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Translation Tool V2


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Hi all,



  • Added option to add new languages (field)
  • Added Option to change delimiter for using it as "normal" csv reader
  • Added more logging



  • Added Option to remove languages (fields)
  • GUI changes
  • Minor bugfixes



  • Fixed bug introduced with V2.1 that last line get lost after saving.



  • Now able to handle Translations with multiple lines
  • Huge performance update
  • Added a edit box for better multi line edit - also possible to open multiple (for example see more language parallel):
    • image.png.5b167aecac8d249350f4a5f5ceefcdbf.png
    • image.png.73dab3dbb66badc56556dbf0b820693d.png



  • Added function to removed double entries (the button was already in V2.2 but not worked)
    • This function will delete double entries but not the first one



  • CL will now be changed to CR+CL (internal)











Qick HowTo:



1. Load Localization.txt (default path: ...\Steam\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\Data\Config
2. Select Entry (4)
3. Choose Field  (5) - the translations are in the red marked area. The other fiels are orther data values.
4. Change Text
5. Save with File->Save...

(1) Here you can load the file.
(2) You can open it and  select a field to remove with the  "-" button. To add a field you press "+" and enter a new name then pressing enter.
(3) Allows you to search all for special items in the list.
(4) The list with the data. Each item in here has the same fields.
(5) The fields that can be edited.







Its only for editing the Localization.txt file and other csv files.






Edited by knarox
Updated version to 2.3 (see edit history)
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An awesome piece of work, knarox - and adding a "Language Removal" function will give us back some much-needed extra performance. Whenever I add a new mod into my mess, I always clean up a page or two out of that file - and it does make a difference, (though it's rarely mentioned in any of the forums that I (daily) visit). 
Thank you!

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On 7/19/2021 at 4:51 PM, paulj_3 said:

An awesome piece of work, knarox - and adding a "Language Removal" function will give us back some much-needed extra performance. Whenever I add a new mod into my mess, I always clean up a page or two out of that file - and it does make a difference, (though it's rarely mentioned in any of the forums that I (daily) visit). 
Thank you!


You are welcome.
Its done.
Now you can remove languages or other fields :)


Please report bugs, opinions or suggestions.

Thanks :)

Edited by knarox
formating (see edit history)
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Hello Knarox! Thank You for work!


I want to ask You how i can solve some problem.

I often edit the Localization of my mod and chose the path of simply adding lines to the beginning of "Localization.txt". I need this to make it easier to transfer changes from version to version.

Therefore, when i make new entries - there is no problem, but when i add existing lines - they are, of course, duplicated for the game.

So far, i don't pay attention to the yellow messages in the console - they don't bother anyone. But in the future, i would like to clean up the file from duplicate lines that are left from vanilla.


The localization file is some kind of database format that i do not know. Can You tell me which program uses this type of database, in order to do such cleaning automatically?

Edited by n2n1 (see edit history)
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11 hours ago, n2n1 said:

Hello Knarox! Thank You for work!


I want to ask You how i can solve some problem.

I often edit the Localization of my mod and chose the path of simply adding lines to the beginning of "Localization.txt". I need this to make it easier to transfer changes from version to version.

Therefore, when i make new entries - there is no problem, but when i add existing lines - they are, of course, duplicated for the game.

So far, i don't pay attention to the yellow messages in the console - they don't bother anyone. But in the future, i would like to clean up the file from duplicate lines that are left from vanilla.


The localization file is some kind of database format that i do not know. Can You tell me which program uses this type of database, in order to do such cleaning automatically?


I am not sure if i am understand your question correct but i will explain how that file is build up - maybe this helps you.


The traslation file is just a csv file. Seperated via the character ',' and including the first line as header.The header defines the "columns". In the actual files there are 20 of them:

Key,File,Type,UsedInMainMenu,NoTranslate,english,Context / Alternate Text,german,latam,french,italian,japanese,koreana,polish,brazilian,russian,turkish,schinese,tchinese,spanish

Each following lines are the data like line 1:



So its like Key = xuiBuffStatDays
File = UI etc.... and later the translations for each language:
german = Tage

Note there are some commas following some commas that means this field is empty. Like:,,

Its always important to have in each line the same amount of commas. It has to match with the header.


So if you added some thing but not all lines have the same amount of commas the file is not valid.  And i think that this happens to your editing.


Also important is that some line have quotes with comas in it. Thats the tricky part.


