House_11(by_Zyncosa)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:17 138.556 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_WWHouse(by_IceJudge)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:17 138.556 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_WWHouse(by_IceJudge)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:17 138.696 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_modernvilla(by_owl79)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:17 138.696 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_modernvilla(by_owl79)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:18 138.790 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_House_7(by_Nodabba)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:18 138.790 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_House_7(by_Nodabba)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:18 138.972 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_House_08Destroyed(by_Zyncosa)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:18 138.972 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_House_08Destroyed(by_Zyncosa)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:18 138.975 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_House_9(by_Nodabba)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:18 138.975 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_House_9(by_Nodabba)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:18 138.975 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_house01(by_Guppycur)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:18 138.975 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_house01(by_Guppycur)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:18 139.003 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Pantilehouse(by_TopMinder)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:18 139.003 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Pantilehouse(by_TopMinder)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:18 139.170 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_House_6Destroyed(by_Nodabba)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:18 139.170 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_House_6Destroyed(by_Nodabba)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:18 139.170 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Modernhouse02(by_TopMinder)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:18 139.170 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Modernhouse02(by_TopMinder)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:18 139.465 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_House_02(by_Zyncosa)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:18 139.465 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_House_02(by_Zyncosa)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:19 140.208 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_School(by_LazMan)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:19 140.208 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_School(by_LazMan)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:19 140.209 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Church(by_Guppycur)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:19 140.209 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Church(by_Guppycur)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:19 140.209 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_townsquare(by_snake0567)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:19 140.209 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_townsquare(by_snake0567)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:19 140.323 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Graveyard(by_Hydroponic)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:19 140.323 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Graveyard(by_Hydroponic)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:19 140.323 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Shrub_Conservatory(by_Werewulfen)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:19 140.323 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Shrub_Conservatory(by_Werewulfen)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:19 140.345 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_TruckStop_Garage(by_Stallionsden)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:19 140.345 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_TruckStop_Garage(by_Stallionsden)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:19 140.387 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_TownHall(by_Guppycur)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:19 140.387 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_TownHall(by_Guppycur)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:19 140.463 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_tv_store(by_magoli)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:19 140.463 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_tv_store(by_magoli)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:19 140.608 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Wooden_Store(by_Guppycur)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:19 140.608 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Wooden_Store(by_Guppycur)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:19 140.773 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Vet_Clinic(by_Firecat)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:19 140.773 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Vet_Clinic(by_Firecat)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:20 140.855 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_SkiResort_Bar(by_NLEagle)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:20 140.855 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_SkiResort_Bar(by_NLEagle)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:20 140.855 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_TruckStop_Roadhouse(by_Stallionsden)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:20 140.855 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_TruckStop_Roadhouse(by_Stallionsden)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:20 140.856 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_CountyJail(by_Volar)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:20 140.856 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_CountyJail(by_Volar)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:20 140.914 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_stripmall(by_axebeard)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:20 140.914 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_stripmall(by_axebeard)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:20 140.943 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Lighthouse(by_NAGG)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:20 140.944 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Lighthouse(by_NAGG)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.261 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Coronado_cornfield_crash(by_Slaan)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.261 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Coronado_cornfield_crash(by_Slaan)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.295 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Coronado_farm_lake(by_Slaan)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.295 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Coronado_farm_lake(by_Slaan)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.295 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Farm_03Destroyed(by_Zyncosa)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.295 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Farm_03Destroyed(by_Zyncosa)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.319 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Farm_02(by_Zyncosa)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.319 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Farm_02(by_Zyncosa)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.402 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Coronado_barn_lg(by_Slaan)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.402 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Coronado_barn_lg(by_Slaan)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.402 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Coronado_farmedField(by_Slaan)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.402 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Coronado_farmedField(by_Slaan)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.462 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_greenhouse_01(by_FLESHUS)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.462 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_greenhouse_01(by_FLESHUS)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.464 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Farm_02Destroyed(by_Zyncosa)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.464 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Farm_02Destroyed(by_Zyncosa)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.524 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Farm_04(by_Zyncosa)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.524 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Farm_04(by_Zyncosa)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.524 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Baskins(by_Nauti_Angel)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.524 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Baskins(by_Nauti_Angel)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.602 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Farm(by_BigC90210)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.602 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Farm(by_BigC90210)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.638 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Coronado_farmSheds(by_Slaan)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.638 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Coronado_farmSheds(by_Slaan)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.638 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Farm_03(by_Zyncosa)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.638 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Farm_03(by_Zyncosa)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.638 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Farm_01(by_Zyncosa)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.638 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Farm_01(by_Zyncosa)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.638 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_exfarmstead(by_owl79)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.639 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_exfarmstead(by_owl79)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.639 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Coronado_shamway_plant(by_Slaan)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.639 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Coronado_shamway_plant(by_Slaan)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.639 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Coronado_cornfield_missle_silo(by_Slaan)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.639 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Coronado_cornfield_missle_silo(by_Slaan)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.662 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Supermarket_01Destroyed(by_Zyncosa)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.662 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Supermarket_01Destroyed(by_Zyncosa)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.662 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Industry_01Destroyed(by_Zyncosa)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.662 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Industry_01Destroyed(by_Zyncosa)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.662 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Supermarket_01Destroyed(by_Zyncosa)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.662 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Supermarket_01Destroyed(by_Zyncosa)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.662 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_house_number14(by_Kam)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.662 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_house_number14(by_Kam)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.662 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Tank_Garage(by_LuckyStar)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.662 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Tank_Garage(by_LuckyStar)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.662 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_collapsed_bldg_01(by_BuLLeTZ)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.662 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_collapsed_bldg_01(by_BuLLeTZ)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.662 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Tank_Garage(by_LuckyStar)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.662 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Tank_Garage(by_LuckyStar)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.662 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Farm_01Destroyed(by_Zyncosa)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.662 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Farm_01Destroyed(by_Zyncosa)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.662 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_House_03Destroyed(by_Zyncosa)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.662 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_House_03Destroyed(by_Zyncosa)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.662 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_House_03Destroyed(by_Zyncosa)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.662 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_House_03Destroyed(by_Zyncosa)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.662 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Asia_Restaurant(by_Redlotus)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.662 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Asia_Restaurant(by_Redlotus)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.662 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Asia_Livinghouse_sm_01(by_magoli)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.662 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Asia_Livinghouse_sm_01(by_magoli)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.663 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Asia_ChineseGate(by_XXX)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.663 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Asia_ChineseGate(by_XXX)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.663 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Asia_Temple9Powermonks(by_magoli)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.663 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Asia_Temple9Powermonks(by_magoli)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.663 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_JapaneseCastle(by_Takayan_Norittchi_Chiko)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.663 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_JapaneseCastle(by_Takayan_Norittchi_Chiko)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.663 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_JapaneseCastle(by_Takayan_Norittchi_Chiko)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.663 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_JapaneseCastle(by_Takayan_Norittchi_Chiko)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.663 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Asia_Restaurant(by_Redlotus)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.663 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Asia_Restaurant(by_Redlotus)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.663 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Asia_Swordmaster(by_magoli)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.663 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Asia_Swordmaster(by_magoli)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.663 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Asia_ModernCottage_01(by_StompyNZ)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.663 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Asia_ModernCottage_01(by_StompyNZ)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.663 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Asia_KhooKongsi(by_StompyNZ)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.663 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Asia_KhooKongsi(by_StompyNZ)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.663 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Asia_Livinghouse_sm_01(by_magoli)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.663 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Asia_Livinghouse_sm_01(by_magoli)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.663 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Asia_Pagoda_sm_01(by_magoli)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.663 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Asia_Pagoda_sm_01(by_magoli)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.663 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Leisure01Destroyed(by_Zyncosa)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.663 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Leisure01Destroyed(by_Zyncosa)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.663 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Asia_Restaurant_city(by_Redlotus)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.663 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Asia_Restaurant_city(by_Redlotus)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.663 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Asia_ChineseGate(by_XXX)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.663 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Asia_ChineseGate(by_XXX)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.663 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Leisure01Destroyed(by_Zyncosa)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.663 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Leisure01Destroyed(by_Zyncosa)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.663 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Asia_Pagoda(by_RedLotus)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.663 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Asia_Pagoda(by_RedLotus)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.664 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Asia_Apartments(by_magoli)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.664 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Asia_Apartments(by_magoli)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.664 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Cattle_Yard1(by_Mana_Gobarg)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.664 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Cattle_Yard1(by_Mana_Gobarg)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.664 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Cattle_Yard(by_Mana_Gobarg)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.664 