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Cant get playable FPS


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Hello there,


After trying to find a solution and reading the forum, i decided to post.
Somehow i cannot get a playable FPS, meaning in general it now hangs between 10 and 20.

Laptop, i7 11800H, 3060, 16Gb RAM, game running from SSD. 2560x1440 monitor


Played A19 on my previous laptop (i7 8th gen, 1050, 16gb) which was very playable on not too high settings, still with 2560x1440 resolution. Played A19 and A20-unstable on this laptop, A19 with better framerates and medium settings.
Since A20-unstable some FPS drops and only good FPS (60) when staring at a wall or the ground, with the unstable it was somewhat playable the first few days, with performance going down later in game. Since the stable release, FPS has tanked. even on lowest settings it doesn't treally come above 20 FPS.

What i've tried:
Reinstalling the game, playing with the video settings (and resolution), setting my system to performance mode.

At this point i dont know what to do anymore, started a new game, day one, out in the field 17fps (below medium settings) which is far below what i read other people getting.

Log file

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Hmm, this sounds strange.  That GPU should be more than enough even on high settings.  My laptop is very similar.  What happens when you use a lower resolution?


On my MSI laptop with similar specs I have no problems getting 60fps in downtown areas. (1920x 1080)


Also, silly question, is your laptop plugged into power outlet?  Most gaming laptop GPS run slower when running on battery.

Edited by Laz Man (see edit history)
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Thanks for your reply.
Yes it is plugged in, the battery drains very fast of not :) 
i've scaled back the resolution on the monitor to 1080P and that didn't fix it, hadn't thought of trying the other screen.


I disconnected the big moitor and tried on the laptop screen, no real difference.
Punching the ground for grass 50-60 FPS, but as sson as i look up it drops below 20. 


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You have some odd chunk errors in your log. Did you clean your files before going to A20 as described by clicking on the blue banner at the top of the page? On top of doing this, I would turn off dynamic mesh as it causes issues with lower end machines and I’d consider turning off occlusion but not as positive of that helping. But a file cleaning, uninstall/reinstall plus turning off dynamic mesh should help.

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Another thing to check is to see how much memory your computer is using when you start seeing the FPS issues.


You can do this by opening your task manager (ctrl alt del > performance).  I have seen the game tank major FPS once a systems memory has run out.


I have 16GB Ram so this doesn't happen to me as much anymore but use to see it at times on my older laptop that had less RAM.

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Took me a few days, followed the steps to delete my old game data, reinstalled the game, turned off dynamic mesh, no improvement at all.
My system has 16GB RAM so that should be enough and checking the load on my system shows nothing is pushed even remotely to the limit.

Anyone has any more ideas where i can look or what to try?

Thank you.

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37 minutes ago, Symf said:

Took me a few days, followed the steps to delete my old game data, reinstalled the game, turned off dynamic mesh, no improvement at all.
My system has 16GB RAM so that should be enough and checking the load on my system shows nothing is pushed even remotely to the limit.

Anyone has any more ideas where i can look or what to try?

Thank you.

Can you post the video settings of the game?

Edited by BFT2020 (see edit history)
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I changed all the viedo settings, different resolutions, dynamic mesh on and off, high to lowest graphics settings. It all doesn't seem to make much difference.

I monitored the temps on the laptop, put the fans on ultra high to keep the system as cool as possible. still no difference. I know laptop CPU's might not be as good as their desktop counterparts, but i think we can all agree that an i7-11800H and RTX3060 should pump out more then 19fps on the lowest settings.

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Similar issue here, cant get above 20 fps regardless of graphics settings.  I have noticed that if I stare at the ground in game the FPS will boost up to 90 or so but drops as soon as I look up.  


R9 3900X, RTX 3070, 32Gb, Intel SSD


Please keep us posted!

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Thanks for the suggestion. disabled the input and no difference.
The FPS tanks regardless of movement. Like some others are experiencing it's when you look ahead. When looking at the ground things are fine, but i guess the system doesnt have to process much.

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Heres a few tips that helped me on my rig


1) (For people using external monitors) Make sure that the port you are using on your monitor allows it to run at the highest refresh rate possible. Mine had to use HDMI. If I use the DP, it has a lower refresh rate.

2) If your FPS are all over the place, enable VSync. It will sync the graphics to your monitors refresh rate. Not only to prevent tearing, but it also give a more stable FPS.

3) (For people on a desktop PC) If you have more than one PCIE slot on your motherboard, make sure you are using the one with the fastest speed for your video card. 


All things aside. The game is definitely a resource hog and needs to be optimized big time. Now with the game looking nicer and nicer, its getting to become even more of a hog. Hopefully A21 will focus heavily on that. We need something like Unreal 5's Nanite tech. that would kick ass. 




Edited by Rabbitslovecactus (see edit history)
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10 hours ago, Symf said:

Checked these things but no improvement.

Random thought that i'd like to check, what windows version is everyone running? i'm on windows 11 now, might that cause some instability?

I seem to remember reading an article in the past month or so about Windows 11 nerfing some aspect of gaming pcs. Maybe it was intel cpus??? Might be wrong on the Intel thing. If I can find it again, I’ll post a link.

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