For example line 24:

buffStatusWoundedTooltip,buffs,Buff,,x,Your maximum health is low. Apply first aid to restore it.,,"Deine maximale Gesundheit ist niedrig. Wende Erste Hilfe an, um sie wiederherzustellen.",Tu salud máxima está baja. Aplica primeros auxilios para restaurarla.,Votre santé max. est faible. Appliquez des premiers soins pour la rétablir.,La tua salute massima è bassa. Usa gli oggetti di pronto soccorso per curarti.,最大体力が低下しています。応急処置を施して回復させましょう。,최대 체력이 낮습니다. 응급 치료 키트를 찾아 회복하세요.,"Maksymalny poziom zdrowia jest niski. Użyj apteczki, aby go przywrócić.",Sua saúde máxima está baixa. Use primeiros socorros para restaurá-la.,"Максимальный уровень здоровья снижен. Воспользуйтесь аптечкой, чтобы восстановить его.",Maksimum sağlığın düşük. Yenilemek için ilk yardım uygula.,你的最大生命值较低。使用急救措施恢复生命值。,你的生命值不足。實施急救,恢復生命值。,Tu salud máxima está baja. Aplica primeros auxilios para restaurarla.

This part: "Deine maximale Gesundheit ist niedrig. Wende Erste Hilfe an, um sie wiederherzustellen."

That is necessary because the text itselft contains comas but these are NOT mean to be "columns seperator". So the quotes means that this section will ignore the commas.



The other files are xml files - these are an other file format to hold data structure.



Edited by knarox
typos (see edit history)
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Yes, i understand about it.

What do You think - is there an automatic way to remove unnecessary entries?


For example:

wineBarrel,blocks,Block,,,Wood Barrel,,,,,,,,,,Деревянная бочка,,,,

..... (many lines)

wineBarrel,blocks,Block,,,Wine Barrel,,Weinfass,Barril de vino,Fût de vin,Barile di vino////////


The fact is that i often change the names and meaning of what is written.

Editing existing records will lead to confusion, so i just create them again - at the beginning of the file.


I would like to get rid of the vanilla duplicates (the last line) that are left without doing it manually, because i have a LOT of them :).

(something like the function of "finding and deleting duplicates")

Edited by n2n1 (see edit history)
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13 hours ago, n2n1 said:

Yes, i understand about it.

What do You think - is there an automatic way to remove unnecessary entries?


For example:

wineBarrel,blocks,Block,,,Wood Barrel,,,,,,,,,,Деревянная бочка,,,,

..... (many lines)

wineBarrel,blocks,Block,,,Wine Barrel,,Weinfass,Barril de vino,Fût de vin,Barile di vino////////


The fact is that i often change the names and meaning of what is written.

Editing existing records will lead to confusion, so i just create them again - at the beginning of the file.


I would like to get rid of the vanilla duplicates (the last line) that are left without doing it manually, because i have a LOT of them :).

(something like the function of "finding and deleting duplicates")

Oh now i got it :)

Yes that is easy to implement for me. Just have to search for double entries  where the "key" is the same and delete all but one.... i am one now ;)



i can find duplicates. Already coded in but i have to work around the returns in the file that make me trouble right now. Like in line 6644:

TwitchAction_BuffDistortDesc,twitch,Actions,,,"Distorts the vision of the target and their party for 60 seconds.

Does not allow other [FFAFAF]Vision Effects[-] or [FFAFAF]Headshot Only[-] to be applied.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,

This breaks my program right now and i am now looking in that.

Edited by knarox
Updated text (see edit history)
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Tested this Tool with a Mod, 'Steel Ammo' by KhainGB. Works fine and i'm happy with it.

But since v2.1 the Translation Tool lost the last line from the Keys-List when saving the translation.


First load and save:




Second load and save:




Third load:



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14 hours ago, Tumble said:

Tested this Tool with a Mod, 'Steel Ammo' by KhainGB. Works fine and i'm happy with it.

But since v2.1 the Translation Tool lost the last line from the Keys-List when saving the translation.


First load and save:




Second load and save:




Third load:



Thanks for the reply. I fixed it in V2.11.

On 7/24/2021 at 9:38 PM, n2n1 said:

:) Why did You make Utility? do You translate by yourself?





I did the first version years ago because yes i wanted to translated it more easy. Then i lost the source code and. 
I was bad that the code was lost but then i was curious if i can write that program from scratch again and how if i can make it in one day - because now i am a bot more experienced. 