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Cattle_Yard(by_Mana_Gobarg)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.664 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Big_Zed(by_Gobarg_Mana)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.664 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Big_Zed(by_Gobarg_Mana)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.664 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Silos(by_Mana_Gobarg)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.664 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Silos(by_Mana_Gobarg)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.664 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Cattle_Yard1(by_Mana_Gobarg)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.664 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Cattle_Yard1(by_Mana_Gobarg)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.664 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_RoadHouse(by_Mana_Gobarg)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.664 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_RoadHouse(by_Mana_Gobarg)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.664 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Cattle_Yard(by_Mana_Gobarg)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.664 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Cattle_Yard(by_Mana_Gobarg)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.664 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Big_Zed(by_Gobarg_Mana)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.664 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Big_Zed(by_Gobarg_Mana)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.664 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_CrashedAirplane(by_LazMan)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.664 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_CrashedAirplane(by_LazMan)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.664 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_airport1(by_ouch)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.664 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_airport1(by_ouch)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.664 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_CrashedAirplane(by_LazMan)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.664 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_CrashedAirplane(by_LazMan)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.664 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Power_Station(by_LuckyStar)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.664 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Power_Station(by_LuckyStar)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.664 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Power_Station(by_LuckyStar)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.664 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Power_Station(by_LuckyStar)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.668 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_airport2(by_ouch)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.668 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_airport2(by_ouch)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.668 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_RaceTrack(by_Guppycur)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.668 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_RaceTrack(by_Guppycur)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.668 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_RaceTrack(by_Guppycur)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.668 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_RaceTrack(by_Guppycur)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.668 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_airport2(by_ouch)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.668 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_airport2(by_ouch)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.668 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_hideout(by_TopMinder_and_Pille)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.668 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_hideout(by_TopMinder_and_Pille)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.668 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Trailerhousemix03' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.668 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Trailerhousemix03'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.668 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Junkyard(by_Hydroponic)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.668 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Junkyard(by_Hydroponic)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.668 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_celltower_2(by_axebeard)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.668 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_celltower_2(by_axebeard)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.668 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Trailerhousemix01' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.668 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Trailerhousemix01'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.669 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Trailerhousemix04(by_SandyBeaches)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.669 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Trailerhousemix04(by_SandyBeaches)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.669 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Trailer(by_Sorrowthief)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.669 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Trailer(by_Sorrowthief)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.669 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_strange_cornfield(by_magoli)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.669 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_strange_cornfield(by_magoli)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.704 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Tavern(by_Limodor)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.704 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Tavern(by_Limodor)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.704 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Trailerhousemix03(by_SandyBeaches)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.704 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Trailerhousemix03(by_SandyBeaches)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.705 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Trailerhousemix02' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.705 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Trailerhousemix02'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.705 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Trailerhousemix04' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:20 141.705 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Trailerhousemix04'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:21 142.054 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_deaddog_saloon(by_Libby)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:21 142.054 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_deaddog_saloon(by_Libby)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:21 142.618 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_oldwestBank(by_magoli)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:21 142.618 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_oldwestBank(by_magoli)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:21 142.666 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Jail_House(by_War3zuk)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:21 142.666 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Jail_House(by_War3zuk)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:22 143.293 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_ritualsite_1(by_axebeard)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:22 143.293 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_ritualsite_1(by_axebeard)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:22 143.374 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Dregora_Quarantine_Bunker(by_Eagle)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:22 143.374 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Dregora_Quarantine_Bunker(by_Eagle)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:22 143.396 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_super_aircraft_carrier(by_Naz)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:22 143.396 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_super_aircraft_carrier(by_Naz)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:22 143.396 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Cliff_House(by_War3zuk)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:22 143.396 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Cliff_House(by_War3zuk)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:22 143.396 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Castle05(by_PVWolfgang)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:22 143.396 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Castle05(by_PVWolfgang)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:22 143.487 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_dregora_waste_crane(by_Eagle)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:22 143.487 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_dregora_waste_crane(by_Eagle)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:22 143.590 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Diverse_01(by_Zyncosa)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:22 143.590 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Diverse_01(by_Zyncosa)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:22 143.590 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_watchtower_02(by_FLESHUS)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:22 143.590 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_watchtower_02(by_FLESHUS)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:22 143.591 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Diverse_02Destroyed(by_Zyncosa)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:22 143.591 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Diverse_02Destroyed(by_Zyncosa)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:22 143.591 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_GreekBath_(by_BLAPLAYGIRL)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:22 143.591 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_GreekBath_(by_BLAPLAYGIRL)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:22 143.614 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Airport_01(by_Zyncosa)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:22 143.614 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Airport_01(by_Zyncosa)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:22 143.614 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Nuclear_Powerplant(by_Rocky)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:22 143.614 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Nuclear_Powerplant(by_Rocky)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:22 143.614 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_ExcavatorMassGrave(by_Pille)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:22 143.614 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_ExcavatorMassGrave(by_Pille)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:22 143.614 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_InsaneAsylum(by_Genosis)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:22 143.614 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_InsaneAsylum(by_Genosis)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:22 143.614 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Homestead(by_Mana)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:22 143.614 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Homestead(by_Mana)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:22 143.614 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_hideout(by_axebeard)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:22 143.614 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_hideout(by_axebeard)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:22 143.614 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_DocksMilitaryZone(by_Stallionsden)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:22 143.614 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_DocksMilitaryZone(by_Stallionsden)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:22 143.615 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_CastleSpartan_v3(by_Ericbeaudoin)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:22 143.615 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_CastleSpartan_v3(by_Ericbeaudoin)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:22 143.615 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Dregora_ObservartoryBig(by_Eagle)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:22 143.615 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Dregora_ObservartoryBig(by_Eagle)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:22 143.735 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_nepa_base(by_Eihwaz)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:22 143.735 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_nepa_base(by_Eihwaz)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:23 143.861 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_timbershop(by_magoli)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:23 143.861 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_timbershop(by_magoli)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:23 143.940 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_NSiteMissileSilo(byEphoie)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:23 143.940 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_NSiteMissileSilo(byEphoie)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:23 143.976 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Mine1(by_NAGG_DaphyDuck91)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:23 143.976 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Mine1(by_NAGG_DaphyDuck91)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:23 143.976 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Mall_DOD_Dungeon(by_captainwhiskerbiscuits_mentalninja33)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:23 143.976 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Mall_DOD_Dungeon(by_captainwhiskerbiscuits_mentalninja33)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:23 143.976 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Pentagon(by_Nauti_Angel)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:23 143.976 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Pentagon(by_Nauti_Angel)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:23 143.977 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_wastelandtrain(by_Horst)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:23 143.977 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_wastelandtrain(by_Horst)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:23 143.977 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_UFO(by_NAGG_Ryan)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:23 143.977 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_UFO(by_NAGG_Ryan)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:23 143.977 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_MotteBailey(by_Gobarg_Mana)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:23 143.977 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_MotteBailey(by_Gobarg_Mana)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:23 143.977 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_mass_grave_2(by_Evilracc0on)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:23 143.977 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_mass_grave_2(by_Evilracc0on)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:23 143.977 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_PersianMansion(by_saeid)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:23 143.977 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_PersianMansion(by_saeid)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:23 144.029 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Wooden_Palisade(by_LuckyStar)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:23 144.029 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Wooden_Palisade(by_LuckyStar)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:23 144.145 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_deerstand_2(by_axebeard)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:23 144.145 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_deerstand_2(by_axebeard)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:23 144.145 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Ranch(by_Stallionsden)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:23 144.145 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Ranch(by_Stallionsden)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:23 144.145 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_ancient_tomb(by_bigstep70)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:23 144.145 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_ancient_tomb(by_bigstep70)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:23 144.145 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_OutbackShack(by_Gobarg_Mana)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:23 144.145 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_OutbackShack(by_Gobarg_Mana)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:23 144.145 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_strandresort(by_magoli)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:23 144.145 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_strandresort(by_magoli)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:23 144.145 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Diverse_02(by_Zyncosa)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:23 144.145 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Diverse_02(by_Zyncosa)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:23 144.145 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_nationalparkLodge(by_Laz_Man)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:23 144.145 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_nationalparkLodge(by_Laz_Man)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:23 144.145 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_watchtower_01(by_FLESHUS)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:23 144.145 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_watchtower_01(by_FLESHUS)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:23 144.146 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_TheSect_Followers-of-M(by_magoli)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:23 144.146 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_TheSect_Followers-of-M(by_magoli)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:23 144.146 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_RocketLaunchPad(by_Saeid)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:23 144.146 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_RocketLaunchPad(by_Saeid)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:23 