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Increased Biome Difficulty = More Zombie Hitpoints and Damage?


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Hi all,


I have strayed into the desert from the forest after night 7.


I know it means better loot but does it mean increased spawns with better hitpoints and more damage?


For example - would the same zombie in the desert have increased HP and damage as the same on that spawns in the forest?


Also what is your strategy? I've just cleared night 7 - should I move my base to the desert now in order to get better drops etc?


This would make daily quests overall more beneficial I think not to mention horde night.


Thanks all

Edited by EVH (see edit history)
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I believe that is part of the equation.  There are also more zombies with shorter respawn cycles.  I believe it is implemented through modifiers to game stage, so at level 10 heading in to the desert it might think of you as level 20 so you'll see difficulty as if you were level 20.  Or something like that.

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I don't think Zombie HP or damage has changed. I think you are likely to see more zombies and higher level zombies, i.e. ferals or radiated. Personally, I'm partial to looting in the snow biome once I'm properly geared. The scaling goes - Forest, Desert, Snow, Wasteland. Honestly, I don't it's really worth moving base or looting in the Desert unless you really like. I don't bother with the Wasteland because I really don't care for the aesthetics of the biome. 

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24 minutes ago, Kosmic Kerman said:

I don't think Zombie HP or damage has changed. I think you are likely to see more zombies and higher level zombies, i.e. ferals or radiated. Personally, I'm partial to looting in the snow biome once I'm properly geared. The scaling goes - Forest, Desert, Snow, Wasteland. Honestly, I don't it's really worth moving base or looting in the Desert unless you really like. I don't bother with the Wasteland because I really don't care for the aesthetics of the biome. 

Is there anything official on snow and desert being part of progression? forest is obviously easier but id have figured both of those would be equal difficulty.

Agree on wasteland, it needs a visual update the messy grey over and over is just depressing.

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1 hour ago, bloodmoth13 said:

Is there anything official on snow and desert being part of progression? forest is obviously easier but id have figured both of those would be equal difficulty.

Agree on wasteland, it needs a visual update the messy grey over and over is just depressing.

From here: A20 Official Release Notes | 7 Days to Die



When it comes to biome bonuses, the progression is as follows:

Pine Forest, Desert, Snow, and then Wasteland

(NOTE: Burnt Forest in Navezgane is the same as the Desert)


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This was some good info overall.  However I think it just bumps up game stage if memory serves.

I plan making a run into the desert for shale (once I find the desert!) but don't think that will be a place for a base.


When stable hits, I will end my current game by going into the wasteland and fight until I die. 

Its what Chuck Norris would do.  :)


(Except HE wouldn't die!)

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1 hour ago, Aldranon said:

This was some good info overall.  However I think it just bumps up game stage if memory serves.

I plan making a run into the desert for shale (once I find the desert!) but don't think that will be a place for a base.


When stable hits, I will end my current game by going into the wasteland and fight until I die. 

Its what Chuck Norris would do.  :)


(Except HE wouldn't die!)


The wasteland would come to Chuck Norris to die.

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