That problem with the new lines i am still into it but i think until next week i can solve this.

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UPDATE 2.2 is now released :):

  • Now able to handle Translations with multiple lines
  • Huge performance update
  • Added a edit box for better multi line edit - also possible to open multiple (for example see more language parallel):
    • image.png.5b167aecac8d249350f4a5f5ceefcdbf.png
    • image.png.73dab3dbb66badc56556dbf0b820693d.png
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14 hours ago, n2n1 said:

Is the "Remove duplicated keys" button operate for now?

Its added with Update V2.3 that i uploaded now.



  • Added function to removed double entries (the button was already in V2.2 but not worked)
    • This function will delete double entries but not the first one
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It works not to 100% because i cant split up each entry, but saving will not damage the file.


Good example is entry - its not working:



But the entry above is working:



This is because the regular expression doesnt work on it. But right now i cant find the error - maybe some regular expression expert can help?


i use this line:

 string[] result = Regex.Split(s_single_linebreak, "^\\s(?<Quotes>(?s)(?:(?!\\n).)*)", RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace);

s_single_linebreak is the text file the contains all data as single line. Then i split by regex. 

The result should be each entry, but it works only about ~99,9%





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  • 2 weeks later...
14 minutes ago, Iceburg71 said:

I can't download this.  Says forbidden if I copy the link to a new tab in my browser.  otherwise it just flashes real quick when i click on it to download.



Hi Iceburg71


The link works perfect, it can be a basic failure and you just have to reload the page.
With Google it is also useful to use Save link as.

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Ok, I got it downloaded.  When I run it, it tells me I  need .net installed.  It asked me if I wanted to download it.  I clicked ok and it took me to a .net download page.  I tried both the 64 bit and 32 bit versions, and it still asks me to install .net.  so what version of .net is needed, because it takes me to 5.09, but that doesn't work.



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On 8/2/2021 at 8:16 AM, knarox said:

maybe some regular expression expert can help?

I’m not a regex expert, but I come from the Perl world and I know even there CSV parsing is difficult (many reasons, one is that there’s no actual CSV standard, etc) so people are encouraged to use modules to parse it as those modules handle a lot of edge cases and formats. Anyway, I’m not a .Net person (a previous post indicates .Net is needed, I don’t know what language you’re writing your tool in) but it appears there may be a built in CSV parser for it:https://odedcoster.com/blog/2012/03/28/did-you-know-a-net-csv-parser-that-comes-with-visual-studio/



Edited by doughphunghus (see edit history)
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20 hours ago, Tumble said:

I guess you need the Desktop Version. Try the ".NET Desktop Runtime" from this site: https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download/dotnet/5.0

This could help.
And yes it opens all translations at once.


Linking to the download seems to be a new thing. But then you are missing the runtime and after installing it it should work.

Edited by knarox (see edit history)
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Does this automatically update all the languages when I update one of the fields or do I have to manually add in all of the fields myself?


Also, it does not work correctly with my localization.txt file for my mod.  but it works in the game (for english because that is all I am adding at the moment).  Also, the vanilla localization.txt file pulls up correctly.  Any thoughts appreciated.


My .txt file:


