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19.5B60 first impressions


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I am getting missions to  places I've never got before.  Level 1.


I am finding too much honey in stumps.


My trader has a functioning workbench. That's always good to find.


I'm running into dire wolves.  One assaulted my base...That's to be expected. Another  jumped as I left the traders base. That sucked. Too early to determine if this is nothing other than luck.  Dire wolves should be painted canary yellow with a coiled snake tattoo and the  inscription "Don't tread on me" so people don't confuse them with regular wolves.

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2 hours ago, ElCabong said:

Dire wolves should be painted canary yellow with a coiled snake tattoo and the  inscription "Don't tread on me" so people don't confuse them with regular wolves.


If you look them in the eyes and whistle a complicated Irish step dancing song, or yodel anything sung by Glenn Medeiros in any language, then they are more likely to leave you alone.

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3 hours ago, ElCabong said:

Dire wolves should be painted canary yellow with a coiled snake tattoo and the  inscription "Don't tread on me" so people don't confuse them with regular wolves.


I've always thought that their yellow eyes aren't enough. They should come with strobe lights and entrance music.

Edited by Jegethy (see edit history)
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My first impression is that the game is somehow smoother on my screen. Can`t describe it but 7DTD is as much responsive on the same level as other games that I`m currentlyrunning with the same frame rate - that`s a good sign. I have to say that I owe a huge kudos to coders that finally looked into the nature of some of the key issues and stayed in touch with Unity support/devs. I would not open a bottle with champagne too early. The game runs better than in build 19.4 but there is still happening a smaller number of issues when it comes to stuttering and random frame drops below 60 frames even on my mid-range PC. Another update with the same magnitude and impact would make the game feel and run great.

Thank you also for looking into weapons in general, zooming in and out now is completely fine/acceptable in my humble opinion. Responsiveness is a key factor in any game, first impression is always the most important factor even if some of the players don`t realize some of the things at first glance.


Actually zooming in and out with M60 might have been slower compared to other weapons, reloads are already longer, additionally overheating the weapon after shooting continuously 60 bullets could balance its power also, the player could walk and run slightly slower. Many factors can be taken into account to balance some of the items present in the game. Still, devs could implement a little bit of weapon visual sway while moving and zooming at the same time. Right now the weapon seems a little bit static from my perspective especially Tactical Rifle.

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Glad to hear! Optimizations are certainly an ongoing process; the smoothness is likely a more stable framerate, which is good news :)


Animations (for the guns) have been/will be touched up quite a lot along with the new weapons for A20+.


Have fun!

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