144.146 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Resident_Evil_Mansion_(by_Frantic_Dan)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:23 144.146 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Resident_Evil_Mansion_(by_Frantic_Dan)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:23 144.146 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_shantytown(by_Evilracc0on)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:23 144.146 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_shantytown(by_Evilracc0on)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:23 144.146 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_AltenburgCastle(by_Horst)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:23 144.146 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_AltenburgCastle(by_Horst)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:23 144.177 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Firewatchtower(by_SciFiFlippa)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:23 144.177 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Firewatchtower(by_SciFiFlippa)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:23 144.177 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_TheSphinx3(by_Andyjoki)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:23 144.177 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_TheSphinx3(by_Andyjoki)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:23 144.177 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Army_03Destroyed(by_Zyncosa)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:23 144.177 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Army_03Destroyed(by_Zyncosa)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:23 144.177 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_LakesideLodge(by_Kam)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:23 144.177 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_LakesideLodge(by_Kam)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:23 144.250 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Cabin(by_Sudo)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:23 144.250 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Cabin(by_Sudo)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:23 144.292 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Dark_Mausoleum32(by_LuckyStar)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:23 144.293 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Dark_Mausoleum32(by_LuckyStar)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:23 144.326 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_ResearchVessel(by_Pille)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:23 144.326 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_ResearchVessel(by_Pille)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:23 144.327 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'AsiaDC' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:23 144.327 WRN Could not load prefab 'AsiaDC'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:23 144.398 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Overlook_Hotel_001(by_Quagmire1428)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:23 144.398 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Overlook_Hotel_001(by_Quagmire1428)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:23 144.398 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Army_03(by_Zyncosa)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:23 144.398 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Army_03(by_Zyncosa)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:23 144.398 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Mall(by_hernanxx)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:23 144.398 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Mall(by_hernanxx)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:23 144.398 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_flighttower(by_NLEagle)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:23 144.398 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_flighttower(by_NLEagle)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:23 144.572 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_remnant_waste_02(by_LazMan)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:23 144.572 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_remnant_waste_02(by_LazMan)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:23 144.605 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_remnant_waste_01(by_LazMan)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:23 144.605 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_remnant_waste_01(by_LazMan)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:23 144.606 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_TheMill(by_MoNKeYest1)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:23 144.606 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_TheMill(by_MoNKeYest1)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:23 144.699 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Hunters_rest(by_Evilracc0on)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:23 144.699 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Hunters_rest(by_Evilracc0on)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:23 144.699 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_SC_Bunker(by_Rhapsodos)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:23 144.699 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_SC_Bunker(by_Rhapsodos)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:23 144.699 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Bunker_01(by_Memo)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:23 144.699 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Bunker_01(by_Memo)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:23 144.750 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Oil_PumpJack(by_Hydroponic)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:23 144.750 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Oil_PumpJack(by_Hydroponic)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:23 144.750 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_powerplant(byKam)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:23 144.750 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_powerplant(byKam)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:23 144.750 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_ColonyShip(by_NAGGcommunity)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:23 144.750 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_ColonyShip(by_NAGGcommunity)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:23 144.750 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_PeerCafe(by_Stallionsden)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:23 144.750 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_PeerCafe(by_Stallionsden)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:23 144.751 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_LumberMill(by_IceJudge)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:23 144.751 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_LumberMill(by_IceJudge)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:23 144.751 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Knolby_Cabin_1981(by_Klaus0Engel)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:23 144.751 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Knolby_Cabin_1981(by_Klaus0Engel)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:24 144.784 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Cave1(by_NAGGcommunity)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:24 144.784 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Cave1(by_NAGGcommunity)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:24 144.827 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Chernobyl(by_Maz_Burt)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:24 144.827 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Chernobyl(by_Maz_Burt)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:24 144.913 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_army_camp(universal)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:24 144.913 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_army_camp(universal)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:24 144.954 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_wastelandtrain(by_incrediblejimmy)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:24 144.954 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_wastelandtrain(by_incrediblejimmy)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:24 145.072 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Plant(by_Wsiegel)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:24 145.072 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Plant(by_Wsiegel)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:24 145.072 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_moonshiner(by_Evilracc0on)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:24 145.072 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_moonshiner(by_Evilracc0on)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:24 145.072 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Diverse_01Destroyed(by_Zyncosa)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:24 145.073 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Diverse_01Destroyed(by_Zyncosa)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:24 145.073 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_burialshrine(by_snake0567)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:24 145.073 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_burialshrine(by_snake0567)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:24 145.223 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Guarantine_Post(by_NLEagle)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:24 145.223 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Guarantine_Post(by_NLEagle)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:24 145.223 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Military_Camp(by_War3zuk)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:24 145.223 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Military_Camp(by_War3zuk)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:24 145.223 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_ResearchStation(by_NLEagle)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:24 145.223 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_ResearchStation(by_NLEagle)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:24 145.223 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_deerstand_1(by_axebeard)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:24 145.223 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_deerstand_1(by_axebeard)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:24 145.225 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_fuelstation(by_NLEagle)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:24 145.225 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_fuelstation(by_NLEagle)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:24 145.319 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_DnY_CastleM1(by_SirLoachalot)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:24 145.319 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_DnY_CastleM1(by_SirLoachalot)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:24 145.319 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_ritualsite_2(by_axebeard)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:24 145.319 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_ritualsite_2(by_axebeard)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:24 145.686 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Canyon_Cave(by_War3zuk)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:24 145.686 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Canyon_Cave(by_War3zuk)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:24 145.686 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Desert_Temple(by_Hydroponic)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:24 145.686 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Desert_Temple(by_Hydroponic)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:24 145.686 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Hobbit(by_Limodor)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:24 145.686 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Hobbit(by_Limodor)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:24 145.687 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Army_01(by_Zyncosa)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:24 145.687 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Army_01(by_Zyncosa)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:24 145.687 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_red_mesa_alpha_labs(by_Pille)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:24 145.687 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_red_mesa_alpha_labs(by_Pille)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:24 145.687 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Army_02Destroyed(by_Zyncosa)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:24 145.687 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Army_02Destroyed(by_Zyncosa)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:24 145.687 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Dregora_Mineshaft_01(by_Eagle)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:24 145.687 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Dregora_Mineshaft_01(by_Eagle)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:24 145.687 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Dregora_VaultTec_Bunker_01(by_Eagle)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:24 145.687 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Dregora_VaultTec_Bunker_01(by_Eagle)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:24 145.687 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_DouneCastleRiah(by_Riahsaurus_Rex)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:24 145.687 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_DouneCastleRiah(by_Riahsaurus_Rex)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:24 145.687 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_cult(by_Evilracc0on)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:24 145.687 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_cult(by_Evilracc0on)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:24 145.687 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Army_02(by_Zyncosa)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:24 145.687 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Army_02(by_Zyncosa)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:24 145.687 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Sawmill(by_Pille)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:24 145.687 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Sawmill(by_Pille)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:24 145.687 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Rangercabin(by_Guppycur)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:24 145.687 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Rangercabin(by_Guppycur)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:24 145.687 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Polarstation(by_magoli)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:24 145.687 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Polarstation(by_magoli)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:24 145.687 WRN Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Army_01Destroyed(by_Zyncosa)' does not exist!
2022-01-04T12:44:24 145.687 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Army_01Destroyed(by_Zyncosa)'. Skipping it
2022-01-04T12:44:25 146.050 INF Calculating world hashes took 294 ms (world size 151 MiB)
2022-01-04T12:44:25 146.473 INF Loading dtm raw file took 723ms
2022-01-04T12:44:26 146.918 INF Biomes image size w= 8192, h = 8192
2022-01-04T12:44:27 148.119 INF Loading and creating biomes took 1646ms
2022-01-04T12:44:30 151.554 INF Loading and creating shader control textures took 3434ms
2022-01-04T12:44:31 152.640 INF Loading and parsing of generator took 1085ms
2022-01-04T12:44:35 156.045 INF [DECO] read 106832/
2022-01-04T12:44:35 156.137 INF Loading asset at #Sounds/Music?HomeDay.wav...
2022-01-04T12:44:35 156.138 INF Loading asset at #Sounds/Music?HomeNight.wav...
2022-01-04T12:44:35 156.138 INF Loading asset at #Sounds/Music?TraderBob.wav...
2022-01-04T12:44:35 156.138 INF Loading asset at #Sounds/Music?TraderHugh.wav...
2022-01-04T12:44:35 156.138 INF Loading asset at #Sounds/Music?TraderJen.wav...
2022-01-04T12:44:35 156.138 INF Loading asset at #Sounds/Music?TraderJoel.wav...
2022-01-04T12:44:35 156.138 INF Loading asset at #Sounds/Music?TraderRekt.wav...
2022-01-04T12:44:42 163.247 INF Finished loading HomeDay.
2022-01-04T12:44:42 163.247 INF Casted asset HomeDay as AudioClip.
2022-01-04T12:44:42 163.247 INF Finished loading HomeNight.
2022-01-04T12:44:42 163.247 INF Casted asset HomeNight as AudioClip.
2022-01-04T12:44:42 163.247 INF Finished loading TraderBob.
2022-01-04T12:44:42 163.247 INF Casted asset TraderBob as AudioClip.
2022-01-04T12:44:42 163.248 INF Finished loading TraderHugh.
2022-01-04T12:44:42 163.248 INF Casted asset TraderHugh as AudioClip.
2022-01-04T12:44:42 163.248 INF Finished loading TraderJen.
2022-01-04T12:44:42 163.248 INF Casted asset TraderJen as AudioClip.
2022-01-04T12:44:42 163.248 INF Finished loading TraderJoel.
2022-01-04T12:44:42 163.248 INF Casted asset TraderJoel as AudioClip.
2022-01-04T12:44:42 163.248 INF Finished loading TraderRekt.
2022-01-04T12:44:42 163.248 INF Casted asset TraderRekt as AudioClip.
2022-01-04T12:44:47 167.826 INF createWorld() done
2022-01-04T12:44:53 174.556 INF PlayerId(2035679, 0)
2022-01-04T12:44:53 174.556 INF Allowed ChunkViewDistance: 6
2022-01-04T12:44:54 174.993 INF Created player with id=2035679
2022-01-04T12:44:54 175.000 INF Found own player entity with id 2035679
2022-01-04T12:44:55 176.452 INF Origin Reposition (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) to (-416.0, 32.0, -3792.0)
2022-01-04T12:44:56 176.896 INF OpenSpawnWindow
2022-01-04T12:44:57 177.935 INF Respawn almost done
2022-01-04T12:44:57 178.065 INF GMSG: Player 'Ozzie0057' joined the game
2022-01-04T12:45:25 206.593 INF Time: 2.60m FPS: 49.97 Heap: 2737.5MB Max: 2737.5MB Chunks: 225 CGO: 164 Ply: 1 Zom: 0 Ent: 1 (1) Items: 0 CO: 1 RSS: 5895.2MB
2022-01-04T12:45:55 236.607 INF Time: 3.10m FPS: 50.34 Heap: 2591.0MB Max: 2737.5MB Chunks: 225 CGO: 164 Ply: 1 Zom: 0 Ent: 1 (1) Items: 0 CO: 1 RSS: 5901.2MB
2022-01-04T12:46:02 243.641 INF SetResolution was screen 2560 x 1440, 59hz, window 2560 x 1440, fullscreen True FullScreenWindow
2022-01-04T12:46:02 243.641 INF SetResolution to window 2560 x 1440, fullscreen True
2022-01-04T12:46:02 243.674 INF Persistent GamePrefs saved
2022-01-04T12:46:02 243.676 INF ApplyAllOptions streaming budget 2650.5 MB
2022-01-04T12:46:02 243.676 INF ApplyAllOptions current screen 2560 x 1440, 59hz, window 2560 x 1440, fullscreen True FullScreenWindow
2022-01-04T12:46:02 243.676 INF LoadTextureArraysForQuality quality 1 to 1, reload True
2022-01-04T12:46:02 243.676 INF Texture quality is set to 1
2022-01-04T12:46:02 243.676 INF SetTextureArraysFilter 0, AF 1
2022-01-04T12:46:02 243.676 INF ApplyTextureFilter 0, AF Disable
2022-01-04T12:46:02 243.676 INF ApplyTerrainOptions 1
Calling Animator.GotoState on Synchronize layer
(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Modules/Animation/Director/AnimatorControllerPlayable.cpp Line: 1370)