resourceRepairKit,items,Item,New,Iron Repair Kit
resourceRepairKitDesc,items,Item,New,"Iron Repair Kits are used to repair various items."
resourceIceburgSteelRepairKit,items,Item,New,Steel Repair Kit
resourceIceburgSteelRepairKitDesc,items,Item,New,"Steel Repair Kits are used to repair all Steel Tools."
resourceIceburgMotorRepairKit,items,Item,New,Motor Repair Kit
resourceIceburgMotorRepairKitDesc,items,Item,New,"Motor Repair Kits are used to repair all tools that have a motor on them and the Generic Motor"
resourceIceburgPistolRepairKit,items,Item,New,Pistol Repair Kit
resourceIceburgPistolRepairKitDesc,items,Item,New,"Pistol Repair Kits are used to repair the Pistol, Magnum 44, SMG, and Desert Vulture."
resourceIceburgShotgunRepairKit,items,Item,New,Shotgun Repair Kit
resourceIceburgShotgunRepairKitDesc,items,Item,New,"Shotgun Repair Kits are used to repair the Double Barrel, Pump, and Auto shotguns."
resourceIceburgRifleRepairKit,items,Item,New,Rifle Repair Kit
resourceIceburgRifleRepairKitDesc,items,Item,New,"Rifle Repair Kits are used to repair the Hunting, Marksman, and Sniper rifles."
resourceIceburgMachineGunRepairKit,items,Item,New,Machine Gun Repair Kit
resourceIceburgMachineGunRepairKitDesc,items,Item,New,"Machine Gun Repair Kits are used to repair the AK-47, Tactical AR, and M60."
resourceIceburgBowRepairKit,items,Item,New,Bow Repair Kit
resourceIceburgBowRepairKitDesc,items,Item,New,"Machine Gun Repair Kits are used to repair the Wooden Bow, Compound Bow, Iron Crossbow, and Compound Crossbow."
resourceIceburgNonmetalArmorRepairKit,items,Item,New,Nonmetal Armor Repair Kit
resourceIceburgNonmetalArmorRepairKitDesc,items,Item,New,"Non-metal Armor Repair Kits are used to repair all Cloth and Leather armor."
resourceIceburgMetalArmorRepairKit,items,Item,New,Metal Armor Repair Kit
resourceIceburgMetalArmorRepairKitDesc,items,Item,New,"Metal Armor Repair Kits are used to repair both Iron and Steel armor."
resourceIceburgMilitaryArmorRepairKit,items,Item,New,Military Armor Repair Kit
resourceIceburgMilitaryArmorRepairKitDesc,items,Item,New,"Military Armor Repair Kits are used to repair all types of Military Armor."

armorClothGroupDesc,items,Clothes,New,"Light armor will encumber you a little and provides some protection against damage.\nIt will not protect you from the weather.\n\nRepair with a Nonmetal Armor Repair Kit.\nScrap to cloth."
armorHeavyGroupDesc,items,Clothes,New,"Heavy armor will encumber you but provides good protection against damage.\nIt will not protect you from the weather.\n\nRepair with a Metal Armor Repair Kit.\nScrap to Iron."
armorLeatherGroupDesc,items,Clothes,New,"Light armor will encumber you a little and provides some protection against damage.\nIt will not protect you from the weather.\n\nRepair with a Nonmetal Armor Repair Kit.\nScrap to leather."
armorMilitaryGroupDesc,items,Clothes,New,"Light armor will encumber you a little and provides some protection against damage.\nIt will not protect you from the weather.\n\nRepair with a Military Armor Repair Kit.\nScrap to military armor parts."
armorMilitaryStealthBootsDesc,items,Clothes,New,"These military stealth boots have no stamina use penalty and muffle noise from movement.\n\nRepair with a Military Armor Repair Kit.\nScrap to military armor parts.."

meleeWpnClubT3SteelClubDesc,items,Melee,New,"Steel clubs are very durable and hard-hitting.\n\nRepair with Steel Club Parts.\nScrap to Steel Club Parts."
meleeWpnKnucklesT3SteelKnucklesDesc,items,Melee,New,"Protect your hands and put some weight into those swings. These blades can also be useful for gutting animals.\n\nRepair with Steel Knuckles parts.\nScrap to Steel Knuckles parts."
meleeWpnSledgeT3SteelSledgehammerDesc,items,Melee,New,"The sledgehammer is one of the best weapons for cracking skulls.\n\nRepair with Steel Sledgehammer parts.\nScrap to Steel Sledgehammer parts."
meleeWpnSpearT3SteelSpearDesc,items,Melee,New,"Spears have more range than other weapons and can also be thrown.\n\nRepair with Steel Spear parts.\nScrap to Steel Spear parts."
meleeWpnBladeT3MacheteDesc,items,Melee,New,"Great for chopping zombies and sometimes trees and gutting animals for meat.\nRegular attacks cause 1 Bleeding Wound and power attacks at least 2.\nRepair with Machete parts.\nScrap to Machete parts."
meleeWpnBatonT2StunBatonDesc,items,Melee,New,"Goes zap.\n\nRepair with Stun Baton parts.\nScrap to Stun Baton parts."

gunHandgunT1PistolDesc,items,Gun,New,"A basic pistol that uses 9mm ammo.\n\nRepair with a Pistol Repair Kit.\nScrap to Handgun Parts."
gunHandgunT2Magnum44Desc,items,Gun,New,"The .44 Magnum is the king of handguns. It's the most powerful but makes the most noise. Wield this bad boy and make Clint proud.\n\nRepair with a Pistol Repair Kit.\nScrap to Handgun Parts."
gunHandgunT3DesertVultureDesc,items,Gun,New,"This heavy pistol uses .44 Magnum ammo.\n\nRepair with a Pistol Repair Kit.\nScrap to Handgun Parts."
gunHandgunT3SMG5Desc,items,Gun,New,"This submachine gun uses 9mm ammo.\n\nRepair with a Pistol Repair Kit.\nScrap to Handgun Parts."

