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OMG, I just figured out an end game for 7 days to die!!!


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Release the game 700 days to live, you have to survive 700 days without dying. Then you are rescued from the island ( just to find out you were actually in a simulation ,hense the no sleeping) all this was a training exersize to get you ready to deploy in the real thing.  After day 701 the "Real" game would begin...No adjustability on levels, no diffiuculy levels, game stage transfers to # of infected in random hoardes and blood moon hoardes..

Edited by SylenThunder
All Caps is not cool. (see edit history)
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  • SylenThunder changed the title to OMG, I just figured out an end game for 7 days to die!!!

I have a really hard time making it to day 100 before getting really bored and having to take a long break away from the game. 700 days is just ridiculous as there's not enough content to keep a person interested that long. Maybe if the devs had listened to me and created a form of redstone system like Minecraft did, where you can build anything and everything if you're creative enough, but of course, what do I know.

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