2022-01-04T12:46:25 266.620 INF Time: 3.60m FPS: 59.82 Heap: 2644.4MB Max: 2737.5MB Chunks: 225 CGO: 176 Ply: 1 Zom: 0 Ent: 1 (1) Items: 0 CO: 1 RSS: 5994.6MB
2022-01-04T12:46:55 296.635 INF Time: 4.10m FPS: 59.84 Heap: 2619.6MB Max: 2737.5MB Chunks: 225 CGO: 176 Ply: 1 Zom: 0 Ent: 1 (1) Items: 0 CO: 1 RSS: 6001.1MB
2022-01-04T12:47:25 326.649 INF Time: 4.60m FPS: 55.19 Heap: 2615.2MB Max: 2737.5MB Chunks: 225 CGO: 176 Ply: 1 Zom: 0 Ent: 1 (1) Items: 0 CO: 1 RSS: 6003.3MB
2022-01-04T12:47:55 356.651 INF Time: 5.10m FPS: 59.88 Heap: 2605.2MB Max: 2737.5MB Chunks: 225 CGO: 176 Ply: 1 Zom: 0 Ent: 1 (1) Items: 0 CO: 1 RSS: 5996.7MB
2022-01-04T12:48:17 378.742 INF SectionType change from None to Suspense
2022-01-04T12:48:17 378.743 INF Played Suspense
2022-01-04T12:48:17 378.743 INF Fading in Suspense
2022-01-04T12:48:17 378.744 INF Notified SectionSelector that music played
2022-01-04T12:48:25 386.664 INF Time: 5.60m FPS: 59.82 Heap: 2694.3MB Max: 2737.5MB Chunks: 225 CGO: 156 Ply: 1 Zom: 0 Ent: 1 (1) Items: 0 CO: 1 RSS: 5996.4MB
2022-01-04T12:48:55 416.679 INF Time: 6.10m FPS: 59.61 Heap: 2686.6MB Max: 2737.5MB Chunks: 225 CGO: 156 Ply: 1 Zom: 0 Ent: 1 (1) Items: 0 CO: 1 RSS: 6001.2MB
2022-01-04T12:49:25 446.680 INF Time: 6.60m FPS: 59.89 Heap: 2668.6MB Max: 2737.5MB Chunks: 225 CGO: 156 Ply: 1 Zom: 0 Ent: 1 (1) Items: 0 CO: 1 RSS: 6005.2MB
2022-01-04T12:49:55 476.682 INF Time: 7.10m FPS: 59.80 Heap: 2658.5MB Max: 2737.5MB Chunks: 225 CGO: 156 Ply: 1 Zom: 0 Ent: 1 (1) Items: 0 CO: 1 RSS: 6006.2MB
2022-01-04T12:50:25 506.694 INF Time: 7.60m FPS: 59.87 Heap: 2655.3MB Max: 2737.5MB Chunks: 225 CGO: 156 Ply: 1 Zom: 0 Ent: 1 (1) Items: 0 CO: 1 RSS: 6006.6MB
2022-01-04T12:50:55 536.707 INF Time: 8.10m FPS: 59.53 Heap: 2594.6MB Max: 2737.5MB Chunks: 225 CGO: 156 Ply: 1 Zom: 0 Ent: 1 (1) Items: 0 CO: 1 RSS: 6018.1MB
2022-01-04T12:51:06 547.229 INF Stopped Suspense
2022-01-04T12:51:06 547.243 INF Notified SectionSelector that music stopped
2022-01-04T12:51:06 547.243 INF SectionType change from Suspense to None
2022-01-04T12:51:25 566.710 INF Time: 8.60m FPS: 59.70 Heap: 2626.9MB Max: 2737.5MB Chunks: 225 CGO: 147 Ply: 1 Zom: 0 Ent: 1 (1) Items: 0 CO: 1 RSS: 6047.2MB
2022-01-04T12:51:55 596.713 INF Time: 9.10m FPS: 59.86 Heap: 2675.9MB Max: 2737.5MB Chunks: 225 CGO: 147 Ply: 1 Zom: 0 Ent: 1 (1) Items: 0 CO: 1 RSS: 6048.0MB
2022-01-04T12:52:22 623.510 INF Created player with id=3092241
2022-01-04T12:52:25 626.718 INF Time: 9.60m FPS: 59.46 Heap: 2726.1MB Max: 2737.5MB Chunks: 225 CGO: 147 Ply: 2 Zom: 0 Ent: 2 (2) Items: 0 CO: 1 RSS: 6042.6MB
2022-01-04T12:52:28 629.696 INF GMSG: Player 'WheatToast' joined the game
2022-01-04T12:52:55 656.729 INF Time: 10.10m FPS: 59.93 Heap: 2623.8MB Max: 2737.5MB Chunks: 225 CGO: 147 Ply: 2 Zom: 0 Ent: 2 (2) Items: 0 CO: 1 RSS: 6017.1MB
2022-01-04T12:53:25 686.729 INF Time: 10.60m FPS: 59.49 Heap: 2663.0MB Max: 2737.5MB Chunks: 225 CGO: 147 Ply: 2 Zom: 0 Ent: 2 (2) Items: 0 CO: 1 RSS: 6017.4MB
2022-01-04T12:53:55 716.731 INF Time: 11.10m FPS: 57.47 Heap: 2701.4MB Max: 2737.5MB Chunks: 225 CGO: 147 Ply: 2 Zom: 0 Ent: 2 (2) Items: 0 CO: 1 RSS: 6018.9MB
2022-01-04T12:54:18 739.279 INF SectionType change from None to Exploration
2022-01-04T12:54:18 739.279 INF Played Exploration
2022-01-04T12:54:18 739.279 INF Fading in Exploration
2022-01-04T12:54:18 739.279 INF Notified SectionSelector that music played
2022-01-04T12:54:25 746.748 INF Time: 11.60m FPS: 59.93 Heap: 2772.1MB Max: 2772.1MB Chunks: 225 CGO: 147 Ply: 2 Zom: 0 Ent: 2 (2) Items: 0 CO: 1 RSS: 6019.3MB
2022-01-04T12:54:55 776.762 INF Time: 12.10m FPS: 59.90 Heap: 2758.7MB Max: 2772.1MB Chunks: 225 CGO: 147 Ply: 2 Zom: 0 Ent: 2 (2) Items: 0 CO: 1 RSS: 6023.2MB
2022-01-04T12:55:26 806.776 INF Time: 12.60m FPS: 59.89 Heap: 2745.3MB Max: 2772.1MB Chunks: 225 CGO: 147 Ply: 2 Zom: 0 Ent: 2 (2) Items: 0 CO: 1 RSS: 6024.8MB
2022-01-04T12:55:56 836.793 INF Time: 13.10m FPS: 59.88 Heap: 2728.3MB Max: 2772.1MB Chunks: 225 CGO: 147 Ply: 2 Zom: 0 Ent: 2 (2) Items: 0 CO: 1 RSS: 6028.2MB
2022-01-04T12:56:09 849.781 INF Created player with id=3177887
Calling Animator.GotoState on Synchronize layer
(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Modules/Animation/Director/AnimatorControllerPlayable.cpp Line: 1370)