gunMGT1AK47Desc,items,Gun,New,"This badass AK-47 Machine Gun uses 7.62mm ammo.\n\nRepair with a Machine Gun Repair Kit.\nScrap to Machine Gun Parts."
gunMGT2TacticalARDesc,items,Gun,New,"This Tactical Assault Rifle uses 7.62mm ammo.\n\nRepair with a Machine Gun Repair Kit.\nScrap to Machine Gun Parts."
gunMGT3M60Desc,items,Gun,New,"Machine guns are somewhat cumbersome to use but excel at automatic fire. This one uses 7.62mm ammo.\n\nRepair with a Machine Gun Repair Kit.\nScrap to Machine Gun Parts."

gunRifleT1HuntingRifleDesc,items,Gun,New,"This common farmer's hunting rifle uses 7.62mm ammo.\n\nRepair with a Rifle Repair Kit.\nScrap to Rifle parts."
gunRifleT2MarksmanRifleDesc,items,Gun,New,"This marksman's rifle uses 7.62mm ammo and is your first choice if you want to make that shot count.\n\nRepair with a Rifle Repair Kit.\nScrap to Rifle parts."
gunRifleT3SniperRifleDesc,items,Gun,New,"This high precision, long ranged rifle is perfect for sniping enemies at great distances.\n\nRepair with a Rifle Repair Kit.\nScrap to Rifle parts."

gunShotgunT1DoubleBarrelDesc,items,Gun,New,"A rusty old double barrel shotgun, great for close range carnage.\n\nRepair with a Shotgun Repair Kit.\nScrap to Shotgun Parts."
gunShotgunT2PumpShotgunDesc,items,Gun,New,"A long-barreled shotgun with pump action loading .\n\nRepair with a Shotgun Repair Kit.\nScrap to Shotgun Parts."
gunShotgunT3AutoShotgunDesc,items,Gun,New,"This semi automatic shotgun is a rare and devasting short range weapon capable of making minced meat out of anything in its path.\n\nRepair with a Shotgun Repair Kit.\nScrap to Shotgun Parts."

gunBowT1IronCrossbowDesc,items,Gun,New,"A crossbow is slow to reload but does more damage than a bow.\nThis weapon can be fired underwater.\nHold reload to use alternate ammo.\nRepair with a Bow Repair Kit.\nScrap to Bow / Crossbow Parts."
gunBowT1WoodenBowDesc,items,Gun,New,"Good for hunting and killing zombies. Uses arrows for ammunition.\nHold reload to use alternate ammo.\n\nRepair with a Bow Repair Kit.\nScrap to Bow / Crossbow Parts."
gunBowT3CompoundBowDesc,items,Gun,New,"A compound bow does more damage and arrows fly straighter which makes it easier to aim.\n\nRepair with a Bow Repair Kit.\nScrap to Bow / Crossbow Parts."
gunBowT3CompoundCrossbowDesc,items,Gun,New,"A compound crossbow is slow to reload but does more damage than a crossbow.\nThis weapon can be fired underwater.\nHold reload to use alternate ammo.\nRepair with a Bow Repair Kit.\nScrap to Bow / Crossbow Parts."

gunExplosivesT3RocketLauncherDesc,items,Gun,New,"A Rocket Launcher shoots rocket propelled grenades.\n\nRepair with Rocket Launcher parts.\nScrap to Rocket Launcher parts."

meleeToolAxeT2SteelAxeDesc,items,Tool,New,"The steel axe has a durable blade and is great for harvesting wood.\n\nRepair with a Steel Repair Kit.\nScrap to Steel Tool parts."
meleeToolPickT2SteelPickaxe,items,Tool,New,"The steel pickaxe is best for breaking stone and harvesting minerals.\n\nRepair with a Steel Repair Kit.\nScrap to Steel Tool parts."
meleeToolRepairT3NailgunDesc,items,Tool,New,"The nail gun is the best tool for repairing and upgrading base walls and not a bad weapon to boot if you have nails.\n\nRepair with a Steel Repair Kit.\nScrap to Mechanical parts."
meleeToolShovelT2SteelShovelDesc,items,Tool,New,"The steel shovel is very durable and the ideal tool for digging through earth, sand or snow.\n\nRepair with a Steel Repair Kit.\nScrap to Steel Tool parts."
meleeToolSalvageT2RatchetDesc,items,Tool,New,"Great for disassembling mechanical devices like cars, air conditioners and more.\n\nRepair with a Steel Repair Kit.\nScrap to Steel Tool Parts."

