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Most useless drone mods in Alpha 20?


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After watching the fifth developer stream for 7 Days To Die Alpha 20, I can confidently name two of the most useless drone mods that I definitely won't use.

These are the Flashlight modification and the Medic modification.

Why is the Flashlight Mod useless?

The drone is a tier 3 item, and by the time the player receives the drone, they will probably already have a headlamp. Therefore, such a modification has no value.

This modification could be a little useful if the drone shone in all directions at the same time, like a regular lamp.

Or the drone could automatically turn towards approaching enemies and illuminate them for the player.

Why is the Medic Mod useless?

The drone heals the player not automatically, but upon request. But during the battle, it is much more convenient for the player to use medications from the quick slot on the belt or even from the inventory.

This modification could become very useful if the Drone could detect the type of damage and automatically apply the correct medicine, for example:

- the player gets a fracture - the drone will automatically apply a splint / plaster cast

- the player gets infected - the drone will automatically apply honey / antibiotics

- the player gets bleeding - the drone will automatically apply a simple bandage

- the player has less than 60% health - the drone uses a healing bandage / first aid kit





После просмотра пятого стрима разработчиков по 7 Days To Die Alpha 20 я могу с уверенностью назвать две самых бесполезных модификации для Дрона, которые я точно не буду использовать.

Это модификация Фонарик и модификация Медик.


Почему Модификация Фонарик бесполезна?

Дрон, это предмет третьего тира, и к тому моменту, когда игрок получит дрон, у него уже наверняка будет налобный фонарь. Следовательно такая модификация не имеет ценности.

Эта модификация могла бы стать немного полезной, если дрон светил одновременно во все стороны, как обычная лампа.

Или дрон мог бы автоматически поворачивать в сторону приближающихся врагов и освещать их для игрока.


Почему Модификация Медик бесполезна?

Дрон лечит игрока не автоматически, а по запросу. Но время сражения игроку гораздо удобнее использовать лечебные препараты из быстрой ячейки на поясе или даже из инвентаря.

Эта модификация могла стать очень полезной, если бы Дрон мог определять тип повреждения и автоматически применять нужное лекарство, например так:

- игрок получает перелом - дрон автоматически применяет шину/гипс

- игрок получает заражение - дрон автоматически применяет мед/антибиотики

- игрок получает кровотечение - дрон автоматически применяет простой бинт

- у игрока остается меньше чем 60% здоровья - дрон применяет лечебный бинт / аптечку


Edited by Survager (see edit history)
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  • Survager changed the title to Most useless drone mods in Alpha 20?

The drone needs 360 degrees flashlight/source of light as a mod, not a directional light.


The drone should automatically heal up a player if the players' health is at some critical level with a cooldown system or something.





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21 hours ago, Survager said:

The drone heals the player not automatically, but upon request. But during the battle, it is much more convenient for the player to use medications from the quick slot on the belt or even from the inventory.

This modification could become very useful if the Drone could detect the type of damage and automatically apply the correct medicine, for example:

- the player gets a fracture - the drone will automatically apply a splint / plaster cast

- the player gets infected - the drone will automatically apply honey / antibiotics

- the player gets bleeding - the drone will automatically apply a simple bandage

- the player has less than 60% health - the drone uses a healing bandage / first aid kit


Currently the drone only heals hitpoints and does nothing for debuffs. It does automatically heal you when you drop to below 50 hp of your max. Above that threshhold you must manually ask for healing.

Edited by Roland (see edit history)
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30 minutes ago, Roland said:


Currently the drone only heals hitpoints and does nothing for debuffs. It does automatically heal you when you drop to below 50 hp of your max. Above that threshhold you must manually ask for healing.


Thank you, this is an important detail that was not shown on the stream.

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21 hours ago, Survager said:

Why is the Flashlight Mod useless?


I tested the headlight mod for the drone.


1) The drone's headlight illuminates a circle of light all around you so you can see as you look around. It is a soft area light and not a focused beam.


2) The drone's headlight does not affect your stealth rating. I took From the Shadows lvl 4 and went out at night with the drone light on. Crouched, my stealth rating was a 2. I was able to sneak up quite close to zombies without them detecting me even though the area was lit by the drone's light. I turned my own headlight on. My stealth rating rose to about 60 and I was immediately detected. I turned it off and ran and then crouched and moved off a bit and the zed went to my last known location and stopped even though I was about 10 meters away. The drone light was on the whole time. It didn't see me or acknowledge or get aggroed by the drone in any discernible way.


Now the simulation crowd will scream "unrealistic!" but it does show a marked advantage to the drone light over a personal light and it does complement the stealth perks quite well. It was pretty fun I must admit even if also admitedly a bit magical. Perhaps you could scifi it up a bit for yourself by assuming there is a bit of light bending for active stealth camouflage going on along with the light.

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4 minutes ago, Roland said:

The drone's headlight does not affect your stealth rating.


But, as far as I remember, it was said on the stream that the light of the drone and the work of its propellers will attract zombies in the future, so this is just a temporary advantage )

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2 minutes ago, Survager said:


Thank you, this is an important detail that was not shown on the stream.


Yeah, we have to remember that programmers aren't streamers and aren't necessarily going to be able to put together a well produced presentation on camera to 1000+ viewers. Even Lathan for some reason put regular bandages in the drone rather than medicated bandages. But I think he was a bit flustered by the technal difficulties with the Music and it is hard with them all talking remotely. During the streamer weekend I suspect that all the nuances will get shown with great excitement and experimentation as the chat asks questions and tells the streamer to try this and that.

1 minute ago, Survager said:


But, as far as I remember, it was said on the stream that the light of the drone and the work of its propellers will attract zombies in the future, so this is just a temporary advantage )


Possibly...but we can enjoy temporary while we have it. Temporary could end up being a year or more depending on when they get back around to it...

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17 minutes ago, Roland said:

Yeah, we have to remember that programmers aren't streamers and aren't necessarily going to be able to put together a well produced presentation on camera to 1000+ viewers. Even Lathan for some reason put regular bandages in the drone rather than medicated bandages. But I think he was a bit flustered by the technal difficulties with the Music and it is hard with them all talking remotely. During the streamer weekend I suspect that all the nuances will get shown with great excitement and experimentation as the chat asks questions and tells the streamer to try this and that.


I understand, but I draw conclusions based on the stream, so I'm sorry )

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2 hours ago, Survager said:


I understand, but I draw conclusions based on the stream, so I'm sorry )

which is why I wait until I play the game to see all the elements working together before I form an opinion.  Got to remember what we see on the stream is just a snapshot.

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2 hours ago, BFT2020 said:

which is why I wait until I play the game to see all the elements working together before I form an opinion.  Got to remember what we see on the stream is just a snapshot.


I could have wait if I did not have a YouTube channel on which I try to publish the latest news on the game )

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