2022-01-04T12:56:11 852.697 INF GMSG: Player 'Raijin_Cain' joined the game
2022-01-04T12:56:26 866.808 INF Time: 13.60m FPS: 59.84 Heap: 2609.4MB Max: 2772.1MB Chunks: 225 CGO: 147 Ply: 3 Zom: 0 Ent: 3 (3) Items: 0 CO: 1 RSS: 6031.8MB
2022-01-04T12:56:56 896.825 INF Time: 14.10m FPS: 59.86 Heap: 2601.1MB Max: 2772.1MB Chunks: 225 CGO: 147 Ply: 3 Zom: 0 Ent: 3 (3) Items: 0 CO: 1 RSS: 6119.6MB
2022-01-04T12:57:06 907.733 INF Stopped Exploration
2022-01-04T12:57:07 907.783 INF Notified SectionSelector that music stopped
2022-01-04T12:57:07 907.783 INF SectionType change from Exploration to None
2022-01-04T12:57:26 926.828 INF Time: 14.60m FPS: 59.82 Heap: 2762.1MB Max: 2772.1MB Chunks: 225 CGO: 147 Ply: 3 Zom: 0 Ent: 3 (3) Items: 0 CO: 1 RSS: 6167.0MB
2022-01-04T12:57:56 956.845 INF Time: 15.10m FPS: 59.44 Heap: 2665.0MB Max: 2772.1MB Chunks: 225 CGO: 147 Ply: 3 Zom: 0 Ent: 3 (3) Items: 0 CO: 1 RSS: 6170.0MB
2022-01-04T12:58:26 986.852 INF Time: 15.60m FPS: 53.79 Heap: 2713.0MB Max: 2772.1MB Chunks: 225 CGO: 126 Ply: 3 Zom: 0 Ent: 3 (3) Items: 0 CO: 1 RSS: 6166.5MB
2022-01-04T12:58:56 1016.857 INF Time: 16.10m FPS: 53.93 Heap: 2697.0MB Max: 2772.1MB Chunks: 225 CGO: 126 Ply: 3 Zom: 0 Ent: 3 (3) Items: 0 CO: 1 RSS: 6171.1MB
2022-01-04T12:59:26 1046.881 INF Time: 16.61m FPS: 52.33 Heap: 2728.0MB Max: 2772.1MB Chunks: 225 CGO: 126 Ply: 3 Zom: 0 Ent: 3 (3) Items: 0 CO: 1 RSS: 6164.4MB
2022-01-04T12:59:56 1076.897 INF Time: 17.11m FPS: 53.59 Heap: 2769.1MB Max: 2772.1MB Chunks: 225 CGO: 126 Ply: 3 Zom: 0 Ent: 3 (3) Items: 0 CO: 1 RSS: 6167.1MB
Calling Animator.GotoState on Synchronize layer
(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Modules/Animation/Director/AnimatorControllerPlayable.cpp Line: 1370)