meleeToolSalvageT3ImpactDriverDesc,items,Tool,New,"Great for disassembling mechanical devices like cars, air conditioners and more.\n\nRepair with a Motor Repair Kit.\nScrap to Motor Tool Parts."
meleeToolAxeT3ChainsawDesc,items,Tool,New,"Chop down the biggest trees or zombies faster than Paul Bunyan with this great chainsaw that uses gasoline for fuel.\n\nRepair with a Motor Repair Kit.\nScrap to Motor Tool Parts."
meleeToolPickT3AugerDesc,items,Tool,New,"Rock out with your auger out and be the envy of every miner when they see you sporting this sexy gas-powered auger.\n\nRepair with a Motor Repair Kit.\nScrap to Motor Tool Parts."
smallEngineDesc,items,Tool,New,"A common part for a vehicles or generators.\n\nRepair with a Motor Repair Kit."


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13 hours ago, Iceburg71 said:

Does this automatically update all the languages when I update one of the fields or do I have to manually add in all of the fields myself?


Also, it does not work correctly with my localization.txt file for my mod.  but it works in the game (for english because that is all I am adding at the moment).  Also, the vanilla localization.txt file pulls up correctly.  Any thoughts appreciated.


My .txt file:

  Reveal hidden contents

resourceRepairKit,items,Item,New,Iron Repair Kit
resourceRepairKitDesc,items,Item,New,"Iron Repair Kits are used to repair various items."
resourceIceburgSteelRepairKit,items,Item,New,Steel Repair Kit
resourceIceburgSteelRepairKitDesc,items,Item,New,"Steel Repair Kits are used to repair all Steel Tools."
resourceIceburgMotorRepairKit,items,Item,New,Motor Repair Kit
resourceIceburgMotorRepairKitDesc,items,Item,New,"Motor Repair Kits are used to repair all tools that have a motor on them and the Generic Motor"
resourceIceburgPistolRepairKit,items,Item,New,Pistol Repair Kit
resourceIceburgPistolRepairKitDesc,items,Item,New,"Pistol Repair Kits are used to repair the Pistol, Magnum 44, SMG, and Desert Vulture."
resourceIceburgShotgunRepairKit,items,Item,New,Shotgun Repair Kit
resourceIceburgShotgunRepairKitDesc,items,Item,New,"Shotgun Repair Kits are used to repair the Double Barrel, Pump, and Auto shotguns."
resourceIceburgRifleRepairKit,items,Item,New,Rifle Repair Kit
resourceIceburgRifleRepairKitDesc,items,Item,New,"Rifle Repair Kits are used to repair the Hunting, Marksman, and Sniper rifles."
resourceIceburgMachineGunRepairKit,items,Item,New,Machine Gun Repair Kit
resourceIceburgMachineGunRepairKitDesc,items,Item,New,"Machine Gun Repair Kits are used to repair the AK-47, Tactical AR, and M60."
resourceIceburgBowRepairKit,items,Item,New,Bow Repair Kit
resourceIceburgBowRepairKitDesc,items,Item,New,"Machine Gun Repair Kits are used to repair the Wooden Bow, Compound Bow, Iron Crossbow, and Compound Crossbow."
resourceIceburgNonmetalArmorRepairKit,items,Item,New,Nonmetal Armor Repair Kit
resourceIceburgNonmetalArmorRepairKitDesc,items,Item,New,"Non-metal Armor Repair Kits are used to repair all Cloth and Leather armor."
resourceIceburgMetalArmorRepairKit,items,Item,New,Metal Armor Repair Kit
resourceIceburgMetalArmorRepairKitDesc,items,Item,New,"Metal Armor Repair Kits are used to repair both Iron and Steel armor."
resourceIceburgMilitaryArmorRepairKit,items,Item,New,Military Armor Repair Kit
resourceIceburgMilitaryArmorRepairKitDesc,items,Item,New,"Military Armor Repair Kits are used to repair all types of Military Armor."

