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Issues while hunting animals


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I have some issues while hunting animals. I skilled the trait for tracking animals when I crawl and the 20sec mark also appears when an animal is near by but I dont get a green mark on the Map or on the compass. I dont know how to fix it.... Any ideas how I can fix the issue ?

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Have you tried playing a vanilla game and see if you get the same issues?  Start a test world, give you experience and perk yourself up, then try using the perk to find animals.


I get this perk all the time and it always been working for me.  My thought is that your issue is being caused by one of your mods (if you are not using the perception glasses and just using perk points to unlock the ability).

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On 10/8/2021 at 5:10 AM, SylenThunder said:

There is a known issue where wearing headgear that boosts attributes breaks levels two and three of animal tracker. You should still be able to see rabbits and chickens, but not much else.  

That is not it, this is a bit different. In 19.6  (No headgear and completely naked with no glasses or cigars or anything ) you can only track:


LEVEL 1 OF ANIMAL TRACKER: Chickens and Rabbits (green tracks + they show on compass).


LEVEL 2 OF ANIMAL TRACKER: Deers (for anything else, the only thing broken is the compass icon //edit: and the map icon//, because the perk works fine and it DOES detect them as seen in the green tracks timer, it just doesn't show them).


LEVEL 3 OF ANIMAL TRACKER: Nothing (It works because the green timer starts when predators are close, it just doesn't show them on the compass //edit: nor on the map//, the only thing broken is the compass icon //edit: and the map icon).


So... @SylenThunder , shall I report this issue in a brand new ticket?


Also, the description of levels 2 and 3 doesn't show exactly which animals it tracks. For example, there's no mention of animals like snakes or boars at all.

Edited by Blake_ (see edit history)
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I would say no, because they are not working on A19 anymore (for the programmers A19 would be ancient history 😉 ). Animal tracker is known to be bugged and the likely repair work in A20 might have already corrected some or all of the problems. It would make more sense to test it in A20 and report only what is left to be done.



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15 hours ago, Jugginator said:

There are two known issues with animal tracker: one is with the eyewear thing like Sylen said and another is a new one where it tracks enemy animals but doesn't display a sprite (on screen above them) or hud marker.

Exactly. That's both of them. Thank you for the clarification. Yes, I was talking about the sprite one, they track correctly but don't show the sprite. Nice to see they are ticketed.

The descriptions are still missing some animals like snake and boar though. I wouldn't know where to unlock each.


Edit: I'm of course assuming that these issues haven't been adressed yet in a20, if they were then ignore this post.

Edited by Blake_ (see edit history)
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