2022-01-04T13:00:19 1099.841 INF SectionType change from None to Exploration
2022-01-04T13:00:19 1099.841 INF Played Exploration
2022-01-04T13:00:19 1099.842 INF Fading in Exploration
2022-01-04T13:00:19 1099.842 INF Notified SectionSelector that music played
2022-01-04T13:00:26 1106.909 INF Time: 17.61m FPS: 54.29 Heap: 2704.8MB Max: 2772.1MB Chunks: 228 CGO: 134 Ply: 3 Zom: 0 Ent: 3 (3) Items: 0 CO: 1 RSS: 6189.2MB
2022-01-04T13:00:56 1136.921 INF Time: 18.11m FPS: 54.98 Heap: 2716.8MB Max: 2772.1MB Chunks: 228 CGO: 134 Ply: 3 Zom: 0 Ent: 3 (3) Items: 0 CO: 1 RSS: 6207.6MB
2022-01-04T13:01:26 1166.921 INF Time: 18.61m FPS: 54.78 Heap: 2721.9MB Max: 2772.1MB Chunks: 228 CGO: 134 Ply: 3 Zom: 0 Ent: 3 (3) Items: 0 CO: 1 RSS: 6211.1MB
2022-01-04T13:01:56 1196.922 INF Time: 19.11m FPS: 54.41 Heap: 2720.1MB Max: 2772.1MB Chunks: 228 CGO: 134 Ply: 3 Zom: 0 Ent: 3 (3) Items: 0 CO: 1 RSS: 6230.6MB
2022-01-04T13:02:26 1226.939 INF Time: 19.61m FPS: 53.28 Heap: 2853.5MB Max: 2853.5MB Chunks: 228 CGO: 134 Ply: 3 Zom: 0 Ent: 3 (3) Items: 0 CO: 1 RSS: 6239.8MB
2022-01-04T13:02:36 1237.599 INF Disconnect
Coroutine couldn't be started because the the game object 'XUi' is inactive!
(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Mono/MonoBehaviour.cpp Line: 725)