armorClothGroupDesc,items,Clothes,New,"Light armor will encumber you a little and provides some protection against damage.\nIt will not protect you from the weather.\n\nRepair with a Nonmetal Armor Repair Kit.\nScrap to cloth."
armorHeavyGroupDesc,items,Clothes,New,"Heavy armor will encumber you but provides good protection against damage.\nIt will not protect you from the weather.\n\nRepair with a Metal Armor Repair Kit.\nScrap to Iron."
armorLeatherGroupDesc,items,Clothes,New,"Light armor will encumber you a little and provides some protection against damage.\nIt will not protect you from the weather.\n\nRepair with a Nonmetal Armor Repair Kit.\nScrap to leather."
armorMilitaryGroupDesc,items,Clothes,New,"Light armor will encumber you a little and provides some protection against damage.\nIt will not protect you from the weather.\n\nRepair with a Military Armor Repair Kit.\nScrap to military armor parts."
armorMilitaryStealthBootsDesc,items,Clothes,New,"These military stealth boots have no stamina use penalty and muffle noise from movement.\n\nRepair with a Military Armor Repair Kit.\nScrap to military armor parts.."

meleeWpnClubT3SteelClubDesc,items,Melee,New,"Steel clubs are very durable and hard-hitting.\n\nRepair with Steel Club Parts.\nScrap to Steel Club Parts."
meleeWpnKnucklesT3SteelKnucklesDesc,items,Melee,New,"Protect your hands and put some weight into those swings. These blades can also be useful for gutting animals.\n\nRepair with Steel Knuckles parts.\nScrap to Steel Knuckles parts."
meleeWpnSledgeT3SteelSledgehammerDesc,items,Melee,New,"The sledgehammer is one of the best weapons for cracking skulls.\n\nRepair with Steel Sledgehammer parts.\nScrap to Steel Sledgehammer parts."
meleeWpnSpearT3SteelSpearDesc,items,Melee,New,"Spears have more range than other weapons and can also be thrown.\n\nRepair with Steel Spear parts.\nScrap to Steel Spear parts."
meleeWpnBladeT3MacheteDesc,items,Melee,New,"Great for chopping zombies and sometimes trees and gutting animals for meat.\nRegular attacks cause 1 Bleeding Wound and power attacks at least 2.\nRepair with Machete parts.\nScrap to Machete parts."
meleeWpnBatonT2StunBatonDesc,items,Melee,New,"Goes zap.\n\nRepair with Stun Baton parts.\nScrap to Stun Baton parts."

gunHandgunT1PistolDesc,items,Gun,New,"A basic pistol that uses 9mm ammo.\n\nRepair with a Pistol Repair Kit.\nScrap to Handgun Parts."
gunHandgunT2Magnum44Desc,items,Gun,New,"The .44 Magnum is the king of handguns. It's the most powerful but makes the most noise. Wield this bad boy and make Clint proud.\n\nRepair with a Pistol Repair Kit.\nScrap to Handgun Parts."
gunHandgunT3DesertVultureDesc,items,Gun,New,"This heavy pistol uses .44 Magnum ammo.\n\nRepair with a Pistol Repair Kit.\nScrap to Handgun Parts."
gunHandgunT3SMG5Desc,items,Gun,New,"This submachine gun uses 9mm ammo.\n\nRepair with a Pistol Repair Kit.\nScrap to Handgun Parts."

gunMGT1AK47Desc,items,Gun,New,"This badass AK-47 Machine Gun uses 7.62mm ammo.\n\nRepair with a Machine Gun Repair Kit.\nScrap to Machine Gun Parts."
gunMGT2TacticalARDesc,items,Gun,New,"This Tactical Assault Rifle uses 7.62mm ammo.\n\nRepair with a Machine Gun Repair Kit.\nScrap to Machine Gun Parts."
gunMGT3M60Desc,items,Gun,New,"Machine guns are somewhat cumbersome to use but excel at automatic fire. This one uses 7.62mm ammo.\n\nRepair with a Machine Gun Repair Kit.\nScrap to Machine Gun Parts."