2022-01-04T13:02:37 1237.809 INF [EAC] Disconnected from game server
2022-01-04T13:02:37 1237.816 INF Exited thread NCS_Reader_0
2022-01-04T13:02:37 1237.816 INF Exited thread NCS_Writer_0
2022-01-04T13:02:37 1237.816 INF Exited thread NCS_Writer_1
2022-01-04T13:02:37 1237.816 INF Exited thread NCS_Reader_1
2022-01-04T13:02:37 1237.830 INF SaveAndCleanupWorld
2022-01-04T13:02:37 1237.831 INF [Steamworks.NET] Stopping server
2022-01-04T13:02:37 1237.831 INF [Steamworks.NET] Exiting Lobby
2022-01-04T13:02:37 1238.122 INF World.Unload
2022-01-04T13:02:37 1238.181 INF World.Cleanup
2022-01-04T13:02:37 1238.183 INF Exited thread ChunkRegeneration
2022-01-04T13:02:37 1238.188 INF Exited thread ChunkCalc
2022-01-04T13:02:37 1238.228 INF Persistent GamePrefs saved
2022-01-04T13:02:40 1241.293 INF Preparing quit
2022-01-04T13:02:40 1241.320 INF Persistent GamePrefs saved
2022-01-04T13:02:40 1241.322 INF Cleanup
2022-01-04T13:02:40 1241.341 INF AchievementManager.Cleanup
2022-01-04T13:02:40 1241.428 INF Terminating threads
2022-01-04T13:02:40 1241.428 INF OnApplicationQuit
2022-01-04T13:02:40 1241.429 INF Terminating threads
2022-01-04T13:02:40 1241.429 INF OnApplicationQuit
2022-01-04T13:02:40 1241.477 INF [GSM] GameSparks Disconnected
2022-01-04T13:02:41 1242.294 INF Terminating threads
2022-01-04T13:02:41 1242.294 INF OnApplicationQuit
2022-01-04T13:02:41 1242.294 INF Terminating threads
2022-01-04T13:02:41 1242.294 INF OnApplicationQuit
Setting up 6 worker threads for Enlighten.
  Thread -> id: 3bec -> priority: 1 
  Thread -> id: 3aa4 -> priority: 1 
  Thread -> id: 2c80 -> priority: 1 
  Thread -> id: 41f8 -> priority: 1 
  Thread -> id: 2898 -> priority: 1 
  Thread -> id: 3854 -> priority: 1 



Edited by Ozzie0057
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try this for those errors because you have a bunch of a19 prefabs that have not been converted.


if any remain after doing this, you should contact the person that supplied the prefab packs.


1. Start game
2. At main menu, press F1 (opens the console)
3. type command: prefabupdater loadtable
4. Press enter.
5. It will spit some text. Then type: prefabupdater updateblocks
6. It will run for a few seconds.
7. Hit ESC to close console
8. Play game.

good luck :)

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Thanks Joe, i tried wile in A19 and didn't worked, but once on A20 i was able to do that, but still cant find those prefabs. is ok, thanks, should  i contact the people  hosting the server?

And the Missing Mono Library don't have nothing to do with that right? 


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34 minutes ago, Ozzie0057 said:

still cant find those prefabs

The missing prefabs from your log are compo pack prefabs. That server is A19, so if you tried to connect using A20 your save is messed up. I would get rid of all A20 data and clean install a19. And delete your local cache of the game from:


Delete the whole folder. The server will send you a new one. Only do this once you have a clean A19 install with not A20 data/prefabs/anything around. A19 and A20 don't play nice together.

Edited by Beelzybub (see edit history)
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the mono missing libs do not have anything to do with the prefabs issue. as much as i hate to see wrn and such.. those arent an issue unless the error is red, then there is an issue and needs reported/investigated. as i told someone else with the issue.. i have them in all of my output logs and my game runs good. which puzzles me because so many reports of crashes and i cant seem to get any..

Edited by unholyjoe (see edit history)
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12 hours ago, unholyjoe said:

the mono missing libs do not have anything to do with the prefabs issue. as much as i hate to see wrn and such.. those arent an issue unless the error is red, then there is an issue and needs reported/investigated. as i told someone else with the issue.. i have them in all of my output logs and my game runs good. which puzzles me because so many reports of crashes and i cant seem to get any..


This is because normal players can't be trusted to visit the forum and notice a blue banner. Neither can they be trusted to read the changelog. TFP should put some more effort on automatical clean-up or robustness against old files. For example why is it necessary to clean out A19 worlds when those worlds clearly have versioning information in them? Mmmh, maybe I should make a bug report for this.


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On 1/5/2022 at 6:54 PM, Jugginator said:

Automatically deleting save files/worlds is a big no-no. 


It is even easier to simply ignore worlds and save files with an old version number than automatically deleting it.

On 1/5/2022 at 7:14 PM, unholyjoe said:

yeah i could be wrong but i sorta dont think the forum would break from all the complaints on that one. :)


also @meganoth they are called feature requests or improvement tickets.. :)


Where is the improvement ticket pool to be found ? Don't tell me you meant Pimp dreams 😉


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From what I can tell it looks like two things are contributing to your issue. The file path not being found, the version, and the shaders not being found. I would look into the shaders first by turning shadows/reflection/shaders off honestly, and looking into why the file paths for those two seem to be mixed up. Might just be that the file and folder location is incorrect, and when the game attempts to search for it it cannot find it because it is in the wrong spot.

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33 minutes ago, Shnoz said:

From what I can tell it looks like two things are contributing to your issue. The file path not being found, the version, and the shaders not being found. I would look into the shaders first by turning shadows/reflection/shaders off honestly, and looking into why the file paths for those two seem to be mixed up. Might just be that the file and folder location is incorrect, and when the game attempts to search for it it cannot find it because it is in the wrong spot.

The shader warnings are in every single log file even those with no problems. Those warnings are there for the programmers and not an indication of shader issue.

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I do not have the same shader warnings or issues

On 1/4/2022 at 1:12 PM, Ozzie0057 said:

2022-01-04T12:42:19 20.629 INF Command line arguments: E:\Steam Apps\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\7daystodie.exe -force-d3d11 -logfile E:\Steam Apps\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\7DaysToDie_Data\output_log__2022-01-04__12-41-29.txt -eac_executablename 7daystodie.exe
2022-01-04T12:42:19 20.629 INF Not running in Big Picture Mode, no on-screen keyboard available

This is the first issue that is mentioned, and might be worth looking into as well why is it trying to run in Big picture mode why does it need an on-screen keyboard to function correctly. Neither of those should be attempted unless that is a setting that has been activated somewhere intentionally I think

2022-01-04T12:42:19 20.630 INF Starting PlayerInputManager...

Fallback handler could not load library E:/Steam Apps/steamapps/common/7 Days To Die/7daystodie_Data/Mono/XInputInterface32

This is what makes me think it is a pathway error as well as the version. They just trying to look for the file here but cannot find it. Perhaps they change the shader between versions I'm not sure about why that is being notated

Edited by Shnoz (see edit history)
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INF lines in the log are just that....informational; that particular line means that the player is not running Steam in Big Picture Mode. It is not an error, it is INF(information). Pertinent parts of the log are marked with WRN for warning and ERR for error. Some WRN are informational as well such as the time it takes for some data to be unloaded. Shader error messages have been in logs forever and The Fun Pimps programmers have said we can ignore those errors when evaluating log files, they are there for them not us so when evaluating log files we ignore those errors as we've been told.

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It seems like it is attempting to run it in Big picture mode which is different than saying that that is optional. I wonder if that is a setting that can be simply turned off. I do not have these Big picture mode or keyboard or shader error messages and to me as it coincides with an issue you have, I thought it might have value. I still believe it is searching for a pathway that it cannot locate

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I have the same message in my log and always have, never have any problems with the game. The shader errors are in my current server log and the server works perfectly. I'm just saying what the people who actually made the game have said....you can believe them or not, I'm just sharing information that they have shared with us previously. Not looking to get into an internet argument here, I just hate to see someone looking at something that is been determined to not be an issue per the developers. /shrugs

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I thought the reason you posted initially was because you were having an issue and if you are not having an issue I would understand not trying new things

If Big picture mode is that important keep it on I never use it cuz it is convoluted. I just figured might as well try it would only take a few seconds to check and see. Same with shaders. You don't have to try and see if it will work but I figured it would be easy enough. Even with those two aside it can't seem to find the correct file pathway which is the overarching issue.

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