gunRifleT1HuntingRifleDesc,items,Gun,New,"This common farmer's hunting rifle uses 7.62mm ammo.\n\nRepair with a Rifle Repair Kit.\nScrap to Rifle parts."
gunRifleT2MarksmanRifleDesc,items,Gun,New,"This marksman's rifle uses 7.62mm ammo and is your first choice if you want to make that shot count.\n\nRepair with a Rifle Repair Kit.\nScrap to Rifle parts."
gunRifleT3SniperRifleDesc,items,Gun,New,"This high precision, long ranged rifle is perfect for sniping enemies at great distances.\n\nRepair with a Rifle Repair Kit.\nScrap to Rifle parts."

gunShotgunT1DoubleBarrelDesc,items,Gun,New,"A rusty old double barrel shotgun, great for close range carnage.\n\nRepair with a Shotgun Repair Kit.\nScrap to Shotgun Parts."
gunShotgunT2PumpShotgunDesc,items,Gun,New,"A long-barreled shotgun with pump action loading .\n\nRepair with a Shotgun Repair Kit.\nScrap to Shotgun Parts."
gunShotgunT3AutoShotgunDesc,items,Gun,New,"This semi automatic shotgun is a rare and devasting short range weapon capable of making minced meat out of anything in its path.\n\nRepair with a Shotgun Repair Kit.\nScrap to Shotgun Parts."

gunBowT1IronCrossbowDesc,items,Gun,New,"A crossbow is slow to reload but does more damage than a bow.\nThis weapon can be fired underwater.\nHold reload to use alternate ammo.\nRepair with a Bow Repair Kit.\nScrap to Bow / Crossbow Parts."
gunBowT1WoodenBowDesc,items,Gun,New,"Good for hunting and killing zombies. Uses arrows for ammunition.\nHold reload to use alternate ammo.\n\nRepair with a Bow Repair Kit.\nScrap to Bow / Crossbow Parts."
gunBowT3CompoundBowDesc,items,Gun,New,"A compound bow does more damage and arrows fly straighter which makes it easier to aim.\n\nRepair with a Bow Repair Kit.\nScrap to Bow / Crossbow Parts."
gunBowT3CompoundCrossbowDesc,items,Gun,New,"A compound crossbow is slow to reload but does more damage than a crossbow.\nThis weapon can be fired underwater.\nHold reload to use alternate ammo.\nRepair with a Bow Repair Kit.\nScrap to Bow / Crossbow Parts."

gunExplosivesT3RocketLauncherDesc,items,Gun,New,"A Rocket Launcher shoots rocket propelled grenades.\n\nRepair with Rocket Launcher parts.\nScrap to Rocket Launcher parts."

meleeToolAxeT2SteelAxeDesc,items,Tool,New,"The steel axe has a durable blade and is great for harvesting wood.\n\nRepair with a Steel Repair Kit.\nScrap to Steel Tool parts."
meleeToolPickT2SteelPickaxe,items,Tool,New,"The steel pickaxe is best for breaking stone and harvesting minerals.\n\nRepair with a Steel Repair Kit.\nScrap to Steel Tool parts."
meleeToolRepairT3NailgunDesc,items,Tool,New,"The nail gun is the best tool for repairing and upgrading base walls and not a bad weapon to boot if you have nails.\n\nRepair with a Steel Repair Kit.\nScrap to Mechanical parts."
meleeToolShovelT2SteelShovelDesc,items,Tool,New,"The steel shovel is very durable and the ideal tool for digging through earth, sand or snow.\n\nRepair with a Steel Repair Kit.\nScrap to Steel Tool parts."
meleeToolSalvageT2RatchetDesc,items,Tool,New,"Great for disassembling mechanical devices like cars, air conditioners and more.\n\nRepair with a Steel Repair Kit.\nScrap to Steel Tool Parts."

meleeToolSalvageT3ImpactDriverDesc,items,Tool,New,"Great for disassembling mechanical devices like cars, air conditioners and more.\n\nRepair with a Motor Repair Kit.\nScrap to Motor Tool Parts."
meleeToolAxeT3ChainsawDesc,items,Tool,New,"Chop down the biggest trees or zombies faster than Paul Bunyan with this great chainsaw that uses gasoline for fuel.\n\nRepair with a Motor Repair Kit.\nScrap to Motor Tool Parts."
meleeToolPickT3AugerDesc,items,Tool,New,"Rock out with your auger out and be the envy of every miner when they see you sporting this sexy gas-powered auger.\n\nRepair with a Motor Repair Kit.\nScrap to Motor Tool Parts."
smallEngineDesc,items,Tool,New,"A common part for a vehicles or generators.\n\nRepair with a Motor Repair Kit."


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